Site Map
Morris' Early Poems, edited by Florence S. Boos
The Defence of Guenevere, edited by Margaret A. Lourie
The Life and Death of Jason, edited by Florence S. Boos
Tales Omitted from The Earthly Paradise, edited by David Latham
The Earthly Paradise, edited by Florence S. Boos
Love Is Enough, edited by Peter Faulkner
Sigurd the Volsung, edited by Stuart Blersch and Peter Wright
Poems By The Way, edited by David Latham
The Pilgrims of Hope, edited by Florence S. Boos
List of Poems
Poems before the Defence of Guenevere
Poems of the Earthly Paradise Period
Poems Presumed Written after 1875
The House of the Wolfings, introduction by Florence S. Boos
The Roots of the Mountains, introduction by Carole Silver
A Dream of John Ball, edited by Peter Wright and Florence S. Boos
A King's Lesson, edited by Peter Wright and Florence S. Boos
News from Nowhere, introduction by Tony Pinkney
The Story of the Glittering Plain, introduction by Carole Silver
The Wood Beyond the World, introduction by Richard Mathews
The Well at the World's End, edited by Phillippa Bennett (in preparation)
The Water of the Wondrous Isles, introduction by Florence S. Boos
The Sundering Flood, edited by Ingrid Hanson
The Novel on Blue Paper, edited by Penelope Fitzgerald
Unfinished Romances, edited by Peter Wright
Icelandic Materials
Icelandic Journals, edited by Gary Aho with photographs by Martin Stott
Critical and Supplementary Materials
Essays on Art and Architecture
Old French
The Ordination of Knighthood, edited by Yuri Cowan
Old French Romances, edited by Peter Faulkner
Lancelot of the Lake, edited by Roger Simpson
Tristram, edited by Peter Wright
Old and Middle English
Beowulf, edited by Yuri Cowan
Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair, edited by Paul Annis
Classical Greek and Latin
The Aeneid, edited by Hope de Vega
Old Icelandic
The Story of Grettir the Strong, introduction by Marjorie Burns
Volsunga Saga, introduction by Marjorie Burns
Three Northern Love Stories, introduction by Marjorie Burns
Egil's Saga, introduction by Marjorie Burns
The Story of Kormak, introduction by Grace Calder
The Story of the Men of Weaponfirth, edited by Marjorie Burns
The Laxdaela Saga, edited by Marjorie Burns
The Tables Turned, edited by Pamela Bracken
The Kelmscott Press, introduction by Florence S. Boos
Calligraphy, introduction by William Peterson
Periodicals, list of publications by Morris
Edward Burne-Jones Illustrations, Woodcuts for Chaucer, Jason, and others
Early Poems and The Defence of Guenevere
Autograph Poems, British Library Add MS. 45,298A
Autograph Poems, British Library Add MS. 45,298B
Autograph Poems, British Library Add MS. 74,255
Autograph Manuscript of fragments of 5 poems, Fitzwilliam Library, Cambridge, Manuscript 2
"Listen good folk to my rhyme"
"The Haystack in the Floods," British Library Ashley MS 3680
"Golden Wings," Huntington Library 6479
"Pray But One Prayer for Me," Huntington Library 648
Manuscript of Phillis M. Ellis, 2 Morris poems. This includes "There were not ten men in all the house," an early introduction to "The Story of the Flower" (see List of Poems After 1875, no. 39).
"That summer morning out in the green fields" [discarded opening of Defence of Guenevere],
"Scenes from the Fall of Troy," British Library Add. MS 45,321
Jason and Tales Omitted from The Earthly Paradise
"The Deeds of Jason," c. 1866-67, Huntington Library, early draft
"The Wanderers," British Library Add. MS 45,305
"The Wanderers" (early draft of second version), British Library Add. MS 37,499
"The Story of Dorothea" (copyist's version), British Library Add. MS 45,30
"The Wooing of Swanhild," British Library Add. MS 45,30
"The Story of Orpheus and Eurydice," British Library Add. MS 45,308
"The Story of Orpheus and Eurydice," rough version, British Library Add. MS 45,307
"The Story of Aristomenes," British Library Add. MS 45,308
"The Story of Aristomenes," British Library MS. Ashley 4902
"The Story of Aristomenes," Harry Ransom Library, MS. (Morris, W.), Works B
Early Drafts of The Earthly Paradise
Bellerophon at Argos, British Library Add. MS 45,301
Bellerophon at Lycia, British Library Add. MS 45,301
The Death of Paris, British Library Add. MS 45,299
The Fostering of Aslaug, British Library Add. MS 45,300
The Hill of Venus, British Library Add. MS 45,299
The Hill of Venus, British Library Add. MS 45,299, early draft
The Hill of Venus, British Library Add. MS transcription
The Hill of Venus, Fitzwilliam Library MS
The Hill of Venus, Fitzwilliam Library MS, transcription
The Palace East of the Sun and West of the Moon, British Library Add. MS 45,309A
"The Lovers of Gudrun," proof sheets, Beinecke Library IpM834 870a
The Man Who Never Laughed Again, British Library Add. MS 45,303
The Palace East of the Sun and West of the Moon, copyist's version, British Library Add. MS 45,309
The Proud King, rough pencil draft, British Library Add. MS 45,306
The Proud King, copyist's version, British Library Add. MS 45,309
The Ring Given to Venus, British Library Add. MS 45,302
The Story of Rhodope, British Library Add. MS 45,299
The Story of Rhodope (rough draft), British Library Add. MS 45,304
"The Story of Rhodope," transcription, British Library Add. MS 45,304
The Story of Cupid and Psyche, British Library Add. MS 45,305
The Story of Cupid and Psyche, draft, Beinecke Library, MS. 1596
The Earthly Paradise, Huntington Library, HM 6418
Lyric from “Bellerophon in Lycia,” included in a longer excised beginning for “Bellerophon,” British Library Add. MS 45,301, f. 23v and f. 24.
Verses for June and July, The Earthly Paradise, Autograph drafts in B. L. Ms. 45,306, f. 66v and 67v. British Library Add. MS 45,306, f. 67v
October lyric of The Earthly Paradise, included in A Book of Verse, 1870, 9. Autograph in WMG J152
Poems of The Earthly Paradise Period
“O fair gold goddess,” William Morris Gallery, A. Ms. J150, fair copy. Printed with notes by R. C. Ellison, English, 15 (1964): 100-102. The poem is signed “Vilhjálmar Vandraedaskáld,” Icelandic for “William the Troubled Skald." Another autograph is in British Library Add. MS 45,318, f. 92 and 92v, on blue ruled paper
"Rhyme Slayeth Shame," Morgan Library MA 925, fol. 57 (Annie Fields' album)
"Lonely Love and Loveless Death," Harry Ransom Library, MS file (Morris, W.), Works
"The Moon Shall Be Dark," Harry Ransom Library MS (Morris, W.), Works
Later Poems
Love Is Enough, manuscript drafts from Huntington Library HM 6422
Sigurd the Volsung, British Library Add. MS 45,310
Sigurd the Volsung, British Library Add. MS 45,311
Sigurd the Volsung, British Library Add. MS 45,312
Sigurd the Volsung, British Library Add. MS 45,313
Sigurd the Volsung, British Library Add. MS 45,314
Sigurd the Volsung, British Library Add. MS 45,315
Sigurd the Volsung, British Library Add. MS 45,316
Laxdaela Saga, fragment of prose paraphrase, British Library Add. MS 45,317
Sigurd the Volsung, Fair Copy, British Library Egerton MS 2866
Sigurd the Volsung, early draft, British Library Add. MS 37,49
Sigurd the Volsung, early draft, British Library Add. MS 37,498
Sigurd the Volsung, Huntington Library HM 6446
Poems by the Way and Shorter Translations, Huntington Library HM 6427
"The Hall and the Wood," Cheltenham Library Z4
"A Gloss on the story of Howard by William Morris," ff. 241, 242, 243. ; this is transcribed in the "List of Poems of the Earthly Paradise Period," no. C-72. After 'Howard the Halt," Fitzwilliam Museum MS270 ff. 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, an original poem.
"Lo when we walk the tangled wood," Harry Ransom Library, MS file Morris, W., Works
"The Burghers' Battle," unused stanzas, Harry Ransom Library, MS file, Morris, W., Works B
"Prologue, The Story of the Volsungs and Niblungs," draft, Harry Ransom Library MS. file, Morris, W., Works B
"The Pilgrims of Hope," part 7, partial draft, Harry Ransom Library MS file Morris, W., Works B
Prose Romances
The House of the Wolfings, 1888, Morgan Library MA 313
The House of the Wolfings, 2 vols. Huntington Library HM 6435
The Roots of the Mountains, 2 vols. Huntington Library HM 6424
A Dream of John Ball, University of Virginia Libraries
"Giles of the Long Frank," British Library Add. MS 45,327
Prose Romance Manuscripts, British Library Add. MS 45,328
Novel on Blue Paper, ff. 1 - 58v
Poems in Roots of the Mountains, ff. 54-58 [also HM 6424, ff. 2]
Kilian of the Closes, ff. 59-109
Unfinished Romances ff. 110-125v
Desiderius, ff. 126-149
Pencil draft, unfinished metrical romance f. 149v
Story of the Flower, ff. 150-186, 194-201v
King Peacock, ff. 187 - 193
News from Nowhere, first draft, Morgan Library Morris 13-14
News from Nowhere, fair copy, Morgan Library MA 4591
News from Nowhere, Kelmscott Press edition, proof sheets
The Story of the Glittering Plain, Huntington Library HM 6425, vol.1
The Story of the Glittering Plain, Huntington Library HM 6425, vol. 2
The Wood Beyond the World, early draft, "The King's Son and the Carle's Son," Society of Antiquaries
The Wood Beyond the World, draft, Morgan Library, New York
The Wood Beyond the World, Beinecke MS. II. Writings, 1894-95
The Well at the World's End, 2 vols., Morgan Library MA 314
The Well at the World's End, Harry Ransom Library, printer's proofs
The Well at the World's End, Harry Ransom Library MS file (Morris, W.)
The Water of the Wondrous Isles, British Library Add. MS 45,322
The Water of the Wondrous Isles, British Library Add. MS 45,323, printer's copy
The Water of the Wondrous Isles, British Library Add. MS 45,325
The Sundering Flood, British Library Add. MS 45,326
"A Story," plot sketch for romance, Beinecke Library, Osborn Collection
The Tables Turned, Huntington Library HM 577
The Tables Turned, Huntington Library HM 6433
Nonfiction: Diaries & Essays
Shorter Icelandic Translations, British Library Add. MS 45,319
Icelandic Diaries notebook, British Library Additional Manuscript 45,319A
Icelantic Diaries notebook, British Library Additional Manuscript 45,319B
Fitzwilliam Library, Icelandic Journal 1871, fair copy made 1873
"Address Made on Behalf of the Work of the S.P.A.B.," Huntington Library HM 6449
"The Art of the People," Huntington Library HM 6432, incomplete
"As to Bribing Excellence," International Institute of Social History MS, Amsterdam. Published in Liberty, May 1895
Burnes Papers, British Library Add. MS 45,891
Early political essay, Cheltenham Library
Early politcal essay 2, Cheltenham Library
Essays on Art and History, British Library Add MS 45,331
(3) 'The Prospects of Architecture in Civilization'
(4) 'Some Hints on House Decoration'
(5) 'Some Hints on Pattern Designing'
(6) 'The Early Literature of the North'
(7) Address delivered at the opening of an art exhibition at the New Islington Hall, Ancoats, Manchester
(8) Address delivered to the Nottingham Kyrle Society at 'The Castle', Nottingham
(9) 'Art and Industry in the Fourteenth Century'
Essays on Art and History, British Library Add MS 45,332
(1) 'Of the Origins of Ornamental Art'
(2) 'The History of Pattern Design'
(4) 'Early England'
(5) Lecture beginning identically with 'The Prospects of Architecture in Civilization'
(6) 'Art and the Beauty of the Earth'
(7) A typewritten copy of the version of 'Art and the Beauty of the Earth'
(8) 'Labour and Pleasure versus Labour and Sorrow'
Essays on Socialism, British Library Add. MS 45,333
- "Socialism"
- "Communism"
- "What We Have to Look For"
- "The Policy of Abstention"
- "Commercial War"
- "What Socialists Want"
- "Art and the People"
- "Makeshift"
- "What is: what should be: what will be: what may be"
- "The End and the Means"
- "Equality"
- "The Political Outlook"
- "Communism: i.e. Property"
Socialism Up to Date (Essays on Socialism), British Library Add. MS 45,334
- "Socialism Up to Date"
- "Art and Labour," first essay
- "Art and Labour"
- "Our Country Right or Wrong"
- "The Depression of Trade"
- "What Socialists Want"
- "The Present Outlook in Politics"
- "Misery and the Way Out"
- "The Origins of Ornamental Art," fragment
- "Speech at a Picture Show"
- Addenda: clippings and letters related to socialism
Report to International Conference, IISH Amsterdam ARCH 00496.611_4-2.
"Gothic Architecture," Harry Ransom Library MS. file Morris, W., Hanley II B
"Gothic Architecture," British Library Add. MS 45,332 (9)
Hammersmith Socialist Society Papers (Minutes), British Library Add. MS 45,891
"Hopes and Fears for Art" Beinecke Library, Yale University, MS Vault Shelves Morris
"The Art of the People"
"The Beauty of Life"
"Making the Best of It"
"The Prospects of Architecture in Civilization"
"How Shall We Live Then," International Institute of Social History MS, Amsterdam
"Lecture Delivered to the National Association for the Advancement of Art," Harry Ransom Library, MS. file (Morris, W.), Works
"Lecture on Art, Art of the People," Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. Don. c. 29, manuscript, 1894.
"Makeshift," Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. Don. e. 30"
"Our Policy in this Crisis," Huntington Library HM 6465
"On the Artistic Qualities of Woodcut Books," Huntington Library HM 6431
"Petition regarding the Baptistry at Ravenna," Huntington Library HM 6455
"The Relations of Art to Labour," Beinecke Library, MS Vault Shelves, Morris, 1598
"Socialism," British Library Add. MS 45,333
"Socialism Up to Date," Briritsh Library Add. MS. 45,334
Socialist Diary, British Library Add. MS 45,335
Speech Delivered to the First Meeting of the SPAB, Society of Antiquaries, SoA 832
Speech on Free Trade, Bodleian Eng. misc. c. 143
"Some Thoughts on the Ornamented Manuscripts of the Middle Ages," Huntington Library HM 6440
"To the Working People of Great Britain and Ireland," Huntington Library HM 6464
"Town and Country," A. MS, Mark Samuels Lasner Collection
"True and False Society," Huntington Library HM 6420
"Under an Elm-Tree: Thoughts in the Countryside," Cheltenham Public Library, Z4
"[Concerning] Westminster Abbey," Beinecke Library, MS Vault Shelves Morris
"Why I Am a Communist," International Institute of Social History MS, Amsterdam
"The Ordination of Knighthood," Huntington Library HM 6436
Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair, draft, Huntington Library HM 6419
Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair, first 16 lines, Huntington Library HM 6418
Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair, draft, Huntington Library HM 36917-18
Beowulf, first draft, Morgan Library MA 312
Beowulf, draft fragment, British Library Add. MS 45,318
Beowulf, fragment, British Library Add. MS 45,318 transcription
The Aeneids of Virgil, Huntington Library HM 6439
The Aeneids of Virgil, British Library Add. MS 45,311
The Odyssey, Huntington Library Manuscript, HM 6421
The Odyssey, Huntington Library Manuscript HM 6448
The Odyssey, British Library Add. MS 45,311
The Odyssey, Harry Ransom Library MS file (Morris, W.), Works
Iliad, Harry Ransom Library, MS file (Morris, W.), Works
The Story of Lancelot of the Lake, Society of Antiquaries MS 905.2, ff. 167-219
Tristram, British Library Add. MS 45,329, script used for illuminated manuscripts
The Tale of King Coustans and The History of Over Sea, Huntington Library HM 6438
Egil's Saga, Society of Antiquaries MS 907, calligraphic manuscript
Frithiof the Bold, fragment, Morgan Library MA 1894
Hafbur and Signy, Morgan Library MA 1894, fragment
The Story of Halfdan the Black, Morgan Library MA 3471, calligraphic manuscript
Harald the Hard-Redy, Saga Library vol. 5, Beinecke Library MS. Vault Shelves Morris
Heimskringla, Morgan Library MA 1894, fragment
"King Hafbur and King Siward," Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. e. 233/2, calligraphic manuscript
"King Harald," partial manuscript, Bodleian Eng. misc. MS. d. 265
Laxdaela Saga, fragment of prose paraphrase, British Library Add. MS. 45,317
Shorter Icelandic Translations British Library Add. Ms 45,318
Poems by the Way and Shorter Translations, Huntington Library HM 6427
"The Prophecy of the Vala," Beinecke Library, Osborn Collection
The Story of the Dwellers at Eyr, Birmingham City Museum and Art Gallery, calligraphic manuscript
"The Story of King Magnus, the Son of Erling," Huntington Library HM 6463
Story of Olaf the Holy, Leeds Library Manuscript, photographed by Ian Felce
"The Story of the Volsungs and Niblungs," Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. g. 58.
"The Story of the Banded Men," Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. d. 267, calligraphic manuscript
"The Story of Hen Thorir," Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. e. 266, calligraphic manuscript
"The Story of the Dwellers at Eyr," Bodleian MS. Eng. misc.265, calligraphic manuscript
"The Story of Sigi," Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. g. 59
"The Story of the Men of Weaponfirth," Cheltenham Library Y7
The Story of King Olaf Tryggvison, Huntington Library HM 6437
The Story of King Harold Greyfell, Huntington Library HM 6428
The Story of Kormak the Son of Ogmund, Morgan Library MA 1894
"The Story of Howard the Halt," partial draft, Cheltenham Library
The Story of Howard the Halt, Huntington Library HM 6426
The Story of King Harold Greyfell, Huntington Library HM 6428
The Story of King Olaf Tryggvison, Huntington Library HM 6437
The Story of the Ynglings, Society of Antiquaries 906, Saga Library, vol. 6
The Story of the Ynglings, Cheltenham Library, calligraphic manuscript
The Tale of Haldor, British Library Add. MS 45,317, transcription
Thorstein and Gunnlaug, partial mansucript, Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. e. 233/1
Manuscript Fragments:
"Jutland's king (in land now let him)," poem included in the manuscript of "The Story of Olaf the Holy" as a drottkvaett stanza, but does not appear in the published text of Saga Library, vol. 4.
"The Tale of Norn-Guest," unpublished translation of the Icelandic "Nornagests Dattr." British Library Add. MS 45,317, ff. 19-28, rectos only.
'Howard the Halt," Fitzwilliam Museum MS 270 ff. 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140; and "A Gloss on the story of Haward by William Morris," ff. 241, 242, 243; this is transcribed in the "List of Poems of the Earthly Paradise Period," no. C-72.
The Tale of Thorstein, Calligraphic Manuscript, Bodleian Library MS. misc. e. 233/1
The Story of Frithiof, Calligraphic Manuscript, Morgan Library MA 1894
The Story of Gunnlaug, Calligraphic Manuscript, Bodleian Library MS. misc. e. 233/1
Thorstein and Gunnlaug, partial mansucript, Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. e. 233/1
Thorbiorn, translation, Cheltenham Library, 9ff., 8 v. Ends, "below the ridge was a great pond: from the boat-house the foreshore was to be seen, but from the shingle-ridge. . . "
"The Words of Snorri Sturleson, Cheltenham Library, 2ff. and 1v. Introduction by Snorri--has written olden tales in the Danish tongue.
The Book Arts
Catalogue of Morris's Books (illuminated MS.)
Catalogue of Morris's Books, transcription
Locations of Manuscripts
Manuscripts from the Beinecke Library, Yale University
"About the middle of the month of June," Beinecke Library, MS. 1595
"The Lovers of Gudrun," proof sheets, Beinecke Library IpM834 870a
"The Prophecy of the Vala," Beinecke Library, Osborn Collection
"The Relations of Art to Labour," Beinecke Library, Yale University. MS Vault Shelves Morris, 1598
Harald the Hard-Redy, Saga Library vol. 5, Beinecke Library MS. Vault Shelves Morris
"A Story," plot sketch for romance, Beinecke Library, Osborn Collection
"[Concerning] Westminster Abbey," Beinecke Library, MS Vault Shelves Morris
"What is to Happen Next?" Beinecke Library, Gen MSS 45, Series II. Writings, 1894-95
The Wood Beyond the World, Beinecke MS. II Writings, 1894-95
Manuscripts from the Berg Collection, New York Public Library
Manuscripts from the Bodleian Library, Oxford University
"The Story of the Volsungs and Niblungs," Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. g. 58.
"King Hafbur and King Siward," Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. e. 233/2, calligraphic manuscript
"The Story of the Banded Men," calligraphic manuscript, Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. d. 267
"The Story of Hen Thorir," Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. e. 266, calligraphic manuscript
The Story of the Dwellers at Eyr," calligraphic manuscript, Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. 265
"The Story of Sigi," Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. g. 59
"King Harald," partial manuscript, Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. d. 265 -
Thorstein and Gunnlaug, partial mansucript, Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. e. 233/1
The Tale of Thorstein, partial Calligraphic Manuscript, Bodleian MS. misc. e. 233/1
The Story of Gunnlaug, partial Calligraphic Manuscript, Bodleian MS. misc. e. 233/1
Speech on Free Trade by Charles Faulkner, Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. c. 143, ff. 81-114
Manuscripts from the British Library
The Hill of Venus, British Library MS. transcription
- The Hill of Venus, British Library Add. MS 45,299, early draft
The Hill of Venus, Fitzwilliam Library MS
The Hill of Venus, Fitzwilliam Library MS transcription
The Land East of the Sun and West of the Moon, British Library Add. MS 45,299
"The Lovers of Gudrun," proof sheets, Beinecke Library IpM834 870a
The Man Who Never Laughed Again, British Library Add. MS 45,299; British Library MS 45,303; frag. in 45,298A, f. 113. See List of Poems of the Earthly Paradise Period.
