Autograph Poems, British Library Add MS. 45,298A
Autograph Poems, British Library Add MS. 45,298B
Autograph Poems, British Library Add MS. 74,255
Autograph Manuscript of fragments of 5 poems, Fitzwilliam Library, Cambridge, Manuscript 2:
- "Why do they make these lists in the Great Square"
- "The Man Born to Be King"
- "The Green Summer"
- "The Lady of the Wasted Land"
- "The Lady of Havering"
Autograph Manuscript of fragments of 7 poems, 1 prose fragment, Fitzwilliam Library, Cambridge, Manuscript 3:
- "A time there was in days long past away"
- "We have done all that men could do"
- "Once my Fell Foe Worsted Me"
- "Listen good folk to my rhyme"
- "The Lady of the Wasted Land," beginning
- "The Lady of the Wasted Land" prose fragment
- "Saint George"
- "The Cruel Stepmother," ballad
- "Lord Malmston," ballad
Autograph Manuscript, Fitzwilliam Library, Cambridge 14/1917
- "The Willow and the Red Cliff" (typescript)
- "Funeral of the Duke of Wellington"
- "Fair Catherine made as if she rowed" (Sleeve of Gold)
- "the good Sir Richard slept right fast"
- discarded lyric for Bellerophon in Lycia
- notes for the illustrations of Sigurd the Volsung
"The Haystack in the Floods," British Library Ashley MS 3680
"Golden Wings," Huntington Library 6479
"Pray But One Prayer for Me," Huntington Library 6480
Manuscript of Phillis M. Ellis, 2 Morris poems, Fitzwilliam Library, Cambridge:
Beinecke Library MS. 1595
- "The Sleeve of Gold"
- "Fair Catherine"
- "About the middle of the month of June"
- "That summer morning out in the green fields" [discarded opening of Defence of Guenevere],
- "The Maying of Queen Guenevere"
- "I am not now afraid of God"
"Scenes from the Fall of Troy," British Library Add. MS 45,321
"The Deeds of Jason," c. 1866-67, Huntington Library, early draft
"The Wanderers," British Library Add. MS 45,305
"The Wanderers" (early draft of second version), British Library Add. MS 37,499
"The Story of Dorothea" (copyist's version), British Library Add. MS 45,309
"The Wooing of Swanhild," British Library Add. MS 45,308
"The Story of Orpheus and Eurydice," British Library Add. MS 45,308
"The Story of Orpheus and Eurydice," rough version, British Library Add. MS 45,307
"The Story of Aristomenes," British Library Add. MS 45,308
"The Story of Aristomenes," British Library MS. Ashley 4902
"The Story of Aristomenes," Harry Ransom Library, MS. (Morris, W.), Works B
Bellerophon at Argos, British Library Add. MS 45,301
Bellerophon at Lycia, British Library Add. MS 45,301
The Death of Paris, British Library Add. MS 45,299
The Fostering of Aslaug, British Library Add. MS 45,300
The Hill of Venus, British Library Add. MS 45,299
The Hill of Venus, British Library Add. MS 45,299, early draft
The Hill of Venus, British Library Add. MS 45,299, transcription
The Hill of Venus, Fitzwilliam Library FW EP 25
The Hill of Venus, Fitzwilliam Library FW EP 25, transcription
The Palace East of the Sun and West of the Moon, British Library Add. MS 45,309A
"The Lovers of Gudrun," proof sheets, Beinecke Library IpM834 870a
The Man Who Never Laughed Again, British Library Add. MS 45,303
The Palace East of the Sun and West of the Moon, copyist's version, British Library Add. MS 45,309
The Proud King, rough pencil draft, British Library Add. MS 45,306
The Proud King, copyist's version, British Library Add. MS 45,309C
The Ring Given to Venus, British Library Add. MS 45,302
The Story of Rhodope, British Library Add. MS 45,299
The Story of Rhodope (rough draft), British Library Add. MS 45,304
"The Story of Rhodope," British Library Add. MS 45,304, transcription
The Story of Cupid and Psyche, British Library Add. MS 45,305
The Story of Cupid and Psyche, draft, Beinecke Library MS. 1596
"The Doom of King Acrisius," draft [matches those in Fitzwilliam Library], Huntington Library HM 6462
The Earthly Paradise, Huntington Library HM 6418
Lyric from “Bellerophon in Lycia,” included in a longer excised beginning for “Bellerophon,” British Library Add. MS 45,301, f. 23v and f. 24.
Verses for June and July, The Earthly Paradise, Autograph drafts in B. L. Ms. 45,306, f. 66v and 67v. British Library Add. MS 45,306, f. 67v
October lyric of The Earthly Paradise, included in A Book of Verse, 1870, 9. Autograph in WMG J152
"Love's Gleaning Tide," Athenaeum sent to printer, no changes; autograph Ms. copy WMG, J145, signed W. M., dated August 28th, 1872
"As this thin thread," fair autograph copy, WMG J153 [pdf]. Reproduced by a copyist in British Library Add. MS 45,298B, f. 7
"Silence and Pity," fair copied Morris autograph, William Morris Gallery (WMG), Ms. J149, titled. Copyist’s version in British Library Add. MS 45,298b, f. 8
“O fair gold goddess,” William Morris Gallery (WMG), A. Ms. J150 [pdf], fair copy. Printed with notes by R. C. Ellison, English, 15 (1964): 100-102. The poem is signed “Vilhjálmar Vandraedaskáld,” Icelandic for “William the Troubled Skald." Another autograph is in British Library Add. MS 45,318, f. 92 and 92v, on blue ruled paper
"Meeting in Winter” ( "Winter in the world it is / Round about the unhoped kiss" ), English Illustrated Magazine, March, 1884, 339-40. HM 6427, f. 57 is a copy of the English Illustrated Magazine version, prepared for the printer of Poems By the Way, with no verbal changes marked. Images of the English Illustrated Magazine version
“In Arthur’s House” ( "In Arthur’s house whilome was I / When happily the time went by"), British Library Add. MS 45,308, ff. 180-94, autograph drafts. Folio 180 is a single page fragment; ff. 181-86 is another draft; ff. 187-94 a third. Unfinished, written about 1865
Written in a copy of The Earthly Paradise, December 25, 1870 ( "So many stories written here / And none among them but doth bear" ), William Morris Gallery (WMG) J169
“Love’s Gleaning-Tide” ("Draw not away thy hands, my love:"), Athenaeum, April 1874, 492. HM 6427, f. 43, copy from Athenaeum sent to printer, no changes. Also autograph Ms. copy in the WMG, J145 [pdf]
"Rhyme Slayeth Shame," Morgan Library MA 925, fol. 57 (Annie Fields' album)
"Lonely Love and Loveless Death," Harry Ransom Library, MS file (Morris, W.), Works
"The Moon Shall Be Dark," Harry Ransom Library MS (Morris, W.), Works
Love Is Enough, manuscript drafts from Huntington Library HM 6422
Sigurd the Volsung, British Library Add. MS 45,310
Sigurd the Volsung, British Library Add. MS 45,311
Sigurd the Volsung, British Library Add. MS 45,312
Sigurd the Volsung, British Library Add. MS 45,313
Sigurd the Volsung, British Library Add. MS 45,314
Sigurd the Volsung, British Library Add. MS 45,315
Sigurd the Volsung, British Library Add. MS 45,316
Laxdaela Saga, fragment of prose paraphrase, British Library Add. MS 45,317
Sigurd the Volsung, Fair Copy, British Library Egerton MS 2866
Sigurd the Volsung, early draft, British Library Add. MS 37,497
Sigurd the Volsung, early draft, British Library Add. MS 37,498
Sigurd the Volsung, Huntington Library HM 6446
Poems by the Way and Shorter Translations, Huntington Library HM 6427
"The Hall and the Wood," Cheltenham Library Z4
"A Gloss on the story of Howard by William Morris," ff. 241, 242, 243. ; this is transcribed in the "List of Poems of the Earthly Paradise Period," no. C-72. After 'Howard the Halt," Fitzwilliam Museum MS270 ff. 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, an original poem.
