Early Poems

Boos, Florence S. "The Structure of Morris' Tales for the Oxford and Cambridge Magazine." Victorian Periodicals Review 20 (1987), 2-12.

Gordon, Walter K. "Pre-Raphaelitism and The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine." Journal of the Rutgers University Library 29(1966), 42-51.

Hosman, Robert Stahr. "The Germ (1850) and The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine (1856)." Victorian Periodicals Newsletter 4 (April 1969), 36-47.

Hosman, Robert Stahr. "The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine." British Literary Magazines: The Victorian and Edwardian Age, ed. Alvin Sullivan. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1984, 294-302.

Le Mire, Eugene D., ed. Introduction, The Hollow Land and Other Contributions to the Oxford and Cambridge Magazine. Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 1996.

Whitla, William. "William Morris's 'The Mosque Rising in the Place of the Temple of Solomon: A Critical Text.'" Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies 9 (Summer 2000), 43-82.

Whitla, William. "'I Learned Next to Nothing There': William Morris at Marlborough College." Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies (Spring 2017): 50-100.

Early Poems articles from The Journal of William Morris Studies

Baïssus, J. M. "Morris and the Oxford and Cambridge Magazine."JWMS 5.2 (Winter 1982): 2-13.

Dewan, Pauline. "Patterns of Enclosure in Morris's Early Stories."JWMS 11.2 (Spring 1995): 9-11.

Fletcher, Chris. "A Rediscovered and Partly Unpublished Morris Notebook."JWMS 14.3 (Winter 2001): 12-20.

Timo, Helen. "A Church Without God: William Morris's A Night in a Cathedral."JWMS 4.2 (Summer 1980): 24-31.

The Defence of Guenevere

Balch, Dennis R. "Guenevere's Fidelity to Arthur in 'The Defence of Guenevere' and 'King Arthur's Tomb." Victorian Poetry 13.3-4 (1975): 61-70.

Bentley, D. M. R. (Dis)continuties: Arthur's Tomb, Modern Painters, and Morris's Early Wallpaper Design. Writing on the Image: Reading William Morris, ed. David Latham. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007, 17-30.

Berry, Ralph. "A Defense of Guenevere." Victorian Poetry 9(1971): 277-86.

Boos, Florence. "Justice and Vindication in William Morris's 'The Defence of Guenevere.'" King Arthur Through the Ages, eds. Valerie M. Lagorio and Mildred Leake Day. Vol. 2. Garland Publishing, Inc.: New York, 1990.

Boos, Florence. "Sexual Polarities in The Defence of Guenevere." Browning Institute Studies 13 (1985), 181-200.

Boos, Florence. "William Morris, Robert Bulwer-Lytton, and the Arthurian Poetry of the 1850s," Arthuriana 6.3 (1996), 31-53.

Calhoun, Blue. The Pastoral Vision of William Morris: The Earthly Paradise. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1974. "Heroic Quest: The Mood of Energy," 39-59.

Cowles, David. "Wandering between Ten Worlds: Morris’s Guenevere Poems and the Failure of Discourse." Victorian Poetry, 55.4 (Winter 2017): 517-35.

Dahl, Curtis. "Morris's 'The Chapel in Lyoness': An Interpretation," Studies in Philology, 51 (1954), 482-491.

Friesen, Janet Wright. "William Morris, Shaper of Tales: Creating a Hero's Story in 'Sir Peter Harpdon's End," Writing on the Image: Reading William Morris, ed. David Latham. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007, 31-41.

Frye, Northrop. "A Conversation with Northrop Frye About William Morris," Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies 10 (Spring 2001), 35-42.

Frye, Northrop. "The Meeting of Past and Future in William Morris." Studies in Romanticism, Fall 1982, Vol.21(3), p.303

Hassett, Constance. "The Style of Evasion: The Defence of Guenevere and Other Poems." Victorian Poetry 29.2 (Summer 1991), 99-114.

Hazen, James. "Morris's "Haystack": The Fate of Vision," Pre-Raphaelite Review 1.1 (November 1977), 49-56.

Helsinger, Elizabeth. "Lyric Color and The Defence of Guenevere," chapter 3, Poetry and the Pre-Raphaelite Arts: Dante Gabriel Rossetti and William Morris, New Haven: Yale, 2008, 55-86.

Herbert, Karen. "Dissident Language in The Defence of Guenevere." Victorian Poetry 34.3 (1996): 313-27. 299-312.

Keane, Robert. "Rossetti and Morris: 'This Ever-Diverse Pair,'" The Golden Chain: Essays on William Morris and Pre-Raphaelitism, ed. Carole Silver, New York and London: The William Morris Society, 1982, 115-48.

King, Rebecca Bruch. “‘Ceaselessly Losing Our Identity’: Psychic Rupture in ‘King Arthur’s Tomb.’” Arthuriana, 27 (April 2017): 28-42.

Kirchhoff, Frederick. William Morris: The Construction of A Male Self, 1856-1872. Ohio University Press, 1990, 70-81.

Kirchhoff, Frederick. "'The Glory and Freshness of a Dream': Arthurian Romances as Reconstructed Childhood." Arthuriana Arthuriana6.3 (1996), 3-13.

Kirchhoff, Frederick. "Heroic Disintegration: Morris' Medievalism and the Disappearance of the Self." The Golden Chain: Essays on William Morris and Pre-Raphaelitism, ed. Carole Silver, New York and London: The William Morris Society, 1982,75-95.

Latham, David. "Gothic Architectonics: Morris's 'Tune of Seven Towers'," The Pre-Raphaelite Review, 2.2 (May 1979), 49-58.

Latham, David. “‘Making Pictures’: Morris’s Pre-Raphaelite Poetics and Its Reception.” In The Routledge Companion to William Morris. Ed. Florence S. Boos. London: Routledge, 2021. 278-301.

Mancoff, Debra N. "Problems with the Pattern: William Morris's Arthurian Imagery." Arthuriana 6.3 (1996), 55-68.

Miles, Rosie. "Binding Men: William Morris's The Defence of Guenevere and the Circulation of Masculine Desire," Private and Public Voices in Victorian Poetry, eds. Sabine Coelsch-Foisner and Holger Klein. Tubinger: Stauffenburg Verlag, 2000, 89-102.

Sadoff, Diane. "Erotic Murders: Structural and Rhetorical Irony in William Morris' Froissart Poems," Victorian Poetry 13.3-4 (1975): 11-26.

Sadoff, Dianne. "The Poetics of Repetition and The Defence of Guenevere." In The Golden Chain: Essays on William Morris and Pre-Raphaelitism, ed. Carole Silver, New York and London: The William Morris Society, 1982, 97-113.

Scott, Dixon. “The First Morris,” in Primitiae: Essays in English Literature. Liverpool: The University Press, 1912: 183-236.

Shaw, W. David. "Arthurian Ghosts: The Phantom Art of 'The Defence of Guenevere.'" Victorian Poetry 34.3 (1996): 299-312.

Silver, Carole. "Dreamers of Dreams: Toward a Definition of Literary Pre-Raphaelitism."The Golden Chain: Essays on William Morris and Pre-Raphaelitism, ed. Carole Silver, New York and London: The William Morris Society, 1982, 5-51. [discusses Rossetti, Morris, and Swinburne]

Silver, Carole. The Romance of William Morris, Ohio University Press, 1982, pp. 40-42, 45-46.

Spatt, Hartley. "William Morris and the Uses of the Past." Victorian Poetry 13.3-4 (1975): 1-9.

Struve, Laura. "The Public Life and Private Desires of Women in William Morris's 'Defence of Guenevere'." Arthuriana 6.3 (1996): 15-28.

Ward, Megan. "William Morris's Conditional Moment." RaVon: Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net (Summer 2009).

Defence articles from the Journal of William Morris Studies:

Berry, Ralph. "The Symbolism of William Morris." JWMS 3.4 (Winter 1978): 20-34.

Boos, Florence. "The Defence of Guenevere: Morris's Critique of Medieval Violence," JWMS, 18.4 (Summer 2010), 8-21.

Braesel, Michaela. "The Influence of Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts on the Pre-Raphaelites and the Early Poetry of William Morris."JWMS 15.4 (2004): 41-54.

Faulkner, Peter. "Morris and Pre-Raphaelitism," JWMS 19.4 (Summer 2012), 40-62.

Faulkner, Peter. "Morris and Tennyson," JWMS 18.3 (Winter 2009), 15-51.

Faulkner, Peter. "William Morris and Robert Browning," JWMS 2013 (Winter 2013), 13-30.

Frith, Richard. "The Defence of Yseult: Swinburne's Queen Yseult and Wiliam Morris." JWMS 18.1 (Winter 2008), 85-95.

Firth, Richard. "'Honorable and Nobel Adventures': Courtly and Chivalric Idealism in Morris's Froissartian Poems," JWMS 17.3 (Winter 2007).

Helsinger, Elizabeth. "Lyric Colour: Pre-Raphaelite Art and Morris's The Defence of Guenevere." JWMS 15.2 (2004): 16-40.

Hodgson, Amanda. "Riding Together: William Morris and Robert Browning."JWMS 9.4 (Spring 1992): 3-7.

Hoskins, Robert. "Image and Motif in The Haystack in the Floods." JWMS 3.2 (Summer 1976): 4-7.

Jackson, Vanessa Furse. "'Two Red Roses Across the Moon'-Reconsidering Symbolic Implications." Vanessa Furse Jackson, JWMS 12.1 (Autumn 1996): 29-34.

Miles, Rosie. "Illustrating Morris: The Work of Jessie King and Maxwell Armfield."JWMS 15.2 (2004):109-135.

Lewis, Celia M. "The Individual and the Violence of History: The Froissart Poems of William Morris’s The Defence of Guenevere and Walter Benjamin’s 'Theses on the Philosophy of History.'" JWMS 21.4 (Summer 2016): 34-49.

Schofield, John. "The Defence of Guenevere and Contemporary Critics." JWMS 3.1 (Spring 1974): 27-30.

Williams, Todd O. "Teaching Morris's Early Dream Poems through the Three Registers." Todd O. Williams, JWMS 17.2 (Summer 2007): 99-114.

Wong, Alexander. "William Morris's The Defence of Guenevere." JWMS 19.1 (Winter 2010), 52-65.

Zasempa, Marek. "Poetics of Absence in Morris's 'Concerning Geffray Teste Noire': Between Reality and Visualisation." JWMS 21.3 (Winter 2015).

The Life and Death of Jason

Boos, Florence. “Jason’s ‘Wise’ Women: Gender and Morris’s First Romantic Epic.” Writing on the Image: Reading William Morris, edited David Latham. University of Toronto Press, 2007. 41-58.

Boos, Florence. The Pattern of William Morris's 'The Earthly Paradise.' Mellen, 1990.

Faulkner, Peter. Against the Age: An Introduction to William Morris. London: George Allen and Unwin, 1980, pp. 37-46. [see selections below]

Faulkner, Peter. William Morris: The Critical Heritage. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1973, pp. 50-76.

Gibbs, Allegra. "William Morris' Use of Classical Sources in The Life and Death of Jason: A Classicist's Reading." M. Litt., University of Edinburgh, 1992.

Kermode, Helen Sybil. "The Classical Sources of Morris's Life and Death of Jason." Primitiae: Essays in English Literature by Students of the University of Liverpool. Liverpool and London, 1912, 158-82.

Kirchhoff, Frederick. William Morris. Boston: Twayne, 1979, pp. 61-66. 