The Palace East of the Sun and West of the Moon, copyist's version, British Library Add. MS 45,309
The Proud King, rough pencil draft, British Library Add. MS 45,306
The Proud King (copyist's version) British Library Add. MS 45,309
The Story of Rhodope, British Library Add. 45,299
The Story of Rhodope (rough draft), British Library Add. MS 45,304
"The Story of Rhodope," British Library Add. MS 45,304, transcription
The Story of Cupid and Psyche, British Library Add. MS 45,305
Shorter Icelandic Translations British Library Add. Ms 45,318
Beowulf, British Library Add. MS. 45,318, ff. 135v-138 Beowulf, transcription
Sigurd the Volsung, early draft, British Library Add. MS 37,497
Sigurd the Volsung, early draft, British Library Add. MS 37,498, first draft, ff. 1-88; contains a few cancelled and corrected folios, ff. 356-66
Sigurd the Volsung, Fair Copy, British Library Egerton MS 2866
Essays on Art and History, British Library Additional Manuscript 45,332
Socialism Up to Date (Essays on Socialism), British Library Add. MS 45,334
- "Socialism Up to Date"
- "Art and Labour," first essay
- "Art and Labour"
- "Our Country Right or Wrong"
- "The Depression of Trade"
- "What Socialists Want"
- "The Present Outlook in Politics"
- "Misery and the Way Out"
- "The Origins of Ornamental Art," fragment
- "Speech at a Picture Show"
- Addenda: clippings and letters related to socialism
Shorter Icelandic Translations, British Library Add. MS 45,318
Icelandic Diaries notebook, British Library Additional Manuscript 45,319A
Icelandic Diaries notebook, British Library Additional Manuscript 45,319B
Prose Romance Manuscripts, British Library Add. MS 45,328
Novel on Blue Paper, ff. 1 - 58v
Poems in Roots of the Mountains, ff. 54-58 [also HM 6424, ff. 2]
Kilian of the Closes ff. 59-109
Unfinished Romances ff. 110-125v
Desiderius ff. 126-149
Pencil draft, unfinished metrical romance f. 149v
Story of the Flower ff. 150-186, 194-201v
King Peacock ff. 187 - 193
The Water of the Wondrous Isles, British Library Add. MS 45,322
The Water of the Wondrous Isles, British Library Add. MS 45,323, printer's copy
The Water of the Wondrous Isles, British Library Add. MS 45,325
The Tale of Haldor, B. L. Add. MS 45,317, f. 29. Transcription.
Tristram, British Library Add. MS 45,329, script used for illuminated manuscripts
Hammersmith Socialist Society Papers (Minutes), B. L. Add. MS. 45,891
Manuscripts from the Cheltenham Library and Art Museum (The Wilson)
Calligraphic mss., 1 f. from the Rubaiyat, 1 f. from "The Story of the Ynglings," color design
"Howard the Halt," partial draft, Cheltenham Library
"The Story of the Men of Weaponfirth," Cheltenham Library Y7
"The Story of the Men of Weaponfirth/ Chap 1: Brodd Helgi slayeth Swart." Fair copy in 'Italian' script, titled in red ink, Cheltenham Library and Wilson Art Gallery, Y7, ff. 1-18, calligraphic ms. both sides.
"The Odes of Horace," Y7
"Under an Elm-Tree: Thoughts in the Countryside," Cheltenham Public Library, Z4
Thorbiorn, translation, Cheltenham Public Library, 9ff., 8 v. Ends, "below the ridge was a great pond: from the boat-house the foreshore was to be seen, but from the shingle-ridge. . . " [from Howard the Halt]
"The Words of Snorri Sturleson," Cheltenham Public Library, 2ff. and 1v. Introduction by Snorri--"has written olden tales in the Danish tongue."
Manuscripts from the Fitzwilliam Library, Cambridge, England
"A Gloss on the story of Howard by William Morris," ff. 241, 242, 243. ; this is transcribed in the "List of Poems of the Earthly Paradise Period," no. C-72. After 'Howard the Halt," Fitzwilliam Museum MS270 ff. 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, an original poem.
Autograph Manuscript of fragments of 5 poems, Fitzwilliam Library, Cambridge, Manuscript 2
Manuscripts from the Harry Ransom Library, Austin, Texas
"Address at the Delivery of Prizes," Harry Ransom Library, MS file (Morris, W.), Works
Harry Ransom Library, "Lecture Delivered to the National Association for the Advancement of Art," MS. file (Morris, W.), Works
"Gothic Architecture," Harry Ransom Library MS. file Morris, W., Hanley II
Harry Ransom Library, "The Well at the World's End," printer's proofs
Harry Ransom Library, "The Well at the World's End," Ms. file (Morris, W.), Works
The Odyssey, Harry Ransom Library MS file (Morris, W.), Works
"The Story of Aristomenes," Harry Ransom Library, MS. (Morris, W.), Works B
"The Moon Shall Be Dark," Harry Ransom Library, MS. (Morris, W.), Works
"The Burghers' Battle," unused stanzas. Harry Ransom Library, MS. file, (Morris, W.), Works B
"Prologue, The Story of the Volsungs and Niblungs," draft, Harry Ransom Library, MS. file, (Morris, W.), Works B
"The Pilgrims of Hope," part 7, partial draft, Harry Ransom Library MS file Morris, W., Works B
"Lonely Love and Loveless Death," Harry Ransom Library, MS file (Morris, W.), Works
"Lo when we walk the tangled wood," Harry Ransom Library, MS. file (Morris, W.), Works
"The Roots of the Mountains," MS. file (Morris, W.), Hanley II B
"Gothic Architecture," Harry Ransom Library MS. file Morris, W., Hanley II B
"Iliad," Harry Ransom Library, MS. file (Morris, W.), Works
Manuscripts from the Huntington Library, Pasadena, California
"The Art of the People," Huntington Library HM 6432, incomplete
"On the Artistic Qualities of Woodcut Books," Huntington Library HM 6431
"Some Thoughts on the Ornamented Manuscripts of the Middle Ages," Huntington Library HM 6440
"Address Made on Behalf of the Work of the S.P.A.B.," Huntington Library HM 6449
"Petition regarding the Baptistry at Ravenna," Huntington Library HM 6455
"To the Working People of Great Britain and Ireland," Huntington Library HM 6464
The Odyssey, Huntington Library, HM 6421
Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair, draft, Huntington Library HM 6419
Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair, first 16 lines, Huntington Library HM 6418
The Tale of King Coustans and The History of Over Sea, Huntington Library HM 6438
The Story of King Harold Greyfell, Huntington Library HM 6428
The Story of King Olaf Tryggvison, Huntington Library HM 6437
"The Story of King Magnus, the Son of Erling," Huntington Library HM 6463
The House of the Wolfings, 2 vols. Huntington Library HM 6435
The Roots of the Mountains, Huntington Library HM 6424
The Story of the Glittering Plain, Huntington Library HM 6425, Vol.1
The Story of the Glittering Plain, Huntington Library HM 6425, Vol. 2
Sigurd the Volsung, Huntington Library, Huntington Library, HM 6446
"The Art of the People," Huntington Library HM 6432, incomplete
"On the Artistic Qualities of Woodcut Books," Huntington Library HM 6431
"Some Thoughts on the Ornamented Manuscripts of the Middle Ages," Huntington Library HM 6440
Petition regarding the Baptistry at Ravenna, Huntington Library
An Account of Three Socialist Lectures, Huntington Library, HM 6446
"To the Working People of Great Britain and Ireland," Huntington Library HM 6464
Manuscripts from the International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam
"How Shall We Live Then," International Institute of Social History MS, Amsterdam
Manuscript: Report to International Conference IISH Amsterdam ARCH 00496.611
"Why I Am a Communist," International Institute of Social History MS, Amsterdam
Manuscript from the Leeds Public Library
Manuscripts from the Mark Samuels Lasner Collection
"Town and Country," Mark Samuels Lasner Collection
- Images
- Transcription
Manuscripts from the Morgan Library, New York
"Rhyme Slayeth Shame," Morgan Library, M A 925, fol. 57 (Annie Fields' album)
News from Nowhere, manuscript images, first draft, Morgan Library Morris 13-14
News from Nowhere, fair copy, Morgan Library MA 4591
Manuscript draft, "The Wood Beyond the World," Morgan Library, New York
The Story of Kormak the Son of Ogmund, Morgan Library MA 1894
Morgan Library Calligraphic Manuscript, fragment, The Story of Frithiof, MA 1494
The Story of Halfdan the Black, Morgan Library MA 3471, calligraphic manuscript
Manuscripts from the Society of Antiquaries
Early draft, "The King's Son and the Carle's Son," images, Society of Antiquaries, London
Early draft, "The King's Son and the Carle's Son," transcription
Egil's Saga, Society of Antiquaries MS 907, calligraphic manuscript
Speech Delivered to the First Meeting of the SPAB, Society of Antiquaries, SoA 832, ff. 1-23; misc. pages plus ff. 1-12, SPAB draft of opening statement, beginnning, "A Society coming before the public. . . "; with 1st Annual Report, later printed, a good draft with cross-outs.
The Story of Lancelot of the Lake, Society of Antiquaries MS 905.2, ff. 167-219
The Story of the Ynglings, Society of Antiquaries 906, Saga Library, vol. 6
Manuscript from the University of Iowa Libraries, Special Collections
Manuscripts from the William Morris Gallery
- "Abstract of Story of Gudrun from Laxdaela," William Morris Gallery (WMG) J154.
- Chants for Socialists, No. 1: "The Day is Coming," William Morris Gallery (WMG), Democratic Federation, London: Reeves, 185, Fleet Street, E.C.
- "Early England [Address by Mr. William Morris]," The Daily News, January 189..., William Morris Gallery (WMG) J2113
- "Epping Forest [Mr. Morris Report]," The Daily Chronicle, May 9, 1895, William Morris Gallery (WMG) J2115
- "Help for the Miners" ("The Deeper Meaning of the Struggle: Letter to the Editor"), The Daily Chronicle, November 10, 1893, William Morris Gallery (WMG) K1558
- "Impending Famine in Iceland," The Daily News, August 6, 1882, William Morris Gallery (WMG) J2112
- Leaves of Illuminated Manuscripts: Trial Pages for Horace and The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, William Morris Gallery (WMG) Ms. J1578. 29 January 1899.
Manuscript notes, c. 1876, "The Mythology and Religion of the North," William Morris Gallery J149.
- Morris at First Hand, March 24, 1984, William Morris Gallery (WMG) K2199.
- Ms. of Placard "Unjust War (To the Working Men of England)," May 1877, William Morris Gallery (WMG) J143.
“O fair gold goddess,”William Morris Gallery, A. Ms. J150 [pdf] fair copy. Printed with notes by R. C. Ellison, English, 15 (1964): 100-102. The poem is signed “Vilhjálmar Vandraedaskáld,” Icelandic for “William the Troubled Skald." Another autograph is in B. L. Add. Ms. 45,318, f. 92 and 92v, on blue ruled paper.
- "Quia Amore Langueo: a religious poem of the early fifteenth century," William Morris Gallery (WMG) J156.
- "Royal School of Art-Needlework," December 1879, William Morris Gallery (WMG), J2117.
- "Sixteenth Adventure: How Siegfried was Slain," from The Nibelungenlied, William Morris Gallery (WMG) J147.
- "The Days to Come," William Morris Gallery (WMG) J142.
- "The Famine in Iceland," The Daily News, September 28, 1882, William Morris Gallery (WMG) J2116
- "Tree Felling in Epping Foreset," The Daily Chronicle, April 23, 1895, William Morris Gallery (WMG)
- Notes, Capital by Karl Marx, 1883, William Morris Gallery (WMG) J151.
- Notes, "The Mythology and Religion of the North," William Morris Gallery (WMG) J146.
- William Morris Issue (Special Number), The Comune, Second Series Vol. 11, No. 2, February 1927, ed. and pub. Guy A. Aldred: Glasglow, W. (Scotland).
- "Worthy to Win are Goods and Gold," William Morris Gallery (WMG) J148 ff. 2-5. Kelmscott, August 5, 1872.
Other Art Works and Poetic Manuscripts
Burne-Jones, Edward. Drawings for a projected edition of The Aeneids, Morgan Library.
Burne-Jones, Edward. Drawings for a projected edition of The Earthly Paradise; drawings for the Life and Death of Jason
Burne-Jones, Edward. Woodcuts for the Kelmscott Chaucer
Burne-Jones, Edward. Woodcut drawings for The Life and Death of Jason
Burne-Jones, Edward. Woodcut drawings for The Earthly Paradise
Rossetti, D. G. "Ego Mater Pulcrae Delectionis," Colbeck Collection, University of British Columbia
Rossetti, D. G. "Rose Mary," Free Public Library of Philadelphia, images Alexander Ames.
Rossetti, D. G. "The White Ship." Free Public Library of Philadelphia, images Alexander Ames.
Rossetti, D. G. Sonnet to Coleridge and "The Leaf" by Leopardi. Free Public Library of Philadelphia, images Alexander Ames.
Socialist-Related Manuscript
Charles Faulkner, Speech on Free Trade, Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. c. 143, ff. 81-114
"Hapless Love," Good Words 10 (1 April 1869), 264-65. ("Why do you sadly go alone")
"The Death of Paris," Every Saturday 8 (13 November 1869), 625-30.
"May Grown A-Cold," Atlantic Monthly 25/151 (1 May, 1870), 553.
"The Seasons," The Academy (1 February 1871), 109.
"The Voice of Toil," Justice 1.12 (5 April 1884), 5. Published in Poems by the Way.
"All for the Cause," Justice 1.14 (19 April 1884), 5. Published in Poems by the Way.
"No Master," Justice, 1.21 (7 June 1884), 5.
"The March of the Workers," Commonweal 1.1 (February 1885), 4; 1.2 (March 1885).
"The Message of the March Wind," Commonweal, March 1885 1.2. Published in Poems by the Way.
"Untitled Verse," Commonweal 4.119 (21 April 1888). ("Lo when we wade the tangled wood")
"The Burghers' Battle," The Athenaeum (16 June 1888), 761. Published in Poems by the Way.
"May Day," Justice, 30 April 1892. ("O Earth, once again cometh Spring to deliver")
"Mine and Thine," Commonweal 5.164 (2 November 1889), 67. Published in Poems by the Way.
"The Day of Days," The Humane Review, July 1890; Time, November 1890. Reprinted in Poems by the Way.
"The New Year," The Artist 13 (January 1892), 3.
"May Day, 1894," Justice 11.538 (5 May 1894), 1.
The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine
Commonweal: 'The Official Organ of the Socialist League'
1885, Volume 1
Number 1, February, The Manifesto of the Socialist League (William Morris and Provisional Council)
Number 3, April, [Untitled - Review of 'Socialist Rhymes' by J.L.Joynes]
Number 4, May, [Untitled contribution to 'Signs of the Times']
Number 4, May, [Untitled review of 'Social Politics' by Charles Rowley]
Number 7, August, First General Meeting of the Socialist League
Number 7, August, Report of the Editors of the 'Commonweal' (with Edward Aveling)
Number 8, September, Appeal! (with Belfort Bax and C. Theodor)
1886, Volume 2
Number 12, January, The Commonweal (with Belfort Bax, H.H.Sparling, Carl Theodor)
Number 13, February, The Commonweal (with Belfort Bax, H.H.Sparling, Carl Theodor)
Number 16, 1 May, [Untitled paragraph on the socialist trial]
Number 16, 1 May, [Untitled paragraph on the pit-brow women], related [Autograph manuscript]
Number 16, 1 May, [Unititled paragraph on Mr. Chamberlain and
Number 18, 15 May, Socialism from the root up, Ch. I (with E.Belfort Bax)
Number 19, 22 May, Socialism from the root up, Ch. II (with E.Belfort Bax)
Number 20, 29 May, Socialism from the root up, Ch. III (with E.Belfort Bax)
Number 21, 5 June, Socialism from the root up, Ch. IV (with E.Belfort
Number 22, 12 June, Socialism from the root up, Ch. V (with E.Belfort Bax)
Number 25, 3 July, Socialism from the root up, Ch. VI (with E.Belfort Bax)
Number 26, 10 July, Review: 'Modern Socialism'
- Number 27, 17 July, The Whig-Jingo Victory
Number 28, 24 July, Socialism From the Root Up: Chapter VII (with E.Belfort Bax)
Number 29, 31 July, Socialism From the Root Up: Chapter VIII (with E.Belfort Bax)
Number 31, 14 August, Socialism From the Root Up: Chapter IX (with E.Belfort Bax)
Number 32, 21 August, The Abolition of Freedom of Speech in the Streets
Number 33, 28 August, Socialism From the Root Up: Chapter X (with E.Belfort Bax)
Number 35, 11 September, Socialism From the Root Up: Chapter XI (with E.Belfort Bax)
Number 38, 2 October, Socialism From the Root Up: Chapter XII (with E.Belfort Bax)
Number 42, 30 October, Socialism From the Root Up: Chapter XIII (with E.Belfort Bax)
1887, Volume 3
Number 51, 1 January, [Untitled Paragraph on Trafalgar Square]
Number 56, 5 February, Socialism From the RootUp: Chapter XIV (with E.Belfort Bax)
Number 59, 26 February, Socialism From the Root Up: Chapter XV (with E.Belfort Bax)
Number 61, 12 March, Socialism From the Root Up: Chapter XVI (with E.Belfort Bax)
Number 63, 26 March, Socialism From the Root Up: Chapter XVII (with E.Belfort Bax)
Number 68, 30 April, Socialism From the Root Up: Chapter XVIII (with E.Belfort Bax)
Number 75, 18 June, Socialism From the Root Up: Chapter XIX (with E.Belfort Bax)
Number 76, 25 June, The North of England Socialist Federation
Number 80, 23 July, Socialism From the Root Up: Chapter XX (with E.Belfort Bax)
Number 82, 6 August, Socialism From the Root Up: Chapter XXI (with E.Belfort Bax)
Number 87, 10 September, Artist and Artisan: As an Artist Sees it
Number 98, 26 November, The Liberal Party Digging its Own Grave
Number 101, 17 December, The Conscience of the Upper Classes
1888, Volume 4
Number 113, 10 March, Socialism from the root up: Chapter XXII (with E.Belfort Bax)
Number 114, 17 March, Socialism From the Root Up: Chapter XXII cont. (with E.Belfort Bax)
Number 121, 5 May, Socialism From the Root Up: Chapter XXIII (with E.Belfort Bax)
Number 123, 19 May, Socialism from the root up: Chapter XXIII Cont. (with E.Belfort Bax)
Number 126, 9 June, The Policy of the Socialist League (Council of the Socialist League)
Number 135, 11 August, Footnote to 'Death of W.Stanley Jevons'
1889, Volume 5
Number 167, 23 March, Apologies for Missing the Paris Commune Celebrations
Number 173, 4 May, Statement of Principles (signed 'Council of the Socialist League')
Number 175, 18 May, Correspondence (Letter Opposing the Anarchists)
Number 188, 17 August, Correspondence: Communism and Anarchism
1890, Volume 6
Number 210, 18 January, News From Nowhere: Chapter II (Cont)
Number 212, 1 February, News From Nowhere: Chapters III & IV
Number 218, 15 March, News From Nowhere: Chapter IX (continued)
Number 219, 22 March, News From Nowhere: Chapter IX & Chapter X
Number 220, 29 March, News From Nowhere: Chapter X (continued)
Number 221, 5 April, News From Nowhere: Chapter X (Concluded)
Number 224, 26 April, News From Nowhere: Chapters XIII & XIV
Number 228, 24 May, News From Nowhere: Chapter XVII (Continued)
Number 229, 31 May, News From Nowhere: Chapter XVII (Continued)
Number 230, 7 June, News From Nowhere: Chapter XVII (Continued)
Number 231, 14 June, News From Nowhere: Chapter XVII (Concluded)
Number 234, 5 July, News From Nowhere: Chapters XIX, XX & XXI
Number 236, 19 July, The Development of Modern Society (Part 1)
Number 236, 19 July, News From Nowhere: Chapter XXII (Concluded)
Number 237, 26 July, The Development of Modern Society (Part 2)
Number 238, 2 August, The Development of Modern Society (Part 3)
Number 239, 9 August, News From Nowhere: Chapter XXIV (Concluded)
Number 239, 9 August, The Development of Modern Society (Part 4)
Number 240, 16 August, The development of modern society (Part 5)
Number 242, 30 August, News From Nowhere: Chapter XXVI (Continued)
Number 243, 6 September, News From Nowhere: Chapter XXVI (Concluded)
"An Old Story Retold," Commonweal 2.36 (18 September 1886), 197-98.
"Free Speech in America," Commonweal 3.91 (8 October 1887), 324.
"Educating Americans in Handicraft," Commonweal 4.129 (30 June 1888), 204-205.
A Dream of John Ball, 11 installments, Commonweal.
"Socialism from the Root Up," 25 installments, Commonweal.
News from Nowhere, 39 installments, Commonweal, 1890.
English Illustrated Magazine
"The Glittering Plain," English Illustrated Magazine, 1890.
vol. 7.81 June 1890, chapters 1-6, pp. 687-98
vol. 7.82 July 1890, chapters 7-12, pp. 754-68
vol. 7.83 August 1890, chapters 13-18, pp. 824-32
vol. 7.84 September 1890, chapters 19-22, pp. 884-900
Justice: 'The Organ of the Social Democracy' Articles and Poems -from the archive]
1884, Volume 1
Number 1, 19 January, The Principles of "Justice" (with H.M. Hyndman and J.Taylor)
Number 4, 9 February, Chants for Socialists, No, 2: The Voice of Toil
Number 11, March 5, Chants for Socialists, No. 1: The Day is Coming
Number 14, 19 April, Chants for Socialists, No. 3: All for the Cause
Number 24, 28 June, A Factory As It Might Be - III
- Number 25, 5 July, The Propaganda Fund
Number 34, 6 September, Social Democratic Federation, To The Trades Unions (William Morris et al)
Number 39, 11 October, Literary Courtesy: To The Editor Of "Justice"
1885, Volume 1
Articles on Morris in U.S. Periodicals from 1891-1900
1891.030 Clarke, William. “William Morris.” New England Magazine 9.6 (Feb. 1891): 740-749.
1891.095 Rev. of The Story of the Glittering Plain by W. Morris. Library 3.30 (Jun. 1891): 233-234.
1891.130 Wicksteed, P[hilip] H[enry]. “Morris’s News from Nowhere.” Ethics 2.1 (Oct. 1891): 132-133.
1892.220 Kingsland, William G. “Notes and News” [W. Morris]. Poet-Lore 4.12 (Dec. 1892): 644-645.
1892.265 “The Pre-Raphaelite Exhibition.” Philadelphia Inquirer 127.164 (11 Dec. 1892): 4.
1896.275 K[ingsland], W[illiam] G. “London Literaria” [W. Morris]. Poet-Lore 8.7 (Jul. 1896): 468.
1896.394 “William Morris” [obituary]. Chicago Record 17.213 (4 Sep. 1896): 4.
1896.477 “William Morris Dead.” New York Mail and Express 63 (3 Oct. 1896): 1.
1896.483 “William Morris’s Death.” Independent 48.2497 (8 Oct. 1896): 13.
1896.522 “Poems by William Morris.” Springfield Republican 11 Oct. 1896: 13.
1897.076 Johnson, M. “William Morris.” Primitive Methodist Quarterly Review 39 (Jan. 1897): 104.
1897.130 “Notes and News: A Letter from William Morris.” Poet-Lore 9.2 (Feb 1897): 320.
1898.090 “Notes and News [W. Morris].” Poet-Lore 10.1 (Jan. 1898): 158-159.
1899.105 “Life and Letters” [W. Morris]. Poet-Lore 11.1 (Jan. 1899): 153-154.
