The Story of Grettir the Strong
Introduction by Marjorie Burns
Text, The Story of Grettir the Strong
First edition: Grettis Saga: The Story of Grettir the Strong. Translated from the Icelandic by William Morris and Eiríkr Magnusson. London: F. S. Ellis, 1869.
Text of Grettis Saga, Icelandic Saga Database
Text of the Grettis Saga, Icelandic Saga Database [pdf]
Autograph manuscript: British Library MS. Add. 45,318, f. 91 Sonnets of Grettir
Draft for Grettir translation: Eirikr Magnusson's hand with corrections by Morris, Courtesy of the Cheltenham Art Gallery and Museum (the Wilson).
Manuscript for printer: Fitzwilliam Library, 1869, 25F, with many renumberings and some corrections; chapters 89-90, ff. 17-20 and chapter 92, f. 27 are near calligraphic. Donated in 1905.
May Morris, remarks in introduction to Collected Works, Vol. VII, Grettir the Strong
Anderson, Karl. "Scandinavian Elements in the Works of William Morris." Diss. Harvard, 1940. Grettissaga, pp. 926-941.
Spray, Thomas. "Missing Links: Beowulf, Grettis Saga and the Late Romances of William Morris." JWMS 23.2 (Summer 2019) 33-53.