Mench, Martha D. The Argonautic Tradition in William Morris’ s “The Life and Death of Jason”: A Study in Poetic Eclecticism. Dissertation Abstracts 29 (1968): 1212A Yale Unversity.

Morris, May. Introduction, The Collected Works of William Morris, vol. 2: The Life and Death of Jason. London: Longmans, 1910, ix-xxviii. 

Oberg, Charlotte. A Pagan Prophet: William Morris. Charlottesville: University of Virginia, 1978, pp. 75-85. [see selections below]

Silver, Carole. The Romance of William Morris. Athens: Ohio University Press, 1982, 50-55.

Tompkins, J. M. William Morris: An Approach to the Poetry. London: Cecil Woolf, 1984, 89-95.

Jason articles from the Journal of William Morris Studies:

Miles, Rosie. "Illustrating Morris: The Work of Jessie King and Maxwell Armfield."JWMS 15.2 (2004): 109-135.


Tales Omitted from The Earthly Paradise

Anderson, Karl. "The Wooing of Swanhild, " from Karl Anderson, "The Beginning of Morris's Interest in the History and Literature of Early Scandinavia: 1834-1870," Chapter 1, "Scandinavian Elements in the Works of William Morris," Unpub. dissertation, Harvard, 1940. [also includes discussion of "In Arthur's House"]

Boos, Florence. "The Evolution of the Wanderers' Prologue," Papers on Language and Literature 20.4 (1984), 397-417. 

Boos, Florence. "The Story of Orpheus and Eurydice": An Omitted Earthly Paradise Tale," Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies 4.1 (November, 1983): 58-86.Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies 4.1 (November, 1983): 58-86. 

Goodwin, K.L. “An Unpublished Tale from The Earthly Paradise.” Victorian Poetry, 13 (Fall- Winter 1975): 91-102.

Holzman, Michael. "The First Version of 'The Wanderers'," The Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies 3.1(1982): 91-104. 

Latham, David. "Literal and Literary Texts: Morris' 'Story of Dorothea,'" Victorian Poetry 34.3 (Autumn 1996): 329-39.

Litzenberg, Karl. "The Wooing of Swanhild." From "Contributions of the Old Norse Language and Literature to the Style and Substance of the Writings of William Morris, 1856-76." Dissertation, University of Michigan, 1933. Chapter 3.3 The Wooing of Swanhild 210-228 

The Earthly Paradise

Anderson, Karl. Discussion of "The Lovers of Gudrun," "The Story of Aslaug." "Scandinavian Elements in the Works of William Morris." Diss., Harvard University, 1940.

("The Story of Aslaug," pp. 120-27.)

("Gudrun," 64-109.)

Anderson, Karl. Discussion of Morris and the Earthly Paradise in "Scandinavian Elements in the Works of William Morris." Diss., Harvard University, 1940, 13-38.

Balch, Dennis, "'The Lovers of Gudrun,' Sigurd the Volsung, and The House of the Wolfings: Three Chapters in a Tale of the Individual and the Tribe," After Summer Seed: Reconsiderations of William Morris's Sigurd the Volsung, Shiremanstown, Pennsylvania: William Morris Society in the United States, 1977. 

Boos, Florence S. "The Structure of Morris's Tales for the Oxford and Cambridge Magazine," Victorian Periodicals Review, Vol. 20, No. 1 (Spring, 1987), pp. 2-12

Boos, Florence. "Sources for Morris's 'Wanderers' Prologue.'" American Notes and Queries 22.5-6 (1984): 73-78.

Boos, Florence. "Ten Journeys to the Venusberg: Morris' Drafts for The Hill of Venus" Victorian Poetry, Vol. 39 (Winter,2001): 597-616.

Calhoun, Blue. "Pastoral: The Mood of Idleness," 61-62 and "The Four Seasons of Man and Society: The General Structure and Volume I, " 117-128; "The Burning Days of Mid-summer Suns: Volume II," in The Pastoral Vision of William Morris. U Georgia: Athens, 1975, 146-77.

Cowan, Yuri. "Everyday Material Culture in the Medieval Tales of the Earthly Paradise," William Morris and the Art of the Everyday, ed. Wendy Parkins, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholar Press, 2010.

Ellison, Ruth C. "'The Undying Glory of Dreams': William Morris and 'The Northland of Old,'" Victorian Poetry, ed. M. Bradbury and D. Palmer. London: E. Arnold, 1972, 138-75.

Ellison, Ruth. "An Unpublished Poem by William Morris," English 15 (Autumn, 1964): 100-102.

Goodwin, Kenneth. "Unpublished Lyrics of William Morris." Yearbook of English Studies 5(1975): 190-206.

Helsinger, Elizabeth. "Chromatic States" and "Designing The Earthly Paradise," Poetry and the Pre-Raphaelite Arts: Dante Gabriel Rossetti and William Morris, New Haven: Yale, 2008, 112-118, 199-217.

Hodgson, Amanda. "'The Highest Poetry': Epic Narrative in The Earthly Paradise and Idylls of the King," Victorian Poetry (1996): 341-54.

Julian, Linda. "Laxdaela Saga and 'The Lovers of Gudrun': Morris' Poetic Vision." Victorian Poetry (1996): 355-71.

Kierstead, Christopher. Victorian Poetry, Europe, and the Challenge of Cosmopolitanism. Ohio State University Press, 2011, 143-177.  Chapter 6: "Affinity versus Isolation: Cosmopolitanism and the Racial Dynamics of Morris's Europe"

Kocmanova, Jesse. "The Poetic Maturing of William Morris: From the Earthly Paradise to the Pilgrims of Hope." Brno Studies in English, vol. 5, 1964. Reprinted; Folcroft: Folcroft Library Editions, 1970.

Latham, David. "Paradise Lost: Morris's Re-writing of The Earthly Paradise." Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies 1.1 (Part 1): 67-76.

Latham, David. “Writing on the Image: How We Write and How We Might Write.” In Writing on the Image: Reading William Morris.  Ed. David Latham. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007: 3-16.

Litzenberg, Karl. "Contributions of the Old Norse Language and Literature to the Style and Substance of the Writings of William Morris, 1856-76." Dissertation, University of Michigan, 1933. Chapter 3.4 The Fostering of Aslaug 229-244 Chapter 3.5 The Lovers of Gudrun 245-275 

Litzenberg, Karl. "Allusions to the Elder Edda in the 'Non-Norse Poems of William Morris." Scandinavian Studies 14(1935-37): 17-24.

Litzenberg, Karl. "Tyrfing into Excalibur? A Note on William Morris's Unfinished Poem, 'In Arthur's House'," Scandinavian Studies 15 (1938-39): 81-83.

Litzenberg, Karl. "William Morris and the Heimskringla." Scandinavian Studies 14(1935-36): 33-39.

Litzenberg, Karl. "William Morris and the 'Literary' Tradition." Michigan Alumnus 53(1946): 48-55.

Litzenberg, Karl. "William Morris and Scandinavian Literature: A Bibliographical Essay." Scandinavian Studies 13(1933-35): 93-105.

Mauer, Oscar. "William Morris's Treatment of Greek Legend in The Earthly Paradise." Texas University Studies in English 33 (1954): 103-18.

Mauer, Oscar. "William Morris and Gesta Romanorum." Studies in Language, Literature, and Culture of the Middle Ages and Later. Ed. E. B. Atwood. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1969, 367-81.

Mauer, Oscar. "William Morris and the Laxdaela Saga." Texas Studies in Language and Literature 5(1963): 422-37.

Mauer, Oscar. "William Morris and the Poetry of Escape." Nineteenth Century Studies. Ed. H. Davies, William DeVane, and R. C. Bald. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1940, 247-76.

McGann, Jerome. "The Beauty of Medusa." Studies in Romanticism 11.1(1972): 3-25.

Morris, May. "Narrative Poetry: The Earthly Paradise" and "Workshop Notes." William Morris: Artist, Writer, Socialist. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1936, vol. 1, 396-440.

Morris, May. Remarks on Early Drafts for The Earthly ParadiseCollected Works 3, 628-32, Collected Works 21, xviii-xix

Morris, May. William Morris: Artist, Writer, Socialist, Oxford: Blackwells, 1936, 404-36. 

Oberg, Charlotte, "The Role of the Hero," chapter II, A Pagan Prophet: William Morris, Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 1978.

---------. "Conclusion." Ibid.

Riegel, Julius. Die Quellen von William Morris' Dichtung The Earthly Paradise. Erlangen & Leipzig. A. Deichert'sche Verlagsbuchh. Nachf. (Gerog Böhme), 1890.

Silver, Carole. "The Earthly Paradise: Lost." Victorian Poetry 13.3-4 (1975): 27-42.

Strode, Elizabeth. "The Crisis of The Earthly Paradise: Morris and Keats." Victorian Poetry 13.3-4 (1975): 71-81.

Thomas, Jane. "Morris and the Muse: Gender and Aestheticism in William Morris's 'Pygmalion and the Image.' Writing on the Image: Reading William Morris, ed. David Latham. Toronto: University of Toronto, 2007, 61-72.

Thompson, Tollef B., "Skandinavischer Einfluss auf William Morris in den ersten Studien (The Earthly Paradise). Inaugural-Dissertation, Koniglichen Universitat zu Greifswald, Berlin, 1901.

Wahl, John Robert. "The Mood of Energy and the Mood of Idleness: A Note on The Earthly Paradise." English Studies in Africa 2.1 (1959): 90-97.

Earthly Paradise articles from the Journal of William Morris Studies:

Faulkner, Peter. "The Story of Alcestis in William Morris and Ted Hughes,"JWMS 16/23 (2005): 56-79.

Love is Enough

Boos, Florence. “'The Banners of the Spring to Be’: The Dialectical Pattern of Morris’s Later Poetry.” English Studies 81 (2000): 1-27.

Boos, Florence. "Love Is Enough as Secular Theodicy." Papers in Language and Literature 24 (1988), 53-80.

Colvin, Sidney. Review of Love Is EnoughFortnightly Review, 1 January 1873, XIII, 147-48.

Dunlap, Benjamin. "Bear Me Witness to Love: Morris's Love is Enough." Victorians Institute Journal 2 (1973), 3-21.

Herbert, Karen. "No 'Fourth Wall': The Experience of Drama in William Morris's Love is Enough," English Studies in Canada 17.3 (1991), 301-17.

Kirchhoff, Frederick. "Love is Enough: A Crisis in William Morris' Poetic Development." Victorian Poetry 15 (1977), 297-306.

Morris, May, ed. The Collected Works of William Morris. Introduction to Vol. 9. Love Is Enough and Poems by the Way. London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1911.

Simcox, G. A. Review, Academy, December 1872, vol. 3, 461-62.

Tompkins, J. M. S. William Morris: An Approach to the Poetry. London: Cecil Woolf, 1988, 202-227.

Wilson, John R. "William Morris's Love is Enough: A Parabolic Morality." Pre-Raphaelite Review 1 (1977), 16-26.

Sigurd the Volsung

Anderson, George K., trans. and ed., The Saga of the Völsungs, Together with Excerpts from the Nornageststháttr and Three Chapters from the Prose Edda. Newark: University of Delaware, 1982.

Anderson, Karl. "Scandinavian Elements in the Works of William Morris." Diss. Harvard, 1940. "Sigurd the Volsung," pp. 233-67. Also see headnote, "Manuscripts and Revisions."

Balch, Dennis,"'The Lovers of Gudrun,' Sigurd the Volsung, and The House of the Wolfings: Three Chapters in a Tale of the Individual and the Tribe," After Summer Seed: Reconsiderations of William Morris's Sigurd the Volsung, ed. John Hollow. Shiremanstown, Pennsylvania: William Morris Society in the United States, 1978.

