Title page of The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine, January 1, 1856 Oxford and Cambridge Magazine, see "Early Poems" and "Early Romances."

"The God of the Poor," Fortnightly Review 4, n.s., (1 August 1868), 139-45. ("There was a lord that hight Maltete,") Published in Poems by the Way.

"Two Sides of the River," Fortnightly Review 4, n.s., (October 1868), 379-82. ("O winter, o white winter, wert thou gone"). Published in Poems by the Way. 

"Hapless Love," Good Words 10 (1 April 1869), 264-65. ("Why do you sadly go alone")

"On the Edge of the Wilderness," Fortnightly Review 5 n. s. (April 1869), 391-94. ("Whence comest thou, and where goest thou?"). Published in Poems by the Way.

"The Death of Paris," Every Saturday 8 (13 November 1869), 625-30.

“Rhyme Slayeth Shame” ("If as I come unto her she might hear, / If words might reach her when away I go,"), Atlantic Monthly, 25/198, February 1870, 144.

"May Grown A-Cold," Atlantic Monthly 25/151 (1 May, 1870), 553.

"Dark Wood," Fortnightly Review, February 1871, 219-20. ("Upon an eve I sat me down and wept") Included in the 1870 "A Book of Verse"; published in Poems by the Way as "Error and Loss," CW, 9, 108.

"The Seasons," The Academy (1 February 1871), 109.

"The King of Denmark's Sons," Scribner's Monthly 5.3 (January 1873), 294-97. Published in Poems by the Way.

"Love's Gleaning Tide," Athenaeum, no. 2424 (11 April 1874), 492. ("Draw not away thy hands, my love,") Published in Poems by the Way.

"The First Foray of Aristomenes," Athenaeum, no. 2533 (13 May 1876), 663-64. ("On toiled the sons of the exiles up the steep,")

"The Three Seekers," To-Day 1.1 n. s. (January 1884), 25-29. ("There met three knights on the woodland way,") Published in Poems by the Way.

"The Hall and the Wood," English Illustrated Magazine (February 1890), 351-54. ("'Twas in the water-dwindling tide") Published in Poems by the Way.

“Meeting in Winter” ("Winter in the world it is / Round about the unhoped kiss"), a song from "The Story of Orpheus and Eurydice," The English Illustrated Magazine, March 1884, 339-40. Published in Poems by the Way.

"The Voice of Toil," Justice 1.12 (5 April 1884), 5. Published in Poems by the Way.

"All for the Cause," Justice 1.14 (19 April 1884), 5. Published in Poems by the Way.

"No Master," Justice, 1.21 (7 June 1884), 5.

"The March of the Workers," Commonweal 1.1 (February 1885), 4; 1.2 (March 1885).

"The Message of the March Wind," Commonweal, March 1885 1.2. Published in Poems by the Way.

"Untitled Verse," Commonweal 4.119 (21 April 1888). ("Lo when we wade the tangled wood")

"The Burghers' Battle," The Athenaeum (16 June 1888), 761. Published in Poems by the Way.

"May Day," Justice, 30 April 1892. ("O Earth, once again cometh Spring to deliver")

"Mine and Thine," Commonweal 5.164 (2 November 1889), 67. Published in Poems by the Way.

"The Day of Days," The Humane Review, July 1890; Time, November 1890. Reprinted in Poems by the Way.

"The New Year," The Artist 13 (January 1892), 3.

"May Day, 1894," Justice 11.538 (5 May 1894), 1.

"The Days That Were," Eclectic Magazine 68.6, n. s. (December 1898), 785. (poem used as epigraph for The House of the Wolfings)


The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine

1856, text in pdf format

Introduction and Selections, Rossetti Archive [Type Oxford and Cambridge Magazine into a search engine; background information on each issue is provided by P. C. Fleming.]

Table of Contents: Oxford and Cambridge Magazine, copy marked by Vernon Lushington (courtesy of David Taylor)

Essay, "Churches of North France: The Shadows of Amiens," The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine, February 1856, 99-110.

Review of Men and Women, by Robert Browning, from The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine, March 1856, 162-172.

Review of "Death the Avenger" and "Death the Friend," The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine, August 1856, 477-479.

Commonweal: 'The Official Organ of the Socialist League' 

1885, Volume 1

1886, Volume 2

1887, Volume 3

1888, Volume 4

1889, Volume 5

1890, Volume 6

Bibliography of Morris's Contributions to Justice and Commonweal 1883-1890, from Political Writings: Contributions to Justice and Commonweal 1883-1890, ed. and intro., Nicholas Salmon, Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 1994.

"An Old Story Retold," Commonweal 2.36 (18 September 1886), 197-98.

"Free Speech in America," Commonweal 3.91 (8 October 1887), 324.

