B. L. Add. MS 74,255, ff. 1, 2, 11., ink, described by the B. L. as possibly a continuation of the previous poem. Murray groups this with "The Three Wooers" and "Mad as I was I stopped" as part of one poem.
"I who am curious about many things" (f. 2) does seem to precede "Sir Jacques prayed" (f. 10).
[order of fragments uncertain]
[B. L. Add. MS. 74,255, f. 2, fragment, possibly first in sequence]
I who am curious about many things Considering how that Rumour, though with wings She flyeth fast, yet halteth in her speech And wishing well that true record should reach Those that come after: have with care & pain And diligent sifting oer & oer again Written this book wherein is nothing set I do not hold for pure truth, though I let Some words stay as I heard them; telling men Myself who said them how and where & when. And for that Lords and Knights should have no lack Of this my book in good fair red & black[.] Full many clerks have written it & chief This mighty volume whereof leaf by leaf I turn just now by Alexandre le blau Clerk of S. Omers that my lord might know The wonderful deeds of arms done in these lands Was well-illuminate for my Lords hands. I say I turn it over leaf by leaf: I am grown old, shall die soon little grief Or fear this gives me, I could die just now Most peacefully the wrinkles on my brow Seem all unfolding and all deeds of mine Both good and bad grow faint to me or shine As deeds of other men; and this book here Which line by line was poured into mine ear And moulded in my brain and heart is grown Strange stories of an unknown land as shewn By some old man long dead. ah leaf by leaf Hold these[;] three crowns upon a scarlet chief* [top third of heraldic crest, court. P. Acker]
[f. 10?, possibly second in sequence]
Sir Jaques prayed, then rose with a pale face, And we went on quite silent till at last I said[,] fair knight[,] that cross that we have past What happed thereby: he said it grieveth me Each time I tell this tale so piteously They ended. [H]e stopped there for courtesy's sake[.] I said no word until he pleased to break The silence and begin[,[ ah trust me though[,] But I was eager as we rode on so. Sir Peter, said he, pray you did you note Hard by the Cross, that Castle God has smote With utter ruin[?] [Y]ea[,] I said: well Sir[,] I who am old now was a squire there When I was young. Sir Miles du grand Martel Was Lord of it and me, he held it well Through many troubles, but a certain Lord That hight Sir John Bourdville he having scored High vengeance gainst him took it suddenly. Bur pray[,] Sir Peter[,] now and answer me[,] What think you[,] Sir[,] has man or woman yet Died of pure love, or do all men forget[,] Live and be happy afterwards: nay nay[,] Sir Jaques answered[,] I what shall I say But that I never knew it so perdie[,] It seemeth not a little thing to die[.] Look you Sir Knight your sword has gone right through Full many a man who has died by you In spite of all the blood, and if the Lord Has made it hard with a bright heavy sword . . .
[f. 3, fragment, possibly third in sequence] She slipped from out the castle and the sight Of Lord John Bourdville: therefore I praise God For I went with her, down upon the sod[.] He bent his old eyes saying this - Miles came And met her amid the trumpets and the flame[s] Of the great torches[.] [W]elcome Lady fair He said[,] and stood bareheaded bowed to her[,] And would have kissed her cheek but suddenly Meeting her eyes[,] their lips met[,] yea and she With a long wild sigh threw her arms a round him But never moved her lips[.] [A]ll these things swim Like pictures through my brain I mind too how He led her off[,] his face flushed to the brow Red in the torchlight, and he held her arm Below the shoulder as he feared some harm Might take her from him; the days went by[,] I was made Miles['s] Squire, often I Have seen him wander for mere happiness Restless and ill at ease, less and less. He counted Bourdville's threats[,] his jewel fair Shut so safe up in his strong castle there Alas[,] though on a day she rode alone A little way[,] and he not with her gone[,] A three days journey off perforce, night came . . . .