1899.235 Morris, William. “The Tale of King Coustans.” Poet-Lore 11.4 (Apr. 1899): 465-476.
1899.340 “Burne-Jones and William Morris.” Bookman [New York] 9.6 (Aug. 1899): 497-499.
1899.345 “William Morris by One Who Knew Him.” Bookman [New York] 9.6 (Aug. 1899): 533-535.
1899.575 Ackerman, Eduard. “An American William Morris.” Book-Lover 2 (Winter 1899/1900): 203-205.
Boos, Florence. "The First Morris Society: Chicago, 1903-1905," JWMS 21.4 (Winter 2014).
"A Plea for the American Anarchists," Pall Mall Gazette (28 September 1887), 5.
Early Poems
Early Poems articles from The Journal of William Morris Studies
Baïssus, J. M. "Morris and the Oxford and Cambridge Magazine."JWMS 5.2 (Winter 1982): 2-13.
Dewan, Pauline. "Patterns of Enclosure in Morris's Early Stories."JWMS 11.2 (Spring 1995): 9-11.
The Defence of Guenevere
Berry, Ralph. "A Defense of Guenevere." Victorian Poetry 9(1971): 277-86.
King, Rebecca Bruch. “‘Ceaselessly Losing Our Identity’: Psychic Rupture in ‘King Arthur’s Tomb.’” Arthuriana, 27 (April 2017): 28-42.
Silver, Carole. The Romance of William Morris, Ohio University Press, 1982, pp. 40-42, 45-46.
Spatt, Hartley. "William Morris and the Uses of the Past." Victorian Poetry 13.3-4 (1975): 1-9.
Defence articles from the Journal of William Morris Studies
Berry, Ralph. "The Symbolism of William Morris." JWMS 3.4 (Winter 1978): 20-34.
Faulkner, Peter. "Morris and Pre-Raphaelitism," JWMS 19.4 (Summer 2012), 40-62.
Faulkner, Peter. "Morris and Tennyson," JWMS 18.3 (Winter 2009), 15-51.
Faulkner, Peter. "William Morris and Robert Browning," JWMS 2013 (Winter 2013), 13-30.
Hodgson, Amanda. "Riding Together: William Morris and Robert Browning."JWMS 9.4 (Spring 1992): 3-7.
Hoskins, Robert. "Image and Motif in The Haystack in the Floods." JWMS 3.2 (Summer 1976): 4-7.
Schofield, John. "The Defence of Guenevere and Contemporary Critics." JWMS 3.1 (Spring 1974): 27-30.
Wong, Alexander. "William Morris's The Defence of Guenevere." JWMS 19.1 (Winter 2010), 52-65.
The Life and Death of Jason
Boos, Florence. The Pattern of William Morris's 'The Earthly Paradise.' Mellen, 1990.
Gibbs. Allegra. "William Morris' Use of Classical Sources in The Life and Death of Jason: A Classicist's Reading." M. Litt., University of Edinburgh, 1992.
Kirchhoff, Frederick. William Morris. Boston: Twayne, 1979, pp. 61-66.
Silver, Carole. The Romance of William Morris. Athens: Ohio University Press, 1982, 50-55.
Tompkins, J. M. William Morris: An Approach to the Poetry. London: Cecil Woolf, 1984, 89-95.
Jason articles from the Journal of William Morris Studies
Tales Omitted from The Earthly Paradise
The Earthly Paradise
("The Story of Aslaug," pp. 120-27.)
Ellison, Ruth. "An Unpublished Poem by William Morris," English 15 (Autumn, 1964): 100-102.
Litzenberg, Karl. "Contributions of the Old Norse Language and Literature to the Style and Substance of the Writings of William Morris, 1856-76." Dissertation, University of Michigan, 1933. Chapter 3.4 The Fostering of Aslaug 229-244 Chapter 3.5 The Lovers of Gudrun 245-275
Litzenberg, Karl. "William Morris and the Heimskringla." Scandinavian Studies 14(1935-36): 33-39.
Litzenberg, Karl. "William Morris and the 'Literary' Tradition." Michigan Alumnus 53(1946): 48-55.
McGann, Jerome. "The Beauty of Medusa." Studies in Romanticism 11.1(1972): 3-25.
Morris, May. Remarks on Early Drafts for The Earthly Paradise, Collected Works 3, 628-32, Collected Works 21, xviii-xix
Morris, May. William Morris: Artist, Writer, Socialist, Oxford: Blackwells, 1936, 404-36.
---------. "Conclusion." Ibid.
Silver, Carole. "The Earthly Paradise: Lost." Victorian Poetry 13.3-4 (1975): 27-42.
Earthly Paradise from the Journal of Wiliam Morris Studies
Faulkner, Peter. "The Story of Alcestis in William Morris and Ted Hughes,"JWMS 16/23 (2005): 56-79.
Love is Enough
Colvin, Sidney. Review of Love Is Enough. Fortnightly Review, 1 January 1873, XIII, 147-48.
Simcox, G. A. Review, Academy, December 1872, vol. 3, 461-62.
Tompkins, J. M. S. William Morris: An Approach to the Poetry. London: Cecil Woolf, 1988, 202-227.
Sigurd the Volsung
Cumming, Mark, "The Structure of Sigurd the Volsung," Victorian Poetry 21 (Winter 1983), 403-14.
Dentith, Simon. Epic and Empire in Nineteenth-Century Britain. Cambridge UP, pp. 71-83.
Litzenberg, Karl. "William Morris and the Heimskringla." Scandinavian Studies 14(1935-36): 33-39.
Litzenberg, Karl. "William Morris and the 'Literary' Tradition." Michigan Alumnus 53(1946): 48-55.
Morris, May, intro. The Collected Works of William Morris. Vol. 12. London: Longmans, 1911.
Silver, Carole, The Romance of William Morris, Ohio University Press, 1982, 111-119.
Tompkins, J. M. S. "Sigurd the Volsung," in William Morris: An Approach to the Poetry. London: Cecil Woolf, 1988, 228-275.
Sigurd articles from the Journal of William Morris Studies
Ennis, Jane, "The Role of Grimhild in Sigurd the Volsung,"JWMS 8.3 (Autumn 1989): 13-23.
Ennis, Jane, "Imagery of Gold in Sigurd the Volsung,"JWMS 11.4 (Spring 1996): 20-26.
Poems by the Way
Ellison, Ruth. "An Unpublished Poem by William Morris," English 15 (Autumn, 1964): 100-102.
Elton, Oliver, review, Academy. February 1892, vol. 41, 197.
Garnett, Richard, review, Illustrated London News, January 9th, 1892.
Henville, Letitia. “Late Victorian Ballad Translation.” Diss. University of Toronto, 2016.
Latham, David, ed. and intro. Poems by the Way, Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 1994.
Latham, David. Tales Omitted from The Earthly Paradise. William Morris Archive online.
Poems articles from the Journal of William Morris Studies
Salmon, Nicholas. "The Serialisation of The Pilgrims of Hope." JWMS 12.2 (Spring 1997): 14-25.
Pilgrims of Hope
The House of the Wolfings
Hewlett, Henry, review, Nineteenth Century, August 1889, 26, 337-41.
Unsigned review. Atlantic Monthly, June 1890, 65, 851-54.
Vaninskaya, Anna. "William Morris: The Myth of the Fall," JWMS 18.3 (2009), 48-57.
Wolfings articles from the Journal of William Morris Studies
The Roots of the Mountains
Roots articles from the Journal of William Morris Studies
Hansen, Regina. "Forms of Friendship in The Roots of the Mountains." JWMS 11.3 (Autumn 1995): 19-21.
A Dream of John Ball
Boos, Florence. "History as Fellowship in Morris's Literary Writings." William Morris Today, 1981.
Faulkner, Peter. William Morris and the Idea of England. London: William Morris Society, 1992.
Hilton, Rodney. The Change Beyond the Change: A Dream of John Ball. William Morris Society, 1990.
John Ball articles from the Journal of William Morris Studies
Salmon, Nicholas. "A Reassessment of A Dream of John Ball." JWMS 14.2 (Spring 2001):29-38.
Salmon, Nicholas. "The Revision of A Dream of John Ball." JWMS 10.2 (Spring 1993): 15-17.
News from Nowhere
Boos, Florence et alia, An illustrated on-line edition of News from Nowhere
Boos, Florence and William. "The Utopian Communism of William Morris." History of Political Thought 7.3 (1986): 489-510.
Johnson, Lionel. Review, Academy, 23 May, 1891, xxxix, 483-84.
Kelvin, Norman, "The Erotic in News from Nowhere and The Well at World's End." Studies in the Late romances of William Morris: Papers Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Modern Language Association, December 1975. New York: William Morris Society, 1976.
News articles from the Journal of William Morris Studies
Baker, Lesley A. "An Old House Amongst New Folk." JWMS 8.4 (Spring 1990): 24-27.
Coleman, Roger. "Design and Technology in Nowhere." JWMS 9.2 (Spring 1991): 28-39.
Faulkner, Peter. "News from Nowhere in Recent Criticism." JWMS 5.3 (Summer 1983): 2-7.
Fellman, Michael. "Bloody Sunday and News from Nowhere." JWMS 8.4 (Spring 1990): 9-18.
Gagnier, Regina. "Morris's Ethics, Cosmopolitanism, and Globalisation." JWMS 16/23 (2005): 9-30.
Highfill, Jannett. "International Trade in News from Nowhere." JWMS 12.2 (Spring 1997): 31-35.
Holm, Jan. "The Old Grumbler At Runnymede."JWMS 10.2 (Spring 1993): 17-21.
Jacobs, Naomi. "Beauty and the Body in News from Nowhere." JWMS 12.2 (Spring 1997): 26-30.
Kent, Eddy. "Green Cosmopolitanism in Morris's News from Nowhere." JWMS 19.3 (Winter 2011), 64-78.
Kinna, Ruth. "Time and Utopia: The Gap Between Morris and Bax," JWMS 18.3 (Winter 2009), 36-47.
Latham, David. "Hope and Change: Teaching News from Nowhere." JWMS 17.2 (Summer 2007): 6-23.
Laurent, Beatrice. "The Landscapes of Nowhere." JWMS 18.2 (Summer 2009), 52-64.
Levitas, Ruth. "More, Morris, Utopia . . . and us," JWMS 22.1 (2016), 4-17.
Macdonald, Alex. "The Revision of News from Nowhere." JWMS 3.2 (Summer 1976): 8-15.
Marsh, Jan. "News from Nowhere as Erotic Dream." JWMS 8.4 (Spring 1990): 19-23.
Miles, Rosie. "Teaching Morris Online."JWMS 17.2 (Summer 2007): 4-72.\Miller, Elizabeth Carolyn. "Collections and Collectivity: William Morris in the Rare Book Room." JWMS 17.2 (Summer 2007):73-88.
Mineo, Ady. "Eros Unbound: Sexual Identities in News from Nowhere." JWMS 9.4 (Spring 1992): 8-14.
Pinkney, Tony. "Cycling in Nowhere."JWMS 13. 2 (Spring 1999): 28-33.
Pinkney, Tony. "The Dialectic of Nature in Nowhere," JWMS 19.3 (Winter 2011), 50-63.
Pinkney, Tony. "Edward Bellamy's Review of News from Nowhere." JWMS 20.1 (Winter 2012).
Pinkney, Tony. "News from Nowhere as Seance Fiction." JWMS 18.3 (Winer 2009), 29-47.
Pinkney, Tony. "News from Nowhere in Recent Criticism, revisited." JWMS 20.2 (Summer 2013).
Wood, Andrew J. “This Is A Pipe: The Aesthetic Object in Morris’s Nowhere.” JWMS 23.3 (2019): 17-35.
The Glittering Plain
Seaman, Graham. Introduction to The Glittering Plain., 2003.
Glittering Plain articles from the Journal of Wiliam Morris Studies
Çelikkol, Ayşe. “The Planetary in Morris’s Late Romances.” JWMS 22.4 (Summer 2018): 15-30.
The Wood Beyond the World
Morris, William, Letter to Spectator, 1885, vol. 75 (July-December)
Shippey, Tom. Introduction, The Wood Beyond the World. Oxford: OUP, 1980, v-xix.
Watts, Theodore. Unsigned review. Athenaeum, 2 March 1895, no. 3514, 273-74.
Wood Beyond the World articles from the Journal of William Morris Studies
Cooper, Jane S. "The Iceland Journeys and the Late Romances." JWMS 5.4 (Winter 1983-84): 40-59.
Çelikkol, Ayşe. “The Planetary in Morris’s Late Romances.” JWMS 22.4 (Summer 2018): 15-30.
Dodds, Andrew. "A Structural Approach to The Wood Beyond the World."JWMS 7.2 (Spring 1987): 26-28.
Newman, Hilary. "Water in William Morris's Late Prose Romances." JWMS 13.4 (Spring 2000): 41-47.
The Well at the World's End
Bennett, Phillippa, "Conclusion: The Presentation of Wonder." in Wonderlands: The Last Romances of William Morris. Oxford, New York: Peter Lang, 2015.
Swinburne, A. C., review, Nineteenth Century, November 1896, xl, 759-60.
Wells, H. G., review, Saturday Review, 17 October 1896, lxxxii, 413-15.
Yeats, W. B., review, Bookman, November 1896, x, 37-38.
Well at the World's end articles from the Journal of William Morris Studies
Birch, Dinah. "Morris and Myth: A Romantic Heritage."JWMS 7.1 (Autumn 1986): 5-11.
Çelikkol, Ayşe. “The Planetary in Morris’s Late Romances.” JWMS 22.4 (Summer 2018): 15-30.
Cooper, Jane S. "The Iceland Journeys and the Late Romances." JWMS 5.4 (Winter 1983-84): 40-59.
Newman, Hilary. "Water in William Morris's Late Prose Romances." JWMS 13.4 (Spring 2000): 41-47.
The Water of the Wondrous Isles
Talbot, Norman, ed. and intro. The Water of the Wondrous Isles. Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 1994.
Watts, Theodore. Unsigned review. Athenaeum, December 1897, no. 3658, 777-79.
The Water of the Wondrous Isles articles from the Journal of William Morris Studies
Çelikkol, Ayşe. “The Planetary in Morris’s Late Romances.” JWMS 22.4 (Summer 2018): 15-30.
Cooper, Jane S. "The Iceland Journeys and the Late Romances." JWMS 5.4 (Winter 1983-84): 40-59.
Newman, Hilary. "Water in William Morris's Late Prose Romances." JWMS 13.4 (Spring 2000): 41-47.
The Sundering Flood
Sundering articles from the Journal of William Morris Studies
Çelikkol, Ayşe. “The Planetary in Morris’s Late Romances.” JWMS 22.4 (Summer 2018): 15-30.
Cooper, Jane S. "The Iceland Journeys and the Late Romances." JWMS 5.4 (Winter 1983-84): 40-59.
Purkis, John. "Morris and Traditional Storytelling."JWMS 11.1 (Autumn 1994): 16-18.
Icelandic Diaries
English version: "Iceland on the Brain: British Travellers to Iceland from 1172 to 1897."
Aho, Gary, Intro. Three Northern Love Stories and Other Tales. Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 1996.
Aho, Gary. "William Morris and Iceland." Kairos 1, no. 2(1982), 102-33.
Gíslason, Örn, "With May Morris in Iceland." William Morris Society Newsletter-US, January 2014.
Madsen, St. Tschudi. "Morris and Munthe."Journal of William Morris Studies 1.4(1964): 34-40.
Waller, Samuel Edmund. Six Weeks in the Saddle: A Painter's Journal in Iceland. 1874.
Icelandic Diaries articles from the Journal of William Morris Studies
Bartels, Dennis. "William Morris and Iceland's Hydrogen Economy."JWMS 15.3 (2003): 34-35.
Cooper, Jane S. "The Iceland Journeys and the Late Romances." JWMS 5.4 (Winter 1983-84): 40-59.
Ellison, Ruth. "Icelandic Obituaries of William Morris." JWMS 8.1 (Autumn 1988): 35-41.
Ellison, Ruth. "The Saga of Jón Jónsson Saddlesmith of Lithend-cot." JWMS 10.1 (Autumn 1992): 21-30.
Jonsdottir, Gudrun."May Morris and Miss Lobb in Iceland." JWMS 7.1 (Autumn 1986): 17-20.
Creative Responses to the Icelandic Diaries
Lavinia Greenlaw, William Morris in Iceland: Questions of Travel, 2011. (portions of Morris's diary juxtaposed with peripatetic musings by Greenlaw)
Ian McQueen, The Earthly Paradise, 4-part orchestral and choral piece, performed by BBC Chorus and Symphony Orchestra (loosely based in part of Morris's 1871 Icelandic journals).
Alex Jones, Morris in Iceland. NSW: Puncher and Wattmann, 2008. (novel in which university professor reflects on his life while leading a student theater group which adapts Morris's Journals rather uproariously to its own use).
The Tables Turned
The Tables Turned articles from the Journal of William Morris Studies
Old French Translations
Review of “Four Ancient Folktales,” Chicago Daily Tribune. July 18, 1896.
Old French articles from the Journal of William Morris Studies
Faulkner, Peter. "Morris and Old French." JWMS 15.1 (Winter 2002): 43-50.
Simpson, Roger. "Wiliam Morris's Unpublished Arthurian Translations." JWMS 20.4 (Summer 2014).
Hulme, W.H., Review, Beowulf, Modern Language Notes, 15.1 (January 1900): 22-26.
The Odyssey
Buchhorn, Wilhelm. William Morris' Odyssee-Übersetzung. Königsberg, 1910.
De Vega, Hope. "Archaisms and Compounds in Book 6 of Morris's Translation of the Odyssey"
Morshead, E. D. A., two reviews, Academy, April 1887, xxxi, 299 and March 1888, xxxiii, 143-4.
The Aeneids of Virgil
Nettleship, Henry, review, Academy, November 1875, x, 493-4.
Unsigned Review, Athenaeum, 13 November 1875, no. 2507, 635-7.
Unsigned Review, The Catholic World, September 1877, 721-34.
Old Icelandic
Aho, Gary. "William Morris and Iceland." Kairos 1, no. 2(1982), 102-33.
Anonymous, "Mr. William Morris on Iceland." Pall Mall Gazette, October 10, 1887, p. 13-14.
Calder, Grace J. and Alfred Fairbank. The Story of Kormak the Son of Ogmund, by William Morris and Eirikr Magnusson, with an Introduction by Grace J. Calder and a Note on the manuscript work of William Morris by Alfred Fairbank. William Morris Society, 1970. Appendices: "A Note on Drottkvaett," pp. 47-51; "A Note on the Manuscript Work of William Morris," Alfred Fairbank, 53-64; "An Annotated List of the Manuscript Work of William Morris," Alfred Fairbank, 65-69. In addition to topics related to Kormak, Calder's introduction considers "The Critical Reception of Morris's Translations," "Iceland in the Tenth Century," "The Art of the Saga," and the nature of the Icelandic "Drottkvaett."
Fairbank, Alfred. "A Note on the Manuscript Work of William Morris," and "An Annotated List of the Manuscript Work of William Morris." See Calder, above.
Litzenberg, Karl. "The Diction of William Morris." Archive for Nordisk Fiologi 53 (1937), 327-63.
Litzenberg, Karl. "William Morris and the Heimskringla." Scandinavian Studies 14(1935-36): 33-39.
Litzenberg, Karl. "William Morris and the 'Literary' Tradition." Michigan Alumnus 53(1946): 48-55.
Morris, May, "Morris as a Writer: The Influence of the North," in Artist, Writer, Socialist.
Quirk, Randolph. "Dasent, William Morris, and Problems of Translation." Saga Book 14 (1953), 64-77.
Swannell, J. N. William Morris and Old Norse Literature. London: William Morris Society, 1961.
Einar Sveinsson, Saga-Book, vol. 15. University College London, 1957-61.
Whitla, William. "'Sympathetic Translation' and the 'Scribe's Capacity': Morris's Calligraphy and the Icelandic Sagas." Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies 10 (Fall 2001): 27-108. See Appendix A: "William Morris's Calligraphic Manuscripts," 80-94, which details the locations and features of Morris's illuminated manuscripts of his Icelandic translations, and Appendix B: "The Old Norse Translations of William Morris and Related Materials."
The Story of the Volsungs and the Niblungs
Anonymous review, Athenæum. 11 June 1870, no.2224, 763-64.
Anonymous reviewer. Old and New, July-December 1870, 364-67.
Simcox, G.A. Academy. 13 August, 1870, 278-9.
The Story of Grettir the Strong
Morris, May. Introduction to Collected Works, Vol. VII, Grettir the Strong
The Saga Library
Anderson, Karl. "Scandinavian Elements in the Works of William Morris." Diss., Harvard University, 1940. Discusses the Saga Library 350-65 and 885-91; Howard the Halt, 977-91; and Eyrbyggja Saga 867-84, 885-925, and 949-55.
Litzenberg, Karl. "William Morris and the Heimskringla." Scandinavian Studies 14(1935-36): 33-39.
Litzenberg, Karl. "William Morris and the 'Literary' Tradition." Michigan Alumnus 53(1946): 48-55.
Eyrbyggja Saga
The Book Arts
Frankel, Nicholas. "William Morris and the 'Moral Qualities' of Ornament," Socialist Studies/Etudes sociaistes (Canada), 13.1 (Spring 2018), 23-35.
Marsh, Jan. "Books in Bottles? William Morris and the Demise of Printing," JWMS 20.2 (Summer 2013).
Peterson, William S., The Kelmscott Press: A History of William Morris's Typographical Adventure. Oxford UP, 1991. By far the best book on the subject, offering not only a detailed history of the Press but analysis of Morris's aesthetic seen in the context of Victorian printing. An essential work, superseding almost everything else written on the subject.
The Book Arts articles from the Journal of William Morris Studies
Brown, Hannah. “Binding Two Kelmscott Press Publications: A Contemporary View.” The Journal of William Morris Studies, vol. XXIV, no. 1-2, 2020.
Latham, David and Sheila. "William Morris: An Annotated Bibliography 1990-91." JWMS 10.3 (Autumn 1993): i-xxviii [insert on coloured paper; 1 p. blank].
Latham, David and Sheila. "William Morris: An Annotated Bibliography 1992-93." JWMS 11.3 (Autumn 1995): i-xx [insert on coloured paper].
Latham, David and Sheila. "William Morris: An Annotated Bibliography 2006-2007." JWMS 18.3 (Winter 2009), 64-92.