Blench, J. W., "William Morris's Sigurd the Volsung: A Re-appraisal, " The Durham University Journal, OS 41, NS 30 (1968).

Boos, Florence. “'The Banners of the Spring to Be’: The Dialectical Pattern of Morris’s Later Poetry.” English Studies 81 (2000): 1-27.

Cumming, Mark, "The Structure of Sigurd the Volsung," Victorian Poetry 21 (Winter 1983), 403-14.

Dentith, Simon. Epic and Empire in Nineteenth-Century Britain. Cambridge UP, pp. 71-83.

Dentith, Simon. Morris, ''The Great Story of the North,' and the Barbaric Past." Journal of Victorian Culture 14.2 (2009).

Frith, Richard, "The Worship of Courage: William Morris's Sigurd the Volsung and Victorian Medievalism." Beyond Arthurian Romances: the Reach of Victorian Medievalism, eds. Jennifer A. Palmgren and Lorretta M. Holloway. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005, 117-32.

Gray, Donald J. "Arthur, Roland, Empedocles, Sigurd, and the Despair of Heroes in Victorian "Imagery of Gold in Sigurd the Volsung." Jane Ennis, 20-26. Poetry," Boston University Studies in English 5 (spring 1961), 1-17.

Gutman, Robert W., ed., William Morris, trans., Volsung Saga: The Story of the Volsungs and Niblungs (New York: Collier, 1962).

Hoare, Dorothy, The Works of Morris and Yeats in Relation to Early Saga Literature (Cambridge: University Press, 1937).

Hollow, John. "Introduction: Sinfiotli," After Summer Seed: Reconsiderations of William Morris's Sigurd the Volsung, ed. John Hollow. Shiremanstown, Pennsylvania: William Morris Society in the United States, 1978, 2-12.

Kierstead, Victorian Poetry, Europe, and the Challenge of Cosmopolitanism. Ohio State University Press, 2011, 143-177.  Chapter 6: "Affinity vs. Isolation: Cosmopolitanism and the Racial Dynamics of Morris's Europe."

Leiblein, Emil. Prinzipien und Andwendung des Stabreims in W. Morris' "Sigurd the Volsung." Amorbach: Gottlob Volkhardsche Druckerei, 1913.

Litzenberg, Karl. "Contributions of the Old Norse Language and Literature to the Style and Substance of the Writings of William Morris, 1856-76."Diss., University of Michigan, 1933. Chapter 3.6 Sigurd the Volsung 276-326

Litzenberg, Karl. "William Morris and Scandinavian Literature: A Bibliographical Essay." Scandinavian Studies and Notes, January 1, 1933, 93-105.

Litzenberg, Karl. "William Morris and the Heimskringla." Scandinavian Studies 14(1935-36): 33-39.

Litzenberg, Karl. "William Morris and the 'Literary' Tradition." Michigan Alumnus 53(1946): 48-55.

Lowe, Luella, "William Morris' Mythological Adaptations in Sigurd the Volsung," M.A. Thesis University of Iowa, 1941.

Magnusson, Eirikr and William Morris, trans., The Story of the Volsungs (London: WaIter Scott, 1888), pp. 105-107.

McDowell, George Tremaine. "The Treatment of the Volsunga Saga by William Morris." Scandinavian Studies 7 (February 1923), 151-68.

Meredith, Emily, "Iceland and William Morris: In Search of the Whole," After Summer Seed: Reconsiderations of William Morris's Sigurd the Volsung, Shiremanstown, Pennsylvania: William Morris Society in the United States, 1977, 71-87.

Morris, May, intro. The Collected Works of William Morris. Vol. 12. London: Longmans, 1911.

O'Donoghue, Heather. English Poetry and Old Norse Myth: A History. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014.

Silver, Carole, The Romance of William Morris, Ohio University Press, 1982, 111-119.

Sossaman, Stephen, "William Morris's Sigurd the Volsung and the Pre-Raphaelite Visual Aesthetic," Pre-Raphaelite Review, 1 (May, 1978), 81-90.

Spatt, Hartley, "Morrissaga: Sigurd the Volsung,"After Summer Seed: Reconsiderations of William Morris's Sigurd the Volsung, ed. John Hollow. Shiremanstown, Pennsylvania: William Morris Society in the United States, 1977.

Tompkins, J. M. S. "Sigurd the Volsung," in William Morris: An Approach to the Poetry. London: Cecil Woolf, 1988, 228-275.

Tucker, Herbert, "All for the Tale: The Epic Macropoetics of Morris' Sigurd the Volsung," Victorian Poetry 34.3 (1996): 373-394. 

Ugolnik, Anthony."The Victorian Skald: Old Icelandic and the Evolution of William Morris' Sigurd the Volsung," After Summer Seed: Reconsiderations of William Morris's Sigurd the Volsung, ed. John Hollow. Shiremanstown, Pennsylvania: William Morris Society in the United States, 1978.

Ullal, Kathleen. "'And my deeds shall be remembered, and my name that once was nought': Regin's Role in Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the Niblungs." JWMS 19.4 (Summer 2012), 63-73.

Van Doorn, Willem. Theory and Practice of English Narrative Verse Since 1833. Amsterdam: N. V. de Arbeiderspers, 1932; reprinted Folcroft, Pa.: Folcroft, 1770, 62-81.

Sigurd articles from the Journal of William Morris Studies:

Ennis, Jane, "The Role of Grimhild in Sigurd the Volsung,"JWMS 8.3 (Autumn 1989): 13-23.

Ennis, Jane, "Imagery of Gold in Sigurd the Volsung,"JWMS 11.4 (Spring 1996): 20-26.

Poems by the Way

Anderson, Karl. "The Culmination of Morris's Interest in the North: 1871-1876," chap. 2, "Scandinavian Elements in the Works of William Morris." Diss., Harvard, 1970. [chapter on Morris's ballad translations, pp. 146-232]

Boos, Florence. “'The Banners of the Spring to Be’: The Dialectical Pattern of Morris’s Later Poetry.” English Studies 81 (2000): 1-27.

De Vega, Hope. Introduction to "Los Peregrino de la Esperanza: A Bilingual English-Spanish Edition of William Morris' The Pilgrims of Hope." M. A. Thesis, University of Iowa, 2006. 

Ellison, Ruth. "An Unpublished Poem by William Morris," English 15 (Autumn, 1964): 100-102.

Elton, Oliver, review, Academy. February 1892, vol. 41, 197.

Faulkner, Peter. "The Male as Lover, Fool and Hero: 'Goldilocks' and the Late Prose Romances." Victorian Poetry 34.3 (1996): 413-24.

Garnett, Richard, review, Illustrated London News, January 9th, 1892. 

George, J.A. “A Very Private Gesture: William Morris’ ‘A Book of Verse’ and its Public Sequel.” Private and Public Voices in Victorian Poetry. Ed. Sabine Coelsch-Foisner and Holger Klein. Tubinger: Stauffenburg Verlag, 2000. 103-10.

Goodwin, Kenneth. "The Summation of a Poetic Career: Poems by the Way," Victorian Poetry 34.3 (1996): 397-410.

Henville, Letitia. “Late Victorian Ballad Translation.” Diss. University of Toronto, 2016.

Latham, David, ed. and intro. Poems by the Way, Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 1994.

Latham, David. Tales Omitted from The Earthly Paradise. William Morris Archive online. 

Litzenberg, Karl. “Contributions of the Old Norse Language and Literature to the Style and Substance of the Writings of William Morris, 1856-76.” Diss. U of Michigan, 1933.

Morris, May. Introduction. The Collected Works of William Morris. Vol. 9. Ed. May Morris. London: Longmans, 1911. xxxiv-xxxix.

Waters, Chris. "Morris's Chants and the Problem of Socialist Culture." Socialism and the Literary Artistry of William Morris, edited Florence Boos and Carole Silver. Columbia, Missouri: University of Missouri Press, 1990.

Poems articles from the Journal of William Morris Studies:

Salmon, Nicholas. "The Communist Poet-Laureate: William Morris's Chants for Socialists." JWMS 14.3 (Winter 2001): 31-40.

Salmon, Nicholas. "The Serialisation of The Pilgrims of Hope." JWMS 12.2 (Spring 1997): 14-25.

Pilgrims of Hope

Boos, Florence. "Narrative Design in The Pilgrims of Hope." Socialism and the Literary Artistry of William Morris, edited Florence Boos and Carole Silver. Columbia, Missouri: University of Missouri Press, 1990.

De Vega, Hope. Introduction to "Los Peregrino de la Esperanza: A Bilingual English-Spanish Edition of William Morris' The Pilgrims of Hope." M. A. Thesis, University of Iowa, 2006.

Holzman, Michael, "Propaganda, Passion, and Literary Art in William Morris's The Pilgrims of Hope," Texas Studies in Literature and Language 24.4 (Winter 1982), 372-93.

The House of the Wolfings

Anderson, Karl, "Scandinavian Influences in The House of the Wolfings," in "Scandinavian Influences in the Works of William Morris," Diss., Harvard University, 304-305

Bono, Barbara J. "The Prose Fictions of William Morris: A Study in the Literary Aesethetic of a Victorian Social Reformer," Victorian Poetry 13.3 and 4 (1975), 43-59. Also discusses other prose romances.

Boos, Florence. “Morris’s German Romances as Socialist History,” Victorian Studies 27.3 (Spring, 1984): 321-42.

Hewlett, Henry, review, Nineteenth Century, August 1889, 26, 337-41.

Mathews, Richard. "Introduction," A Tale of the House of the Wolfings and all the Kindreds of the Mark. North Hollywood, Calif.: Newcastle, 1978.

May Morris's Remarks on the Prose Romances, especially The House of the Wolfings and The Roots of the Mountains, May Morris, William Morris: Artist, Writer, Socialist, Oxford: Blackwells, 1936, 509-16. 

Oberg, Charlotte. "The Uses of History," in A Pagan Prophet: William Morris, Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 1978.

Unsigned review. Atlantic Monthly, June 1890, 65, 851-54.

Valentine, K. B. "Motifs from Nature in the Design Work and Prose Romances of William Morris, 1876-1896," Victorian Poetry 13,3 and 4(1975), 83-89.

Vaninskaya, Anna. "William Morris's Germania: The Roots of Socialism," in William Morris in the 21st Century, eds. Phillippa Bennett and Rosie Miles, New York: Peter Lang, 2010.

Vaninskaya, Anna. "William Morris: The Myth of the Fall," JWMS 18.3 (2009), 48-57.

Wolfings articles from the Journal of William Morris Studies:

Salmon, Nicholas. "A Study in Victorian Historiography: William Morris's Germanic Romances." JWMS 14.2 (Spring 2001): 59-89.

The Roots of the Mountains

Anderson, Karl. "Scandinavian Elements in The Roots of the Mountains," from "Scandinavian Elements in the Works of William Morris." Diss. Harvard University, 1940, 319-35.

Boos, Florence. “Morris’s German Romances as Socialist History,” Victorian Studies 27.3 (Spring, 1984): 321-42.

Mathews, Richard. "William Morris's Roots: History into Metaphor." Cahiers Victoriens et Edouardiens 16 (1982), 69-76.

Morris, May, Remarks on the Prose Romances, especially The House of the Wolfings and The Roots of the Mountains, May Morris, William Morris: Artist, Writer, Socialist, Oxford: Blackwells, 1936, 509-16. 