"Educating Americans in Handicraft," Commonweal 4.129 (30 June 1888), 204-205.

A Dream of John Ball, 11 installments, Commonweal.

"Socialism from the Root Up," 25 installments, Commonweal.

News from Nowhere, 39 installments, Commonweal, 1890.

Hammersmith Socialist Record

English Illustrated Magazine

"The Glittering Plain," English Illustrated Magazine, 1890.

This list is indebted to Eugene LeMire, A Bibliography of William Morris, London: British Library, 2006.

Justice: 'The Organ of the Social Democracy' Articles and Poems [from the Marxists.org archive]

1884, Volume 1

1885, Volume 1

Articles on Morris in U. S. Periodicals from 1891-1900: 

1891.030 Clarke, William. “William Morris.” New England Magazine 9.6 (Feb. 1891): 740-749.

1891.095 Rev. of The Story of the Glittering Plain by W. Morris. Library 3.30 (Jun. 1891): 233-234.

1891.130 Wicksteed, P[hilip] H[enry]. “Morris’s News from Nowhere.” Ethics 2.1 (Oct. 1891): 132-133.

1892.097 Richardson, F. “William Morris: Poet and Socialist.” Primitive Methodist Quarterly Review and Christian Ambassador 34 (Jul. 1892): 414-429.

1892.220 Kingsland, William G. “Notes and News” [W. Morris]. Poet-Lore 4.12 (Dec. 1892): 644-645.

1892.227 Tynan, Katharine. “A Man of Genius: Sketch of the Distinguished Poet, William Morris [excerpted in New York Tribune 52.16,828 (11 Dec. 1892): 17].” Indianapolis News 23.308 (5 Dec. 1892): 5.

1892.264 Tynan, Katharine. “An English Socialist [excerpted from “A Man of Genius: Sketch of the Distinguished Poet, William Morris.” Indianapolis News 23.308 (5 Dec. 1892): 5].” New York Tribune 52.16,828 (11 Dec. 1892): 17.

1892.265 “The Pre-Raphaelite Exhibition.” Philadelphia Inquirer 127.164 (11 Dec. 1892): 4.

1893.105 Triggs, Oscar L. “The Socialistic Thread in the Life and Works of William Morris.” Poet-Lore 5.3 (Mar. 1893): 113-122.

1893.150 Triggs, Oscar L. “The Socialistic Thread in the Life and Works of William Morris. Continued from March Number.” Poet-Lore 5.4 (Apr. 1893): 210-218.

1894.125 Powers, H. H. “Socialism, Its Growth and Outcome [by W. Morris and E. B. Bax].” American Academy of Political and Social Science, Annals 4.5 (Mar. 1894): 834-835.

1895.295 Kingsland, William G. “A Poet’s Politics: Mr. William Morris in Unpublished Letters on Socialism.” Poet-Lore 7.10 (Oct. 1895): 473-477.

1895.310 Kingsland, William G. “A Poet’s Politics: Mr. William Morris in Unpublished Letters on Socialism. Part II. Conclusion” Poet-Lore 7.11 (Nov. 1895): 543-546.

1895.323 I., I. H. “The Kelmscott Press: An Illustrated Interview with Mr. William Morris.” Bookselling 1.12 (Dec. 1895): [2]-14.

1896.275 K[ingsland], W[illiam] G. “London Literaria” [W. Morris]. Poet-Lore 8.7 (Jul. 1896): 468.

1896.394 “William Morris” [obituary]. Chicago Record 17.213 (4 Sep. 1896): 4.

1896.410 (Faulkner 74) Blatchford, Robert. “A Tribute to Morris.” Clarion no. 253 (Oct. 1896): 324-325.

1896.460 Lang, A[ndrew]. “Mr. Morris’s Poems [same in Living Age 211.2731 (7 Nov. 1896): 323-330].” Longman's Magazine 28.168 (Oct. 1896): 560-573.

1896.477 “William Morris Dead.” New York Mail and Express 63 (3 Oct. 1896): 1.

1896.480 “Obituary: William Morris [same in Writer 9.12 (Dec. 1896):186].” New York Tribune 56.18,221 (4 Oct. 1896): 7.

1896.480a “The Death of William Morris” [excerpted in Literary Digest 13.25 (17 Oct. 1896): 781]. Springfield Republican 4 Oct. 1896: 6.

1896.481 “William Morris” [obituary; excerpted in Literary Digest 13.25 (17 Oct. 1896): 781]. Boston Evening Transcript 67 (5 Oct. 1896): 4.

1896.483 “William Morris’s Death.” Independent 48.2497 (8 Oct. 1896): 13.

1896.522 “Poems by William Morris.” Springfield Republican 11 Oct. 1896: 13.