Poems before The Defence of Guenevere
Poems of the Earthly Paradise Period
A. Poems and Fragments from B.L. Add. Ms. 45,298A, ff. 86-126
B. Poems and Fragments Preserved Only in Copyist's hand in B. M. Add. Ms. 45,298B
Drafts for The Earthly Paradise
Bellerophon at Argos, British Library Add. MS 45,301
Bellerophon at Lycia, British Library Add. MS 45,301
The Death of Paris, British Library Add. MS 45,299
The Fostering of Aslaug, British Library Add. MS 45,300
The Hill of Venus, British Library Add. MS 45,299
The Hill of Venus, British Library Add. MS 45,299, early draft
The Hill of Venus, British Library Add. MS transcription
The Hill of Venus, Fitzwilliam Library MS
The Hill of Venus, Fitzwilliam Library MS, transcription
The Palace East of the Sun and West of the Moon, British Library Add. MS 45,309A
"The Lovers of Gudrun," proof sheets, Beinecke Library IpM834 870a
The Man Who Never Laughed Again, British Library Add. MS 45,303
The Palace East of the Sun and West of the Moon, copyist's version, British Library Add. MS 45,309
The Proud King, rough pencil draft, British Library Add. MS 45,306
The Proud King, copyist's version, British Library Add. MS 45,309C
The Ring Given to Venus, British Library Add. MS 45,302
The Story of Rhodope, British Library Add. MS 45,299
The Story of Rhodope (rough draft), British Library Add. MS 45,304
"The Story of Rhodope," transcription, British Library Add. MS 45,304
The Story of Cupid and Psyche, British Library Add. MS 45,305
The Story of Cupid and Psyche, draft, Beinecke Library, MS. 1596
The Earthly Paradise, Huntington Library, HM 6418
Lyric from “Bellerophon in Lycia,” included in a longer excised beginning for “Bellerophon,” British Library Add. MS 45,301, f. 23v and f. 24.
Verses for June and July, The Earthly Paradise, Autograph drafts in B. L. Ms. 45,306, f. 66v and 67v. British Library Add. MS 45,306, f. 67v
October lyric of The Earthly Paradise, included in A Book of Verse, 1870, 9. Autograph in WMG J152
Poems Presumed Written after 1875
1. “The Burghers’ Battle” ( Thick rise the spearshafts o’er the land / That erst the harvest bore; )
2. “State-Aided Emigration, 889” ( Lo trim on the rollers all ready for sea )
3. “The Hall and the Wood” ( ’Twas in the water-dwindling tide / When July days were done, )
4. “The Day of Days” ( Each eve earth falleth down the dark, / As though its hope were o’er; )
5. “The Message of the March Wind” ( Fair now is the springtide, now earth lies beholding )
7. “Earth the Healer, Earth the Keeper” ( So swift the hours are moving / Unto the time unproved: )
10. Chants for Socialists. Socialist League Office, 1885.
14. “Mother and Son” ( Now sleeps the land of houses, and dead night holds the street, )
15. “The Pilgrims of Hope” ( Fair now is the springtide, now earth lies beholding )
16. “No Master” ( Saith man to man, We’ve heard and known / That we no master need )
19. “Drawing Near the Light” ( Lo when we wade the tangled wood )
20. “The Half of Life Gone” ( The days have slain the days, and the seasons have gone by )
21. “Mine and Thine” ( Two words about the world we see, / And nought but Mine and Thine they be. )
23. “May Day [1892]” ( O earth, once again cometh spring to deliver )
24. “May Day, 1894” ( Clad is the year in all her best, )
25. “For the Bed at Kelmscott” ( The wind’s on the wold / And the night is a-cold )
26. “She and He” ( SHE: The blossom's white upon the thorn, /The lily's on the lea, )
* 27. discarded metrical opening for The Water of the Wondrous Isles.
See "List of Morris's Poems from the Earthly Paradise Period," C-35.
29. Verses for Pictures: “The Pilgrim at the Gate of Idleness” ( Lo, Idleness that opes the Gates )
30. Verses for Pictures: “The Heart of the Rose” ( The Ending of the tale ye see: )
34. “Come the tidings unto hand,” early verse fragment, Child Christopher
35. Poems in The House of the Wolfings
36. Poems in The Roots of the Mountains
37. Poems in The Story of the Glittering Plain
38. Poems in The Well at the World’s End
* 39. “Amidst a forest of the wild”
40. The Story of Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the Niblungs
42. “The Flowering Orchard” ( Lo silken my garden, / And silken my sky, )
43. “The Woodpecker” ( I once a King an chief / Now am the tree-bark’s thief )
44. “The Lion” ( The Beasts that be / In wood and waste, )
46. “Pomona” ( I am the ancient Apple-Queen, / As once I was so am I now. )
47. “Flora” ( I am the handmaid of the earth, / I broider fair her glorious gown, )
48. “The Orchard” ( Midst bitten mead and acre shorn, / The world without is waste and worn )
49. Fragment: “Three spae-wives left a rune staff on the bed”
50. “Torches and waxlights quickened in the Hall”
51. "The New Year" (What wealth shall then be left to us)
Poems from the Prose Romances
From The House of the Wolfings
From The Roots of the Mountains
From The Story of the Glittering Plain
From The Well at the World's End
Manuscript Drafts and First Printed Versions of Individual Poems
Autograph Poems, British Library Add MS. 45,298A
Autograph Poems, British Library Add MS. 45,298B
Autograph Poems, British Library Add MS. 74,255
Autograph Manuscript of fragments of 5 poems, Fitzwilliam Library, Cambridge, Manuscript 2:
"The Haystack in the Floods," British Library Ashley MS 3680
"Golden Wings," Huntington Library 6479
"Pray But One Prayer for Me," Huntington Library 6480
"Scenes from the Fall of Troy," British Library Add. MS 45,321
Calligraphic Catalogue of Morris's Books
Goodwin, Handlist of Manuscripts and Documents of William Morris
Collected Works of William Morris, ed. May Morris. London: Longmans, 1910-1915.
Introduction to Vol. 1 The Defence of Guenevere & The Hollow Land
Introduction to Vol. 2 The Life and Death of Jason
Introduction to Vol. 3 The Earthly Paradise
Introduction to Vol. 4 The Earthly Paradise
Introduction to Vol. 5 The Earthly Paradise
Introduction to Vol. 6 The Earthly Paradise
Introduction to Vol. 7 The Story of Grettir the Strong & The Story of the Volsungs and Niblungs
Introduction to Vol. 8 Journals of Travel in Iceland 1871-1873
Introduction to Vol. 9. Love Is Enough and Poems by the Way
Introduction to Vol. 10 Three Northern Love Stories, The Take of Beowulf
Introduction to Vol. 11 The Aeneids of Virgil
Introduction to Vol. 12 The Story of Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the Niblungs
Introduction to Vol. 13
Introduction to Vol. 14 The House of the Wolfings, The Story of the Glittering Plain
Introduction to Vol. 15 The Roots of the Mountains
Introduction to Vol. 16 News From Nowhere, A Dream of John Ball, & A King's Lesson
Introduction to Vol. 17 The Wood Beyond the World, Child Christopher, Old French Romances
Introduction to Vol. 18
Introduction to Vol. 19 The Well at the World's End Volume II
Introduction to Vol. 20 The Water of the Wondrous Isles
Introduction to Vol. 21 The Sundering Flood & Unfinished Romances
Introduction to Vol. 22 Hopes and Fears for Art & Lectures on Art and Industry
Introduction to Vol. 23 Signs of Change, Lectures on Socialism
Introduction to Vol. 24 Scenes from the Fall of Troy and Other Poems and Fragments
Translations by William Morris
Poetic Translations
1. “Hafbur and Signy: Translated from the Danish” ( King Hafbur & King Siward / They needs must stir up strife, )
2. “The Lay of Christine: Translated from the Icelandic” ( Of silk my gear was shapen, / Scarlet they did on me, )
3. “Hildebrand and Hellelil: Translated from the Danish” ( Hellelil sitteth in bower there, / None knows my grief but God alone, )
4. “Knight Aagen and Maiden Else: Translated From the Danish” ( It was the fair knight Aagen / To an isle he went his way, / And plighted troth to Else, / Who was so fair a may. )
5. “The Son’s Sorrow: From the Icelandic” ( The King has asked of his son so good, / “Why art thou hushed and heavy of mood? )
6. “The Mother Under the Mold” ( Svend Dyring rode on the island-way / Yea have not I myself been young )
7. “Agnes and the Hill Man: Translated from the Danish” ( Agnes went through the meadows a-weeping, / Fowl are a-singing. / There stood the hill-man heed thereof keeping. / Agnes, fair Agnes! )
8. “The Prophecy of the Vala” ( Heath-Dame they called her / At each home she came to, )
9. “The Song of Atli” ( In days long gone / Sent Atli to Gunnar / A crafty one riding, / Knefrud men called him; )
10. “The Whetting of Gudrun” ( Words of strife heard I, / Huger than any, / Woeful words spoken, / Sprung from all sorrow, )
11. “The Lay of Hamdir” ( Great deeds of bale / In the garth began, / At the sad dawning / The tide of Elves’ sorrow )
12. “The Lament of Oddrun” ( I have heard tell / In ancient tales / How a may there came / To Morna-land, )
13. “Lay of Thrym”
14. “Baldur’s Doom” (Also "The Lay of Way-Wearer" [Vegtamsgruđa])
15. Part of the Lay of Sigrdrifa” ( Now this is my first counsel, / That thou with thy kin / Be guiltless, guileless ever, / Nor hasty of wrath, )
* 16. “Iliad,” translation. ( Singer of the wrath O Goddess of Achilles Peleus seek/ Baleful that laid on Achaeans ten thousand folded need )
17. The Aeneids of Virgil
18. Part of the Second Lay of Helgi Hundings-bane” ( Dag: Loth am I, sister / Of sorrow to tell thee, / For by hard need driven / Have I drawn on the greeting; )
19. “The Short Lay of Sigurd” ( Sigurd of yore, / Sought the dwelling of Guiki, / As he fared, the young Volsung, / After fight won; )
20. “The Hell-Ride of Brynhild” ( THE GIANT WOMAN “Nay, with my goodwill / Never goest thou / Through this stone-pillared / Stead of mine! )
21. “Fragments of The Lay of Brynhild” ( HOGNI SAID: “What hath wrought Sigurd / Of any wrong-doing / That the life of the famed one / Thou art fain of taking?” )
22. “The Second or Ancient Lay of Gudrun” ( A may of all mays / My mother reared me / Bright in bower; / Well loved I my brethren, )
* 23. “Nibelungenlied” ( In the words of the ancient stories Are many wonders told )
* 24. Axel Thordson and Fair Walborg
25. Beowulf ( What! we of the Spear-Danes of yore days, so was it/ That we lear'd of the fair fame of Kings of the folks )
26. The Odyssey of Homer ( Tell me, O Muse, of the Shifty, the man who wandered afar, / After the Holy Burg, Troy-town, he had wasted with war; )
27. The Ordination of Knighthood.
Non-Poetic Translations: Published
1. Grettis Saga: The Story of Grettir the Strong. Translated from the Icelandic by William Morris and Eiríkr Magnusson. London: F. S. Ellis, 1869.
2. Völsunga Saga: The Story of the Volsungs and Niblungs, with certain Songs from the Elder Edda. Translated by Eiríkir Magnusson and William Morris. London: Ellis, 1870.
3. Three Northern Love Stories, and Other Tales. Translated by William Morris and Eirikr Magnusson. London Ellis and White, 1875.
Contains The Story of Gunnlaug the Worm-Tongue and Raven the Skald; The Story of Frithiof the Bold; The Story of Viglund the Fair; The Tale of Hogni and Hedinn; The Tale of Roi the Fool; The Tale of Thorstein Staff-Smitten.
4. The Saga Library. Translated by William Morris and Eiríkr Magnússon. 6 vols. London: Bernard Quaritch, 1891-1901. Contains:
Vol. 1. trans. Morris, "collated" by Eirikr Magnusson, 1891: The Story of Howard the Halt; The Story of the Banded Men; The Story of Hen Thorir.
Vol. 2. trans. Morris, "collated" by Eirikr Magnusson, 1892: The Story of the Ere-Dwellers (Eyrbyggja Saga); The Story of the Heath-Slayings (Heibarviga Saga); Heimskringla: Stories of the Kings of Norway
Vol. 3. trans. Morris, "collated" by Magnusson, 1893: Heimskingla I, The Story of the Ynglings; The Story of Halfdan the Black; The Story of Harald Hairfair; The Story of Hakon the Good; The Story of King Harald Greycloak and of Earl Hakon the son of Sigurd; The Story of King Olaf Tryggvison.
Vol. 4. trans. Eirikr Magnusson, "collated" by Morris, 1894: Heimskringla II, The Story of Olaf the Holy, the Son of Harald.
Vol. 5. trans. Eirikr Magnusson, "collated" by Morris, 1895: The Story of Magnus the Good, The Story of Harald the Hard-Redy, The Story of Olaf the Quiet; The Story of Magnus Barefoot; The Story of Sigurd the Jerusalem-farer, Eystein, and Olaf; The Story of Magnus the Blind and Harald Gilli; The Story of Ingi, Son of Harald, and his Brethren; The Story of Hakon Shoulder-Broad; The Story of King Magnus, Son of Erling.
Vol. 6. Magnusson, 1905: Heimskringla IV, Preface (discussion by Magnusson of the creation of the Saga Library), Introduction: on Snorri Sturlason's life and works; indexes; corrections; genealogies.
5. Of King Florus and the Fair Jehane. Translated by William Morris. Kelmscott Press, 1893.
6. The Tale of Emperor Coustans and Over Sea. Translated by William Morris, Kelmscott Press, 1894.
7. Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair. Hammersmith: Kelmscott Press, 1895
8. "Egils Saga," [40 chapters] in May Morris, William Morris: Artist, Writer, Socialist, Oxford: Blackwell, 1936. See also unpublished ms. variant below.
9. The Story of Kormak the Son of Ogmund, translated by William Morris and Eiríkr Magnusson. London: William Morris Society, 1970.
Non-Poetic Translations: Manuscripts and Unpublished Translations and Fragments
For a list of Morris's illuminated manuscripts of his translations and other works, see William Whitla, Appendix A: "William Morris's Calligraphic Manuscripts," 80-95, in"'Sympathetic Translation' and the 'Scribe's Capacity': Morris's Calligraphy and the Icelandic Sagas." Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies 10 (Fall 2001): 27-108.
An additional list of Morris's illuminated manuscripts and a note on these manuscripts, both by Alfred Fairbank, may be found in The Story of Kormak the Son of Ogmund, by William Morris and Eirikr Magnusson, with an Introduction by Grace J. Calder and a Note on the manuscript work of William Morris by Alfred Fairbank. William Morris Society, 1970. See "A Note on the Manuscript Work of William Morris," Alfred Fairbank, 53-64; "An Annotated List of the Manuscript Work of William Morris," Alfred Fairbank, 65-69.
Fragment of The Aeneid, Society of Antiquaries, calligraphic trial, Book I, lines 34-89, f. 1 and 1v.
- *Tale of Haldor (beginning fragment), calligraphic manuscript. Mark Samuels Lasner Collection. Also B. L., Add. Ms 45,317, f. 29.
- * Fragment of beginning for Hallbiorn the Strong
- A calligraphic manuscript of the Story of the Ynglings from the Heimskringla Saga is at the Society of Antiquaries library, Burlington House.
- King Harald, incomplete calligraphic manuscript is in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, Bodl. Ms. Eng. misc. d. 265.
- The Story of Hen Thorir, calligraphic manuscript at the Bodleian Library, Oxford, Bodl. Ms. Eng. misc. d. 266. Also a calligraphic manuscript at the Fitzwilliam Museum Library, Cambridge, Ms. 27 ff. 1-56 and versos. This ms. was given to Georgiana Burne-Jones and donated by her to the Fitzwilliam Museum, 1909. A note says "Hen Thorir," "The Story of the Banded Men," and "Haward the Halt" were written in 1875.
- The Story of the Banded Men, calligraphic manuscript at the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, Ms. 270, ff. 58-151 and versos. A note says "Hen Thorir," "The Story of the Banded Men," and "Haward the Halt" were written in 1875.
- The Story of Haward the Halt, calligraphic manuscript at the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, Ms. 270, ff. 162-240. A note says "Hen Thorir," "The Story of the Banded Men," and "Haward the Halt" were written in 1875.
- Original Poem, "A Gloss in rhyme on the story of Haward, by William Morris," inserted by Morris into calligraphic manuscript after "The Story of Howard the Halt," Fitzwilliam MS. 270, 241-243v; see Poems of the Earthly Paradise Period, C-71.
- The Story of Harald: Kenneth Goodwin’s Handlist (1983) lists a calligraphic manuscript as in the possession of John M. Crawford, Jr. of NY. Completed around 1871.
- The Story of Egil Son of Scaldgrim, calligraphic manuscript, Society of Antiquaries library, Burlington House.
- Hafbur and Signy, incomplete
- King Hafbur and King Siward, incomplete calligraphic manuscript; Bodleian Library, Oxford Ms. Eng. misc. e. 233/2
- Story of Sigi, incomplete
- The Story of Halfdan the Black
- Thorstein and Gunnlaug, incomplete.
- * “Tristram” ( For the pricking on and moving of the hearts of noble folk to live gloriously and virtuously . . . . ) B. L. MS. 45,329, ff. ii + 99 c. 1870, unfinished
- * The Lancelot du Lac, 2 vols. calligraphic mss., 2 vols. rough draft, unfinished. 2 vols. revised text in calligraphic mss. Society of Antiquaries library, Burlington House.
- "Lancelot du Lac," 8 ff., 7 with versos. Cheltenham Library, EWL Z2: 1991.1016.996. Z2, in Rubaiyat calligraphic script; fair copy with spaces for large initials.
- The Story of the Men of Weaponfirth (unpublished fragment). Fair copy in 'Italian' script, titled in red ink, "The Story of the Men of Weaponfirth/ Chap 1: Brodd Helgi slayeth Swart." Cheltenham Library and Wilson Art Gallery, Y7, ff. 1-18, calligraphic ms. both sides.
- Laxdaela Saga (unpublished fragment), B. L. Add. Ms. 45,317, ff. 29-44 (rectos only); paraphrase of portion of Laxdaela Saga, entitled on an envelope "Abstract of Story of Gudrun from Laxdaela," and annotated in an unidentified hand '(not to be inclued),' untitled and beginning "Kiarton son of Olaf Peacock lives at his father's house of Herdholt . . . " 6 pages, 3 leaves, numbered 1, 3, 5 on the rectos only; watermarked 1867. William Morris Gallery, Walthamstow, MS J154.
- *The Tale of Norn-Guest. Morris's translation of the Icelandic "Nornagests Dattr.' B. L. Add. Ms. 45,317, ff. 19-28 (rectos only).
William Morris in Translation
William Morris, “How I Became a Socialist”, Arabic translation.
William Morris, The King's Lesson, Bulgarian translation. 1894.
William Morris, News from Nowhere, Czech translation. [Zvěsti z Nejsoucna čili Epocha Míru.] 1900.
William Morris, “How I Became a Socialist,” French Translation. [“Comment je suis devenu socialiste.”] Section française, William Morris, l’Archive Internet des Marxistes (Marxist Internet Archive).
William Morris, Hopes and Fears for Art, German Translation. [Kunsthoffnungen und Kunstformen.]
William Morris, The King’s Lesson, Hungarian translation. [Egy Király Leckéje.] 1970.
William Morris, “Love is Enough”, Hungarian: “Szerelmed Elég.” Budapest, 1960.
Machiko Shiroshita [城下真知子], "The Society Morris Wanted to Create." [ウィリアム・モリスがめざした社会]
William Morris, “How We Live and How We Might Live,” Japanese Translation. [吾等如何に生くべきか.] Translated by 本間久雄 (Hisao Honma). Tokyo, 1925.
William Morris, Selected Articles, Lectures, Speeches, Letters, Russian Translation. [Избранные статьи, лекции, речи, письма.] Moscow, 1973.
Figures & Faces
Calligraphic Elements
Before The Defence of Guenevere, with a checklist of Poems and Prose
Introductory Materials
Preface: William Morris's Earliest Poems: Preparation for The Defence of Guenevere
Early Poems and Poetic and Prose Fragments including those not published in his lifetime
- List of Surviving Early Morris Poems, and Poetic and Prose Fragments (including those published in The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine)
- Where have you been so long to-day?
- Ballad: Malmston had a dream in the night
- *The Mosque Rising in the Place of the Temple of Solomon (formerly known as "The Dedication of the Temple").
- *Fragment: From all other moving shadows
- *Fragment: And then as the ship moves over the deep
- The Willow and the Red Cliff
- Fragment: The Maying of Queen Guenevere
- The Long Land (Scene: A place that no one knows.)
- Rejected fragment from Sir Peter Harpdon's End
- Once my Fell Foe
- The Romance of the Three Wooers
- St. Agnes' Convent
- Palomydes Quest
- We have done all that men could do
- Ballad: There were two knights rode together
- Saint George
- *Why do they make these lists in the great square
- *A time there was in days long past away
- *The Lady of Havering
- I went through many lands and found no rest
- Rejected fragment from The Defence of Guenevere
- Scenes from the Fall of Troy
- On the Edge of the Wilderness
- *The Sleeve of Gold
- *The Lady of the Wasted Land
- *Lo Sirs a Desolate Damozel
- *Introduction to the "Story of the Flower"
- Songs from “The Hollow Land”
- Song from “Gertha's Lovers”
- Summer Dawn
- Song from “Golden Wings”
- *Prose Fragment: The Lady of the Waste Land
- *Prose Fragment: The Green Summer
- *Sir Richard
- *Dear friends, I lay awake in the night
- *Early Draft: The Man Born To Be King
- *Fragment: Yoland
- *Mad as I was I stopped
- *I who am curious . . . Sir Jaques prayed . . .
- Sir Giles War Song
- Song from "Frank's Sealed Letter" ("Wearily, drearily")
- "Hands" ('Twixt the Sunlight and the Shade" (later, the Prince's Song in "Rapunzel")
- The Captive (later "Riding Together")
- *That Queer Story
- *"My squire, in many lands I have been," fragment.
- Drafts in British Library Add. MS 45, 298A, May Be Morris's Adolescent Hand
- Fame: Why weepeth he? why weepeth he?
- The Abbey and the Palace: Standing away from the cornfields
- The Night-Walk: Night lay upon the city
- The Banners: Stands a house among the trees
- Drowned: What is the bottom of the river like?
- The Three Flowers
- *The Ruined Castle
- The Fen-River
- *14. The Blackbir
- 16. Winter Weather (earlier "The Midnight Tilt")
- 17. 'Twas in Church on Palm Sunday
- 18. Blanche (Broad leaves that I do not know /Grow upon the ground full low)
- Sources Cited
- AWS May Morris, ed., William Morris: Artist, Socialist, 2 vols. Oxford: Blackwell, 1936
- CW William Morris, The Collected Works of William Morris, ed. May Morris. 24 vols. London: Longmans, 1910-15.
- OCM The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine
- Le Bourgeois, John, “The Youth of William Morris.” Diss. Tulane,1971.
- Lindsay, Jack, William Morris: His Life and Work. London: Constable, 1975
- Stokes, E.E, "The Morris Letters at Texas," The Journal of the William Morris Society, 1, no. 3 (1963): 23-30.