Shippey, T. A. "'Goths and Huns: The Rediscovery of the Northern Cultures in the Nineteenth Century," in The Medieval Legacy: A Symposium, ed. Andreas Haarder, et al. Odense: Odense University Press, 1982, 51-69.

Vaninskaya, Anna, "William Morris's Germania: The Roots of Socialism," in William Morris in the 21st Century, eds. Phillippa Bennett and Rosie Miles, New York: Peter Lang, 2010.

Roots articles from the Journal of William Morris Studies:

Hansen, Regina. "Forms of Friendship in The Roots of the Mountains." JWMS 11.3 (Autumn 1995): 19-21.

A Dream of John Ball

Boos, Florence. "History as Fellowship in Morris's Literary Writings." William Morris Today, 1981.

Boos, Florence. “Victorian Alternative Futures: ‘Historicism,’ Past and Present, and A Dream of John Ball,” in History and Community: Essays in Victorian Medievalism, ed. Florence Boos. New York: Garland Publishing Inc., 1992, 3-37.

Courtney, Julia. "Versions of the Past, Problems of the Present, Hopes for the Future: Morris and Others Rewrite the Peasants' Revolt." JWMS 21.2 (Summer 2015).

Cowan, Yuri. "'Paradyse Erthly': John Ball and the Medieval Dream-Vision," Writing on the Image: Reading William Morris. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007: 137-53.

Faulkner, Peter. William Morris and the Idea of England. London: William Morris Society, 1992.

Grennan, Margaret. William Morris: Medievalist to Revolutionary. New York: King's Crown Press, 1945, Chapter 4, John Ball.

Guy, Josephine M. "William Morris: Tradition and revolution," The British Avant-Garde: The Theory and Politics of Tradition. New York and London: Harvester, 1991, 119-38.

Hilton, Rodney. The Change Beyond the Change: A Dream of John Ball. William Morris Society, 1990.

Holzman, Michael. "The Encouragement and Warning of History: William Morris's A Dream of John Ball." Socialism and the Literary Artistry of William Morris, eds. Florence Boos and Carole Silver. Columbia, Missouri: U Missouri Press, 1990, 98-116.

Jones, Leslie S.A. "The People's Uprising of 1381," Jubilee Group and National Museum of Labour History publication, 1981. 

Kegel, Charles H. "William Morris's A Dream of John Ball: A Study in Reactionary Liberalism." Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters: 1954, 40, part 4 (1955), 303-312. 

Kocmanova, Jessie. "Two Uses of the Dream-Form as a Means of Confronting the Present with the National Past: William Morris and Svatopluk Cech." Brno Studies in English 2 (1960), 113-48.

Latham, David.  “‘Between Hell and England’: Finding Ourselves in the Present Text.” William Morris in the Twenty-First Century. Ed. Phillippa Bennett and Rosie Miles. Oxford and Berne: Peter Lang, 2010. 193-208.

Miller, Elizabeth Carolyn. "No News Is Good News: William Morris's Utopian Print: Orality and Print Culture," in News from Nowhere and A Dream of John Ball," Slow Print: Literary Radicalism and Late Victorian Print Culture. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2013, 58-67.

Oberg, Charlotte. Chapter VII, "The Uses of History," A Pagan Prophet: William Morris. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 1978.

John Ball articles from the Journal of William Morris Studies:

Basdeo, Stephen. “‘That Robin Hood should bring us John Ball’: William Morris’s References to the Outlaw in A Dream of John Ball (1888).” JWMS 23.2 (Summer 2019): 54-65.

Salmon, Nicholas. "A Reassessment of A Dream of John Ball." JWMS 14.2 (Spring 2001):29-38.

Salmon, Nicholas. "The Revision of A Dream of John Ball." JWMS 10.2 (Spring 1993): 15-17.

Timo, Helen. "'A Not So Golden Age': The Genesis of Morris's A King's Lesson."JWMS 7.4 (Spring 1988): 16-18.

News from Nowhere

Beaumont, Matthew. "To Live in the Present: News from Nowhere and the Representation of the Present in Late Victorian Utopian Fiction," Writing on the Image: Reading William Morris, ed. David Latham. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007, 119-136.

Boos, Florence et alia, An illustrated on-line edition of News from Nowhere

Boos, Florence S. "News From Nowhere and 'Garden Cities': Morris's Utopia and Nineteenth-Century Town-Design." Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies n. s. 7.2 (Fall 1998): 5-27.

Boos, Florence S. "An (Almost) Egalitarian Sage: William Morris and Nineteenth-Century Socialist-Feminism." Victorian Sages and Cultural Discourse: Renegotiating Gender and Power, ed. Thais E. Morgan, New Brunswick and London: Rutgers University Press, 1990.

Boos, Florence S. "The Ideal Everyday Life in William Morris' News from Nowhere." The Literary Utopias of Cultural Communities, 1790-1910. (DQR Studies in Literature, vol. 46, 2010): 141-170.

Boos, Florence S. and William Boos. "News from Nowhere and Victorian Socialist Feminism." Nineteenth-Century Contexts 14.1 (1990): 3-32.

Boos, Florence and William Boos. "Orwell's Morris and 'Old Major's' Dream," English Studies 71.4 (1990): 361-71.

Boos, Florence and William. "The Utopian Communism of William Morris." History of Political Thought 7.3 (1986): 489-510.

Boos, Florence S. "Personal and Political Lieux d'Anticipation in News from Nowhere." William Morris, News from Nowhere, Ouvrage Collectif Coordonné par Béatrice Laurent (Éditions du Temps: Nantes, 2004): 93-107.

Boos, Florence S. “Mapping Utopia: News from Nowhere Online.” Useful and Beautiful, William Morris Society in the United States, Summer/Fall 2019: 29-30.

Campbell, Wanda. "Clothes from Nowhere: Costume as Social Symbol in the Work of William Morris." Writing on the Image: Reading William Morris, ed. David Latham. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007, 107-17.

Carré, Jacques. "Architecture, Utopia and History in Morris's Thought ." Morris Day, January 2005, Universite Paris 13, Jacques Carré (Université Paris IV-Sorbonne).

Donaldson, Laura. "Boffin in Paradise, or the Artistry of Reversal in News from Nowhere." Socialism and the Literary Artistry of William Morris. Eds. Florence S. Boos and Carole G. Silver. (Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 1990): 26-60.

Duncan, George W. J. “Return to Nowhere: Revisiting Morris’s Utopian Romance.” Useful and Beautiful, William Morris Society in the United States, 2012-2013.

Faldet, David. "The River at the Heart of Morris's Ecological Thought." Writing on the Image: Reading William Morris, ed. David Latham. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007, 73-84.

Frye, Northrop. "The Meeting of Past and Future in William Morris." Studies in Romanticism, Fall 1982, Vol.21(3), p.303

Hale, Piers J. "William Morris, Human Nature and the Biology of Utopia," William Morris in the Twenty-First Century, eds. Phillippa Bennett and Rosie Miles, Peter Lang, 2010, 107-127.

Herbert, Karen. "News from Nowhere as Autoethnography: A Future History of 'Home Colonization'. Writing on the Image: Reading William Morris, ed. David Latham. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007, 85-106.

Holzman, Michael. "Anarchism and Utopia: William Morris's News from Nowhere." ELH, Vol. 51, No. 3 (Autumn, 1984), pp. 589-603

Johnson, Lionel. Review, Academy, 23 May, 1891, xxxix, 483-84.

Kelvin, Norman, "The Erotic in News from Nowhere and The Well at World's End." Studies in the Late romances of William Morris: Papers Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Modern Language Association, December 1975. New York: William Morris Society, 1976. 

Kinna, Ruth. "Socialist Fellowship and the Woman Question." Writing on the Image: Reading William Morris, ed. David Latham. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007, 183-196.

Latham, David. "Between Hell and England: Finding Ourselves in the Present Text," William Morris in the Twenty-First Century, eds. Phillippa Bennett and Rosie Miles, Peter Lang, 2010, 193-207.

Latham, David. "'To Frame a Desire': Morris's Ideology of Work and Play." Writing on the Image: Reading William Morris, ed. David Latham. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007, 155-172.

Liberman, Michael. "Major Textual Changes in William Morris's News from Nowhere." Nineteenth-Century Literature 41.3 (1966): 349-56.

Lloyd, Trevor. "The Politics of William Morris's News from Nowhere." Albion: A Quarterly Journal Concerned with British Studies, Vol. 9, No. 3 (Autumn, 1977), pp. 273-28

MacDonald, Alexander. "Bellamy, Morris, and the Great Victorian Debate." Socialism and the Literary Artistry of William Morris. Eds. Florence S. Boos and Carole G. Silver. (Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 1990): 74-87.

Marsh, Jan. "Concerning Love: News From Nowhere and Gender." William Morris & News from Nowhere: A Vision for Our Time. Eds. Stephen Coleman and Paddy O'Sullivan. (Bideford, Devon: Green Books, 1990): 107-125.

Miller, Elizabeth Carolyn. "No News is Good News," from Slow Print: Literary Radicalism and Print Culture. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2013.

Parham, John. “Sustenance from the Past: Precedents to Sustainability in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture.” Literature and Sustainability: Concept, Text and Culture. Ed. Adeline Johns-Putra, John Parham, and Louise Squire. 2017. 33-51.

Queen, Michelle. “News from Nowhere: A Pilgrimage through Times and Genres.” Useful and Beautiful, William Morris Society in the United States, Winter 2019: 14-18.

Sargent, Lyman Tower. "William Morris and the Anarchist Tradition." Socialism and the Literary Artistry of William Morris. Eds. Florence S. Boos and Carole G. Silver. (Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 1990): 61-73.

Seys, Madeleine. ‘Museum Catalogue Record: William Morris’s News from Nowhere.’ Victorian Review: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Victorian Studies, 43.1 (2017): 30-35.

Smith, Peter. "Attractive Labour and Social Change: William Morris Now," William Morris in the Twenty-First Century, eds. Phillippa Bennett and Rosie Miles, Peter Lang, 2010, 129-150.

Talbot, Norman. "A Guest in the Future: News from Nowhere." Socialism and the Literary Artistry of William Morris. Eds. Florence S. Boos and Carole G. Silver. (Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 1990): 38-60.

Trouvé-Finding, Susan. "Real and Imaginary Topography in News from Nowhere." Morris Day, 8 January 2005, Université Paris 13, Susan Trouvé-Finding, Université de Poitiers

Watkinson, Ray. "The Obstinate Refusers: Work in News From Nowhere." William Morris & News from Nowhere: A Vision for Our Time. Eds. Stephen Coleman and Paddy O’Sullivan. (Bideford, Devon: Green Books, 1990): 91-106.

Wells, Lindsay. “‘A Thoughtful Sequence’: Text as Tapestry in William Morris’s News from Nowhere.” Useful and Beautiful, William Morris Society in the United States, Spring 2017: 21-22.

News articles from the Journal of William Morris Studies:

Baker, Lesley A. "An Old House Amongst New Folk." JWMS 8.4 (Spring 1990): 24-27.

Coleman, Roger. "Design and Technology in Nowhere." JWMS 9.2 (Spring 1991): 28-39.

Delveaux, Martin. "From Pastoral Arcadia to Stable-State Mini-Cities: Morris's News from Nowhere and Callenbach's Ecotopia." JWMS14.1 (Autumn 2000): 75-81.

Ebbatson, J. R. "Visions of Wild England: William Morris and Richard Jefferies." JWMS 3.3 (Spring 1977): 12-29.