"Lo when we walk the tangled wood," Harry Ransom Library, MS file Morris, W., Works
"The Burghers' Battle," unused stanzas, Harry Ransom Library, MS file, Morris, W., Works B
"Prologue, The Story of the Volsungs and Niblungs," draft, Harry Ransom Library MS. file, Morris, W., Works B
"The Pilgrims of Hope," part 7, partial draft, Harry Ransom Library MS file Morris, W., Works B
The House of the Wolfings, 1888, Morgan Library MA 313
The House of the Wolfings, 2 vols. Huntington Library HM 6435
The House of the Wolfings, 1888, British Library, Ashley A3690
The Roots of the Mountains, 2 vols. Huntington Library HM 6424
A Dream of John Ball, University of Virginia Libraries, 1886
"Giles of the Long Frank," British Library Add. MS 45,327
Prose Romance Manuscripts, British Library Add. MS 45,328
- Novel on Blue Paper, ff. 1 - 58v
- Poems in Roots of the Mountains, ff. 54-58 [also HM 6424, ff. 2]
- Kilian of the Closes, ff. 59-109
- Unfinished Romances ff. 110-125v
- Desiderius, ff. 126-149
- Pencil draft, unfinished metrical romance f. 149v
- Story of the Flower, ff. 150-186, 194-201v
- King Peacock, ff. 187 - 193
News from Nowhere, first draft, Morgan Library Morris 13-14
News from Nowhere, fair copy, Morgan Library MA 4591
News from Nowhere, Kelmscott Press edition, proof sheets
The Story of the Glittering Plain, Huntington Library HM 6425, vol.1
The Story of the Glittering Plain, Huntington Library HM 6425, vol. 2
The Story of the Glittering Plain, Huntington Library HM 6447
The Wood Beyond the World, early draft, "The King's Son and the Carle's Son," Society of Antiquaries
The Wood Beyond the World, Morgan Library, New York
The Wood Beyond the World, Beinecke MS Gen. 45, II. Writings, 1894-95
The Well at the World's End, 2 vols., Morgan Library MA 314
The Well at the World's End, Harry Ransom Library, printer's proofs
The Well at the World's End, Harry Ransom Library MS file (Morris, W.)
The Water of the Wondrous Isles, British Library Add. MS 45,322
The Water of the Wondrous Isles, British Library Add. MS 45,323, printer's copy
The Widow's House by the Great Water: British Library Add. MS 45,324, ff. 1-47
The Water of the Wondrous Isles, British Library Add. MS 45,325
"List of Later Morris Poems After 1875," no. 27
The Sundering Flood, British Library Add. MS 45,326
The Sundering Flood, British Library Add. MS 45,326, transcription
Giles of the Long Frank, British Library Add. MS 45,327
British Library Add. MS 45,328
"A Story," plot sketch for romance, Beinecke Library, Osborn Collection
The Tables Turned, Huntington Library HM 577
The Tables Turned, Huntington Library HM 6433
Shorter Icelandic Translations, British Library Add. MS 45,318
Fitzwilliam Library, Icelandic Journal 1871, fair copy made 1873
"Art and Labour," British Library Add MS 45,334, Socialism Up to Date
"Address at the Delivery of Prizes," Harry Ransom Library, Austin, Texas, MS file (Morris, W.), Works
"Address Made on Behalf of the Work of the S.P.A.B.," Huntington Library HM 6449
"The Art of the People," Huntington Library HM 6432, incomplete
"Art and the Beauty of the Earth," Lecture given at Burslem, British Library Add. MS 45,330
"As to Bribing Excellence," International Institute of Social History MS, Amsterdam. Published in Liberty, May 1895
Burnes Papers, British Library Add. MS 45,891
Early political essay, Cheltenham Library
Early politcal essay 2, Cheltenham Library
Essays on Art and History, British Library Add MS 45,331
(1) Lecture, beg. '[Bef]ore I go any further in speaking to you of the popular [or] decorative arts I will ask you to consider if you are quite sure that you care about them'
(2) Lecture, beg. 'I am bound to assume from your presence here tonight that you think it worth while for reasonable people to follow the fine arts, as we call them'
(3) 'The Prospects of Architecture in Civilization'
(4) 'Some Hints on House Decoration'
(5) 'Some Hints on Pattern Designing'
(6) 'The Early Literature of the North'
(7) Address delivered at the opening of an art exhibition at the New Islington Hall, Ancoats, Manchester
(8) Address delivered to the Nottingham Kyrle Society at 'The Castle', Nottingham
(9) 'Art and Industry in the Fourteenth Century'
(10) 'The Gothic Revival', I
(11) 'The Gothic Revival', II
Essays on Art and History, British Library Add MS 45,332
(1) 'Of the Origins of Ornamental Art'
(2) 'The History of Pattern Design'
(3) 'Art: A Serious Thing'
(4) 'Early England'
(5) Lecture beginning identically with 'The Prospects of Architecture in Civilization'
(6) 'Art and the Beauty of the Earth'
(7) A typewritten copy of the version of 'Art and the Beauty of the Earth'
(8) 'Labour and Pleasure versus Labour and Sorrow'
(9) 'Gothic Architecture'
(10) Part of the last sentence of 'The Art of the People'
Essays on Socialism, British Library Add. MS 45,333
"What We Have to Look For"
"The Policy of Abstention"
"Commercial War"
"What Socialists Want"
"Art and the People"
"What is: what should be: what will be: what may be"
"The End and the Means"
"The Political Outlook"
"Communism: i.e. Property"
Socialism Up to Date (Essays on Socialism), British Library Add. MS 45,334
"Socialism Up to Date"
"Art and Labour," first essay
"Art and Labour"
"Our Country Right or Wrong"
"The Depression of Trade"
"What Socialists Want"
"The Present Outlook in Politics"
"Misery and the Way Out"
"The Origins of Ornamental Art," fragment
"Speech at a Picture Show"
Addenda: clippings and letters related to socialism
Fragment of speech on behalf of Socialist League describing socialism in England, given at international conference of socialists, Inv. nr. 611_4, ARCH00496, International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam, transcript.
