Nonfiction Supplementary
Bibliography of Morris's Contributions to Justice and Commonweal 1883-1890, from Political Writings: Contributions to Justice and Commonweal 1883-1890, ed. and intro. Nicholas Salmon, Bristol: Thoemmes Press.
Burns Papers, British Library Additional Manuscript 45,891
Chants for Socialists, No. 1: "The Day is Coming," William Morris Gallery (WMG), Democratic Federation, London: Reeves, 185, Fleet Street, E.C.
"Early England [Address by Mr. William Morris]," The Daily News, January 189..., William Morris Gallery (WMG) J2113
"Epping Forest [Mr. Morris Report]," The Daily Chronicle, May 9, 1895, William Morris Gallery (WMG) J2115
Hammersmith Socialist Society Minutes, British Library Additional Manuscript, 45,891.
"Help for the Miners" ("The Deeper Meaning of the Struggle: Letter to the Editor"), The Daily Chronicle, November 10, 1893, William Morris Gallery (WMG) K1558
"Impending Famine in Iceland," The Daily News, August 6, 1882, William Morris Gallery (WMG) J2112
LeMire, Eugene D. "A Bibliographical Checklist of Morris's Speeches and Lectures," The Unpublished Lectures of William Morris, 291-322.
Socialist League (UK) Archives, International Institute of Social Research, Amsterdam, 2016.
Socialist League (UK) Archives, Catalogue of Archive, courtesy of IISH.
Socialist League (UK) Archives, 1884-1891, Text.
Speech on Free Trade, Charles Faulkner, Bodleian Library misc. 143
"The Famine in Iceland," The Daily Chronicle, September 28, 1882, William Morris Gallery (WMG) J2116
"Tree Felling in Epping Forest," The Daily Chronicle, April 23, 1895, William Morris Gallery (WMG)
William Morris Issue (Special Number), The Commune, Second Series Vol. 11, No. 2, February 1927, ed. and pub. Guy A. Aldred: Glasglow, W. (Scotland).
William Morris's Socialist Diary, edited and annotated by Florence Boos. (Marxists.Org)
William Morris, "How I Became a Socialist," Arabic Translation. The William Morris Society U.S. (14 June, 2011).
William Morris, “Monopoly; or, How Labour is Robbed”, Czech Translation. [“Socialism a Monopol”] Translated by Josef Vesely. No date.
William Morris,“The Day is Coming,” Danish Translation. [“Nyaars-Gry”]. Translated by Jeppe Aakjær. Samlede Værker, 1901.
William Morris, “The Aims of Art,” Dutch Translation. [“De Doeleinden der Kunst.”] Trans. M. Hugenholtz-Zeeven. Intro. Henri Polak. 2nd ed. Rotterdam [Brusse]: Nieuwe Uitgave, 1905. 137-159.
William Morris, “Architecture and History,” Dutch Translation. [“Bouwkunst en Geschiedenis.”] Art and Society [Kunst en Maatschappij]. Trans. M. Hugenholtz-Zeeven. Intro. Henri Polak. 2nd ed. Rotterdam [Brusse]: Nieuwe Uitgave, 1905. 1-30.
William Morris, “Art and Socialism,” Dutch Translation. [“Kunst en Socialisme.”] Art and Society [Kunst en Maatschappij]. Trans. M. Hugenholtz-Zeeven. Intro. Henri Polak. 2nd ed. Rotterdam [Brusse]: Nieuwe Uitgave, 1905. 104-135.
William Morris, “Art, Wealth, and Riches,” Dutch Translation. [“Kunst, Vermogen, en Rijkdom.”] Art and Society [Kunst en Maatschappij]. Trans. M. Hugenholtz-Zeeven. Intro. Henri Polak. 2nd ed. Rotterdam [Brusse]: Nieuwe Uitgave, 1905. 77-103.
William Morris, “Monopoly, or, How Labour is Robbed,” Dutch Translation. [“Monopolie, of, Hoe de Arbeider Bestolen Wordt.”] Amsterdam: J. Sterringa, no date.
William Morris, "Art in Plutocracy," French Translation. ["L'arte en Ploutocratie."] Section française, William Morris, l’Archive Internet des Marxistes (Marxist Internet Archive).
William Morris, “Art or No Art? Who Shall Settle It?” French Translation. [“La vie ou la mort de l’art.”] Section française, William Morris, l’Archive Internet des Marxistes (Marxist Internet Archive).
William Morris, “How We Live and How We Might Live,” French Translation. [“Comment nous vivons. Comment nous pouvons vivre.”] Section française, William Morris, l’Archive Internet des Marxistes (Marxist Internet Archive).
William Morris, “Manifesto of the Socialist League,” French Translation. [“Manifeste de la Socialist League.”] Section française, William Morris, l’Archive Internet des Marxistes (Marxist Internet Archive).
William Morris, “The Society of the Future,” French Translation. [“La société de l´avenir.”] Section française, William Morris, l’Archive Internet des Marxistes (Marxist Internet Archive).
William Morris, “How I Became a Socialist,” French Translation. [“Comment je suis devenu socialiste.”] Section française, William Morris, l’Archive Internet des Marxistes (Marxist Internet Archive).
William Morris, “Where Are We Now?” French Translation. [“Où en sommes-nous?”] Section française, William Morris, l’Archive Internet des Marxistes (Marxist Internet Archive).
William Morris, Chants for Socialists, German: Lieder der Arbeit. Translated by Lilly Nahler-Nuellens. Vienna, 1909.
William Morris, Chants for Socialists, German: Gesänge für Sozialisten. Translated by W. L. Rosenberg, Andreas Scheu, and John Henry Mackay. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1889.
William Morris, “Some Hints on Pattern-Designing”, German Translation. [“Ein paar Winke über das Musterzeichnen.”]
William Morris, Hopes and Fears for Art, German Translation. [Kunsthoffnungen und Kunstformen.]
I. “The Lesser Arts” [“Die niederen Künste”]
IV. “Making the Best of It” [“Wie wir aus dem Bestehenden das Beste machen können”]
V. “The Prospects of Architecture in Civilization” [“Die Auslichten der Architektur in der Civilization”]
William Morris, “An address delivered at the distribution of prizes to students of the Birmingham Municipal School of Art,” German Translation. [“Kunstgewerblíches Sendschreíben.”]
William Morris, “The Story of the Unknown Church,” Hungarian translation. [“Az Ismeretlen Templom Története.”] 1932.
William Morris, “A Factory as it Might Be,” Hungarian Translation. [“A Gyári Munka Amilyen es Amilyen Lehetne.”] Translated by Izsák Sándor. New York, 1922.
William Morris, “How We Live and How We Might Live,” Japanese Translation. [吾等如何に生くべきか.] Translated by 本間久雄 (Hisao Honma). Tokyo, 1925.
William Morris, Selected Articles, Lectures, Speeches, Letters, Russian Translation. [Избранные статьи, лекции, речи, письма.] Moscow, 1973.
“Art and Its Producers” [“Искусство и его творцы”]
“How I Became a Socialist” [“Как я стал социалистом”]
Letter to Andreas Scheu, 5 September 1883 [Письмо Андреасу Шою, 5 сентября 1883]
The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings Manifesto [Манифест Общества защиты старинных зданий]