William Morris Archive

Transcribed from Images Courtesy of the Mark Samuels Lasner Collection

[pastedown, verso]
This volume contains (1) a beginning of a calligraphic catalogue of his manuscripts and printed books, made by William Morris probably in 1890. (2) a beginning of a translation of the Icelandic Tale of Haldor, in another calligraphic hand  – used by Morris on other occasions  – e.g. for the manuscripts of Hen Thorir written in 1873-4 and given by Lady Burne-Jones in 1909 to the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge.


of the books of William Morris
This is in Morris’s autograph set 2875 [circled]

[pastedown, recto]
Exhibited at the Morris Centenary Exhibition,
Victoria and Albert Museum, 1934

J R Abbey [bookplate]

Sydney C. Cockerell
Cambridge Jan 21 1911
(given to me by Mrs Morris after her husband’s death in 1896)

Sydney C. Cockerell
from Jane Morris

Vellum folio1

MS on vellum circa 1320 with 6 illuminations, one badly rubbed: the ornamental pen-work letters remarkably good. French. Biblia Latina. MS. on vellum circa 1220, the illuminations lacking gold, but very good: many however cut out. Italian Poggii Florentini de varietate

Vellum folio2
fortune liber 1499. M.S. on vellum. 4 illuminated letters, be- sides the first white-vine initial
Le Roman des sept sages.
Le Roman de Marques
Le Roman de Lorin.
A MS on vellum ; 212 leaves of two columns : 8 small miniatures. circa 1300. A full description by Paulin Paris goes with this book. The writing is good, and so are ordinary initials. The miniatures are good; but two of them are a little rubbed. [tiny, indecipherable script here]
The Shah Nameh of Firdusi.
MS on oriental paper with a

Vellum folio3
great many miniatures, very bold and ornamental. Persian of the seventeenth century.
A vol: containing 31 carefully painted miniatures, illustrations seemingly of stories. Delhi work of the seventeenth or eighteenth century, beyond the ordinary for the most part.
The leaves of an Odes of Horace written and ornamented by myself: but there are some heads in the ornament designed by Burne-Jones and some of these are painted in by C. F. Murray. I did those in the ornament of Book 2

Vellum folio4
Heimskringla or the stories of the Kings of Norway translated by me from the Icelandic, and written out by me: two vols; reaching down to the end of the saga of Olaf Tryggvason.
The Eyrbiggia Saga, translated by me under the tuition of Eirikr Magnusson; a transcript of my writing
The saga of hen Thorir translated by me, revised by Eirikr Magnusson.
The saga of the Banded Men. translated by me
The saga of Howard the Halt

Vellum folio5
Translated by me: but, with the other sagas, transcribed from my writing.

Vellum folio7
[faint indecipherable writing]

Salium. opus pelarumin nobili vrbe Magūcia qua ingeniosa arte gratuitoque dono gloriosus deus plus ceteris terrarū nationibus pferre illustrareque dignatus. non atramento e plumali ereaque perma cannave / sed adinventione qua dā ppulchra per venerandum virum Petrū Schoiffer de gerns heimtcliciter est consummatum Anno domini MCCCCLXXIII ad nonas Aprilias.
a fine copy beautifully rubricated with pretty illuminations on first page

Vellum folio8
ni Episcopi Hipponēn de Civitate dei libri &c.
Aspicis illustris lector quicunque libellos
Si cupis artificum nomina nosse : lege.
Aspera ridebis cognomina Teutona :forsan.
Mitiget ars musis inscia verba virum
Conradus sweynheim Arnoldus Pānartzque magistri
Rome impresserunt talia multa simul.
Petrus fratre Francisco Maximus ambo
Huic operi aptatam contribuere domum.
a good copy with illuminated first p. and caps.

Vellum folio9
LYRA commentarii in sacra scriptura.
Rome Sweynheim et Parmartz. on colophon are the same latin verses as above down to ‘simul’; then follows
In domo Petri de Maximis Anno salutis MCCCCLXXI die XVIII Novembris.
One vol out of 5 only: the first p. is well illuminated.

Gellius, Noctes Articae Romae Sweynheim and Pannartz: colophon the same as next above except for the date; MCCCCLXXII die Sexta Augusti. This the 2nd edition.

Vellum folio11
ARCI Fabii Quintiliani institutionum oratorium ad Victorium Marcellum liber XII et ultimus explicit. Abso lutus Romę in via pape prope sanctam Marcum anno salutis MCCCCLXX die vero tertia mensis Augusti. Paulo Veneto papa. II florente anno eius VI

INCIPIT epistola super declaratione Valerii Maximi. Edita. A fratre dyonisio de Burgo sancti sepulchri ordinis fratrum Heremitarum sancti Augustini
sine nota but probably Cologne c 1468

Vellum folio12
INCIPIT liber primus ethi mologiarum Isodori Hispal ensis episcopi. sine a etl et n sed J. Mentelin Strasburg circa 1469.

OMESTORII viciorum liber Francisci de Retza ordinis pre dicatorium. Nuremberge Anno 1470
the first book printed at Nuremburg. the first p. has an interesting contemporary drawing intended for illumination. The type is very fine; the paper excellent.

ISTORIA natural di C Plinio Secondo tradocta di lingua Latina in Fiorentina per

Vellum folio13
Christophoro Landino Fiorentino. Opus Nicolai Jansonis Gallici impressum anno salutis MCCCCLXXVI. Venetiis.

Aretini de bello Italico contra Gothos libri quarti.
Gallicus hune librum impressit nicolaus ienson:
Artifici grates optime lector habe.
two illuminated pp, and three other letters

JULII Solini de situ Orbis et memorabilibus quae Mundi

Vellum folio14
books printed before 1500

ambitu continentur liber : impressus Venetiis per Nicolaum Ienson Gallicum. MCCCCLXXIII

ARETINO Historia Fiorentina tradocta in vulgatre da Donato Acciaioli. Impresso a Vinegia per lo diligente huomo Maestro Iacomo de Rossi de natione Gallo Nellanno del MCCCCL- XXVI. A di XII di Febraio.
very fine clean copy in original binding re-backed: inside the cover is pasted a book-plate (woodcut) of Christopher Scheurli, designed in the Lucas Chanach style c. 1540.

Vellum folio15
books printed before 1500

DONATUS in Terentium Qui cupit obstrusam frugem gustasse Terenti
Donatum querat noscere grammaticum Quem Vindelinus signis impressit ahenis
Vir bonis & claro preditus ingenio sine anno, sed c. 1470
a large copy; but 7 leaves in MS contemporary, or thereabout.

VAL. Catulli Veronensis poetæ doctissimi liber. P Papini Statii Surculi Silvarum Liber Impressum Parmæ per me Stephanū Corallū Anno Christi MCCCCLXXIII.

Vellum folio16
Plinii Secundi Naturalis Historia:
Caii Plinii Secundi Naturalis Historiæ libri tricesimi et ultimi finis impressi Parmæ ductu et impenisis me Stephani Coralli Lugdunensis MCCCCLXXVI regnante invictissimo principe Galeacio Maria Mediolani duce Quinto.
in good condition generally: a piece cut out in one is neatly mended and the text supplied in a good contemporary hand. The initials of each book are big gilded letters, and there is a pretty piece of illumination on the first page.

Transcribed by Matthew Runkle, 2015.