Report to International Conference, IISH Amsterdam ARCH 00496.611_4-2.pdf
"Gothic Architecture," Harry Ransom Library MS. file Morris, W., Hanley II B
"Gothic Architecture," British Library Add. MS 45,332(9)
Hammersmmith Socialist Society Papers (Minutes), British Library Add. MS 45,891
"Hopes and Fears for Art" Beinecke Library, Yale University, MS Vault Shelves Morris, contains
- "The Art of the People"
- "The Beauty of Life"
- "Making the Best of It"
- "The Prospects of Architecture in Civilization"
"How Shall We Live Then," International Institute of Social History MS, Amsterdam
"Lecture Delivered to the National Association for the Advancement of Art," Harry Ransom Library, MS. file (Morris, W.), Works
"Lecture on Art, Art of the People," Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. Don. c. 29, manuscript, 1894.
Letter from Charles Rowley describing Morris's lectures to the Ancoats Brotherhood, British Library Add. MS 45,347
"Makeshift," Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. Don. e. 30
"The Mythology and Religion of the North," Morris's manuscript notes, c. 1876, William Morris Gallery (WMG) J149.
"Notes on News," Commonweal, on pit-brow women and Chamberlain's vote against a Home Rule bill, May 1, 1886, AMS, University of Iowa
"Our Policy in this Crisis," Huntington Library HM 6465
"On the Artistic Qualities of Woodcut Books," Huntington Library HM 6431
"Petition regarding the Baptistry at Ravenna," Huntington Library HM 6455
"Regarding the Opinion of the S.P.A.B. on the Restoration of St. Mark's, Venice," Huntington Library HM 6459
"The Relations of Art to Labour," Beinecke Library, MS Vault Shelves, Morris, 1598
"Socialism," British Library Add. MS 45,333
"Socialism Up to Date," British Library Add. MS. 45,334
Socialist Diary, British Library Add. MS 45,335
"Socialism from the Root Up," Morgan Library, Morris 10. [chapters 1-3 and 7, with some revisions and corrections by Morris] MA 3843, 1886
Speech Delivered to the First Meeting of the SPAB, Society of Antiquaries, SoA 832
Speech on Free Trade, Bodleian Eng. misc. c. 143
"Some Thoughts on the Ornamented Manuscripts of the Middle Ages," Huntington Library HM 6440
"To the Working People of Great Britain and Ireland," Huntington Library HM 6464
"Town and Country," A. MS, Mark Samuels Lasner Collection
"True and False Society," Huntington Library HM 6420
"Under an Elm-Tree: Thoughts in the Countryside," Cheltenham Public Library, Z4
"[Concerning] Westminster Abbey," Beinecke Library, MS Vault Shelves Morris
"What is to Happen Next?" Beinecke Library William Morris Collection, Gen MSS 45, Series II. Writings
"Why I Am a Communist," International Institute of Social History MS, Amsterdam
Old English/Medieval
"The Ordination of Knighthood," Huntington Library HM 6436
Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair, draft, Huntington Library HM 6419
Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair, first 16 lines, Huntington Library HM 6418
Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair, draft, Huntington Library HM 36917-18
Beowulf, first draft, Morgan Library MA 312
Beowulf, draft fragment, British Library Add. MS 45,318
Beowulf, fragment, British Library Add. MS 45,318 transcription
The Aeneids of Virgil, Huntington Library HM 6439
The Aeneids of Virgil, British Library Add. MS 45,311
The Odyssey, Huntington Library Manuscript HM 6421
The Odyssey, Huntington Library Manuscript HM 6448
The Odyssey, British Library Add. MS 45,311
The Odyssey, Harry Ransom Library MS file (Morris, W.), Works
Iliad, Harry Ransom Library, MS file (Morris, W.), Works
Old French
The Story of Lancelot of the Lake, Society of Antiquaries MS 905.1, rough draft translation, ff. 1-166
The Story of Lancelot of the Lake, Society of Antiquaries MS 905.2, ff. 167-219
The Story of Lancelot of the Lake, Society of Antiquaries MS. 905.3, calligraphic manuscript, ff. 1-307
The Story of Lancelot of the Lake, Society of Antiquaries MS. 905.4, calligraphic manuscript, ff. 1-76, fair copy of SOA 901.5 with minor rewordings
"Lancelot du Lac," Cheltenham Library, EWL Z2: 1991.1016.996.Z2 in Rubaiyat calligraphic script, fair copy with spaces for large initials
Tristram, British Library Add. MS 45,329, script used for illuminated manuscripts
The Tale of King Coustans and The History of Over Sea, Huntington Library HM 6438
"Amis and Amile," MS 362 BD, courtesy of Special Collections, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, autograph draft
Old Icelandic
Egil's Saga, Society of Antiquaries MS 907, calligraphic manuscript
Egils Saga, Fitzwilliam Library, FW25, ff. 1-159. Donated in 1905. According to Murray, "This draft translation was in existence some years before its publication, and differs materially from the printed text. C F Murray." Contains all 65 chapters but ends slightly before the conclusion with, "he gave his daughter Sigurd to Brand the Generous, the son of Vermund the Slender."