1896.525 “William Morris” [obituary notice; excerpts from Boston Evening Transcript 67 (5 Oct. 1896): 4 and Springfield Republican 4 Oct. 1896: 6]. Literary Digest 13.25 (17 Oct. 1896): 781.

1896.555 “William Morris [obituary with excerpts from various American newspaper obituaries].” Chautauquan 24.2 (Nov. 1896): 230-231.

1896.640 Dole, Nathan Haskell. “Notes and News: William Morris.” Poet-Lore 8.12 (Dec. 1896): 630-635.

1896.655 “Personal Gossip about Authors: William Morris [same as New York Tribune 56.18,221 (4 Oct. 1896): 7].” Writer 9.12 (Dec. 1896): 186.

1897.070 “Monthly Record of Current Events: Obituary [W. Morris].” Harper’s New Monthly Magazine 94.560 (Jan. 1897): 325.

1897.076 Johnson, M. “William Morris.” Primitive Methodist Quarterly Review 39 (Jan. 1897): 104.

1897.130 “Notes and News: A Letter from William Morris.” Poet-Lore 9.2 (Feb 1897): 320.

1897.195 Williams, Francis Howard. “Immortality as a Motive in Poetry” [passim W. Morris and D. G. Rossetti]. Poet-Lore 9.3 (Mar. 1897): 367-375.

1898.090 “Notes and News [W. Morris].” Poet-Lore 10.1 (Jan. 1898): 158-159.

1898.265 “The Posthumous Romance of William Morris.” Outlook in Life, Politics, Finance, Letters, and the Arts 1.7 (19 Mar. 1898): 213-214.

1898.270 “William Morris’s Last Romance.” New York Tribune Illustrated Supplement 57.18,753 (20 Mar. 1898): 17.

1898.300 Sturgis, Russell. “The Art of William Morris.” Architectural Record 7.4 (Apr.-Jun. 1898): 440-461.

1898.415 Gwynn, Stephen. “William Morris [rev. of The Life of William Morris by J. W. Mackail].” Macmillan’s Magazine 78 (Jun. 1898): 153-160.

1899.105 “Life and Letters” [W. Morris]. Poet-Lore 11.1 (Jan. 1899): 153-154.

1899.235 Morris, William. “The Tale of King Coustans.” Poet-Lore 11.4 (Apr. 1899): 465-476.

1899.340 “Burne-Jones and William Morris.” Bookman [New York] 9.6 (Aug. 1899): 497-499.

1899.345 “William Morris by One Who Knew Him.” Bookman [New York] 9.6 (Aug. 1899): 533-535.

1899.365 Zueblin, Rho Fisk. “The Life of William Morris [by J. W. Mackail].” American Journal of Sociology 5.2 (Sep. 1899): 267-275.

1899.380 Benson, W[illiam] A[rthur] S[mith]. “William Morris and the Arts and Crafts.” National Review 34.199 (Sep. 1899): 268-271.

1899.385 Hubbard, Elbert. “William Morris [excerpted in Literary Digest 19.19 (4 Nov. 1899): 552-553].” Philistine 9.4 (Sep. 1899): 97-106.

1899.460 “William Morris’s Influence on Household Art [excerpts from Philistine 9.4 (Sep. 1899): 97-106].” Literary Digest 19.19 (4 Nov. 1899): 552-553.

1899.530 (Fredeman 43.46, 77.14) Streeter, A. “William Morris and Pre-Raphaelism [sic].” Month: A Catholic Magazine 94 (Dec. 1899): 598-608.

1899.535 Trent, W[illiam] P[eterfield]. Rev. of The Life of William Morris by J. Mackail. Sewanee Review 7.12 (Dec. 1899): 502-506.

1899.575 Ackerman, Eduard. “An American William Morris.” Book-Lover 2 (Winter 1899/1900): 203-205.

1900.090 Hulme, W[illia]m H. “Beowulf” [Rev. of The Tale of Beowulf trans. W. Morris and F. Wyatt]. Modern Language Notes 15.1 (Jan. 1900): 22-26.

From Pre-Raphaelitism in the Nineteenth-Century Press: A Bibliography. Victoria: University of Victoria Press, 2002.

Tobin, Tom. Pre-Raphaelitism in the Nineteenth-Century Press: A Bibliography. Victoria: University of Victoria Press, 2002. [pdf]

Boos, Florence. "The First Morris Society: Chicago, 1903-1905," JWMS 21.4 (Winter 2014).

Helsinger, Elizabeth. "'A Vestibule of Song': Morris and Burne-Jones in Chicago," JWMS 21.4 (Winter 2014).

"A Plea for the American Anarchists," Pall Mall Gazette (28 September 1887), 5.

Boos, Florence. "Where Have all The Manuscripts Gone? Morris's Autographs in Diaspora", JWMS 22.4 pp. 4-14