Faulkner, Peter. "News from Nowhere in Recent Criticism." JWMS 5.3 (Summer 1983): 2-7.

Fellman, Michael. "Bloody Sunday and News from Nowhere." JWMS 8.4 (Spring 1990): 9-18.

Gagnier, Regina. "Morris's Ethics, Cosmopolitanism, and Globalisation." JWMS 16/23 (2005): 9-30.

Gilbert, Nathaniel. "The Landscape of Resistance in Morris's News from Nowhere." JWMS 16/23 (2005): 22-37.

Highfill, Jannett. "International Trade in News from Nowhere." JWMS 12.2 (Spring 1997): 31-35.

Holland, Owen. "Revisiting Morris's Socialist Internationalism: Reflections on Translation and Colonialism (with an annotated bibliography of translations of News from Nowhere, 1890-1915), JWMS 21.2 (Summer 2015).

Holm, Jan. "The Old Grumbler At Runnymede."JWMS 10.2 (Spring 1993): 17-21.

Jacobs, Naomi. "Beauty and the Body in News from Nowhere." JWMS 12.2 (Spring 1997): 26-30.

Kent, Eddy. "Green Cosmopolitanism in Morris's News from Nowhere." JWMS 19.3 (Winter 2011), 64-78.

Kinna, Ruth. "Time and Utopia: The Gap Between Morris and Bax," JWMS 18.3 (Winter 2009), 36-47.

Latham, David. "Hope and Change: Teaching News from Nowhere." JWMS 17.2 (Summer 2007): 6-23.

Laurent, Beatrice. "The Landscapes of Nowhere." JWMS 18.2 (Summer 2009), 52-64.

Leopold, David. "William Morris, News from Nowhere and the Function of Utopia," JWMS 22.1 (2016), 18-41.

Levitas, Ruth. "More, Morris, Utopia . . . and us," JWMS 22.1 (2016), 4-17.

Macdonald, Alex. "The Liveliness of News from Nowhere: Structure, Language and Allusion." JWMS 10.2 (Spring 1993): 22-26.

Macdonald, Alex. "The Revision of News from Nowhere." JWMS 3.2 (Summer 1976): 8-15.

Maloney, Kathleen. "Studying the Past, Envisioning the Future: Teaching History via William Morris's News from Nowhere. JWMS 17.2 (Summer 2007):41-53.

Marsh, Jan. "News from Nowhere as Erotic Dream." JWMS 8.4 (Spring 1990): 19-23.

Mayer, Jed, "A Darker Shade of Green: William Morris, Posthumanism, and Ecotstastrophe," JWMS 19.3 (Winter 2011), 79-92.

McKinstry, Susan Jaret. "Taking Our Eyes Out of Our Pockets: Teaching William Morris's Ideal Book." JWMS 17.2 (Summer 2007): 89-98.

Miles, Rosie. "Teaching Morris Online."JWMS 17.2 (Summer 2007): 4-72.\Miller, Elizabeth Carolyn. "Collections and Collectivity: William Morris in the Rare Book Room." JWMS 17.2 (Summer 2007):73-88.

Miller, Elizabeth Carolyn. "Collections and Collectivity: William Morris in the Rare Book Room." JWMS 17.2 (Summer 2007): 73-88.

Mineo, Ady. "Eros Unbound: Sexual Identities in News from Nowhere." JWMS 9.4 (Spring 1992): 8-14.

Nichols, Ashton. "Liberationist Sexuality and Nonviolent Resistance: The Legacy of Blake and Shelley in Morris's News from Nowhere." JWMS 10.4 (Spring 1994): 20-27.

O'Sullivan, Patrick. "!Homenaje a Aragon! News from Nowhere, Collectivisation and the Sustainable Future," JWMS 19.3 (Winter 2011), 93-111.

Pinkney, Tony. "Cycling in Nowhere."JWMS 13. 2 (Spring 1999): 28-33.

Pinkney, Tony. "The Dialectic of Nature in Nowhere," JWMS 19.3 (Winter 2011), 50-63.

Pinkney, Tony. "Edward Bellamy's Review of News from Nowhere." JWMS 20.1 (Winter 2012).

Pinkney, Tony. "Kinetic Utopias: H. G. Wells's A Modern Utopia and William Morris's News from Nowhere." Tony Pinkney, JWMS 16/23 (2005):49-55.

Pinkney, Tony. "News from Nowhere as Seance Fiction." JWMS 18.3 (Winer 2009), 29-47.

Pinkney, Tony. "News from Nowhere in Recent Criticism, revisited." JWMS 20.2 (Summer 2013).

Vervaecke, Philippe. "Teaching News from Nowhere in France for the CAPES and the Agrégation in English Studies, 2004-2006." JWMS17.2 (Summer 2007): 24-40.

Veselá, Pavla. “On the Way to Nowhere: The Revolutionary Politics of Time in The Pilgrims of Hope.” JWMS 24.4 (2022): 49-67.

Wood, Andrew J. “This Is A Pipe: The Aesthetic Object in Morris’s Nowhere.” JWMS 23.3 (2019): 17-35.

The Glittering Plain

Anderson, Karl. "Scandinavian Elements in The Story of the Glittering Plain," in "Scandinavian Elements in the Works of William Morris," Diss. Harvard University, 1940, 337-42.

Hoagwood, Terence. "The Art of Printing and 'The Land of Lies': The Story of the Glittering Plain," JWMS 18.1 (Winter 2008), 8-21.

Oberg, Charlotte. Chapter VII, "The Quester Triumphant: Man and Earth Made New," in A Pagan Prophet: William Morris, Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 1978.

Seaman, Graham. Introduction to The Glittering Plain. Marxists.org, 2003.

Talbot, Norman, ed. and intro. The Story of the Glittering Plain and Child Christopher. Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 1996.

Tyson, Nancy. "Art and Society in the Late Prose Narratives of William Morris," Pre-Raphaelite Review 1.2 (May, 1978), 1-11.

Valentine, K. B. "Motifs from Nature in the Design Work and Prose Romances of William Morris (1876-1896)," Victorian Poetry 13.3-4 (1975): 83-89.

Glittering Plain articles from the Journal of William Morris Studies:

Çelikkol, Ayşe. “The Planetary in Morris’s Late Romances.” JWMS 22.4 (Summer 2018): 15-30.

Dewan, Pauline. "Circular Designs in Morris's The Story of the Glittering Plain." JWMS 12.4 (Spring 1998): 15-20.

Geeraert, Dustin. "'The land which ye seek is the land which I seek to flee from': The Story of the Glittering Plain and Teutonic Democracy." JWMS 20.1 (Winter 2012), 18-35.

Hanson, Ingrid. "Morris's Late Style and the Irreconcilabilities of Desire," JWMS 19.4 (Summer 2012), 74-84.

Hoagwood, Terence. "The Art of Printing and 'The Land of Lies': The Story of the Glittering Plain," JWMS 18.1 (Winter 2008), 8-21.

Schenk, Gabriel, "The Living Past of William Morris's Late Romances," JWMS 19.2 (Summer 2011), 20-30.

Talbot, Norman. "The First Modern 'Secondary World' Fantasy: Morris's Craftsmanship in The Story of The Glittering Plain." JWMS 13. 2 (Spring 1999): 3-11.

The Wood Beyond the World

Anderson, Karl. "Scandinavian Elements in The Wood Beyond the World,"from "Scandinavian Elements in the Works of William Morris." Diss., Harvard University, 1940, 365-69.

Bennett, Phillippa. "Rejuvenating Our Sense of Wonder: The Last Romances of William Morris," from William Morris in the Twenty-First Century, eds. Phillippa Bennett and Rosie Miles, Peter Lang, 2010, 209-228.

Calhoun, B., & Modern Language Association of America. Studies in the late romances of William Morris: Papers presented at the annual meeting of the Modern Language Association, December 1975,New York: William Morris Society (1976).

Calhoun, Blue, “`The Little Land of Abundance’: Pastoral Perspective in the Late Romances of William Morris,” Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris,  New York: William Morris Society, 1976.

Faulkner, Peter. "The Male as Lover, Fool and Hero: 'Goldilocks' and the Late Prose Romances." Victorian Poetry 34.3 (1996): 413-24.

Hollow, John. “Deliberate Happiness: The Late Prose Romances of William Morris,” Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris,  New York: William Morris Society, 1976.

Kirchhoff, Frederick, “Introduction.” Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris,  New York: William Morris Society, 1976.

Mathews, Richard. Worlds Beyond the World: The Fantastic Vision of William Morris. San Bernardino, Calif: Borgo Press, 1978. 

Mendelson, Michael. "Opening Moves: The Entry into the Other World," Extrapolation 25 (1984): 171-79.

Morris, William, Letter to Spectator, 1885, vol. 75 (July-December) 

Oberg, Charlotte, “Motif and Theme in the Late Prose Romances of William Morris,” in Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris, with an introduction by Frederick Kirchhoff, New York: William Morris Society, 1976.

Silver, Carole. “Myth and Ritual in the Last Romances of William Morris.” Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris,  New York: William Morris Society, 1976.

Shippey, Tom. Introduction, The Wood Beyond the World. Oxford: OUP, 1980, v-xix.

Watts, Theodore. Unsigned review. Athenaeum, 2 March 1895, no. 3514, 273-74.

Wood Beyond the World articles from the Journal of William Morris Studies:

Çelikkol, Ayşe. “The Planetary in Morris’s Late Romances.” JWMS 22.4 (Summer 2018): 15-30.

Cooper, Jane S. "The Iceland Journeys and the Late Romances." JWMS 5.4 (Winter 1983-84): 40-59.

Dodds, Andrew. "A Structural Approach to The Wood Beyond the World."JWMS 7.2 (Spring 1987): 26-28.

Newman, Hilary. "The Influence of De La Motte Fouqué's Sintram and His Companions on William Morris's The Wood Beyond the World." JWMS 14.2 (2001): 47-53.

Newman, Hilary. "Water in William Morris's Late Prose Romances." JWMS 13.4 (Spring 2000): 41-47.

The Well at the World's End

Bennet, Phillippa, "Rejuvenating Our Sense of Wonder: The Last Romances of William Morris," William Morris in the Twenty-First Century, eds. Phillippa Bennett and Rosie Miles, Peter Lang, 2010, 209-228.

Bennett, Phillippa, "Conclusion: The Presentation of Wonder." in Wonderlands: The Last Romances of William Morris. Oxford, New York: Peter Lang, 2015.

Boos, Florence. “Gender Division and Political Allegory in The Last Romances of William Morris.” Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies I.2 (1992): 12-23.

Calhoun, B. et alia. Studies in the late romances of William Morris: Papers presented at the annual meeting of the Modern Language Association, December 1975, New York: William Morris Society, 1976.

Calhoun, Blue, “`The Little Land of Abundance’: Pastoral Perspective in the Late Romances of William Morris,” Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris,  New York: William Morris Society, 1976.

Hodgson, Amanda. "The Last Romances," The Romances of William Morris, Cambridge University Press, 1987, 164-69; also 186-197.

Hollow, John. “Deliberate Happiness: The Late Prose Romances of William Morris,” Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris,  New York: William Morris Society, 1976.

Kelvin, Norman, "The Erotic in News from Nowhere and The Well at World's End." Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris: Papers Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Modern Language Association, December 1975. New York: William Morris Society, 1976. 

Kirchhoff, Frederick, “Introduction.” Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris,  New York: William Morris Society, 1976.

