Address to the Birmingham Society of Arts and School of Design, delivered in the town hall, 19 February, 1879. Birmingham: E.C. Osborne, 84, New Street.

"Art and Industry in the Fourteenth Century,Collected Works of William Morris Vol. 22, London: Longmans, 1914

Gothic Architecture

"Art and Industry in the Fourteenth Century," Morris on HistorySheffield Academic Press, 1996

Hopes and Fears for Art, London: Ellis and White, 1882

Morris at First Hand, March 24, 1984, William Morris Gallery (WMG) K2199.

Reports of the School of Science and Art, for the year 1880-81, The Wedgewood Institute, October 13, 1881, Warwick Savage, Printer, Bursleu.

"Royal School of Art-Needlework, December 1879, William Morris Gallery (WMG), J2117.

Some Thoughts on the Ornamented MSS. of the Middle Ages by William Morris Printed on his Albion Hand Press, with an Account of its Travels from the Closing of the Kelmscott Press to the Present Day, Press of the Woolly Whale, 1934. Courtesy of the University of Iowa Libraries Special Collections.

"Town and Country," courtesy of the Mark Samuels Lasner Collection


"Art and Labour," British Library Add MS 45,334, Socialism Up to Date

"Address at the Delivery of Prizes," Harry Ransom Library, Austin, Texas, MS. file (Morris, W.), Works

Essays on Art and History, British Library Add MS 45,331

     (1) Lecture, beg. '[Bef]ore I go any further in speaking to you of the popular [or] decorative arts I will ask you to consider if you are quite sure that you care about them' 

     (2) Lecture, beg. 'I am bound to assume from your presence here tonight that you think it worth while for reasonable people to follow the fine arts, as we call them'

     (3) 'The Prospects of Architecture in Civilization'

     (4) 'Some Hints on House Decoration'

     (5) 'Some Hints on Pattern Designing'

     (6) 'The Early Literature of the North'

     (7) Address delivered at the opening of an art exhibition at the New Islington Hall, Ancoats, Manchester

     (8) Address delivered to the Nottingham Kyrle Society at 'The Castle', Nottingham

     (9) 'Art and Industry in the Fourteenth Century'

     (10) 'The Gothic Revival', I 

     (11) 'The Gothic Revival', II

Essays on Art and History, British Library Add MS 45,332

     (1) 'Of the Origins of Ornamental Art'

     (2) 'The History of Pattern Design'

     (3) 'Art: A Serious Thing'

     (4) 'Early England'

     (5) Lecture beginning identically with 'The Prospects of Architecture in Civilization'

     (6) 'Art and the Beauty of the Earth' 

     (7) A typewritten copy of the version of 'Art and the Beauty of the Earth'

     (8) 'Labour and Pleasure versus Labour and Sorrow'

     (9) 'Gothic Architecture'

     (10) Part of the last sentence of 'The Art of the People'

Harry Ransom Library MS. File (Morris, W.), works, "Address at the Delivery of Prizes"

Hopes and Fears for Art Beinecke Library, Yale University, MS Vault Shelves Morris. Contains "The Art of the People," "The Beauty of Life," "Making the Best of It," "Prospects of Architecture and Civilizaation" 

Hopes and Fears for Art, Huntington Library HM 6479

Hopes and Fears for Art No. 2: The Art of the PeopleHuntington Library HM 6432, autograph manuscript (incomplete). 

"Lecture Delivered to the National Association for the Advancement of Art," autograph manuscript .

"Lecture on Art, Art of the People," Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. Don. c. 29, manuscript, 1894. 

Morris's Notebook of Sketches, British Library Add MS 45,336

"On the Artistic Qualities of Woodcut Books,Huntington Library HM 6431, autograph manuscript. 

"The Relations of Art to Labor," Beinecke Library, Yale University, MS Vault Shelves, autograph manuscript. 

"Some Thoughts on the Ornamented Manuscripts of the Middle Ages," Huntington Library HM 6440, autograph manuscript. 


Editions & Printed Books

Text from May Morris, Artist, Writer, Socialist, 1899

Gothic Architecture: A Lecture for the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society, Hammersmith: Kelmscott Press, 1893.


"Gothic Architecture," British Library Manuscript, B.L. Add. MS. 45,332(9)

"Gothic Architecture," Harry Ransom Library MS file (Morris, W.) Hanley II B


"The Gothic Revival, I," in Eugene Le Mire, Unpublished Lectures of William Morris. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1969, 74-93. From B.L. Ms. 45,331(10). Delivered March 3, 1884 to the Birmingham and Midland Institute.

"The Gothic Revival, II," in Eugene Le Mire, Unpublished Lectures of William Morris. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1969, 74-93. From B.L. Ms. 45,331(10). Delivered March 10, 1884 to the Birmingham and Midland Institute.

Supplementary Materials

Headnote, by Florence S. Boos

Text of Morris's preface to the Kelmscott Press edition of The Nature of Gothic by John Ruskin, 1892.

Transcription, British Library Manuscript, B.L. Add. MS. 45,332(9)

Ruskin, John. The Nature of Gothic, Kelmscott Press Edition, 1892.

Purkis, John. Morris, Burne-Jones and French Gothic, London: William Morris Society, 1895, 1991.


"Address Made on Behalf of the Work of the S.P.A.B.," Huntington Library HM 6449.

"Magdalen Bridge: Notes and Memoranda for the S.P.A.B.," Huntington Library HM 6451.

"Petition Regarding the Baptistry at Ravenna," Huntington Library HM 6455.

"Regarding the Opinion of the S. P. A. B. on the Restoration of St. Mark's, Venice," Huntington Library HM 6459.

"Speech Delivered to the First Meeting of the S.P.A.B.," Society of Antiquaries, SoA 832, manuscript draft. 

Speech Delivered to the First Meeting of the SPAB, Society of Antiquaries, SoA 832, ff. 1-23; misc. pages plus ff. 1-12 SPAB draft of opening statement, beginning, "A Society coming before the public. . . "; with 1st Annual Report, later printed, a good draft with cross-outs

"Statement on Restoration of St. Mark's," Huntington Library HM 6461.

"[Concerning] Westminster Abbey," Beinecke Library MS Vault Shelves Morris, autograph manuscript. 

Westminster Abbey leaflet, Berg Collection, New York City Public Library, autograph manuscript. 


LeMire, Eugene D. "A Bibliographical Checklist of Morris's Speeches and Lectures," The Unpublished Lectures of William Morris, 291-322.