Frithiof the Bold, fragment, Morgan Library MA 1894
Grettir translation, draft, in Eirikr Magnusson's hand with corrections by Morris, Cheltenham Art Gallery and Museum (the Wilson).
Grettir Saga, Fitzwilliam Library, 1869, 25F, with many renumberings and some corrections; chapters 89-90, ff. 17-20 and chapter 92, f. 27 are near calligraphic. Donated in 1905. Manusrcript for printer.
Hafbur and Signy, Morgan Library MA 1894, fragment
The Story of Halfdan the Black, Morgan Library MA 3471, calligraphic manuscript
The Story of King Harald, Morgan Library MA 3471 [two sagas bound in same volume], calligraphic manuscript
Harald the Hard-Redy, Saga Library vol. 5, Beinecke Library MS. Vault Shelves Morris
Heimskringla, Morgan Library MA 1894, fragment
"King Hafbur and King Siward," Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. e. 233/2, calligraphic manuscript
"King Harald," partial manuscript, Bodleian Eng. misc. MS. d. 265
The Story of King Harald, Morgan Library MA 3471 [two sagas bound in same volume], calligraphic manuscript
Laxdaela Saga, fragment of prose paraphrase, British Library Add. MS. 45,317
Shorter Icelandic Translations British Library Add. Ms 45,318
- Nibelungenlied, ff. 1-24
- Edda, ff. 29-31
- The Lay of Way Wearer, ff. 32-37
- Lay of Thrym, ff. 37v-47
- The Phrophecy of the Vala, ff. 47v-67
- Axel Thordson and Fair Walborg, ff. 74-97
- Axel Thordson and Fair Walborg, ff. 97v-117, typescript
- Axel Thordson and Fair Walborg, ff. 118-125, verses
- Queen Dagmar's Death, ff.125v-133
- Northern Fragments (Beowulf), ff. 134v-138
- The Mother Under the Mold, ff. 138v-142
- Sonnets for Grettir, ff. 143-149
Poems by the Way and Shorter Translations, Huntington Library HM 6427
"The Prophecy of the Vala," Beinecke Library, Osborn Collection
The Story of the Dwellers at Eyr, Birmingham City Museum and Art Gallery, calligraphic manuscript
"The Story of King Magnus, the Son of Erling," Huntington Library HM 6463
Story of Olaf the Holy, Leeds Library Manuscript, photographed by Ian Felce
The Story of Magnus the Blind and Harald Gilli, Saga Library, vol. 5, Berg Collection, New York Public Library
"The Story of the Volsungs and Niblungs," Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. g. 58.
"The Story of the Banded Men," Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. d. 267, calligraphic manuscript
"The Story of Hen Thorir," Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. e. 266, calligraphic manuscript
"The Story of the Dwellers at Eyr," Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. 265, calligraphic manuscript
"The Story of Sigi," Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. g. 59
"The Story of the Men of Weaponfirth," Cheltenham Library Y7
The Story of King Olaf Tryggvison, Huntington Library HM 6437
The Story of King Harold Greyfell, Huntington Library HM 6428
The Story of Sigurd the Jerusalem-farer, Eystein and Olaf, edited in Karl Anderson, "Scandinavian Elements in the Works of William Morris." Diss., Harvard University, 1940, 623-866.
The Story of Kormak the Son of Ogmund, Morgan Library MA 1894
"The Story of Howard the Halt," partial draft, Cheltenham Library
The Story of Howard the Halt, Huntington Library HM 6426
The Story of King Harold Greyfell, Huntington Library HM 6428
The Story of King Olaf Tryggvison, Huntington Library HM 6437
The Story of the Ynglings, Society of Antiquaries 906, Saga Library, vol. 6
The Story of the Ynglings, Cheltenham Library, calligraphic manuscript
The Tale of Haldor, the Son of Snorri the Priest, unfinished manuscript, Mark Samuels Lasner Collection
The Tale of Haldor, British Library Add. MS 45,317, transcription
Thorstein and Gunnlaug, partial mansucript, Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. e. 233/1
Manuscript fragments:
- "Bjorn's brother there saw they," verse rejected from "The Story of Hakon." 23 lines, cancelled. Huntington Library Manuscript, HM 6428, f. 45. WM's note explains that sts. 2-4 had been written for "Hakon's Song" (ff. 50-51).
- "The King set there a-singing," unidentified verse from "The Story of Hakon." 4 lines from end of chatper 10. Huntington Library Manuscript HM 6428, f. 24.
- "Wrath giver well would try him," verses from "The Story of King Olaf Tryggvison." 8 lines cancelled. Huntington Library Manuscript HM 6437, f. 16.
- "In steel storms far more mighty," cancelled draft. 8 lines, on 2 pages (one leaf) numbered 109. Huntington Library HM 6437, f. 95r-v.
- "Jutland's king (in land now let him)," poem included in the manuscript of "The Story of Olaf the Holy" as a drottkvaett stanza, but does not appear in the published text of Saga Library, vol. 4.
- "The Tale of Norn-Guest," unpublished translation of the Icelandic "Nornagests Dattr." British Library Add. MS 45,317, ff. 19-28, rectos only.
- 'Howard the Halt," Fitzwilliam Museum MS 270 ff. 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140; and "A Gloss on the story of Haward by William Morris," ff. 241, 242, 243; this is transcribed in the "List of Poems of the Earthly Paradise Period," no. C-72.
- The Tale of Thorstein, Calligraphic Manuscript, Bodleian Library MS. misc. e. 233/1
- The Story of Frithiof, Calligraphic Manuscript, Morgan Library MA 1894
- The Story of Gunnlaug, Calligraphic Manuscript, Bodleian Library MS. misc. e. 233/1
- Thorstein and Gunnlaug, partial mansucript, Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. e. 233/1
- Thorbiorn, translation, Cheltenham Library, 9ff., 8 v. Ends, "below the ridge was a great pond: from the boat-house the foreshore was to be seen, but from the shingle-ridge. . . "
- "The Words of Snorri Sturleson, Cheltenham Library, 2ff. and 1v. Introduction by Snorri--has written olden tales in the Danish tongue.