Morris, May, Remarks on the Prose Romances, especially The House of the Wolfings and The Well at the World's End, William Morris: Artist, Writer, Socialist, Oxford: Blackwells, 1936, 509-16 [Well at World's End, 514-16]. 

Oberg, Charlotte, “Motif and Theme in the Late Prose Romances of William Morris,” in Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris, with an introduction by Frederick Kirchhoff, New York: William Morris Society, 1976.

Silver, Carole. “Myth and Ritual in the Last Romances of William Morris.” Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris,  New York: William Morris Society, 1976.

Swinburne, A. C., review, Nineteenth Century, November 1896, xl, 759-60.

Wells, H. G., review, Saturday Review, 17 October 1896, lxxxii, 413-15.

Yeats, W. B., review, Bookman, November 1896, x, 37-38.

Well at the World's End articles from the Journal of William Morris Studies:

Bennett, Philllippa. "Riot, Romance and Revolution: William Morris and the Art of War," JWMS 18.3 (2009), 22-35.

Birch, Dinah. "Morris and Myth: A Romantic Heritage."JWMS 7.1 (Autumn 1986): 5-11.

Çelikkol, Ayşe. “The Planetary in Morris’s Late Romances.” JWMS 22.4 (Summer 2018): 15-30.

Cooper, Jane S. "The Iceland Journeys and the Late Romances." JWMS 5.4 (Winter 1983-84): 40-59.

Newman, Hilary. "Water in William Morris's Late Prose Romances." JWMS 13.4 (Spring 2000): 41-47.

The Water of the Wondrous Isles

Bennet, Phillippa, "Rejuvenating Our Sense of Wonder: The Last Romances of William Morris," William Morris in the Twenty-First Century, eds. Phillippa Bennett and Rosie Miles, Peter Lang, 2010, 209-228.

Boos, Florence. “The Socialist New Woman in William Morris’s The Water of the Wondrous Isles,” Victorian Literature and Culture, Vol. 23(1995): 159-75.

Boos, Florence. “Gender Division and Political Allegory in The Last Romances of William Morris.” Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies I.2 (1992): 12-23.

Calhoun, B. et alia. Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris: Papers Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Modern Language Association, December 1975, New York: William Morris Society, 1976.

Calhoun, Blue, “`The Little Land of Abundance’: Pastoral Perspective in the Late Romances of William Morris,” Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris,  New York: William Morris Society, 1976.

Hollow, John. “Deliberate Happiness: The Late Prose Romances of William Morris,” Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris,  New York: William Morris Society, 1976.

Kirchhoff, Frederick, “Introduction.” Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris,  New York: William Morris Society, 1976.

Kelvin, Norman, "The Erotic in News from Nowhere and The Well at World's End." Studies in the late romances of William Morris: Papers presented at the annual meeting of the Modern Language Association, December 1975. New York: William Morris Society (1976).

May Morris's Remarks on the Prose Romances, May Morris, William Morris: Artist, Writer, Socialist, Oxford: Blackwells, 1936. 

Oberg, Charlotte, “Motif and Theme in the Late Prose Romances of William Morris,” in Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris, with an introduction by Frederick Kirchhoff, New York: William Morris Society, 1976.

Silver, Carole. “Myth and Ritual in the Last Romances of William Morris.” Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris,  New York: William Morris Society, 1976.

Silver, Carole. "Socialism Internalized: The Last Romances of William Morris." Socialism and the Literary Artistry of William Morris, edited Florence Boos and Carole Silver. Columbia, Missouri: University of Missouri Press, 1990.

Spatt, Hartley. "William Morris's Late Romances: The Struggle Against Closure." History and Community: Essays in Victorian Medievalism. Garland Publishing, Inc.: New York & London, 1992, 109-135.

Talbot, Norman, ed. and intro. The Water of the Wondrous Isles. Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 1994.

Watts, Theodore. Unsigned review. Athenaeum, December 1897, no. 3658, 777-79.

The Water of the Wondrous Isles articles from the Journal of William Morris Studies:

Bennett, Phillippa. "Rediscovering the Topography of Wonder: Morris, Iceland, and the Late Romances." JWMS 16.2-3 (2005): 38-48.

Çelikkol, Ayşe. “The Planetary in Morris’s Late Romances.” JWMS 22.4 (Summer 2018): 15-30.

Cooper, Jane S. "The Iceland Journeys and the Late Romances." JWMS 5.4 (Winter 1983-84): 40-59.

Gopen, George D. "The Music of the Mind: Structure and Substance in William Morris's The Water of the Wondrous Isles." JWMS 16/23 (2005): 92-102.

Newman, Hilary. "Water in William Morris's Late Prose Romances." JWMS 13.4 (Spring 2000): 41-47.

The Sundering Flood

Anderson, Karl. "Scandinavian Elements in The Sundering Flood," in "Scandinavian Elements in the Works of William Morris." Diss. Harvard University, 1940, 376-82.

Boos, Florence. “Gender Division and Political Allegory in The Last Romances of William Morris.” Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies I.2 (1992): 12-23.

Calhoun, B. et alia. Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris: Papers Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Modern Language Association, December 1975, New York: William Morris Society, 1976.

Calhoun, Blue, “`The Little Land of Abundance’: Pastoral Perspective in the Late Romances of William Morris,” Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris,  New York: William Morris Society, 1976.

Hollow, John. “Deliberate Happiness: The Late Prose Romances of William Morris,” Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris,  New York: William Morris Society, 1976.

Kelvin, Norman, "The Erotic in News from Nowhere and The Well at World's End." Studies in the late romances of William Morris: Papers presented at the annual meeting of the Modern Language Association, December 1975. New York: William Morris Society (1976).

Kirchhoff, Frederick, “Introduction.” Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris,  New York: William Morris Society, 1976.

Oberg, Charlotte, “Motif and Theme in the Late Prose Romances of William Morris,” in Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris, with an introduction by Frederick Kirchhoff, New York: William Morris Society, 1976.

Silver, Carole. “Myth and Ritual in the Last Romances of William Morris.” Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris,  New York: William Morris Society, 1976.

Sundering articles from the Journal of William Morris Studies:

Çelikkol, Ayşe. “The Planetary in Morris’s Late Romances.” JWMS 22.4 (Summer 2018): 15-30.

Cooper, Jane S. "The Iceland Journeys and the Late Romances." JWMS 5.4 (Winter 1983-84): 40-59.

Purkis, John. "Morris and Traditional Storytelling."JWMS 11.1 (Autumn 1994): 16-18.

Timo, Helen. "'An Icelandic Tale Re-Told': William Morris's Sundering Flood." JWMS 7.1 (Autumn 1986): 12-16.

Icelandic Diaries

Aho, Gary. "Following in the Footsteps of William Morris." Atlantica and Iceland Review 20 (Winter 1982), 84-93.

Aho, Gary. “`Međ Island á heilanum’: Islandsbæekur breskra ferđalanga 1772 til 1897,” Skírnir, 167 (1993), 205-258.

Aho, Gary. “Morris and Volcanos in Iceland.” Useful and Beautiful, William Morris Society in the United States, July 2010: 23-25.

English version: "Iceland on the Brain: British Travellers to Iceland from 1172 to 1897."

Aho, Gary, Intro. Three Northern Love Stories and Other Tales. Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 1996.

Aho, Gary. "William Morris and Iceland." Kairos 1, no. 2(1982), 102-33.

Anderson, Karl. "Scandinavian Elements in the Work of William Morris." Diss. Harvard University, 1940. Icelandic trip, 196-202

Gíslason, Örn, "With May Morris in Iceland." William Morris Society Newsletter-US, January 2014.

Harris, Richard L. "William Morris, Eirikur Magnusson, and Iceland: A Survey of Correspondence." Victorian Poetry 13.3 and 4 (Fall-Winter 1975), 119-130

Madsen, St. Tschudi. "Morris and Munthe."Journal of William Morris Studies 1.4(1964): 34-40.

Meredith, Emily, "Iceland and William Morris: In Search of the Whole," After Summer Seed: Reconsiderations of William Morris's Sigurd the Volsung, Shiremanstown, Pennsylvania: William Morris Society in the United States, 1977, 71-87.

Waller, Samuel Edmund. Six Weeks in the Saddle: A Painter's Journal in Iceland. 1874.

Wawn, Andrew. "William Morris and the Translation of Iceland," in Shirley Chew and Alistair Stead (eds), Translating Life: Studies in Transpositional Aesthetics (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1999), 253-76.

Icelandic Diaries articles from the Journal of William Morris Studies:

Bartels, Dennis. "William Morris and Iceland's Hydrogen Economy."JWMS 15.3 (2003): 34-35.

Cooper, Jane S. "The Iceland Journeys and the Late Romances." JWMS 5.4 (Winter 1983-84): 40-59.

Ellison, Ruth. "Icelandic Obituaries of William Morris." JWMS 8.1 (Autumn 1988): 35-41.

Ellison, Ruth. "The Saga of Jón Jónsson Saddlesmith of Lithend-cot." JWMS 10.1 (Autumn 1992): 21-30.

Jonsdottir, Gudrun."May Morris and Miss Lobb in Iceland." JWMS 7.1 (Autumn 1986): 17-20.

Parkins, Wendy. "'Almost as Good as Iceland on a Small Scale': William Morris's 'Icelandic Imaginary' at Home," JWMS 21.4 (Winter 2014).

Preston, Peter. "'The North Begins Inside': Morris and Trollope in Iceland."JWMS 14.2 (Spring 2001): 8-28.

Weber, Wendolyn. "Sublime Discomforts and Transformative Milksopishness: William Morris in Iceland." JWMS 22.3 (Winter 2017): 23-37.

Wiens, Pamela Bracken. "Fire and Ice: Clashing Visions of Iceland in the Travel Narratives of Morris and Burton." JWMS 11.4 (Spring 1996): 12-18.

Creative Responses to the Icelandic Diaries:

Lavinia Greenlaw, William Morris in Iceland: Questions of Travel, 2011. (portions of Morris's diary juxtaposed with peripatetic musings by Greenlaw)

Ian McQueen, The Earthly Paradise, 4-part orchestral and choral piece, performed by BBC Chorus and Symphony Orchestra (loosely based in part of Morris's 1871 Icelandic journals).

Alex Jones, Morris in Iceland. NSW: Puncher and Wattmann, 2008. (novel in which university professor reflects on his life while leading a student theater group which adapts Morris's Journals rather uproariously to its own use).

The Tables Turned

The Tables Turned, performed by the New Factory, The Coach House, Hammersmith, 2 May, 2010, William Morris Society [mp3]

The Tables Turned articles from the Journal of William Morris Studies:

George, Jo. "The Aristophanes of Hammersmith: William Morris as Playwright," JWMS 20.2 (Summer 2013).


Old French

Jacobs,  Joseph. Introduction to Old French Romances. Done into English by William Morris.  London: George Allen & Co., 1896; 1914, pp. v-xi. 

Review of “Four Ancient Folktales,” Chicago Daily Tribune. July 18, 1896.

Old French articles from the Journal of William Morris Studies:

Faulkner, Peter. "Morris and Old French." JWMS 15.1 (Winter 2002): 43-50.  This article provides a clear introduction to the Romances.

Simpson, Roger. "Wiliam Morris's Unpublished Arthurian Translations." JWMS 20.4 (Summer 2014).


Jones, Chris. "The Reception of William Morris's Beowulf," in Writing on the Image: Reading William Morris, ed. David Latham, Toronto: University of Toronto, 197-208.

Hulme, W.H., Review, Beowulf, Modern Language Notes, 15.1 (January 1900): 22-26.