- Fitz. MS 1 Fitzwilliam Museum, "Autograph MS of 7 Poems and 1 Prose Tale."
- Fitz. MS 2 Fitzwilliam Museum, "Autograph MS of 4 Fragmentary Poems and 1 Prose Tale."
- Fitz. MS 3 Fitzwilliam Museum MS 14/1917.
British Library Additional Manuscript 45, 298A
- "Untitled" ("Torches and waxlights quickened in the Hall")
- "Untitled" ("Begun October 15th, 1875")
- "She and He" (The blossom's white upon the thorn/The lily's on the lea)
- "State Aided Emigration in 1889" (Lo tim on the rollers all ready for sea)
- "As this thin thread on thy dear neck shall lie,"
- "The doomed ship drives on helpless through the sea,"
- "Near but Far Away" (She wavered, stopped, and turned; me thought her eyes,)
- "May Grown-A Cold" (O certainly, no month this but May!)
- "Lonely Love and Loveless Death" (O have I been harkening/To some dread newcomer?
- "Everlasting Spring" (O my love my darling,/what is this men say)
- "Hope Dieth: Love Liveth" (Strong are thing arms, O love, and strong/thy heart to live, and love, and long;)
- Song: "Twas one little word that wrought it"
- Song: "Our Hands Have Met"
- "Silence and Pity" (Thy lips my lips have touches no more may speak / The words that through my sorrow used to break)
- "Rhyme Slayeth Shame" (If as I come under her she might hear/ If words might reach her when I go away)
- "Why Doest Though Struggle" (Why dost thou struggle, strive for victory)
- "Fair Weather and Foul" (Speak not, move not, but listen, the sky is full of gold,)
- "O far away to seek, close-hid for heart to find,"
- "O land sore torn and riven"
- "We loosened from the quays on a Friday,"
- "Thus have I told many ways of the dealings of prudence with men"
- "Peevish and weak and fretful do I pray"
- "Dramatic fragment containing King, Oliver, Sir Walter, and Yoland (Well put thy case and more than one of us)"
- "Thou hast it then the pouch,"
- "Sad-eyed and soft and grey thou art, O morn!"
- "So I rose and felt my feet on the daisied grass in a while,"
- "Alone and unhappy by the fire I sat,"
- "Deep Sea, Might Wonder" (from "Earth the Healer, Earth the Keeper," copyist version 1)
- "The Man Who Never Laughed Again" (rough pencil draft)
- Unidentified fragment of draft ("Moreover in that time and place...")
British Library Additional Manuscript 45, 298B
- "The Story of Orpheus and Eurydice" (copyist version)
- "Autograph Poems"
- "Earth the Healer, Earth the Keeper" ("So swift the hours are moving / Unto the time unproved")
- "The Mother Under the Mould," copyist version, ("Svend Dyring rode on the island-way / Yeah have not I myself been young")
- "State-Aided Emigration in 1889," copyist version, ("Lo trim on the rollers all ready for sea")
- "The Doomed Ship," copyist version, ("The doomed ship drives on helpless through the sea,)
- "Near But Far Away," copyist version, ("She wavered, stopped, and turned; methought her eyes,")
- "Everlasting Spring," copyist version, ("O my love my darling, / what is this men say")
- Song: "Twas one little word that wrought it," copyist version
- "As this thin thread on thy dear neck shall lie"
- "Silence and Pity," copyist version, ("Thy lips my lips have touched no more may speak / The words that through my sorrow used to break;")
- "Rhyme Slayeth Shame," copyist version, ("If as I come under her she might hear, / If words might reach her when I go away")
- "Why Dost Though Struggle," copyist version, ("Why dost thou struggle, strive for victory)
- "Fair Weather and Foul" ("Speak not, move not, but listen, the sky is full of gold,")
- "O Far Away to Seek" ("O far away to seek, close-hid for heart to find,")
- "Peevish and weak and fretful do I pray," copyist version")
- "Dear God praise thee much more many a thing," copyist version
- "Deep Sea, mighty wonder," copyist version 2, (from "Earth the Healer, Earth the Keeper")
- "Sad-eyed and soft and grey thou art, O morn!" copyist version
- "Alone and unhappy by the fire I sat," copyist version
- "They have no song, the sedge is dry," both autograph manuscript copyist versions
- "Three Chances and One Answer," copyist version, (O love, if all the pleasures of the earth)
- Song from Orpheus: "While agone my words had wings," copyist version
- Song from Orpheus: "O ye who sit alone and bend above the earth," copyist version
- Song from Orpheus: "Once a white house there was," copyist version
- Song from Orpheus: "O if ye laugh, then am I grown," copyist version
- Song from Orpheus: "O my love how could it be,"
- Song from Orpheus: "O hollow image of the very death," copyist version
- Song from Orpheus: "O love, love, love, folk told me thou wert dead," copyist version
- Song from Orpheus: "O hollow image of the very death," copyist version
- "The Man who Never Laughed Again," copyist version
British Library Additional Manuscript 74,255
Fitzwilliam Library, Cambridge, Manuscript 2, Autograph Manuscript of Fragments of 5 Poems
- "Why do they make these lists in the Great Square"
- "The Man Born to Be King"
- Prose Romance, "The Green Summer"
- "The Lady of the Wasted Land"
- "The Lady of Havering"
- Fitzwilliam Library, Cambridge, Manuscript 3, Autograph Manuscript of Fragments of 8 Poems
- "A time there was in days long past away"
- "We have done all that men could do"
- "Once my Fell Foe Worsted Me"
- "Listen good folk to my rhyme"
- Beginning of "Lady of the Wasted Land"
- "Saint George"
- "Lady of the Wasted Land" prose fragment
- "The Cruel Stepmother"
- "Lord Malstrom"
Fitzwilliam Library, Cambridge, Manuscript of Phillis M. Ellis, Manuscript of 2 Morris Poems
- "There were not ten men in all the house,"
- draft for an introduction to "The Story of the Flower" (see Unpublished Romances).
"Scenes from the Fall of Troy," edited by A. P. M. Wright
- Introduction
- Editions & Printed Books
- Manuscripts
- Supplementary Materials
Supplementary Materials
Articles on Morris's Early Writings
- Articles from The Journal of William Morris Studies
- Baïssus, J. M. "Morris and the Oxford and Cambridge Magazine."JWMS 5.2 (Winter 1982): 2-13
- Dewan, Pauline. "Patterns of Enclosure in Morris's Early Stories."JWMS 11.2 (Spring 1995): 9-11
- Fletcher, Chris. "A Rediscovered and Partly Unpublished Morris Notebook."JWMS 14.3 (Winter 2001): 12-20.
- Timo, Helen. "A Church Without God: William Morris's A Night in a Cathedral."JWMS 4.2 (Summer 1980): 24-31.
- Other Items on the Early Writings
- Letter in Which Morris Discusses His Early Poems (May 1st, 1891)
- Boos, Florence S. "The Structure of Morris' Tales for the Oxford and Cambridge Magazine." Victorian Periodicals Review 20 (1987), 2-12.
- Gordon, Walter K. "Pre-Raphaelitism and The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine." Journal of the Rutgers University Library 29(1966), 42-51.
- Hosman, Robert Stahr. "The Germ (1850) and The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine (1856)." Victorian Periodicals Newsletter 4 (April 1969), 36-47.
- Hosman, Robert Stahr. "The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine." British Literary Magazines: The Victorian and Edwardian Age, ed. Alvin Sullivan. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1984, 294-302.
- Le Mire, Eugene D., ed. Introduction, The Hollow Land and Other Contributions to the Oxford and Cambridge Magazine. Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 1996.
- Purkis, John, Morris, Burne-Jones and French Gothic, London: William Morris Society, 1985, 1991.
- Whitla, William. "William Morris's 'The Mosque Rising in the Place of the Temple of Solomon: A Critical Text.'" Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies 9 (Summer 2000), 43-82.
- The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine
- Rossetti Archive introduction and selections, 1856. Enter Oxford and Cambridge Magazine into search engine; background information on each issues is provided by P. C. Fleming.
- The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine, 1856
- Table of Contents: Oxford and Cambridge Magazine, copy marked by Vernon Lushington (courtesy of David Taylor)
Poems from the Early Prose Romances
- From The House of the Wolfings
- From The Roots of the Mountains
- From A Dream of John Ball
- From News From Nowhere
- From The Story of the Glittering Plain
- From The Well at the World's End
- From The Sundering Flood
Featured Edition
The Defence of Guenevere and Other Poems
- Introduction
- Contents
- The Defence of Guenevere
- King Arthur's Tomb
- Sir Galahad, A Christmas Mystery
- The Chapel in Lyoness
- Sir Peter Harpdon's End
- Rapunzel
- Concerning Geffray Teste Noire
- A Good Knight in Prison
- Old Love
- The Gilliflower of Gold
- Shameful Death
- The Eve of Crecy
- The Judgment of God
- The Little Tower
- The Sailing of the Sword
- Spell-bound
- The Wind
- The Blue Closet
- The Tune of Seven Towers
- Golden Wings
- The Haystack in the Floods
- Two Red Roses Across the Moon
- Welland River
- Riding Together
- Father John's War-song
- Sir Giles' War-song
- Near Avalon
- Praise of My Lady
- Summer Dawn
- In Prison
Other Editions
The Defence of Guenevere and Other Poems, London: Bell and Daldy, 1858
The Defence of Guenevere and Other Poems, London: Ellis and White, 1875
Huntington Library HM 6479, "Golden Wings"
Huntington Library HM 6480, "Pray But One Prayer for Me"; later "Golden Dawn"
British Library Ashley MS. 3680, "The Haystack in the Floods"
Supplementary Materials
- From the Journal of William Morris Studies
- Berry, Ralph. "The Symbolism of William Morris." JWMS 3.4 (Winter 1978): 20-34.
- Boos, Florence. "The Defence of Guenevere: Morris's Critique of Medieval Violence," JWMS, 18.4 (Summer 2010), 8-21.
- Braesel, Michaela. "The Influence of Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts on the Pre-Raphaelites and the Early Poetry of William Morris."JWMS 15.2 (2004):41-54.
- Faulkner, Peter. "Morris and Pre-Raphaelitism," JWMS 19.4 (Summer 2012), 40-62.
- Faulkner, Peter. "Morris and Tennyson," JWMS 18.3 (Winter 2009), 15-51.
- Faulkner, Peter. "William Morris and Robert Browning," JWMS 2013 (Winter 2013), 13-30.
- Firth, Richard. "The Defence of Yseult: Swinburne's Queen Yseult and Wiliam Morris." JWMS 18.1 (Winter 2008), 85-95.
- Firth, Richard. "'Honorable and Nobel Adventures': Courtly and Chivalric Idealism in Morris's Froissartian Poems," JWMS 17.3 (Winter 2007).
- Helsinger, Elizabeth. "Lyric Colour: Pre-Raphaelite Art and Morris's The Defence of Guenevere." JWMS 15.2 (2004): 16-40.
- Hodgson, Amanda. "Riding Together: William Morris and Robert Browning."JWMS 9.4 (Spring 1992): 3-7.
- Hoskins, Robert. "Image and Motif in The Haystack in the Floods." JWMS 3.2 (Summer 1976): 4-7.
- Jackson, Vanessa Furse. "'Two Red Roses Across the Moon'-Reconsidering Symbolic Implications." Vanessa Furse Jackson, JWMS 12.1 (Autumn 1996): 29-34.
- Miles, Rosie. "Illustrating Morris: The Work of Jessie King and Maxwell Armfield."JWMS 15.2 (2004):109-135.
- Schofield, John. "The Defence of Guenevere and Contemporary Critics." JWMS 3.1 (Spring 1974): 27-30.
- Williams, Todd O. "Teaching Morris's Early Dream Poems through the Three Registers." Todd O. Williams, JWMS 17.2 (Summer 2007): 99-114.
- Wong, Alexander. "William Morris's The Defence of Guenevere." JWMS 19.1 (Winter 2010), 52-65.
- Zasempa, Marek. "Poetics of Absence in Morris's 'Concerning Geffray Teste Noire': Between Reality and Visualisation." JWMS 21.3 (Winter 2015).
- Other Selections
- Balch, Dennis R. "Guenevere's Fidelity to Arthur in 'The Defence of Guenevere' and 'King Arthur's Tomb." Victorian Poetry 13.3-4 (1975): 61-70.
- Bentley, D. M. R. (Dis)continuties: Arthur's Tomb, Modern Painters, and Morris's Early Wallpaper Design. Writing on the Image: Reading William Morris, ed. David Latham. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007, 17-30.
- Berry, Ralph. "A Defense of Guenevere." Victorian Poetry 9(1971): 277-86.
- Boos, Florence. "Justice and Vindication in William Morris's 'The Defence of Guenevere.'" King Arthur Through the Ages, eds. Valerie M. Lagorio and Mildred Leake Day. Vol. 2. Garland Publishing, Inc.: New York, 1990.
- Boos, Florence. "Sexual Polarities in The Defence of Guenevere." Browning Institute Studies 13 (1985), 181-200.
- Boos, Florence. "William Morris, Robert Bulwer-Lytton, and the Arthurian Poetry of the 1850s," Arthuriana 6.3 (1996), 31-53.
- Calhoun, Blue. The Pastoral Vision of William Morris: The Earthly Paradise. Athens: Unviersity of Georgia Press, 1974. "Heroic Quest: The Mood of Energy," 39-59.
- Dahl, Curtis. "Morris's 'The Chapel in Lyoness': An Interpretation," Studies in Philology, 51 (1954), 482-491.
- Friesen, Janet Wright. "William Morris, Shaper of Tales: Creating a Hero's Story in 'Sir Peter Harpdon's End," Writing on the Image: Reading William Morris, ed. David Latham. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007, 31-41.
- Frye, Northrop. "A Conversation with Northrop Frye About William Morris," Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies 10 (Spring 2001), 35-42.
- Frye, Northrop. "The Meeting of Past and Future in William Morris." Studies in Romanticism, Fall 1982, Vol.21(3), p.303
- Hassett, Constance. "The Style of Evasion: The Defence of Guenevere and Other Poems." Victorian Poetry 29.2 (Summer 1991), 99-114.
- Hazen, James. "Morris's "Haystack": The Fate of Vision," Pre-Raphaelite Review 1.1 (November 1977), 49-56.
- Helsinger, Elizabeth. "Lyric Color and The Defence of Guenevere," chapter 3, Poetry and the Pre-Raphaelite Arts: Dante Gabriel Rossetti and William Morris, New Haven: Yale, 2008, 55-86.
- Herbert, Karen. "Dissendent Language in The Defence of Guenevere." Victorian Poetry 34.3 (1996): 313-27. 299-312.
- Keane, Robert. "Rossetti and Morris: 'This Ever-Diverse Pair,'" The Golden Chain: Essays on William Morris and Pre-Raphaelitism, ed. Carole Silver, New York and London: The William Morris Society, 1982, 115-48.
- Kirchhoff, Frederick. William Morris: The Construction of A Male Self, 1856-1872. Ohio University Press, 1990, 70-81.
- Kirchhoff, Frederick. "'The Glory and Freshness of a Dream': Arthurian Romances as Reconstructed Childhood." Arthuriana Arthuriana 6.3 (1996), 3-13.
- Kirchhoff, Frederick. "Heroic Disintegration: Morris' Medievalism and the Disappearance of the Self." The Golden Chain: Essays on William Morris and Pre-Raphaelitism, ed. Carole Silver, New York and London: The William Morris Society, 1982,75-95.
- Latham, David. "Gothic Architectonics: Morris's 'Tune of Seven Towers," The Pre-Raphaelite Review, 2.2 (May 1979), 49-58.
- Latham, David. "'Making Pictures': Morris's Pre-Raphaelite Poetics and Its Reception." In The Routledge Companion to William Morris. Ed. Florence S. Boos. London: Routledge, 2021. 278-301.
- Mancoff, Debra N. "Problems with the Pattern: William Morris's Arthurian Imagery." Arthuriana 6.3 (1996), 55-68.
- Miles, Rosie. "Binding Men: William Morris's The Defence of Guenevere and the Circulation of Masculine Desire," Private and Public Voices in Victorian Poetry, eds. Sabine Coelsch-Foisner and Holger Klein. Tubinger: Stauffenburg Verlag, 2000, 89-102.
- Sadoff, Diane. "Erotic Murders: Structural and Rhetorical Irony in William Morris' Froissart Poems," Victorian Poetry 13.3-4 (1975): 11-26.
- Sadoff, Dianne. "The Poetics of Repetition and The Defence of Guenevere." In The Golden Chain: Essays on William Morris and Pre-Raphaelitism, ed. Carole Silver, New York and London: The William Morris Society, 1982, 97-113.
- Scott, Dixon. “The First Morris,” in Primitiae: Essays in English Literature. Liverpool: The University Press, 1912: 183-236.
- Shaw, W. David. "Arthurian Ghosts: The Phantom Art of 'The Defence of Guenevere.'" Victorian Poetry 34.3 (1996): 299-312.
- Silver, Carole. "Dreamers of Dreams: Toward a Definition of Literary Pre-Raphaelitism."The Golden Chain: Essays on William Morris and Pre-Raphaelitism, ed. Carole Silver, New York and London: The William Morris Society, 1982, 5-51. [discusses Rossetti, Morris, and Swinburne]
- Silver, Carol. The Romance of William Morris, Ohio University Press, 1982, pp. 40-42, 45-46.
- Spatt, Hartley. "William Morris and the Uses of the Past." Victorian Poetry 13.3-4 (1975): 1-9.
- Struve, Laura. "The Public Life and Private Desires of Women in William Morris's 'Defence of Guenevere'." Arthuriana 6.3 (1996): 15-28.
- Ward, Megan. "William Morris's Conditional Moment." RaVon: Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net (Summer 2009).
- Unsigned Notice, Spectator, February 1858, xxxi, 238
- Richard Garnett, Unsigned Review, Literary Gazette, March 1858, xlii, 226-7
- H. F. Chorley, Unsigned Review, Athenaeum 3 April 1858, no. 1588, 427-8
- Unsigned Review,Tablet, April 1858, xix, 266
- Unsigned Review, Saturday Review 20 November 1858, vi, 506-7
- John Skelton, "Shirley," Unsigned Review, Fraser's Magazine, June 1860, 814-28
Cove Editions, "Concerning Geffray Teste Noire"
May Morris on Unused Later Alterations for the 1875 Edition, CW, Vol. I, Introduction
Pre-Raphaelite Ballads, New York, A. Wessels Co., 1900
Editions & Printed Books
The Life and Death of Jason, Text
- BOOK I: Jason is warned of what his life shall be.
- BOOK II: Jason vows the quest of the Golden Fleece.
- BOOK III: The Argonauts called together.
- BOOK IV: The quest begun.
- BOOK V: Phineus freed from the Harpies.
- BOOK VI: The heroes come to Aea.
- BOOK VII: The magic potion of Medea.
- BOOK VIII: The quelling of the Earth-born.
- BOOK IX: The Fleece taken frown the temple.
- BOOK X: The Argo's passage northward.
- BOOK XI: The winter by the northern river.
- BOOK XII: The heroes come at last to the Pillars of Hercules.
- BOOK XIII: Medea receives counsel from Circe.
- BOOK XIV: The Sirens.
- BOOK XV: Argo in ambush; Medea goes to Iolchos; Pelias' death.
- BOOK XVI: The landing of the heroes; Jason made king.
- BOOK XVII: The death of Jason.
The Life and Death of Jason, London: Bell and Daldy, York Street, Covent Garden, 1867.
The Life and Death of Jason, London: Ellis and White, eighth edition, 1882.
The Life and Death of Jason, Kelmscott Press Edition, 1895
Supplementary Materials
Background on Editions of Jason
- Book I
- Book II
- Book III
- Book IV
- Book V
- Book VI
- Book VII
- Book VIII
- Book IX
- Book X
- Book XI
- Book XII
- Book XIII
- Book XIV
- Book XV
- Book XVI
- Book XVII
Index of Places Mentioned in the Poem
Index of (Mythological) Persons Mentioned in the Poem
- Map 1. Greece in Mythological Times
- Map 2. Mainland Greece in Homeric Times
- Map 3. Ancient Greece: Peloponnesian Peninsula
- Map 4. Ancient Greece: Central and Northern Mainland
- Map 5. The Black Sea and Eastern Mediterranean in ANcient Times
- Maps 6a and 6b. Europe: The Argonauts' Route Through Europe; The Final Portion of the Route
- Jason's Voyage in The Argonautica
- Early Greek Map of World
Sources for the Argonauts, Dr. Peter Wright
The Route of the Argonauts, Dr. Peter Wright
- Literary Criticism
- Boos, Florence. “Jason’s ‘Wise’ Women: Gender and Morris’s First Romantic Epic.” Writing on the Image: Reading William Morris, edited David Latham. University of Toronto Press, 2007. 41-58.
- Boos, Florence. The Pattern of William Morris's 'The Earthly Paradise.' Mellen, 1990.
- Faulkner, Peter. Against the Age: An Introduction to William Morris. London: George Allen and Unwin, 1980, pp. 37-46.
- Faulkner, Peter. William Morris: The Critical Heritage. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1973, pp. 50-76.
- Gibbs. Allegra. "William Morris' Use of Classical Sources in The Life and Death of Jason: A Classicist's Reading." M. Litt., University of Edinburgh, 1992.
- Kermode, Helen Sybil. "The Classical Sources of Morris's Life and Death of Jason." Primitiae: Essays in English Literature by Students of the University of Liverpool. Liverpool and London, 1912, 158-82.
- Kirchhoff, Frederick. William Morris. Boston: Twayne, 1979, pp. 61-66.
- Mench, Martha D. The Argonautic Tradition in William Morris’ s “The Life and Death of Jason”: A Study in Poetic Eclecticism. Dissertation Abstracts 29 (1968): 1212A Yale Unversity.
- Miles, Rosie. "Illustrating Morris: The Work of Jessie King and Maxwell Armfield."JWMS 15.4 (2004): 109-135.
- Morris, May. Introduction, The Collected Works of William Morris, vol. 2: The Life and Death of Jason. London: Longmans, 1910, ix-xxviii.
- Oberg, Charlotte. A Pagan Prophet: William Morris. Charlottesville: University of Virginia, 1978, pp. 75-85.
- Silver, Carole. The Romance of William Morris. Athens: Ohio University Press, 1982, 50-55.
- Tompkins, J. M. William Morris: An Approach to the Poetry. London: Cecil Woolf, 1984, 89-95.
- The Major Source:
- Appollonius Rhodius, The Argonautica. New York: Macmillan, 1912. Loeb Classical Library.
- Morris also consulted Lemprière's Classical Dictionary [here], Pindar's Odes [here] and Eudipides's Medea [here]. He may also have drawn on the Odyssey [here], Ovid's Heroides [here], Diodorus's History [here], and the Argonautica of Apollodorus [here].