Catalogue of Morris's Books (illuminated MS.)
Catalogue of Morris's Books, transcription
Manuscripts from the Beinecke Library, Yale University
"About the middle of the month of June," Beinecke Library, MS. 1595
"Cupid and Psyche," Beinecke Library, MS. 1596
"Fair Catherine," Beinecke Library MS. 1595
"Hopes and Fears for Art," MS Vault Shelves Morris; contains "The Art of the People," "The Beauty of Life," "Making the Best of It," "The Prospects of Architecture in Civilization," Beinecke Library, Yale University, 1878-93.
"I am not now afraid of God," Beinecke Library, MS. 1595
"The Lovers of Gudrun," proof sheets, Beinecke Library IpM834 870a
"The Maying of Queen Guenevere," Beinecke Library, MS. 1595
"The Prophecy of the Vala," Beinecke Library, Osborn Collection
"The Relations of Art to Labour," Beinecke Library, Yale University. MS Vault Shelves Morris, 1598
"The Sleeve of Gold," Beinecke Library MS. 1595
Harald the Hard-Redy, Saga Library vol. 5, Beinecke Library MS. Vault Shelves Morris
"A Story," plot sketch for romance, Beinecke Library, Osborn Collection
"That summer morning out in the green fields," [discarded opening of Defence of Guenevere], Beinecke Library, MS. 1595
"[Concerning] Westminster Abbey," Beinecke Library, MS Vault Shelves Morris
"What is to Happen Next?" Beinecke Library, Gen MSS 45, Series II. Writings, 1894-95
The Wood Beyond the World, Beinecke MS. II Writings, 1894-95
Manuscripts from the Berg Collection, New York Public Library
Morris, William. Westminster Abbey Leaflet. Berg Collection, New York Public Library
The Story of Magnus the Blind and Harald Gilli, Saga Library, vol. 5. Berg Collection, New York Public Library
Manscripts from the Bodleian Library, Oxford University
"The Story of the Volsungs and Niblungs," Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. g. 58.
"King Hafbur and King Siward," Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. e. 233/2, calligraphic manuscript
"The Story of the Banded Men," calligraphic manuscript, Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. d. 267
"The Story of Hen Thorir," Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. e. 266, calligraphic manuscript
The Story of the Dwellers at Eyr," calligraphic manuscript, Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. 265
"The Story of Sigi," Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. g. 59
"King Harald," partial manuscript, Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. d. 265
Thorstein and Gunnlaug, partial mansucript, Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. e. 233/1
The Tale of Thorstein, partial Calligraphic Manuscript, Bodleian MS. misc. e. 233/1
The Story of Gunnlaug, partial Calligraphic Manuscript, Bodleian MS. misc. e. 233/1
"Makeshift," Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. Don. e. 29
The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, Bodleian MS. Don. f. 3
Speech on Free Trade by Charles Faulkner, Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. c. 143, ff. 81-114
Fragments of calligraphy and illumination: portions of Ogier the Dane, The Arabian Nights, King Harald, vellum and paper, largest size 10” x 8 ½”. Bodl. MS. Eng. Misc. D. 265
Manuscripts from the British Library
Autograph Letters of Dante G. Rossetti, British Library Add MS. 41,130
Autograph Poems, British Library Add MS. 45,298A
Autograph Poems, British Library Add MS. 45,298B
Autograph Poems, British Library Add MS. 74,255
Bellerophon at Argos, British Library Add. MS 45,301
Bellerophon in Lycia, British Library Add. MS 45,301
The Death of Paris, British Library Add. MS 45,299
The Fostering of Aslaug, British Library Add. MS 45,300
The Hill of Venus, British Library Add. MS 45,299
The Hill of Venus, British Library MS. transcription
The Hill of Venus, British Library Add. MS 45,299, early draft
The Hill of Venus, Fitzwilliam Library MS
The Hill of Venus, Fitzwilliam Library MS transcription
The Land East of the Sun and West of the Moon, British Library Add. MS 45,299
"The Lovers of Gudrun," proof sheets, Beinecke Library IpM834 870a
The Man Who Never Laughed Again, British Library Add. MS 45,299; British Library MS 45,303; frag. in 45,298A, f. 113. See List of Poems of the Earthly Paradise Period.
Morris's Notebook of Sketches, British Library Add MS 45,336
The Palace East of the Sun and West of the Moon, copyist's version, British Library Add. MS 45,309
The Proud King, rough pencil draft, British Library Add. MS 45,306
The Proud King (copyist's version) British Library Add. MS 45,309
The Ring Given to Venus, British Library Add. MS 45,302
The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám, British Library Add. MS 37,832
The Story of Rhodope, British Library Add. 45,299
The Story of Rhodope (rough draft), British Library Add. MS 45,304
"The Story of Rhodope," British Library Add. MS 45,304, transcription
The Story of Cupid and Psyche, British Library Add. MS 45,305
Sigurd the Volsung, British Library Add. MS 45,310
Sigurd the Volsung, British Library Add. MS 45,311
Sigurd the Volsung, British Library Add. MS 45,312
Sigurd the Volsung, British Library Add. MS 45,313
Sigurd the Volsung, British Library Add. MS 45,314
Sigurd the Volsung, British Library Add. MS 45,315
Sigurd the Volsung, British Library Add. MS 45,316
Shorter Icelandic Translations British Library Add. Ms 45,318
- Nibelungenlied, ff. 1-24
- Edda, ff. 29-31
- The Lay of Way Wearer, ff. 32-37
- Lay of Thrym, ff. 37v-47
- The Phrophecy of the Vala, ff. 47v-67
- Axel Thordson and Fair Walborg, ff. 74-97
- Axel Thordson and Fair Walborg, ff. 97v-117, typescript
- Axel Thordson and Fair Walborg, ff. 118-125, verses
- Queen Dagmar's Death, ff.125v-133
- Northern Fragments (Beowulf), ff. 134v-138
- The Mother Under the Mold, ff. 138v-142
- Sonnets for Grettir, ff. 143-149
Beowulf, draft fragment, British Library Add. MS 45,318
Beowulf, British Library Add. MS. 45,318, ff. 135v-138 Beowulf, transcription
Sigurd the Volsung, early draft, British Library Add. MS 37,497
Sigurd the Volsung, early draft, British Library Add. MS 37,498, first draft, ff. 1-88; contains a few canceled and corrected folios, ff. 356-66
Sigurd the Volsung, Fair Copy, British Library Egerton MS 2866
"Art and the Beauty of the Earth," Lecture given at Burslem, British Library Add. MS 45,330
Essays on Art and History, British Library Additional Manuscript 45,332
Essays on Socialism, British Library Add. MS 45,333
"What We Have to Look For"
"The Policy of Abstention"
"Commercial War"
"What Socialists Want"
"Art and the People"
"What is: what should be: what will be: what may be"
"The End and the Means"
"The Political Outlook"
"Communism: i.e. Property"
Socialism Up to Date (Essays on Socialism), British Library Add. MS 45,334
"Socialism Up to Date"
"Art and Labour," first essay
"Art and Labour"
"Our Country Right or Wrong"
"The Depression of Trade"
"What Socialists Want"
"The Present Outlook in Politics"
"Misery and the Way Out"
"The Origins of Ornamental Art," fragment
"Speech at a Picture Show"
Addenda: clippings and letters related to socialism
Socialist Diary, British Library Add. MS 45,335
"An Old Fable Retold," John Burns Collection, British Library Ms. 46289. Photograph courtesy of Frank C. Sharp.