Morris, May, passage from "Morris as a Writer: The Influence of the North," William Morris: Artist, Writer, Socialist.

Tilling, P[hilip] M., "William Morris' Translation of Beowulf: Studies in His Vocabulary." Studies in English Literature and Early Literature in Honor of Paul Christophersen. Ed. P. M. Tilling. New University of Ulster, 1981, 163-75.

Watts, Theodore. Rev. Beowulf. Athenaeum, 10 August, 1895, 181-82. Reprinted William Morris: The Critical Heritage. Ed. Peter Faulkner. London: Routledge, 1973, 385-87.

Spray, Thomas. "Missing Links: Beowulf, Grettis Saga and the Late Romances of William Morris". JWMS 23.2 (Summer 2019) 33-53. 

The Odyssey

Buchhorn, Wilhelm. William Morris' Odyssee-Übersetzung. Königsberg, 1910.

De Vega, Hope. "Archaisms and Compounds in Book 6 of Morris's Translation of the Odyssey" 

Morshead, E. D. A., two reviews, Academy, April 1887, xxxi, 299 and March 1888, xxxiii, 143-4. 

Riddehough, Geoffrey. "William Morris's Translation of the 'Odyssey.'" Journal of English and Germanic Philology 40(1991), 558-61.

Weinroth, Michelle. “Morris and the Homeric Epic: Translating The Odyssey into Socialist Praxis.” JWMS 24.2 (2021): 3-21.

Weinroth, Michelle. “Reclaiming the Homeric Artifact: Morris, The Odyssey, and Political Education.” Useful and Beautiful, William Morris Society in the United States, Summer 2021: 14-19.

Wilde, Oscar, unsigned reviews, Pall Mall Magazine, 26 April 1887, xlv, 5 and 24 November 1888, xlvi, 3. 


Cox Brinton, Anna. A Pre-Raphaelite Aeneid of Virgil in the Collection of Mrs. Edward Laurence Doheny of Los Angeles: Being an Essay in Honor of the William Morris Centenary, 1934. Privately printed, Los Angeles, 1934.

Fitzwilliam Museum. Burne-Jones and William Morris: Designs for the Aeneid and the Kelmscott Chaucer. Fitzwilliam Museum, 1996. 

Mickelsson, Ulla. "Virgil's Aeneid: The Culminating Achievement of William Morris's Illumination Work," Libri: International Library Review, vol. 29, 1979, 260-270. 

Mitchell, Jack."William Morris's Synthetic Aeneids: Virgil as Physical Object," Translation and Literature 24.1, pages 1-22.

Morris, May. Remarks on the Prose Romances, in William Morris: Artist, Writer, Socialist, Oxford: Blackwells, 1936. 

Nettleship, Henry, review, Academy, November 1875, x, 493-4. 

Unsigned Review, Athenaeum, 13 November 1875, no. 2507, 635-7. 

Unsigned Review, The Catholic World, September 1877, 721-34. 

Old Icelandic

Acker, Paul. “William Morris’s Translation of Völuspá,” Useful and Beautiful, William Morris Society in the United States, Winter 2016: 18-22.

Aho, Gary. "Following in the Footsteps of William Morris." Atlantica and Iceland Review 20 (Winter 1982), 84-93.

Aho, Gary. "William Morris and Iceland." Kairos 1, no. 2(1982), 102-33.

Anderson, Karl. "Scandinavian Elements in the Works of William Morris." Dissertation, Harvard University, 1940.

Anonymous, "Mr. William Morris on Iceland." Pall Mall Gazette, October 10, 1887, p. 13-14.

Barribeau, James Leigh. "William Morris and Saga-Translation: 'The Story of Magnus the Son of Erling'," The Vikings, ed. R. T. Farrell, London: Phillimore, 1982. Durren

Calder, Grace J. and Alfred Fairbank. The Story of Kormak the Son of Ogmund, by William Morris and Eirikr Magnusson, with an Introduction by Grace J. Calder and a Note on the manuscript work of William Morris by Alfred Fairbank. William Morris Society, 1970. Appendices: "A Note on Drottkvaett," pp. 47-51; "A Note on the Manuscript Work of William Morris," Alfred Fairbank, 53-64; "An Annotated List of the Manuscript Work of William Morris," Alfred Fairbank, 65-69. In addition to topics related to Kormak, Calder's introduction considers "The Critical Reception of Morris's Translations," "Iceland in the Tenth Century," "The Art of the Saga," and the nature of the Icelandic "Drottkvaett."

Durrenberger, Paul and Dorothy Durrenberger. The Saga of Gunnlaugur Snake's Tongue, with an Essay on the Structure and Translation of the Poems. London: Associated University Presses, 1992.

Einarsson, Stefan. "Eirikr Magnusson and His Saga Translations." Scandinavian Studies 13 (1933-35), 17-32.

Ellison, Ruth C. "'The Undying Glory of Dreams': William Morris and 'The Northland of Old,'" Victorian Poetry, ed. M. Bradbury and D. Palmer. London: E. Arnold, 1972, 138-75.

Fairbank, Alfred. "A Note on the Manuscript Work of William Morris," and "An Annotated List of the Manuscript Work of William Morris." See Calder, above.

Felce, Ian. "The Old Norse Sagas and William Morris's Ideal of Literal Translation." Review of English Studies, 67 (2016), 220-36. 

Glauser, Jürg. "The End of the Saga: Text, Tradition and Transmission in Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Iceland." Northern Antiquity: The Post-Medieval Reception of Edda and Saga, ed. Andrew Wawn. Middlesex: Hisarlik Press, 1994, 101-42.

Harris, Richard. "William Morris, Eirikr Magnusson and Iceland: A Survey of Correspondence," Victorian Poetry 13 (1975), 119-30.

Litzenberg, Karl. "Contributions of the Old Norse Language and Literature to the Style and Substance of the Writings of William Morris, 1856-76."Dissertation, University of Michigan, 1933.

Litzenberg, Karl. "The Diction of William Morris." Archive for Nordisk Fiologi 53 (1937), 327-63.

Litzenberg, Karl. "William Morris and Scandinavian Literature: A Bibliographical Essay." Scandinavian Studies and Notes, January 1, 1933, 93-105.

Litzenberg, Karl. "William Morris and the Heimskringla." Scandinavian Studies 14(1935-36): 33-39.

Litzenberg, Karl. "William Morris and the 'Literary' Tradition." Michigan Alumnus 53(1946): 48-55.

Loṕez Segura, Manuel. ‘De Por Qué William Morris, Comunista, Se Dedicaba a Traducir Sagas Islandesas’ [On Why William Morris, a Communist, Spent His Time Translating Icelandic Sagas]. Constelaciones: Revista de Arquitectura de la Universidad CEU San Pablo, no. 4 (2016): 43-53.

Morris, May, "Morris as a Writer: The Influence of the North," in Artist, Writer, Socialist.

Morris, William. "The Early Literature of the North--Iceland," The Unpublished Lectures of William Morris, ed. Eugene LeMire. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1969.

Morris, William. "The Mythology and Religion of the North," WMG MS. J146, c. 1876. Formerly in possession of Georgiana Burne-Jones and presented to the William Morris Gallery by Margaret Mackail.

Powell, George E. J. and Eirikr Magnusson, trans., Icelandic Legends. Collected by Jon Arnason. London: Bentley, 1864; 2nd series: Longman and Green, 1866.

Purkis, John. "William Morris: His Dream of 'The Northland'". Heritage and Identity: Shaping the Nations of the North. Papers presented at the 2001 Heritage Convention. Shaftesbury: Donhead, 2002, 85-98.

Quirk, Randolph. "Dasent, William Morris, and Problems of Translation." Saga Book 14 (1953), 64-77.

Swannell, J. N. William Morris and Old Norse Literature. London: William Morris Society, 1961. 

Einar Sveinsson, Saga-Book, vol. 15. University College London, 1957-61.

Wawn, Andrew. "The Cult of 'Stalwart Frith-thjof' in Victorian Britain," Northern Antiquity: The Post Medieval Reception of Edda and Saga. Middlesex: Hisarlike Press, 1994, 211-54.

Wawn, Andrew. "The Spirit of 1892: Sagas, Saga-Steads and Victorian Philology." Saga Book 23 (1993), 213-52.

Wawn, Andrew. "William Morris and the Translation of Iceland," in Shirley Chew and Alistair Stead (eds), Translating Life: Studies in Transpositional Aesthetics (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1999), 253-76.

Whitla, William. "'Sympathetic Translation' and the 'Scribe's Capacity': Morris's Calligraphy and the Icelandic Sagas." Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies 10 (Fall 2001): 27-108. See Appendix A: "William Morris's Calligraphic Manuscripts," 80-94, which details the locations and features of Morris's illuminated manuscripts of his Icelandic translations, and Appendix B: "The Old Norse Translations of William Morris and Related Materials."

The Story of the Volsungs and the Niblungs

Anderson, Karl. From Chapter 1, "The Beginning of Morris's Interest in the History and Literature of Early Scandinavia: 1834-1870," "Scandinavian Elements in the Works of William Morris." Diss. Harvard, 1940. "The Volsunga Saga," pp. 110-19.

Anonymous review, Athenæum. 11 June 1870, no.2224, 763-64.

Anonymous reviewer. Old and New, July-December 1870, 364-67.

Kennedy, John. "English Translations of the Volsunga Saga." In Northern Antiquity: The Post Medieval Reception of Edda and Saga," ed. Andrew Wawn. Middlesex: Hisarlik Press, 1994, 285-304.

Morris, William, Letter to Charles Norton, 21 December, 1869; to Algernon Swinburne, 21 December, 1869, from Norman Kelvin, ed., The Collected Letters of William Morris, vol. 1, 1984.

Ugolnik, Anthony. "The Victorian Skald: Old Icelandic and the Evolution of William Morris' Sigurd the Volsung," After Summer Seed: Reconsiderations of William Morris's Sigurd the Volsung, Shiremanstown, Pennsylvania: William Morris Society in the United States, 1977. 

Simcox, G.A. Academy. 13 August, 1870, 278-9. 

The Story of Grettir the Strong

Morris, May. Introduction to Collected Works, Vol. VII, Grettir the Strong

Anderson, Karl. "Scandinavian Elements in the Works of William Morris." Diss. Harvard, 1940. Grettissaga, pp. 926-941.

Spray, Thomas. "Missing Links: Beowulf, Grettis Saga and the Late Romances of William Morris." JWMS 23.2 (Summer 2019) 33-53.

The Saga Library

Anderson, Karl. "Scandinavian Elements in the Works of William Morris." Diss., Harvard University, 1940. Discusses the Saga Library 350-65 and 885-91; Howard the Halt, 977-91; and Eyrbyggja Saga 867-84, 885-925, and 949-55.

Barribeau, James Leigh. "William Morris and Saga-Translation: ''The Story of Magnus the Son of Erling'," The Vikings, ed. R. T. Farrell, London: Phillimore, 1982; Cornell: Cornell University Press, 1983. 

Litzenberg, Karl. "Contributions of the Old Norse Language and Literature to the Style and Substance of the Writings of William Morris, 1856-76." Dissertation, University of Michigan, 1933.

Litzenberg, Karl. "William Morris and Scandinavian Literature: A Bibliographical Essay." Scandinavian Studies and Notes, January 1, 1933, 93-105.

Litzenberg, Karl. "William Morris and the Heimskringla." Scandinavian Studies 14(1935-36): 33-39.

Litzenberg, Karl. "William Morris and the 'Literary' Tradition." Michigan Alumnus 53(1946): 48-55.