The Early Version of "The Wanderers" and Four Omitted Tales
Individual Tales
- Introduction
- Editions & Printed Books
- Manuscripts
- British Library Manuscript Add. MS. 45,305
- British Library Manuscript Add. MS 37,499, early draft of second version
- Supplementary Materials
- Introduction
- Editions & Printed Books
- Manuscripts
- Supplementary materials
The Story of Orpheus and Eurydice
- Introduction
- Editions & Printed Books
- Introduction
- Editions & Printed Books
- Manuscripts
- Supplementary Materials
- "The Wooing of Swanhild." From Karl Anderson, "The Beginning of Morris's Interest in the History and Literature of Early Scandinavia: 1834-1870," Chap. 1, "Scandinavian Elements in the Works of William Morris." Diss. Harvard, 1940.
- "The Wooing of Swanhild." From Karl Litzenberg, "Contributions of the Old Norse Language and Literature to the Style and Substance of the Writings of William Morris, 1856-76." Dissertation, University of Michigan, 1933. Chapter 3.3 The Wooing of Swanhild 210-228
- Introduction
- Editions & Printed Books
- Manuscripts
- British Library Add. MS. 45,308
- British Library Ashley 4902
- Harry Ransom Library, MS. (Morris, W.), Works B
- Supplementary Materials
Supplementary Materials
Critical Responses to the Omitted Tales
- "The Wanderers"
- "The Story of Dorothea"
- "The Story of Orpheus and Eurydice"
- "The Wooing of Swanhild"
- "The Wooing of Swanhild." From Karl Anderson, "The Beginning of Morris's Interest in the History and Literature of Early Scandinavia: 1834-1870," Chap. 1, "Scandinavian Elements in the Works of William Morris." Diss. Harvard, 1940.
- "The Wooing of Swanhild." From Karl Litzenberg, "Contributions of the Old Norse Language and Literature to the Style and Substance of the Writings of William Morris, 1856-76." Dissertation, University of Michigan, 1933. Chapter 3.3 The Wooing of Swanhild 210-228
- "The Story of Aristomenes"
- Periodical Publications
Introductions to the Apology, "Prologue: The Wanderers," and Classical and Medieval Tales
- Introductions for Specific tales
- Introduction to "Apology"
- Introduction to "Prologue: The Wanderers"
- Introduction to "Atalanta's Race"
- Introduction to "The Man Born to Be King"
- Introduction to "The Doom of King Acrisius"
- Introduction to "The Proud King"
- Introduction to "The Story of Cupid and Psyche"
- Additional note "The Story of Cupid and Psyche," ll. 1755-57 [Peter Wright]
- Introduction to "The Writing on the Image"
- Introduction to "The Love of Alcestis"
- Introduction to "The Lady of the Land"
- Introduction to "The Son of Croesus"
- Introduction to "The Watching of the Falcon"
- Introduction to "Pygmalion and the Image"
- Introduction to "Ogier the Dane"
- Introduction to "The Death of Paris"
- Introduction to "The Land East of the Sun and West of the Moon"
- Introduction to "Acontius and Cydippe"
- Introduction to "The Lovers of Gudrun"
- Introduction to "The Story of Rhodope"
- Introduction to "The Man Who Never Laughed Again"
- Introduction to "The Golden Apples"
- Introduction to "The Fostering of Aslaug"
- Introduction to "Bellerophon at Argos"
- Introduction to "The Ring Given to Venus"
- Introduction to "Bellerophon in Lycia"
- Introduction to "The Hill of Venus"
Editions & Printed Books
- An Apology
- Prologue
- Spring
- Summer
- Fall
- Winter
- Epilogue
The Earthly Paradise, London: F.S. Ellis, 1870
The Earthly Paradise, London: Reeves and Turner, 1890
Kelmscott Press Edition, 1868-1870
Texts of Individual Tales, 2002 edition, with annotations
Beinecke Library AMS 1596, Tinker Collection,
British Library Add. MS 45,299
- "The Death of Paris," early draft
- "The Story of Rhodope"
- "The Hill of Venus" The Hill of Venus British Library MS. transcription
- "The Land East of the Sun and West of the Moon"
British Library Add. MS 45,300
- "The Fostering of Aslaug"
British Library Add. MS 45,301
- "Bellerophon at Argos"
- "Bellerophon in Lycia"
British Library Add. MS 45,302
- "The Ring Given to Venus"
British Library Add. MS 45,304
- "The Story of Rhodope," rough draft and transcription
British Library Add. MS 45,305
- "The Story of Cupid and Psyche"
British Library Add. MS 45,306
- "The Proud King," rough pencil draft
British Library Add. MS 45,309a
- "The Palace East of the Sun and West of the Moon," copyist's version
British Library Add. MS 45,309c
- "The Proud King," copyist's version
Fitzwilliam Library FW EP 25
- "The Hill of Venus"
- "The Lover's of Gudrun," draft
- "The Land East of the Sun and West of the Moon"
- The Earthly Paradise Volumes I, II, III
- "The Story of Rhodope," final draft
- "The Lovers of Gudrun," final draft
- "The Fostering of Aslaug," final draft
- "Bellerophon at Argos," final draft
- "Bellerophon in Lycia," final draft
- "The Ring Given to Venus"
- "The Hill of Venus," copyist version
Supplementary Materials
- Victorian Reviews and Criticism
- Recent Criticism
- Anderson, Karl. Discussion of "The Lovers of Gudrun," "The Story of Aslaug" in "Scandinavian Elements in the Works of William Morris." Diss., Harvard University, 1940.
- ("The Story of Aslaug," pp. 120-27.)
- ("Gudrun," 64-109.)
- Anderson, Karl. Discussion of Morris and the Earthly Paradise in "The Scandinavian Elements in the Works of William Morris." Diss., Harvard University, 1940, 13-38.
- Balch, Dennis, "'The Lovers of Gudrun,' Sigurd the Volsung, and The House of the Wolfings: Three Chapters in a Tale of the Individual and the Tribe," After Summer Seed: Reconsiderations of William Morris's Sigurd the Volsung, Shiremanstown, Pennsylvania: William Morris Society in the United States, 1977.
- Boos, Florence S. "The Structure of Morris's Tales for the Oxford and Cambridge Magazine," Victorian Periodicals Review, Vol. 20, No. 1 (Spring, 1987), pp. 2-12
- Boos, Florence. "Sources for Morris's 'Wanderers' Prologue.'" American Notes and Queries 22.5-6 (1984): 73-78.
- Boos, Florence. "Ten Journeys to the Venusberg: Morris' Drafts for The Hill of Venus" Victorian Poetry, Vol. 39 (Winter,2001): 597-616.
- Calhoun, Blue. "Pastoral: The Mood of Idleness," 61-62 and "The Four Seasons of Man and Soceity: The General Sructure and Volume I, " 117-128; "The Burning Days of Mid-summer Suns: Volume II," in The Pastoral Vision of William Morris. U Georgia: Athens, 1975, 146-77.
- Cowan, Yuri. "Everyday Material Culture in the Medieval Tales of the Earthly Paradise," William Morris and the Art of the Everyday, ed. Wendy Parkins, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholar Press, 2010.
- Ellison, Ruth C. "'The Undying Glory of Dreams': William Morris and 'The Northland of Old,'" Victorian Poetry, ed. M. Bradbury and D. Palmer. London: E. Arnold, 1972, 138-75.
- Ellison, Ruth. "An Unpublished Poem by William Morris," English (Autumn, 1964): 100-102.
- Faulkner, Peter. "The Story of Alcestis in William Morris and Ted Hughes,"JWMS 16/23 (2005): 56-79.
- Goodwin, Kenneth. "Unpublished Lyrics of William Morris." Yearbook of English Studies 5(1975): 190-206.
- Helsinger, Elizabeth. "Chromatic States" and "Designing The Earthly Paradise," Poetry and the Pre-Raphaelite Arts: Dante Gabriel Rossetti and William Morris, New Haven: Yale, 2008, 112-118, 199-217.
- Hodgson, Amanda. "'The Highest Poetry': Epic Narrative in The Earthly Paradise and Idylls of the King," Victorian Poetry (1996): 341-54.
- Julian, Linda. "Laxdaela Saga and 'The Lovers of Gudrun': Morris' Poetic Vision." Victorian Poetry(1996): 355-71.
- Kierstead, Christopher. Victorian Poetry, Europe, and the Challenge of Cosmopolitanism. Ohio State University Press, 2011, 143-177. Chapter 6: "Affinity versus Isolation: Cosmopolitanism and the Racial Dynamics of Morris's Europe"
- Kocmanova, Jesse. "The Poetic Maturing of William Morris: From the Earthly Paradise to the Pilgrims of Hope." Brno Studies in English, vol. 5, 1964. Reprinted; Folcroft: Folcroft Library Editions, 1970.
- Latham, David. "Paradise Lost: Morris's Re-writing of The Earthly Paradise." Journal of Pre-Raphelite Studies 1.1 (Part 1): 67-76.
- Litzenberg, Karl. "Allusions to the Elder Edda in the 'Non-Norse Poems of William Morris." Scandinavian Studies 14(1935-37): 17-24.
- Litzenberg, Karl. "Tyrfing into Excalibur? A Note on William Morris's Unfinished Poem, 'In Arthur's House'," Scandinavian Studies 15 (1938-39): 81-83.
- Litzenberg, Karl. "William Morris and the Heimskringla." Scandinavian Studies 14(1935-36): 33-39.
- Litzenberg, Karl. "William Morris and the 'Literary' Tradition." Michigan Alumnus 53(1946): 48-55.
- Litzenberg, Karl. "William Morris and Scandinavian Literature: A Bibliographical Essay." Scandinavian Studies 13(1933-35): 93-105.
- Mauer, Oscar. "William Morris's Treatment of Greek Legend in The Earthly Paradise." Texas University Studies in English 33 (1954): 103-18.
- Mauer, Oscar. "William Morris and Gesta Romanorum." Studies in Language, Literature, and Culture of the Middle Ages and Later. Ed. E. B. Atwood. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1969, 367-81.
- Mauer, Oscar. "William Morris and the Laxdaela Saga." Texas Studies in Language and Literature5(1963): 422-37.
- Mauer, Oscar. "William Morris and the Poetry of Escape." Nineteenth Century Studies. Ed. H. Davies, William DeVane, and R. C. Bald. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1940, 247-76.
- McGann, Jerome. "The Beauty of the Medusa." Studies in Romanticism 11.1(1972): 3-25.
- Morris, May. "Narrative Poetry: The Earthly Paradise" and "Workshop Notes." William Morris: Artist, Writer, Socialist. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1936, vol. 1, 396-440.
- Morris, May. Remarks on Early Drafts for The Earthly Paradise, Collected Works 3, 628-32, Collected Works 21, xviii-xix
- Morris May. William Morris: Artist, Writer, Socialist, Oxford: Blackwells, 1936, 404-36.
- Oberg, Charlotte, "The Role of the Hero," chapter II, A Pagan Prophet: William Morris, Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 1978.
- ---------. "Conclusion." Ibid.
- Riegel, Julius. Die Quellen von William Morris' Dichtung The Earthly Paradise. Erlangen & Leipzig. A. Deichert'sche Verlagsbuchh. Nachf. (Gerog Böhme), 1890.
- Silver, Carole. "The Earthly Paradise: Lost." Victorian Poetry 13.3-4 (1975): 27-42.
- Strode, Elizabeth. "The Crisis of The Earthly Paradise: Morris and Keats." Victorian Poetry 13.3-4 (1975): 71-81.
- Thomas, Jane. "Morris and the Muse: Gender and Aestheticism in William Morris's 'Pygmalion and the Image.' Writing on the Image: Reading Wiliam Morris, ed. David Latham. Toronto: University of Toronto, 2007, 61-72.
- Thompson, Tollef B., "Scandinavischer Einfluss auf William Morris in den ersten Studien (The Earthly Paradise). Inaugural-Dessertation, Koniglichen Unversitat zu Greifswald, Berlin, 1901.
- Wahl, John Robert. "The Mood of Energy and the Mood of Idleness: A Note on The Earthly Paradise." English Studies in Africa 2.1 (1959): 90-9
Illustrations & Drawings
- Woodblocks prepared by William Morris and Edward Burne-Jones for a projected edition of The Earthly Paradise: "Cupid and Psyche."
- Stamping tools
- Hill of Venus, Designs for Illustrations by Edward Burne-Jones.
- List of Drawings Held in the Fitzwilliam Museum
- Periodical Publication:"The Death of Paris," Every Saturday 8 (13 November 1869), 625-30.
- The Book that Never Was, Designs for an Illustrated Earthly Paradise
- William Morris, selected poems from The Earthly Paradise: "The Son of Crœsus," "The Proud King," "Atalanta's Race," and "The Man Born to be King," Dutch - "De Zoon Van Croesus," "De Trotse Koning," "De Wedloop Van Atalante," en "De Man Geboren Om Koning Te Zun." Translated by K.A. Borren. The Hague: N.V. Servire, 1931.
- William Morris, "The Story of Cupid and Psyche," Spanish translation. ["La historia de Cupido y Psique."] Translated by Hope de Vega, 2023.
Sources & Bibliography
- Sources
- Apollonius Rhodius. The Argonautica. New York: Macmillan Co., 1912. Loeb Classical Library.
Apuleius, The Metamorphoses or Golden Ass, trans. H. E. Butler. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1910. - “The Mountain of Venus,” Sabine Baring-Gould, Curious Myths of the Middle Ages. London, Oxford, and Cambridge: Rivingtons, 1866, 196-208.
- “The Terrestrial Paradise,” Sabine Baring-Gould, Curious Myths of the Middle Ages. London, Oxford and Cambridge: Rivingtons, 1866, 229-241.
- Boccaccio, Giovanni.The Decameron. Trans. Richard Aldington. London: J. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1930.
- Bollandus, Joannes and Henscheim, Godefidus. Acta Sanctorum . . . . Paris: V. Palme, 1863. Tom. 4.
- Browning, Robert. The Works of Robert Browning, with intro. by F. G. Kenyon. 10 vols. London: Smith, Elder and Co., 1912.
- Carlyle, Thomas. Past and Present. London: Chapman and Hall, 1843.
- Caxton, William, trans. The Recuyell of the Historyes of Troye, Written in French by Raoul Lefevre. Ed. H. Oskar Sommer, vol. 1. London: D. Nutt, 1894. 2 vols.
- Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer. Ed. F. N. Robinson. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1933.
- Dasent, George Webbe. Popular Tales from the Norse. Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglass, 1854. (Translations from the Norske folkeventry collected by MM. Asbjornsen and Moe).
- Froissart, Sir John. Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining Countries. . . . Trans. Thomas Johnes. 2 vols. London: William Smith, 1848.
- Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. German Popular Stories. Trans. By Edgar Taylor from Kinder und Haus Marchen, collected by M. G. from the oral tradition. 2 vols. London: C. Baldwin, 1823.
- Herodotus, trans. George Rawlinson. The Greek Historians. Ed. Francis R. Godolphin. Vol. 1. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1893.
- Irving, Washington. The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus. New York: Burt, 1902.
- Keats, John. The Poems of John Keats. Ed. Miriam Allott. London: Longmans, 1970.
- Kingsley, Charles. Andromeda, and Other Poems. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1858.
- Kingsley, Charles. The Heroes; or Greek Fairy Tales. 2nd edition. Cambridge and London: Macmillan and Co., 1859.
- Lane, Edward William, trans. The Arabian Nights’ Entertainments. London: C. Knight and Co., 1841. 3 vols.
- Lemprière, John. A Classical Dictionary. . . . A new edition, revised Rev. T. Smith. London: T. Allman, 1847.
- Magnússon, Magnus and Hermann Pálsson, Laxdaela Saga, trans. with an introduction. Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin, 1969.
- Mallet, P. H. Northern Antiquities: or a description of the manners, customs, religions and laws of the ancient Danes and other Northern Nations. . . . Trans. from new ed. Revised by J. A. Blackwell. London: 1847: Bohn’s Antiquarian Library.
- Mandeville, John. The Voiage and Travaile of Sir John Maundeville. Ed. J. O. Halliwell. London: E. Lumley, 1839.
- Ovid. Metamorphoses. Trans. Frank Justus Miller. London: Heinemann, 1929. 2 vols. Loeb Classical Library.
- Rossetti, Dante G. Poems. London: F. S. Ellis, 1870.
- Schlauch, Margaret, trans. The Saga of the Volsungs; The Saga of Ragnar Lodbrok, together with the Lay of Kraka. New York: Norton, 1930. Scandinavian Classics, vol. 35.
- Sturluson, Snorre. Heimskringla. The Olaf Sagas. Trans. Samuel Laing. 3 vols. London: Longmans, 1844. Rpt. London: J. M. Dent, 1915.
- Tennyson, Alfred. The Poems of Tennyson. Ed. Christopher Ricks. London: Longmans, 1969.
- Thorpe, Benjamin. Northern Mythology. 3 vols. London: Edward Lumley, 1851.
- Thorpe, Benjamin. Yule-Tide Stories. A Collection of Scandinavian and North German Popular Tales and Traditions. London: n. p. 1888.
- Tressan, Auszug von. Corps d’extraits de Romans de Chevaerie. Vol. 2. Paris, 1782.
- De Varagine, Jacobus. The Golden Legend or Lives of the Saints, as Englished by William Caxton. Intro. F. S. Ellis. London: J. M. Dent, 1900. 7 vols.
- William of Malmesbury. Chronicle of the Kings of England. Ed. J. A. Giles. London: Bohn’s Antiquarian Library, 1847.
- Apollonius Rhodius. The Argonautica. New York: Macmillan Co., 1912. Loeb Classical Library.
- Bibliography
- Austin, Alfred. Temple Bar, November 1869, no. 27, 45-51.
- anon., Spectator, unsigned. March 1870, no. 43, 332-4.
- anon., Westminster Review, unsigned. April 1871, 95, 581.
- Anderson, Karl. Discussion of "The Lovers of Gudrun," "The Story of Aslaug." "Scandinavian Elements in the Works of William Morris." Diss., Harvard University, 1940. "Aslaug," pp. 120-27. "Gudrun," 64-109; Morris and the Earthly Paradise, especially "Prologue: The Wanderers", 13-38.
- Balch, Dennis, "'The Lovers of Gudrun,' Sigurd the Volsung, and The House of the Wolfings: Three Chapters in a Tale of the Individual and the Tribe," After Summer Seed: Reconsiderations of William Morris's Sigurd the Volsung, Shiremanstown, Pennsylvania: William Morris Society in the United States, 1977. [pdf format]
- Boos, Florence S. "The Structure of Morris's Tales for the Oxford and Cambridge Magazine," Victorian Periodicals Review, Vol. 20, No. 1 (Spring, 1987), pp. 2-12
- Boos, Florence. "Sources for Morris's 'Wanderers' Prologue.'" American Notes and Queries 22.5-6 (1984): 73-78.
- Boos, Florence. "Ten Journeys to the Venusberg: Morris' Drafts for The Hill of Venus" Victorian Poetry, Vol. 39 (Winter, 2001): 597-616.
- Calhoun, Blue. "Pastoral: The Mood of Idleness," 61-62 and "The Four Seasons of Man and Society: The General Structure and Volume I, " 117-128; "The Burning Days of Mid-summer Suns: Volume II," in The Pastoral Vision of William Morris. U Georgia: Athens, 1975, 146-77.
- Cowan, Yuri. "Everyday Material Culture in the Medieval Tales of the Earthly Paradise," William Morris and the Art of the Everday, ed. Wendy Parkins, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholar Press, 2010.
- Ellison, Ruth C. "'The Undying Glory of Dreams': William Morris and 'The Northland of Old,'" Victorian Poetry, ed. M. Bradbury and D. Palmer. London: E. Arnold, 1972, 138-75.
- Ellison, Ruth. "An Unpublished Poem by William Morris," English (Autumn, 1964): 100-102
- Faulkner, Peter. "The Story of Alcestis in William Morris and Ted Hughes,"JWMS 16/23 (2005): 56-79.
- Goodwin, Kenneth. "Unpublished Lyrics of William Morris." Yearbook of English Studies 5(1975): 190-206.
- Helsinger, Elizabeth. "Chromatic States" and "Designing The Earthly Paradise," Poetry and the Pre-Raphaelite Arts: Dante Gabriel Rossetti and William Morris, New Haven: Yale, 2008, 112-118, 199-217.
- Hodgson, Amanda. "'The Highest Poetry': Epic Narrative in The Earthly Paradise and Idylls of the King," Victorian Poetry (1996): 341-54.
- Julian, Linda. "Laxdaela Saga and 'The Lovers of Gudrun': Morris' Poetic Vision." Victorian Poetry (1996): 355-71.
- Kierstead, Christopher. Victorian Poetry, Europe, and the Challenge of Cosmopolitanism. Ohio State University Press, 2011, 143-177. Chapter 6: "Affinity versus Isolation: Cosmopolitanism and the Racial Dynamics of Morris's Europe"
- Kocmanova, Jesse. "The Poetic Maturing of William Morris: From the Earthly Paradise to the Pilgrims of Hope." Brno Studies in English, vol. 5, 1964.
- Latham, David. "Paradise Lost: Morris's Re-writing of The Earthly Paradise." Journal of Pre-Raphelite Studies 1.1 (Part 1): 67-76.
- Litzenberg, Karl. "Allusions to the Elder Edda in the 'Non-Norse Poems of William Morris." Scandinavian Studies 14(1935-37): 17-24.
- Litzenberg, Karl. "Contributions of the Old Norse Language and Literature to the Style and Substance of the Writings of William Morris, 1856-76." Dissertation, University of Michigan, 1933. Chapter 3.4 The Fostering of Aslaug 229-244, Chapter 3.5 The Lovers of Gudrun, 245-275
- Litzenberg, Karl. "Tyrfing into Excalibur? A Note on William Morris's Unfinished Poem, 'In Arthur's House'," Scandinavian Studies 15 (1938-39): 81-83.
- Litzenberg, Karl. "William Morris and the Heimskringla." Scandinavian Studies 14(1935-36): 33-39.
- Litzenberg, Karl. "William Morris and the 'Literary' Tradition." Michigan Alumnus 53(1946): 48-55.
- Litzenberg, Karl. "William Morris and Scandinavian Literature: A Bibliographical Essay." Scandinavian Studies 13(1933-35): 93-105.
- Mauer, Oscar. "William Morris's Treatment of Greek Legend in The Earthly Paradise." Texas University Studies in English 33 (1954): 103-18.
- Mauer, Oscar. "William Morris and Gesta Romanorum." Studies in Language, Literature, and Culture of the Middle Ages and Later. Ed. E. B. Atwood. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1969, 367-81.
- Mauer, Oscar. "William Morris and the Laxdaela Saga." Texas Studies in Language and Literature 5(1963): 422-37.
- Mauer, Oscar. "William Morris and the Poetry of Escape." Nineteenth Century Studies. Ed. H. Davies, William DeVane, and R. C. Bald. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1940, 247-76.