Shorter Icelandic Translations, British Library Add. MS 45,318
Icelandic Diaries notebook, British Library Additional Manuscript 45,319A
Icelantic Diaries notebook, British Library Additional Manuscript 45,319B
Icelandic Diaries notebook, British Library Additional Manuscript 45,319A
Icelandic Diaries notebook, British Library Additional Manuscript 45,319B
The Aeneids of Virgil, British Library Add. MS 45,311
"Giles of the Long Frank," British Library Add. MS 45,327
Prose Romance Manuscripts, British Library Add. MS 45,328
- Novel on Blue Paper, ff. 1 - 58v
- Poems in Roots of the Mountains, ff. 54-58 [also HM 6424, ff. 2]
- Kilian of the Closes ff. 59-109
- Unfinished Romances ff. 110-125v
- Desiderius ff. 126-149
- Pencil draft, unfinished metrical romance f. 149v
- Story of the Flower ff. 150-186, 194-201v
- King Peacock ff. 187 - 193
The Water of the Wondrous Isles, British Library Add. MS 45,322
The Water of the Wondrous Isles, British Library Add. MS 45,323, printer's copy
The Water of the Wondrous Isles, British Library Add. MS 45,325
The Sundering Flood, British Library Add. MS 45,326
The Tale of Haldor, B. L. Add. MS 45,317, f. 29. Transcription.
Tristram, British Library Add. MS 45,329, script used for illuminated manuscripts
Hammersmith Socialist Society Papers (Minutes), B. L. Add. MS. 45,891
Burns Papers B. L. Add. MS. 45,891
Manuscripts from the Cheltenham Library and Art Museum (The Wilson)
Calligraphic mss., 1 f. from the Rubaiyat, 1 f. from "The Story of the Ynglings," color design
Early political essay, Cheltenham Library
Early politcal essay 2, Cheltenham Library
"The Hall and the Wood," Cheltenham Library, Z4
"Howard the Halt," partial draft, Cheltenham Library
"The Story of the Men of Weaponfirth," Cheltenham Library Y7
"The Story of the Men of Weaponfirth/ Chap 1: Brodd Helgi slayeth Swart." Fair copy in 'Italian' script, titled in red ink, Cheltenham Library and Wilson Art Gallery, Y7, ff. 1-18, calligraphic ms. both sides. [pdf]
"The Odes of Horace," Y7
"Lancelot du Lac," Cheltenham Library, EWL Z2, in Rubaiyat calligraphic script, fair copy with spaces for large initials
"Under an Elm-Tree: Thoughts in the Countryside," Cheltenham Public Library, Z4
Thorbiorn, translation, Cheltenham Public Library, 9ff., 8 v. Ends, "below the ridge was a great pond: from the boat-house the foreshore was to be seen, but from the shingle-ridge. . . " [from Howard the Halt]
"The Words of Snorri Sturleson," Cheltenham Public Library, 2ff. and 1v. Introduction by Snorri--"has written olden tales in the Danish tongue."
Manuscripts from the Fitzwilliam Library, Cambridge, England
"A Gloss on the story of Howard by William Morris," ff. 241, 242, 243. ; this is transcribed in the "List of Poems of the Earthly Paradise Period," no. C-72. After 'Howard the Halt," Fitzwilliam Museum MS270 ff. 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, an original poem.
Autograph Manuscript of fragments of 5 poems, Fitzwilliam Library, Cambridge, Manuscript 2:
- "Why do they make these lists in the Great Square"
- "The Man Born to Be King"
- "The Green Summer"
- "The Lady of the Wasted land"
- "The Lady of Havering"
Autograph Manuscript of fragments of 7 poems, 1 prose fragment, Fitzwilliam Library, Cambridge, Manuscript 3:
- "A time there was in days long past away"
- "We have done all that men could do"
- "Once my Fell Foe Worsted Me"
- "Listen good folk to my rhyme"
- "Lady of the Wasted Land," beginning
- "Lady of the Wasted Land" prose fragment
- "Saint George"
- "The Cruel Stepmother," ballad
- "Lord Malmston," ballad
Fitzwilliam Library, Cambridge, Manuscript of Phillis M. Ellis, Manuscript of 2 Morris poems, "Drawing Near the Light" and "There were not ten men in all the house."
Grettir Saga, Fitzwilliam Library, donated 1905.
Egils Saga, Fitzwilliam Library, FW25, ff. 1-159. Donated in 1905. According to Murray, "This draft translation was in existence some years before its publication, and differs materially from the printed text. C F Murray." Contains all 65 chapters but ends slightly before conclusion with, "he gave his daughter Sigurd to Brand the Generous, the son of Vermund the Slender."