Morris, William. "The Early Literature of the North--Iceland," The Unpublished Lectures of William Morris. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1969.

Simpson, John M. "Eyrbyggja Saga and Nineteenth Century Scholarship." Proceedings of the First International Saga Conference, Edinburgh, 1971. London: Viking Society, 1973, 360-94.

Eyrbyggja Saga

Anderson, Karl. Scandinavian Elements in the Works of William Morris, diss. Harvard University 1940, pp.885-925.

Einarsson, Stefan. "Eirikr Magnusson and His Saga Translations." Scandinavain Studies 13 (1933-35), 17-32.

Felce, Ian. "The Old Norse Sagas and William Morris's Ideal of Literal Translation." Review of English Studies: 67, pp. 220-36.

Hollander, Lee M. "Introduction." Eyrbyggja Saga, transl. Paul Schach and intro. and verse translations by Lee Hollander. Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press, 1959, 1977.

Hollander, Lee M., "The Structure of Eyrbyggja Saga." The Journal of English and Germanic Philology, vol. 58, no.2, (April 1959), 222-2.

McCreesh, Bernadine, "Structural Patterns in the Eyrbyggja Saga and Other Sagas of the Conversion." Medieval Scandinavia, vol. 11, (1978-79), 271-80.

McTurk, Rory. "Approaches to the Structure of Eyrbyggja Saga," in Sagnaskemmtun: Studies in Honor of Herman Palsson, ed. Rudolf Simek et al., Vienna: Hermann Bohlaus Nachf., 1986.

Palsson, Hermann and Paul Edwards. Intro. Eyrbyggja Saga, translated with an introduction. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1989.

Simpson, John M. "Eyrbyggja Saga and Nineteenth Century Scholarship." Proceedings of the First International Saga Conference, Edinburgh, 1971. London: Viking Society, 1973, 360-94.

The Book Arts

Bayiltmiş Öğütcü, Oya. ‘A Pictorial Utopia: The Kelmscott Chaucer.’ Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, 57.2 (2017): 1055-69.

Boos, Florence."The Critique of the Empty Page: Kelmscott Press and William Morris's Theories of Book Design." William Morris and Everyday Life, ed. Wendy Parkins, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholar Press, 2010, 65-85.

Braesel, Michaela. “Women and Trees – The Transfer of an Idea: Reflections on the Title Page of ‘A Book of Verse.’” Useful and Beautiful, William Morris Society in the United States, Spring 2017: 14-16.

Buxton Forman, H., The Books of William Morris Described. London: Frank Hollings, 1897 [reprinted 1976]. Formerly the standard bibliography of Morris's books despite the inclusion of forgeries and piracies perpetrated by the author and his friend Thomas J. Wise; for the current standard bibliography, see Eugene LeMire, A Bibliography of William Morris, below.

Carlin, Jane. “The Lasting Legacy of the Kelmscott Press.” Useful and Beautiful, William Morris Society in the United States, Summer 2021: 3-12.

Chapman, Alison Georgina. “Ornament and Distraction: Peripheral Aesthetics in the Nineteenth Century.” Victorian Literature and Culture 45.2 (2017): 233–255.

Cockerell, Sydney C., "History of the Kelmscott Press" and "An Annotated List of the Books Printed at the Kelmscott Press," in William Morris, A Note on His Aims in Founding the Kelmscott Press. [Kelmscott Press, 1898]].

Coupe, Robert L. M., Illustrated Editions of the Works of William Morris in English: A Descriptive Bibliography. New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press, 2002. Second edition, 2011.

Cowan, Yuri. "Translation, Collaboration, and Reception: Editing Caxton for the Kelmscott Press." To Build a Shadowy Isle of Bliss: William Morris and the Embodiment of Dreams, Mc-Gill-Queens University Press, 2014, 316-63.

Donachuk, Aaron. “After the Letter: Typographical Distraction and the Surface of Morris’s Kelmscott Romances.” Victorian Studies, 59.2 (Winter 2017): 260-87.

Dunlap, Joseph R., The Book That Never Was. New York, 1971. Account of the projected illustrated edition of Morris's The Earthly Paradise, which partially came to fruition a century later in the 1974 Rampant Lion Press version of The Story of Cupid and Psyche.

Dunlap, Joseph R. "Morris and the Book Arts Before the Kelmscott Press." Victorian Poetry 13.3 and 4 (1975), 141-157.

Frankel, Nicholas. "William Morris and the 'Moral Qualities' of Ornament," Socialist Studies/Etudes sociaistes (Canada), 13.1 (Spring 2018), 23-35.

Lasner, Mark Samuels, William Morris: The Collector as Creator. New York: Grolier Club, 1996. Checklist of the exhibition held at the Grolier Club, 1996–97, listing books owned and read by Morris and examples of Morris's own works in literature, politics, and the book arts.

LeMire, Eugene D. A Bibliography of William Morris, London: British Library; Newark, Delaware: Oak Knoll Press, 2006.

Life, Alan, "Illustration of Morris's 'Ideal Book,'" and Joseph R. Dunlap, "Morris and the Book Arts Before the Kelmscott Press," Victorian Poetry (1975). This was a special issue of the journal devoted to Morris; illustrated.

Peterson, William S., A Bibliography of the Kelmscott Press. Oxford UP, 1984. Definitive, detailed information on the Kelmscott Press: includes provenance information and notes on particular copies and related materials.

The Kelmscott Press Golden Legend: A Documentary History of its Production, Together with a Leaf from the Kelmscott Edition, ed. William S. Peterson. [College Park], 1990. Leaf book with introduction and facsimiles of related documents.

Peterson, William S., The Kelmscott Press: A History of William Morris's Typographical Adventure. Oxford UP, 1991. By far the best book on the subject, offering not only a detailed history of the Press but analysis of Morris's aesthetic seen in the context of Victorian printing. An essential work, superseding almost everything else written on the subject.

Sparling, Henry Halliday, The Kelmscott Press and William Morris, Master Craftsman. London, 1924. Earlier history of the Kelmscott Press, incorporating Cockerell's checklist. Now superseded by Peterson's History.

The Typographical Adventure of William Morris. [London: William Morris Society, 1957]. Catalogue of a traveling exhibition organized by the William Morris Society in 1957. Places Morris's work in context of other printers and designers from 1850 to 1940.

William Morris And the Art of the Book, ed. Charles Ryskamp. New York: Oxford UP, 1976. Catalogue of the exhibition held at the Pierpont Morgan Library in 1976. With essays: "William Morris: Book Collector" by Paul Needham; "William Morris: Calligrapher" by Joseph Dunlap; and "William Morris: Typographer" by John Dreyfus. Detailed and illustrated, an essential source.

Taylor, Michelle M. “How Well Did Morris Recreate 15th Century Paper for the Kelmscott Press?” Useful and Beautiful, William Morris Society in the United States, Winter 2021: 19-21.

Thompson, Susan Otis, American Book Design and William Morris. New York, 1977; reprinted Newark, DE, 1996. Pioneering study of the influence of Morris's Kelmscott Press on American publishers and printers.

Walsdorf, John, William Morris in Private Press And Limited Editions. Phoenix: Oryx Press, 1983. Useful bibliographical catalogue of books by and about Morris issued 1890-1982 in limited or fine editions.

Woody, Christine Marie. "The Newspaper and the Novel: William Morris’s News from Nowhere in Commonweal." Victorian Periodicals Review, 50.1, 2017.

The Book Arts articles from the Journal of William Morris Studies:

Braesel, Michaela. "The Influence of Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts on the Pre-Raphaelites and the Early Poetry of William Morris." JWMS 15.4 (Summer 2004): 41-54.

Brown, Hannah. “Binding Two Kelmscott Press Publications: A Contemporary View.” JWMS 24, 2020: pp. 67-87.

Faulkner, Peter. "The Kelmscott Chaucer and the Golden Cockerel Canterbury Tales," JWMS 19.1 (Winter 2010), 66-88.

Kooistra, Lorraine Janzen. “Fundamental Sympathy: The Gothic, the Fin-De-Siècle Printing Revival and the Digital.” JWMS 24, 2020: pp. 7–23.

Marsh, Jan. "Books in Bottles? William Morris and the Demise of Printing," JWMS 20.2 (Summer 2013).

Peterson, William S. “The Kelmscott Press in a Nineteenth-Century Context.” JWMS 24, 2020: pp. 24-35.

Stirling, John. “The People of the Kelmscott Press.” JWMS 24, 2020: pp. 95-105.

Tidcombe, Marianne. “Cobden-Sanderson and Morris: Friends and Sparring Partners.” JWMS 24, 2020: pp. 54-66.


Latham, David and Sheila. "William Morris: An Annotated Bibliography 1978-80." JWMS 5.3 (Summer 1983): 23-41.

Latham, David and Sheila. "William Morris: An Annotated Bibliography 1981-83." JWMS 6.4 (Winter 1985-86): 1-24 [insert on coloured paper].

Latham, David and Sheila. "William Morris: An Annotated Bibliography 1984-86." JWMS 7.3 (Autumn 1987): i-xxiv [insert on coloured paper].

Latham, David and Sheila. "William Morris: An Annotated Bibliography 1986-87." JWMS 8.3 (Autumn 1989): i-xvi [insert on coloured paper].

Latham, David and Sheila. "William Morris: An Annotated Bibliography 1988-89." JWMS 9.3 (Autumn 1991): i-xx [insert on coloured paper].

Latham, David and Sheila. "William Morris: An Annotated Bibliography 1990-91." JWMS 10.3 (Autumn 1993): i-xxviii [insert on coloured paper; 1 p. blank].

Latham, David and Sheila. "William Morris: An Annotated Bibliography 1992-93." JWMS 11.3 (Autumn 1995): i-xx [insert on coloured paper].

    Latham, David and Sheila. "William Morris: an Annotated Bibliography 1994-95." JWMS 12.4 (Spring 1998): i-xvi [insert on coloured paper].

    Latham, David and Sheila. "William Morris: An Annotated Bibliography 1996-97." JWMS 13.3 (Autumn 1999): i-xxxiv [insert on coloured paper].

    Latham, David and Sheila. "William Morris: An Annotated Bibliography 1998-99." JWMS 14.3 (Winter 2001): i-xix [insert on coloured paper; 1 p. blank].

    Latham, David and Sheila. "William Morris: An Annotated Bibliography 2000-2001." JWMS 15.4 (Summer 2004): i-xii [insert on coloured paper].

    Latham, David and Sheila. "William Morris: An Annotated Bibliography 2002-2003." JWMS 16.4 (Summer 2006): 49-76.

    Latham, David and Sheila "William Morris: an annotated bibliography, 2004-5." JWMS 17.4 (Summer 2008), 81-112.

    Latham, David and Sheila. "William Morris: An Annotated Bibliography 2006-2007." JWMS 18.3 (Winter 2009), 64-92. 

    Latham, David and Sheila. "William Morris: An Annotated Bibliography 2008-2009." JWMS 19.3 (Winter 2011): 112-139.

    Latham, David and Sheila, "William Morris: An Annotated Bibliography 2010-2011," JWMS 20.3 (Winter 2013): 66.

    Latham, David and Sheila, "William Morris: An Annotated Bibliography 2012-2013," JWMS 21.4 (Winter 2015).

    Latham, David and Sheila, "William Morris: An Annotated Bibliography 2014-2015," JWMS 22.3 (Winter 2017).

    Latham, David and Sheila, "William Morris: An Annotated Bibliography 2016-2017," JWMS 23.3 (Winter 2019).