- McGann, Jerome. "The Beauty of the Medusa." Studies in Romanticism 11.1(1972): 3-25.
- Morris, May. "Narrative Poetry: The Earthly Paradise" and "Workshop Notes." William Morris: Artist, Writer, Socialist. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1936, vol. 1, 396-440.
- Morris, May. Remarks on Early Drafts for The Earthly Paradise, Collected Works 3, 628-32, Collected Works 21, xviii-xix
- Morris, May. William Morris: Artist, Writer, Socialist, Oxford: Blackwells, 1936, 404-36.
- Oberg, Charlotte, "The Role of the Hero," chapter II, A Pagan Prophet: William Morris, Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 1978.
- ---------. "Conclusion." Ibid.
- Riegel, Julius. Die Quellen von William Morris' Dichtung The Earthly Paradise. Erlangen & Leipzig. A. Deichert'sche Verlagsbuchh. Nachf. (Gerog Böhme), 1890.
- Silver, Carole. "The Earthly Paradise: Lost." Victorian Poetry 13.3-4 (1975): 27-42.
- Strode, Elizabeth. "The Crisis of The Earthly Paradise: Morris and Keats." Victorian Poetry 13.3-4 (1975): 71-81.
- Thomas, Jane. "Morris and the Muse: Gender and Aestheticism in William Morris's 'Pygmalion and the Image.' Writing on the Image: Reading William Morris, ed. David Latham. Toronto: University of Toronto, 2007, 61-72.
- Thompson, Tollef B., "Skandinavischer Einfluss auf William Morris in den ersten Studien (The Earthly Paradise). Inaugural-Dissertation, Koniglichen Universitat zu Greifswald, Berlin, 1901.
- Wahl, John Robert. "The Mood of Energy and the Mood of Idleness: A Note on The Earthly Paradise." English Studies in Africa 2.1 (1959): 90-97.
Editions & Printed Books
Text of Love is Enough, first edition, 1873
Love is Enough, first edition, 1873
Love Is Enough, London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1896
Love is Enough, Kelmscott Press edition, 1897
Supplementary Materials
Critical Responses
- Boos, Florence. “'The Banners of the Spring to Be’: The Dialectical Pattern of Morris’s Later Poetry.” English Studies 81 (2000): 1-27.
- Boos, Florence. "Love Is Enough as Secular Theodicy." Papers in Language and Literature 24 (1988), 53-80.
- Colvin, Sidney. Review of Love Is Enough. Fortnightly Review, 1 January 1873, XIII, 147-48.
- Dunlap, Benjamin. "Bear Me Witness to Love: Morris's Love is Enough." Victorians Institute Journal 2 (1973), 3-21.
- Herbert, Karen. "No 'Fourth Wall': The Experience of Drama in William Morris's Love is Enough," English Studies in Canada 17.3 (1991), 301-17.
- Kirchhoff, Frederick. "Love is Enough: A Crisis in William Morris' Poetic Development." Victorian Poetry 15 (1977), 297-306.
- Mackail, J. W. The Life of William Morris, London: Longmans, 1899, vol. 1 and vol 2
- Morris, May, ed. The Collected Works of William Morris. Introduction to Vol. 9. Love Is Enough and Poems by the Way. London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1911.
- Simcox, G. A. Review, Academy, December 1872, vol. 3, 461-62.
- Tompkins, J. M. S. William Morris: An Approach to the Poetry. London: Cecil Woolf, 1988, 202-227.
- Wilson, John R. "William Morris's Love is Enough: A Parabolic Morality." Pre-Raphaelite Review 1 (1977), 16-26.
- Introduction
- Editions
- Supplementary Materials
General Introduction, by Florence Boos
Historical Introduction, "From Edda to Epic," by Peter Wright
Editorial Introduction, Manuscripts and Revisions, by Karl Anderson
Pre-Kelmscott Edition, Introduction to Book I, edited by Stuart Blersch
Editions & Printed Books
Pre-Kelmscott Edition, 1876
- Book I
- 1. Of the dwelling of King Volsung, and the wedding of Signy his daughter
- 2. How the Volsungs fared to the Land of the Goths, and of the fall of King Volsung
- 3. Of the ending of all Volsung's Sons save Sigmund only, and of how he abideth in the wild-wood
- 4. Of the birth and fostering of Sinfiotli, Signy's Son
- 5. Of the slaying of Siggeir the Goth-king
- 6. How Sigmund cometh to the Land of the Volsungs again, and of the death of Sinfiotli his Son
- 7. Of the last battle of King Sigmund, and the death of him
- 8. How King Sigmund the Volsung was laid in mound on the sea-side of the Isle-realm
- 9. How Queen Hiordis is known; and how she abideth in the house of Elf the son of the Helper
- Book II
- 1. Of the birth of Sigurd the son of Sigmund
- 2. Sigurd getteth to him the horse that is called Greyfell
- 3. Regin telleth Sigurd of his kindred, and of the Gold that was accursed from ancient days
- 4. Of the forging of the Sword that is called The Wrath of Sigurd
- 5. Of Gripir's Foretelling
- 6. Sigurd rideth to the Glittering Heath
- 7. Sigurd slayeth Fafnir the Serpent
- 8. Sigurd slayeth Regin the Master of Masters on the Glittering Heath
- 9. How Sigurd took to him the Treasure of the Elf Andvari
- 10. How Sigurd awoke Brynhild upon Hindfell
- Book III
- 1. Of the Dream of Gudrun the Daughter of Giuki
- 2. How the folk of Lymdale met Sigurd the Volsung in the woodland
- 3. How Sigurd met Brynhild in Lymdale
- 4. Of Sigurd's riding to the Niblungs
- 5. Of Sigurd's warfaring in the company of the Niblungs, and of his great fame and glory
- 6. Of the Cup of evil drink that Grimhild the Wise-wife gave to Sigurd
- 7. Of the Wedding of Sigurd the Volsung
- 8. Sigurd rideth with the Niblungs, and wooeth Brynhild for King Gunnar
- 9. How Brynhild was wedded to Gunnar the Niblung
- 10. Of the Contention betwixt the Queens
- 11. Gunnar talketh with Brynhild
- 12. Of the exceeding great grief and mourning of Brynhild
- 13. Of the slaying of Sigurd the Volsung
- 14. Of the mighty Grief of Gudrun over Sigurd dead
- 15. Of the passing away of Brynhild
- Book IV
- 1. King Atli wooeth and weddeth Gudrun
- 2. Atli biddeth the Niblungs to him
- 3. How the Niblungs fare to the Land of King Atli
- 4. Atli speaketh with the Niblungs
- 5. Of the Battle in Atli's Hall
- 6. Of the Slaying of hte Niblung Kings
- 7. The ending of Gudrun
Sigurd the Volsung, London: Ellis & White, 1877
British Library
- British Library Add MS 37,497 Autograph manuscript draft
- British Library Add MS 37,498 Autograph manuscript draft
- British Library Add MS 45,310 Autograph manuscript draft
- British Library Add MS 45,311 Transcription
- British Library Add MS 34,312 Collation
- British Library Add MS 45,313 Rough manuscript draft
- British Library Add MS 45,314 Autograph manuscript draft
- British Library Add MS 45,315 Autograph manuscript draft
- British Library Add MS 45,316 Autograph manuscript draft
- British Library Egerton MS 2866 Autograph manuscript draft
Huntington Library
- Huntington Library HM 6445, first draft, Autograph manuscript draft in pencil
- Huntington Library HM 6446, sent by Morris himself to someone who requested it, autograph manuscript draft on blue paper
Supplementary Materials
- Theodore Watts, Unsigned Review, Athenaeum December 1876, no. 2563, 753-5
- Edmund Gosse, Academy, 9 December 1876, x, 557-58.
- Unsigned, Atlantic Monthly, April 1877, xxxix, 501-4
- Unsigned, International Review, September 1877, iv, 696-9
- Unsigned, Literary World, February 1877, vii, 136-7
- Unsigned, North American Review, March 1877, cxxiv, 323-5
- Unsigned, Saturday Review, 20 January 1877, xliii, 81-2
Later Criticism / Bibliography
- Anderson, George K., trans. and ed., The Saga of the Völsungs, Together with Excerpts from the Nornageststháttr and Three Chapters from the Prose Edda. Newark: University of Delaware, 1982.
- Anderson, Karl. "Scandinavian Elements in the Works of William Morris." Diss. Harvard, 1940. "Sigurd the Volsung," pp. 233-67. Also see headnote, "Manuscripts and Revisions."
- Balch, Dennis, "'The Lovers of Gudrun,' Sigurd the Volsung, and The House of the Wolfings: Three Chapters in a Tale of the Individual and the Tribe," After Summer Seed: Reconsiderations of William Morris's Sigurd the Volsung, Shiremanstown, Pennsylvania: William Morris Society in the United States, 1977.
- Blench, J. W., "William Morris's Sigurd the Volsung: A Re-appraisal, " The Durham University Journal, OS 41 (1968), NS 30 (1968).
- Boos, Florence. “'The Banners of the Spring to Be’: The Dialectical Pattern of Morris’s Later Poetry.” English Studies 81 (2000): 1-27.
- Cumming, Mark, "The Structure of Sigurd the Volsung," Victorian Poetry 21 (Winter 1983), 403-14.
- Dentith, Simon. Epic and Empire in Nineteenth-Century Britain. Cambridge UP, pp. 71-83.
- Dentith, Simon. Morris, ''The Great Story of the North,' and the Barbaric Past." Journal of Victorian Culture 14.2 (2009).
- Ennis, Jane, "The Role of Grimhild in Sigurd the Volsung,"JWMS 8.3 (Autumn 1989): 13-23.
- Ennis, Jane, "Imagery of Gold in Sigurd the Volsung,"JWMS 11.4 (Spring 1996): 20-26.
- Frith, Richard, "The Worship of Courage: William Morris's Sigurd the Volsung and Victorian Medievalism." Beyond Arthurian Romances: the Reach of Victorian Medievalism, eds. Jennifer A. Palmgren and Lorretta M. Holloway. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005, 117-32.
- Gray, Donald J. "Arthur, Roland, Empedocles, Sigurd, and the Despair of Heroes in Victorian "Imagery of Gold in Sigurd the Volsung." Jane Ennis, 20-26. Poetry," Boston University Studies in English 5 (spring 1961), 1-17.
- Gutman, Robert W., ed., William Morris, trans., Volsung Saga: The Story of the Volsungs and Niblungs (New York: Collier, 1962).
- Hoare, Dorothy, The Works of Morris and Yeats in Relation to Early Saga Literature (Cambridge: University Press, 1937).
- Hollow, John, ed., "An Introduction: Sinfiotli," After Summer Seed: Reconsiderations of William Morris's Sigurd the Volsung, Shiremanstown, Pennsylvania: William Morris Society in the United States, 1977, 2-12.
- Kierstead, Christopher. Victorian Poetry, Europe, and the Challenge of Cosmopolitanism. Ohio State University Press, 2011, 143-177. Chapter 6: "Affinity vs. Isolation: Cosmopolitanism and the Racial Dynamics of Morris's Europe."
- Leiblein, Emil. Prinzipien und Andwendung des Stabreims in W. Morris' "Sigurd the Volsung." Amorbach: Gottlob Volkhardsche Druckerei, 1913.
- Litzenberg, Karl. "Contributions of the Old Norse Language and Literature to the Style and Substance of the Writings of William Morris, 1856-76."Diss., University of Michigan, 1933.
- Litzenberg, Karl. "William Morris and Scandinavian Literature: A Bibiographical Essay." Scandinavian Studies and Notes, January 1, 1933, 93-105.
- Litzenberg, Karl. "William Morris and the Heimskringla." Scandinavian Studies and Notes 14.3 (1936), 33-39.
- Litzenberg, Karl. "William Morris and the 'Literary' Tradition." Michigan Alumnus Quarterly Review 53 (1946), 48-55.
- Lowe, Luella, "William Morris' Mythological Adaptations in Sigurd the Volsung," M.A. Thesis University of Iowa, 1941.
- Magnusson, Eirikr and William Morris, trans., The Story of the Volsungs (London: WaIter Scott, 1888), pp. 105-107.
- McDowell, George Tremaine. "The Treatment of the Volsunga Saga by William Morris." Scandinavian Studies 7 (February 1923), 151-68.
- Meredith, Emily, "Iceland and William Morris: In Search of the Whole," After Summer Seed: Reconsiderations of William Morris's Sigurd the Volsung, ed. John Hollow. Shiremanstown, Pennsylvania: William Morris Society in the United States, 1977, 71-87.
- Morris, May, ed. and intro. The Collected Works of William Morris. Vol. 12: Sigurd the Volsung. London: Longmans, 1911.
- O'Donoghue, Heather. English Poetry and Old Norse Myth: A History. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014.
- Silver, Carole, The Romance of William Morris, Ohio University Press, 1982, 111-119.
- Sossaman, Stephen, "William Morris's Sigurd the Volsung and the Pre-Raphaelite Visual Aesthetic," Pre-Raphaelite Review, 1 (May, 1978), 81-90.
- Spatt, Hartley, "Morrissaga: Sigurd the Volsung," After Summer Seed: Reconsiderations of William Morris's Sigurd the Volsung, Shiremanstown, Pennsylvania: William Morris Society in the United States, 1977.
- Tompkins, J. M. S. "Sigurd the Volsung," in William Morris: An Approach to the Poetry. London: Cecil Woolf, 1988, 228-275.
- Tucker, Herbert, "All for the Tale: The Epic Macropoetics of Morris' Sigurd the Volsung," Victorian Poetry 34.3 (1996): 373-394.
- Tucker, Herbert. Epic: Britain's Heroic Muse 1790-1910. Oxford University Press, 2008. Discusses Sigurd the Volsung, pp. 385-461
- Ugolnik, Anthony. "The Victorian Skald: Old Icelandic and the Evolution of William Morris' Sigurd the Volsung," After Summer Seed: Reconsiderations of William Morris's Sigurd the Volsung, Shiremanstown, Pennsylvania: William Morris Society in the United States, 1977.
- Ullal, Kathleen. "'And my deeds shall be remembered, and my name that once was nought': Regin's Role in Sigurd the Volsung and Fall of the Niblungs." JWMS 19.4 (Summer 2012), 63-73.
- Van Doorn, Willem. Theory and Practice of English Narrative Verse Since 1833. Amsterdam: N. V. de Arbeiderspers, 1932; reprinted Folcroft, Pa.: Folcroft, 1770, 62-81.
Morris's Letters on the Sigurd story in the Volsunga Saga & Morris's Notes on Northern Religion and Mythology
- Morris, William, Letter to Charles Norton, 21 December, 1869; to Algernon Swinburne, 21 December, 1869, from Norman Kelvin, ed., The Collected Letters of William Morris, vol. 1, 1984.
- Morris, William, Manuscript Notes, c. 1876, "The Mythology and Religion of the North," William Morris Gallery J149.
May Morris's Commentary
- Morris, May, "The Influence of the North," William Morris: Artist, Writer, Socialist, Oxford: Blackwells, 1936, 468-492. Composition of Sigurd: meter, manuscripts, revisions, 47-92.
- Introduction. Collected Works, ed. May Morris, London: Longmans, 1911, Vol. 12, xxii-xxx.
Other Related Morris Poems
Morris's Translations from the Elder Edda
- 8. "The Prophecy of the Vala" (Heath-Dame they called her / At each home she came to,)
- 9. "The Song of Atli" (In days long gone / Sent Atli to Gunnar / A crafty one riding, / Knefrud men called him;)
- 10. "The Whetting of Gudrun" (Words of strife heard I, / Huger than any, / Woeful words spoken, / Sprung from all sorrow,)
- 11. "The Lay of Hamdir" (Great deeds of bale / In the garth began, / At the sad dawning / The tide of Elves' sorrow)
- 12. "The Lament of Oddrun" (I Have heard tell / In ancient tales / How a may there came / To Morna-land,)
- 13. "Lay of Thrym"
- 14. "Baldur's Doom" (Also "The Lay of Way-Wearer" [Vegtamsgruda])
- 15. Part of the Lay of Sigrdrifa (Now this is my first counsel, / That thou with thy kin / Be guiltless, guileless ever, / Nor hasty of wrath,)
Critical Introduction by David Latham
Textual Introduction by David Latham
Editions & Printed Books
Text of Poems by the Way with notes
- Complete edition with annotations
- Contents
- 1. From the Upland to the Sea
- 2. Of the Wooing of Hallbiorn the Strong.
- 3. Echoes of Love's House.
- 4. The Burghers' Battle.
- 5. Hope Dieth: Love Liveth.
- 6. Error and Loss.
- 7. The Hall and the Wood.
- 8. The Day of Days.
- 9. To the Muse of the North.
- 10. Of the Three Seekers.
- 11. Love's Gleaning-Tide.
- 12. The Message of the March Wind.
- 13. A Death Song.
- 14. Iceland First Seen.
- 15. The Raven and the King's Daughter.
- 16. Spring's Bedfellow.
- 17. Meeting in Winter.
- 18. The Two Sides of the River.
- 19. Love Fulfilled.
- 20. The King of Denmark's Sons.
- 21. On the Edge of the Wilderness.
- 22. A Garden by the Sea.
- 23. Mother and Son.
- 24. Thunder in the Garden.
- 25. The God of the Poor.
- 26. Love's Reward.
- 27. The Folk-Mote by the River.
- 28. The Voice of Toil.
- 29. Gunnar's Howe Above the House at Lithend.
- 30. The Day is Coming.
- 31. Earth the Healer, Earth the Keeper.
- 32. All for the Cause.
- 33. Pain and Time Strive Not.
- 34. Drawing Near the Light.
- 35. Verses for Pictures.
- 36. The End of May.
- 37. The Half of Life Gone.
- 38. Mine and Thine.
- 39. The Lay of Christine.
- 40. Hildebrand and Hellelil.
- 41. The Son's Sorrow.
- 42. Agnes and the Hill-Man.
- 43. Knight Aagen and Maiden Else.
- 44. Hafbur and Signy.
- 45. Goldilocks and Goldilocks.
Poems by the Way, Hammersmith: Kelmscott Press Edition, 1891
Poems by the Way, London: Reeves and Turner, 1891
Supplementary Materials
- Anderson, Karl O.E. “Scandinavian Elements in the Works of William Morris.” Diss. Harvard U, 1940.
- Boos, Florence. “‘The Banners of the Spring to Be’: The Dialectical Pattern of Morris’s Later Poetry.” English Studies, 81 (February 2000): 14-40.
- Boos, Florence S. “Narrative Design in The Pilgrims of Hope.” Socialism and the Literary Artistry of William Morris. Ed. Florence S. Boos and Carole Silver. Columbia, Missouri: U of Missouri P, 1990. 147-66.
- Elton, Oliver. Review of Poems by the Way. Academy, 27 February 1892: 197.
- Faulkner, Peter. “The Briar Rose.” The Journal of William Morris Studies, 18.3 (Winter 2009): 56-63.
- Faulkner, Peter. “The Male as Lover, Fool, and Hero: ‘Goldilocks’ and the Late Prose Romances.” Victorian Poetry, 34 (Autumn 1996): 413-24.
- Garnett, Richard. Review of Poems by the Way. Illustrated London News, 9 January 1892: 50.
- George, J.A. “A Very Private Gesture: William Morris’ ‘A Book of Verse’ and its Public Sequel.” Private and Public Voices in Victorian Poetry. Ed. Sabine Coelsch-Foisner and Holger Klein. Tubinger: Stauffenburg Verlag, 2000. 103-10.
- Goodwin, Kenneth. “The Summation of a Poetic Career: Poems by the Way.” Victorian Poetry, 34 (Autumn 1996): 397-410.
- Henville, Letitia. “Late Victorian Ballad Translation.” Diss. University of Toronto, 2016.
- Holzman, Michael. “Propaganda, Passion, and Literary Art in William Morris’s The Pilgrims of Hope.” Texas Studies in Literature and Language 24.4 (Winter 1982), 372-93.
- Latham, David. Introduction. Poems by the Way. Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 1994. v-xxxiv.
- Latham, David. Tales Omitted from The Earthly Paradise. William Morris Archive.
- Litzenberg, Karl. “Contributions of the Old Norse Language and Literature to the Style and Substance of the Writings of William Morris, 1856-76.” Diss. U of Michigan, 1933.
- Morris, May. Introduction.” The Collected Works of William Morris. Vol. 9. Ed. May Morris. London: Longmans, 1911. xxxiv-xxxix.
- Salmon, Nicholas. “The Communist Poet-Laureate: William Morris's Chants for Socialists.” The Journal of the William Morris Society, 14.3 (Winter 2001): 31-40.
- Salmon, Nicholas. “The Serialization of The Pilgrims of Hope.” The Journal of the William Morris Society, 12.2 (Spring 1997): 14-25.
- Waters, Chris. "Morris's Chants and the Problem of Socialist Culture." Socialism and the Literary Artistry of William Morris, edited Florence Boos and Carole Silver. Columbia, Missouri: University of Missouri Press, 1990.
General Introduction by Florence Boos
Editions & Printed Books
- 1. The Message of the March Wind
- 2. The Bridge and The Street
- 3. Sending to the War
- 4. Mother and Son
- 5. New Birth
- 6. The New Proletarian
- 7. In Prison-And at Home
- 8. The Half of Life Gone
- 9. A New Friend
- 10. Ready to Depart
- 11. A Glimpse of the Coming Day
- 12. Meeting the War-Machine
- 13. The Story's Ending
Periodicals: Serialization of The Pilgrims of Hope as published in Commonweal
- Serialization in Commonweal, 1885-86
- Chapter 1, Vol. 1.2 March 1885, The Message of the March Wind
- Chapter 2, Vol. 1.3 April 1885, The Bridge and the Street
- Chapter 3, Vol. 1.5 May 1885, Sending to the War
- Chapter 4, Vol. 1.6, June 1885, The Mother and Son
- Chapter 5, Vol. 1.7, August 1885, The Pilgrims Of Hope - V
- Chapter 6, Vol. 1.8, September 1885, The New Proletarian
- Chapter 7, Vol. 1.10, November 1885, In Prison and At Home
- Chapter 8, Vol. 2.12, January 1886, The Half of Life Gone
- Chapter 9, Vol. 2.14 Vol. 2.14 March 1886, A New Friend
- Chapter 10, Vol. 2.15, April 1886, Ready to Depart
- Chapter 11, Vol. 2.17, 8 May 1886, A Glimpse of the Coming
- Chapter 12, Vol. 2.21, 5 June, 1886, Meeting the War Machine
- Chapter 13, Vol. 2.25, 3 July 1886, The Story's Ending
- Volume 1, Number 5, June, Attractive Labour
- Related Articles by Morris
Poems by the Way, Kelmscott Press edition, first edition, 1891
Poems by the Way, London: Reeves and Turner, first trade edition, 1891
The Pilgrims of Hope, trade edition (13 sections), 1901
Supplementary Materials
"Why We Celebrate the Commune of Paris," Commonweal, 19 March 1887, pp. 89-90.