Fitzwilliam Library, Icelandic Diaries 1871 and 1873
Manuscripts from the Harry Ransom Library, Austin, Texas
"Address at the Delivery of Prizes," Harry Ransom Library, MS file (Morris, W.), Works
Harry Ransom Library, "Lecture Delivered to the National Association for the Advancement of Art," MS. file (Morris, W.), Works
"Gothic Architecture," Harry Ransom Library MS. file Morris, W., Hanley II B
Harry Ransom Library, "The Well at the World's End," printer's proofs
Harry Ransom Library, "The Well at the World's End," Ms. file (Morris, W.), Works
The Odyssey, Harry Ransom Library MS file (Morris, W.), Works
"The Story of Aristomenes," Harry Ransom Library, MS. (Morris, W.), Works B
"The Moon Shall Be Dark," Harry Ransom Library, MS. (Morris, W.), Works
"The Burghers' Battle," unused stanzas. Harry Ransom Library, MS. file, (Morris, W.), Works B
"Prologue, The Story of the Volsungs and Niblungs," draft, Harry Ransom Library, MS. file, (Morris, W.), Works B
"The Pilgrims of Hope," part 7, partial draft, Harry Ransom Library MS file Morris, W., Works B
"Lonely Love and Loveless Death," Harry Ransom Library, MS file (Morris, W.), Works
"Lo when we walk the tangled wood," Harry Ransom Library, MS. file (Morris, W.), Works
"The Roots of the Mountains," MS. file (Morris, W.), Hanley II B
"Gothic Architecture," Harry Ransom Library MS. file Morris, W., Hanley II B
"Iliad," Harry Ransom Library, MS. file (Morris, W.), Works
Manuscripts from the Huntington Library, Pasadena, California
"Golden Wings," Huntington Library 6479
"Pray But One Prayer for Me," Huntington Library 6480
"Our Policy in this Crisis," Huntington Library HM 6465
"The Art of the People," Huntington Library HM 6432, incomplete
"On the Artistic Qualities of Woodcut Books," Huntington Library HM 6431
"Some Thoughts on the Ornamented Manuscripts of the Middle Ages," Huntington Library HM 6440
"True and False Society," Huntington Library HM 6420
"Address Made on Behalf of the Work of the S.P.A.B.," Huntington Library HM 6449
"Regarding the Opinion of the S. P. A. B. on the Restoration of St. Mark's, Venice," Huntington Library HM 6459
"Petition regarding the Baptistry at Ravenna," Huntington Library HM 6455
"To the Working People of Great Britain and Ireland," Huntington Library HM 6464
The Odyssey, Huntington Library, HM 6448
The Odyssey, Huntington Library, HM 6421
"The Ordination of Knighthood," Huntington Library HM 6436
The Aeneids of Virgil, Huntington Library HM 6439
Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair, draft, Huntington Library HM 6419
Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair, first 16 lines, Huntington Library HM 6418
The Tale of King Coustans and The History of Over Sea, Huntington Library HM 6438
The Story of Howard the Halt, Huntington Library HM 6426
The Story of King Harold Greyfell, Huntington Library HM 6428
The Story of King Olaf Tryggvison, Huntington Library HM 6437
"The Story of King Magnus, the Son of Erling," Huntington Library HM 6463
"The Doom of King Acrisius," draft [matches those in Fitzwilliam Library], Huntington Library, HM 6462
The Earthly Paradise, Huntington Library, HM 6418
The House of the Wolfings, 2 vols. Huntington Library HM 6435
The Roots of the Mountains, Huntington Library HM 6424
The Story of the Glittering Plain, Huntington Library HM 6425, vol.1
The Story of the Glittering Plain, Huntington Library HM 6425, vol. 2
Sigurd the Volsung, Huntington Library, Huntington Library, HM 6446
The Tables Turned, Huntington Library HM 577
The Tables Turned, Huntington Library HM 6433
"True and False Society," Huntington Library HM 6420
"The Art of the People," Huntington Library HM 6432, incomplete
"On the Artistic Qualities of Woodcut Books," Huntington Library HM 6431
"Some Thoughts on the Ornamented Manuscripts of the Middle Ages," Huntington Library HM 6440
Petition regarding the Baptistry at Ravenna, Huntington Library
An Account of Three Socialist Lectures, Huntington Library, HM 6446
"To the Working People of Great Britain and Ireland," Huntington Library HM 6464
"Our Policy in this Crisis," Huntington Library HM 6465
Manuscripts from the International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam
"As to Bribing Excellence," International Institute of Social History MS, Amsterdam. Published in Liberty, May 1895
Fragment of speech on behalf of Socialist League describing socialism in England, given at international conference of socialists, Inv. nr. 611_4, ARCH00496, International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam, transcript.
"How Shall We Live Then," International Institute of Social History MS, Amsterdam
Manuscript: Report to International Conference IISH Amsterdam ARCH 00496.611
"Why I Am a Communist," International Institute of Social History MS, Amsterdam
Manuscript from the Leeds Public Library
Story of Olaf the Holy, Leeds Library Manuscript, photographed by Ian Felce
Manuscripts from the Mark Samuels Lasner Collection
"Town and Country," Mark Samuels Lasner Collection
- Images
- Transcription
The Tale of Haldor, the Son of Snorri the Priest, unfinished calligraphic manuscript; tale appears in same bound volume as the Catalogue of Morris's library
Catalogue of Morris's Books (illuminated ms.)
Manuscripts from the Morgan Library, New York
"Rhyme Slayeth Shame," Morgan Library, M A 925, fol. 57 (Annie Fields' album)
The House of the Wolfings, 1888, Morgan Library MA 313
News from Nowhere, manuscript images, first draft, Morgan Library Morris 13-14
News from Nowhere, fair copy, Morgan Library MA 4591
News from Nowhere, Kelmscott Press edition, proof sheets
The Well at the World's End, 2 vols., Morgan Library MA 314
Manuscript draft, "The Wood Beyond the World," Morgan Library, New York
Beowulf, first draft, Morgan Library MA 312
Beowulf, draft ms. by A. J. Wyatt, Morgan Library M A 312
The Story of Kormak the Son of Ogmund, Morgan Library MA 1894
Morgan Library Calligraphic Manuscript, fragment, The Story of Frithiof, MA 1494
"Socialism from the Root Up," Morgan Library, Morris 10. [chapters 1-3 and 7, with some revisions and corrections by Morris] MA 3843, 1886
The Story of Halfdan the Black, Morgan Library MA 3471, calligraphic manuscript
The Story of King Harald, Morgan Library MA 3471 [two sagas bound in same volume], calligraphic manuscript
Manuscripts from the Society of Antiquaries
Early draft, "The King's Son and the Carle's Son," images, Society of Antiquaries, London
Early draft, "The King's Son and the Carle's Son," transcription
Egil's Saga, Society of Antiquaries MS 907, calligraphic manuscript
Speech Delivered to the First Meeting of the SPAB, Society of Antiquaries, SoA 832, ff. 1-23; misc. pages plus ff. 1-12, SPAB draft of opening statement, beginnning, "A Society coming before the public. . . "; with 1st Annual Report, later printed, a good draft with cross-outs.
The Story of Lancelot of the Lake, Society of Antiquaries MS 905.1, rough translation draft, ff. 1-166
The Story of Lancelot of the Lake, Society of Antiquaries MS 905.2, ff. 167-219
The Story of Lancelot of the Lake, Society of Antiquaries MS. 905.3, calligraphic manuscript, ff. 1-307
The Story of Lancelot of the Lake, Society of Antiquaries MS. 905.4, calligraphic manuscript, fair copy, ff. 1-76 (minor rewordings SoA 905.1)
The Story of Lancelot of the Lake, Transcription calligraphic manuscripts, c. 1870-73 Society of Antiquaries MS. 905.4 and 905.3
The Story of the Ynglings, Society of Antiquaries 906, Saga Library, vol. 6
Manuscript from the University of Iowa Libraries, Special Collections
"Notes on News," Commonweal, May 1, 1886, on pit-brow women and Chamberlain's vote against a Home Rule bill, autograph
Manuscripts from the William Morris Gallery
"Abstract of Story of Gudrun from Laxdaela," William Morris Gallery (WMG) J154.
"As this thin thread," fair autograph copy, William Morris Gallery (WMG) J153. Reproduced by a copyist in British Library Add. MS 45,298B, f. 7.
Chants for Socialists, No. 1: "The Day is Coming," William Morris Gallery (WMG), Democratic Federation, London: Reeves, 185, Fleet Street, E.C.
"Early England [Address by Mr. William Morris]," The Daily News, January 189..., William Morris Gallery (WMG) J2113
"Epping Forest [Mr. Morris Report]," The Daily Chronicle, May 9, 1895, William Morris Gallery (WMG) J2115
"Help for the Miners" ("The Deeper Meaning of the Struggle: Letter to the Editor"), The Daily Chronicle, November 10, 1893, William Morris Gallery (WMG) K1558
"Impending Famine in Iceland," The Daily News, August 6, 1882, William Morris Gallery (WMG) J2112
Leaves of Illuminated Manuscripts: Trial Pages for Horace and The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, William Morris Gallery (WMG) Ms. J578. 29 January 1899.
"Love's Gleaning Tide," Athenaeum sent to printer, no changes; autograph Ms. copy. William Morris Gallery (WMG), J145, signed W.M., dated August 28th, 1872.
Manuscript notes, c. 1876, "The Mythology and Religion of the North," William Morris Gallery (WMG) J149.
Morris at First Hand, March 24, 1984, William Morris Gallery (WMG) K2199.
Ms. of Placard "Unjust War (To the Working Men of England)," May 1877, William Morris Gallery (WMG) J143.
October lyric of The Earthly Paradise, included in A Book of Verse, 1870, 9. Autograph MS. in WMG J152
“O fair gold goddess,” William Morris Gallery (WMG), A. Ms. J150 fair copy. Printed with notes by R. C. Ellison, English, 15 (1964): 100-102. The poem is signed “Vilhjálmar Vandraedaskáld,” Icelandic for “William the Troubled Skald." Another autograph is in B. L. Add. Ms. 45,318, f. 92 and 92v, on blue ruled paper.
"Quia Amore Langueo: a religious poem of the early fifteenth century," William Morris Gallery (WMG) J156.
"Royal School of Art-Needlework," December 1879, William Morris Gallery (WMG), J2117.
'She and He,' typescript, 1896, William Morris Gallery (WMG) J162.
"Silence and Pity," fair copied Morris autograph, William Morris Gallery (WMG), Ms. J149, titled. Copyist’s version in British Library Add. MS 45,298b, f. 8.
"Sixteenth Adventure: How Siegfried was Slain," from The Nibelungenlied, William Morris Gallery (WMG) J147.
"So many stories written here / And none among them but doth bear", Written in a copy of The Earthly Paradise, December 25, 1870, William Morris Gallery (WMG) J169.
"The Days to Come," William Morris Gallery (WMG) J142.
"The Famine in Iceland," The Daily News, September 28, 1882, William Morris Gallery (WMG) J2116
"The Lovers of Gudrun," brief note, 1869, William Morris Gallery (WMG) J161.
"The Three Seekers," A. MS. Init., 1872, William Morris Gallery (WMG) J148.
"The Willow and the Red Cliff," two typescript copies, William Morris Gallery (WMG) J186 and J186A.
"Tree Felling in Epping Forest," The Daily Chronicle, April 23, 1895, William Morris Gallery (WMG)
Notes, Capital by Karl Marx, 1883, William Morris Gallery (WMG) J151.
Notes, "The Mythology and Religion of the North," William Morris Gallery (WMG) J146.
William Morris Issue (Special Number), The Commune, Second Series Vol. 11, No. 2, February 1927, ed. and pub. Guy A. Aldred: Glasglow, W. (Scotland).
"Worthy to Win are Goods and Gold," William Morris Gallery (WMG) J148 ff. 2-5. Kelmscott, August 5, 1872.
Other Art Works and Poetic Manuscripts:
Burne-Jones, Edward. Drawings for a projected edition of The Aeneids, Morgan Library.
Burne-Jones, Edward. Drawings for a projected edition of The Earthly Paradise; drawings for the Life and Death of Jason
Burne-Jones, Edward. Woodcuts for the Kelmscott Chaucer
Burne-Jones, Edward. Woodcut drawings for The Life and Death of Jason
Burne-Jones, Edward. Woodcut drawings for The Earthly Paradise
Rossetti, D. G. "Ego Mater Pulcrae Delectionis," Colbeck Collection, University of British Columbia
Rossetti, D. G. "Rose Mary," Free Public Library of Philadelphia, images Alexander Ames.
Rossetti, D. G. "The White Ship." Free Public Library of Philadelphia, images Alexander Ames.
Rossetti, D. G. Sonnet to Coleridge and "The Leaf" by Leopardi. Free Public Library of Philadelphia, images Alexander Ames.
Socialist-Related Manuscript:
Charles Faulkner, Speech on Free Trade, Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. c. 143, ff. 81-114