- Anderson, Karl O.E. “Scandinavian Elements in the Works of William Morris.” Diss. Harvard U, 1940.
- Boos, Florence. “‘The Banners of the Spring to Be’: The Dialectical Pattern of Morris’s Later Poetry.” English Studies, 81 (February 2000): 14-40.
- Boos, Florence S. “Narrative Design in The Pilgrims of Hope.” Socialism and the Literary Artistry of William Morris. Ed. Florence S. Boos and Carole Silver. Columbia, Missouri: U of Missouri P, 1990. 147-66.
- Elton, Oliver. Review of Poems by the Way. Academy, 27 February 1892: 197.
- Faulkner, Peter. “The Briar Rose.” The Journal of William Morris Studies, 18.3 (Winter 2009): 56-63.
- Faulkner, Peter. “The Male as Lover, Fool, and Hero: ‘Goldilocks’ and the Late Prose Romances.” Victorian Poetry, 34 (Autumn 1996): 413-24.
- Garnett, Richard. Review of Poems by the Way. Illustrated London News, 9 January 1892: 50.
- George, J.A. “A Very Private Gesture: William Morris’ ‘A Book of Verse’ and its Public Sequel.” Private and Public Voices in Victorian Poetry. Ed. Sabine Coelsch-Foisner and Holger Klein. Tubinger: Stauffenburg Verlag, 2000. 103-10.
- Goodwin, Kenneth. “The Summation of a Poetic Career: Poems by the Way.” Victorian Poetry, 34 (Autumn 1996): 397-410.
- Henville, Letitia. “Late Victorian Ballad Translation.” Diss. University of Toronto, 2016.
- Holzman, Michael. “Propaganda, Passion, and Literary Art in William Morris’s The Pilgrims of Hope.” Texas Studies in Literature and Language 24.4 (Winter 1982), 372-93.
- Latham, David. Introduction. Poems by the Way. Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 1994. v-xxxiv.
- Latham, David. Tales Omitted from The Earthly Paradise. William Morris Archive online.
- Litzenberg, Karl. “Contributions of the Old Norse Language and Literature to the Style and Substance of the Writings of William Morris, 1856-76.” Diss. U of Michigan, 1933.
- Morris, May. Introduction.” The Collected Works of William Morris. Vol. 9. Ed. May Morris. London: Longmans, 1911. xxxiv-xxxix.
- Salmon, Nicholas. “The Communist Poet-Laureate: William Morris's Chants for Socialists.” The Journal of the William Morris Society, 14.3 (Winter 2001): 31-40.
- Salmon, Nicholas. “The Serialization of The Pilgrims of Hope.” The Journal of the William Morris Society, 12.2 (Spring 1997): 14-25.
- Waters, Chris. "Morris's Chants and the Problem of Socialist Culture." Socialism and the Literary Artistry of William Morris, edited Florence Boos and Carole Silver. Columbia, Missouri: University of Missouri Press, 1990.
- Poems before the Defence of Guenevere
- Poems of the Earthly Paradise period
- Poems Presumed Written After 1875
- Translations
- Poems from the Prose Romances
"The Hollow Land" and Other Tales from the Oxford and Cambridge Magazine
The Story of the Unknown Church, January 1856
A Dream, March 1856
Frank's Sealed Letter, April 1856
Gertha's Lovers, July 1856, August 1856
Svend and His Brethren, August 1856
Lindenborg Pool, September 1856
The Hollow Land, September 1856, October 1856
Golden Wings, December 1856
The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine
The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine, 1856
Text of The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine
Table of Contents
- Oxford and Cambridge Magazine, 1856
- Oxford and Cambridge Magazine, copy marked by Vernon Lushington (courtesy of David Taylor)
- Oxford and Cambridge Magazine, identifications supplied on list from Cormell Price (courtesy of Lorriane Price Bowsher)
Published Essays and Reviews
- "Churches of North France: The Shadows of Amiens," The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine, February 1856, 99-110.
- Review of Men and Women, by Robert Browning, from The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine, March 1856, 162-172.
- Review of "Death the Avenger" and "Death the Friend," The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine, August 1856, 477-479.
The Novel on Blue Paper
Text of The Novel on Blue Paper
Supplementary Materials
- Baïssus, J.M. "Morris and The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine." JWMS 5.2 (Winter 1982): 2-13
- Dewan, Pauline. "Patterns of Enclosure in Morris's Early Stories." JWMS 11.2 (Spring 1995): 9-11
- Fletcher, Chris. "A Rediscovered and Partly Unpublished Morris Notebook." JWMS 14.3 (Winter 2001): 12-20.
- Morris, May. "The Hollow Land" and Other OCM Tales, intro. to Collected Works, vol. 1. London: Longmans, 1910.
- Noyes, Alfred. Introduction to Golden Wings and Other Stories, Van Nuys, California: Newcastle, 1976.
- Timo, Helen. "A Church Without God: William Morris's A Night in a Cathedral." JWMS 4.2 (Summer 1980): 24-31.
Other Essays on The Early Writings
- Boos, Florence S. "'A Holy Warfare Against the Age': Essays and Tales in The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine." Victorian Periodicals Review 46 (2014): 344-68.
- Boos, Florence S. "Attributions of Authorship in The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine." Notes and Queries, 61.4 (November 2014): 561-63.
- Boos, Florence S. "The Structure of Morris' Tales for The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine." Victorian Periodicals Review 20 (1987), 2-12.
- Deal, Kenneth. "Acts of Completion: The Search for Vocation in Morris's Early Prose Romances," The Golden Chain: Essays on William Morris and Pre-Raphaelitism, ed. Carole Silver, New York and London: The William Morris Society, 1982, 53-74.
- Hodgson, Amada. "The Early Romances," in The Romances of William Morris. Cambridge U.P., 1987, 20-30.
- Hollow, John. "William Morris and the Judgement of God." PMLA 86 (1971), 446-53.
- Gordon, Walter K. "Pre-Raphaelitism and The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine." Journal of the Rutgers University Library 29 (1966), 42-51.
- Hosman, Robert Stahr. "The Germ (1850) and The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine (1856)." Victorian Periodicals Newsletter 4 (April 1969), 36-47.
- Hosman, Robert Stahr. "The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine." British Literary Magazines: The Victorian and Edwardian Age, ed. Alvin Sullivan. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1984, 294-302.
- Kirchhoff, Frederick. "Heroic Disintegration: Morris's Medievalism and the Disappearance of the Self," The Golden Chain: Essays on William Morris and Pre-Raphaelitism, ed. Carole Silver, New York and London: The William Morris Society, 1982, 75-95.
- Kirchhoff, Frederick. "Morris's 'Child Roland': The Deformed Not Quite Transformed," Pre-Raphaelite Review 1.1 (November 1977), 95-105.
- Le Mire, Eugene D, ed. Introduction, The Hollow Land and Other Contributions to the Oxford and Cambridge Magazine. Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 1996.
- Purkis, John. Morris, Burne-Jones and French Gothic, London: William Morris Society, 1985, 1991
Editions & Printed Books
Text of The House of the Wolfings
- 1. The Dwellings of Mid-Mark
- 2. The Flitting of the War-Arrow
- 3. Thiodolf Talketh With the Wood-Sun
- 4. The House Fareth to the War
- 5. Concerning the Hall-Sun
- 6. They Talk on the Way to the Folk-Thing
- 7. They Gather to the Folk-Mote
- 8. The Folk-Mote of the Markmen
- 9. The Ancient Man of the Daylings
- 10. That Carline Cometh to the Roof of the Wolfings
- 11. The Hall-Sun Speaketh
- 12. Tidings of the Battle in Mirkwood
- 13. The Hall-Sun Saith Another Word
- 14. The Hall-Sun is Careful Concerning the Passes of the Wood
- 15. The Hear Tell of the Battle on the Ridge
- 16. How the Dwarf-Wrought Hauberk Was Brought Away from the Hall of the Daylings
- 17. The Wood-Sun Speaketh With Thiodolf
- 18. Tidings Brought to the Wain-Burg
- 19. Those Messengers Come to Thiodolf
- 20. Otter and His Folk Come Into Mid-Mark
- 21. They Bicker About the Ford
- 22. Otter Falls On Against His Will
- 23. Thiodolf Meeteth the Romans in the Wolfing Meadow
- 24. The Goths are Overthrown by the Romans
- 25. The Hose of the Markmen Cometh into the Wild-Wood
- 26. Thiodolf Talketh With the Wood-Sun
- 27. They Wend to the Morning Battle
- 28. Of the Storm of Dawning
- 29. Of Thiodolf’s Storm
- 30. Thiodolf is Borne Out of the Hall and Otter Is Laid Beside Him
- 31. Old Asmund Speaketh Over the War-Dukes: The Dead Are Laid In Mound
The House of the Wolfings, London: Reeves and Turner, 1889
The House of the Wolfings, Morgan Library, New York MA 313, 1888
The House of the Wolfings, Huntington Library, HM 6435, 2 Vols., 1888
Supplementary Materials
Prior Publication
- "The Days that Were", Eclectic Magazine 68.6, n.s. (December 1898), 785. (poem used as epigraph for The House of the Wolfings)
- Place, Dates and Names in The House of the Wolfings by Peter Wright
- Anderson, Karl, "Scandinavian Influences in The House of the Wolfings," in "Scandinavian Influences in the Works of William Morris," Diss., Harvard University, 304-305
- Bono, Barbara J. "The Prose Fictions of William Morris: A Study in the Literary Aesethetic of a Victorian Social Reformer," Victorian Poetry 13.3 and 4 (1975), 43-59. Also discusses other prose romances.
- Boos, Florence. “Morris’s German Romances as Socialist History,” Victorian Studies 27.3 (Spring, 1984): 321-42.
- Hewlett, Henry, review, Nineteenth Century, August 1889, 26, 337-41.
- Mathews, Richard. "Introduction," A Tale of the House of the Wolfings and all the Kindreds of the Mark. North Hollywood, Calif.: Newcastle, 1978.
- May Morris's Remarks on the Prose Romances, especially The House of the Wolfings and The Roots of the Mountains, May Morris, William Morris: Artist, Writer, Socialist, Oxford: Blackwells, 1936, 509-16.
- Oberg, Charlotte. "The Uses of History," in A Pagan Prophet: William Morris, Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 1978.
- Salmon, Nicholas. "A Study in Victorian Historiography: William Morris's Germanic Romances." JWMS 14.2 (Spring 2001): 59-89.
- Unsigned review. Atlantic Monthly, June 1890, 65, 851-54.
- Valentine, K. B. "Motifs from Nature in the Design Work and Prose Romances of William Morris, 1876-1896," Victorian Poetry 13,3 and 4(1975), 83-89.
- Vaninskaya, Anna. "William Morris's Germania: The Roots of Socialism," in William Morris in the 21st Century, eds. Phillippa Bennett and Rosie Miles, New York: Peter Lang, 2010.
- Vaninskaya, Anna. "William Morris: The Myth of the Fall," JWMS 18.3 (2009), 48-57.
Editions & Printed Books
Text of The Roots of the Mountains
- 1.Of Burgstead and Its Folk and Its Neighbors
- 2. Of Face-of-God and His Kindred
- 3. They Talk of Divers Matters in the Hall
- 4. Face-of-God Fareth to the Wood Again
- 5. Face-of-God Falls In With Menfolk on the Mountain
- 6. Of Face-of-God and Those Mountain-Dwellers
- 7. Face-of-God Talketh With the Friend on the Mountain
- 8. Face-of-God Cometh Home Again to Burgstead
- 9. Those Brethren Fare to the Yewwood With the Bride
- 10. New Tidings in the Dale
- 11. Men Make Oath at Burgstead on the Holy Boar
- 12. Stone-Face Telleth Concerning the Wood-Wights
- 13. They Fare to the Hunting of the Elk
- 14. Concerning Face-of-God and the Mountain
- 15. Murder Amongst the Folk of the Woodlanders
- 16. The Bride Speaketh With Face-of-God
- 17. The Token Cometh from the Mountain
- 18. Face-of-God Talketh With the Friend in Shadowy Vale
- 19. The Fair Woman Telleth Face-of-God of Her Kindred
- 20. Those Two Together Hold the Ring of the Earth-God
- 21. Face-of-God Looketh on the Dusky Men
- 22. Face-of-God Cometh Home to Burgstead
- 23. Talk in the Hall of the House of the Face
- 24. Face-of-God Giveth That Token to the Bride
- 25. Of the Gate-Thing at Burgstead
- 26. The Ending of the Gate-Thing
- 27. Face-of-God Leadeth a Band Through the Wood
- 28. The Men of Burgdale Meet the Runaways
- 29. They Bring the Runaways to Burgstead
- 30. Hall-Face Goeth Toward Rose-Dale
- 31. Of the Weapon-Show of the Men of Burgdale and Their Neighbours
- 32. The Men of Shadowy Vale Come to the Spring Market at Burgstead
- 33. The Alderman Gives Gifts to Them of Shadowy Vale
- 34. The Chieftans Take Counsel in the Hall of the Face
- 35. Face-of-God Talketh With the Sun-Beam
- 36. Folk-Might Speaketh With the Bride
- 37. Of the Folk-Mote of the Dalesmen, the Shepherd-Folk, and the Woodland Carles:
The Banner of the Wolf Displayed - 38. Of the Great Folk-Mote: Atonements Given, and Men Made Sackless
- 39. Of the Great Folk-Mote: Men Take Rede of the War-Faring, the Fellowship, and the War-Leader. Folk-Might Telleth Whence His People Came. The Folk-Mote Sundered
- 40. Of the Hosting in Shadowy Vale
- 41. The Host Departeth from Shadowy Vale: The First Day’s Journey
- 42. The Host Cometh to the Edges of Silver-Dale
- 43. Face-of-God Looketh on Silver-Dale: The Bowman’s Battle
- 44. Of the Onslaught of the Men of the Steer, the Bridge, and the Bull
- 45. Of Face-of-God’s Onslaught
- 46. Men Meet in the Market of Silver-Stead
- 47. The Kindreds Win the Mote-House
- 48. Men Sing in the Mote-House
- 49. Dallach Fareth to Rose-Dale: Crow Telleth of His Errand: The Kindreds Eat Their Meat
in Silver-Dale - 50. Folk-Might Seeth the Bride and Speaketh With Her
- 51. The Dead Borne to Bale: The Mote-House Re-Hallowed
- 52. Of the New Beginning of Good Days in Silver-Dale
- 53. Of the Word Which Hall-Ward of the Steer had for Folk-Might
- 54. Tidings of Dallach: A Folk-Mote in Silver-Dale
- 55. Departure from Silver-Dale
- 56. Talk Upon the Wild-Wood Way
- 57. How the Host Came Home Again
- 58. How the Maiden Ward Was Held in Burgdale
- 59. The Behest of Face-of-God to the Bride Accomplished: A Mote-Stead Appointed for the Three Folks, to Wit, the Men of Burgdale, the Shepherds, and the Children of the Wolf
The Roots of the Mountains, London: Reeves and Turner, 1890
Huntington Library Manuscripts HM 6424
British Library Additional Manuscript 45,328
- Drafts, poems from The Roots of the Mountains, ff. 54-58
Supplementary Materials
- Anderson, Karl. "Scandinavian Elements in The Roots of the Mountains," from "Scandinavian Elements in the Works of William Morris." Diss. Harvard University, 1940, 319-35.
- Boos, Florence, “Morris’s German Romances as Socialist History,” Victorian Studies 27.3 (Spring, 1984): 321-42.
- Hansen, Regina, "Forms of Friendship in The Roots of the Mountains." JWMS 11.3 (Autumn 1995): 19-21.
- Mathews, Richard, "William Morris's Roots: History into Metaphor." Cahiers Victoriens et Edouardiens 16 (1982), 69-76.
- Morris, May, Remarks on the Prose Romances, especially The House of the Wolfings and The Roots of the Mountains, May Morris, William Morris: Artist, Writer, Socialist, Oxford: Blackwells, 1936, 509-16.
- Shippey, T. A. "'Goths and Huns: The Rediscovery of the Northern Cultures in the Nineteenth Century," in The Medieval Legacy: A Symposium, ed. Andreas Haarder, et al. Odense: Odense Unversity Press, 1982, 51-69. V
- Vaninskaya, Anna, "William Morris's Germania: The Roots of Socialism," in William Morris in the 21st Century, eds. Phillippa Bennett and Rosie Miles, New York: Peter Lang, 2010.
Historical Introduction to A Dream of John Ball by Peter Wright
General Introduction by Florence S. Boos
Editions & Printed Books
- Table of Contents
- 1. The Men of Kent
- 2. The Man from Essex
- 3. They Meet at the Cross
- 4. The Voice of John Ball
- 5. They Hear Tidings of Battle and Make Them Ready
- 6. The Battle at the Township’s End
- 7. More Words at the Cross
- 8. Supper at Will Green’s
- 9. Betwixt the Living and the Dead
- 10. Two Talk of the Days to Come
- 11. Hard It Is for the Old World to See the New
- 12. Ill Would Change Be at Whiles Were It Not for the Change Beyond the Change
A Dream of John Ball, London: Reeves and Turner, 1888
Periodicals: Serialization of A Dream of John Ball in Commonweal 1886-87
- Commonweal 1886-87
- Chapter 1, pp. 257-58, 13 Nov. 1886
- Chapter 2, pp. 266-67, 20 Nov. 1886
- Chapter 3, pp. 274-75, 27 Nov. 1886
- Chapter 4, pp. 282-83, 4 Dec. 1886
- Chapter 5, pp. 290-91, 11 Dec. 1886
- Chapter 6, pp. 298-99, 18 Dec. 1886
- Chapter 7, p. 307, 25 Dec. 1886
- Chapter 8, p. 3, 1 January 1887
- Chapter 9, p. 13, 8 January 1887
- Chapter 10, pp. 20-21, 15 Jan. 1887
- Chapter 11, pp. 28-29, 22 Jan. 1887
A Dream of John Ball, University of Virginia Libraries, 1886
Supplementary Materials
Critical Articles and Book Chapters
- Boos, Florence. "History as Fellowship in Morris's Literary Writings." William Morris Today, 1981.
- Boos, Florence. “Victorian Alternative Futures: ‘Historicism,’ Past and Present, and A Dream of John Ball,” in History and Community: Essays in Victorian Medievalism, ed. Florence Boos. New York: Garland Publishing Inc., 1992, 3-37.
- Courtney, Julia. "Versions of the Past, Problems of the Present, Hopes for the Future: Morris and Others Rewrite the Peasants' Revolt." JWMS 21.2 (Summer 2015).
- Cowan, Yuri. "'Paradyse Erthly': John Ball and the Medieval Dream-Vision," Writing on the Image: Reading William Morris. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007: 137-53.
- Faulkner, Peter. William Morris and the Idea of England. London: William Morris Society, 1992.
- Grennan, Margaret. William Morris: Medievalist to Revolutionary. New York: King's Crown Press, 1945, Chapter 4, John Ball. All Chapters
- Guy, Josephine M. "William Morris," The British Avant-Garde: The Theory and Politics of Tradition. New York and London: Harvester, 1991, 119-38.
- Hilton, Rodney. The Change Beyond the Change: A Dream of John Ball. William Morris Society, 1990.
- Jones, Leslie S.A. "The People's Uprising of 1381," Jubilee Group and National Museum of Labour History publication, 1981.
- Holzman, Michael. "The Encouragement and Warning of History: William Morris's A Dream of John Ball." Socialism and the Literary Artistry of William Morris, eds. Florence Boos and Carole Silver. Columbia, Missouri: U Missouri Press, 1990, 98-116.
- Kegel, Charles H. "William Morris's A Dream of John Ball: A Study in Reactionary Liberalism." Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters: 1954, 40, part 4 (1955), 303-312. (pdf)
- Kocmanova, Jessie. "Two Uses of the Dream-Form as a Means of Confronting the Present with the National Past: William Morris and Svatopluk Cech." Brno Studies in English 2 (1960), 113-48.
- Miller, Elizabeth Carolyn. "No News Is Good News: William Morris's Utopian Print: Orality and Print Culture," in News from Nowhere and A Dream of John Ball," Slow Print: Literary Radicalism and Late Victorian Print Culture. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2013, 58-67.
- Oberg, Charlotte. Chapter VII, "The Uses of History," A Pagan Prophet: William Morris. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 1978.
- Salmon, Nicholas. "A Reassessment of A Dream of John Ball." JWMS 14.2 (Spring 2001): 29-38 [PDF].
- Salmon, Nicholas. "The Revision of A Dream of John Ball." JWMS 10.2 (Spring 1993): 15-17 [PDF].
- Timo, Helen. "'A Not So Golden Age': The Genesis of Morris's A King's Lesson."JWMS 7.4 (Spring 1988): 16-18.
Relevant Essays by Morris
- "The Lord Mayor's Show, 1884," in Nicholas Salmon, ed., Morris on History, Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1996, 132-36. Published in Justice, 1.44, 15 November 1884, 2.
- "Revolutionary Calendar: Watt Tyler, 1888," in Nicholas Salmon, ed., Morris on History, Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1996, 141-42. Published in Commonweal 4.126, 9 June 1888, 182.
- "Early England," in Nicholas Salmon, ed., Morris on History, Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1996, 51-70. Unpublished in Morris's lifetime; included in Eugene Le Mire, ed., Unpublished Lectures of William Morris, Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1969.
- "The Gothic Revival, I," in Eugene Le Mire, Unpublished Lectures of Wiliam Morris. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1969, 74-93. From B. L. Ms. 45,331(10). Delivered March 3, 1884 to the Birmingham and Midland Institute.
- "The Gothic Revival, II," in Eugene Le Mire, Unpublished Lectures of Wiliam Morris. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1969, 74-93. From B. L. Ms. 45,331(1). Delivered March 10, 1884 to the Birmingham and Midland Institute.
- "Feudal England," in Nicholas Salmon, ed., Morris on History, Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1996, 71-89. From Commonweal, 20 August-10 September 1887.
- "Art and Industry in the Fourteenth Century, " in Nicholas Salmon, ed., Morris on History, Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1996, 90-105. Unpublished in Morris's lifetime; included in Collected Works, ed. My Morris, vol. 22
- "Revolt of Ghent," Commonweal, July-August 1888.
- Socialism: Its Growth and Outcome, London: Swan Sonnenshein, 1896, co-authored with E. Belfort Bax; also available from; revised from with preface and introduction from "Socialism from the Root Up" Commonweal 1886-1888, from the Marxists Archive.
- Basdeo, Stephen. "'That Robin Hood should bring us John Ball': William Morris's References to the Outlaw in A Dream of John Ball (1888)." JWMS 23.2 (Summer 2019): 54-65.
- Leslie S.A. Jones. "When Adam Delved and Eve SPan Who Was Then the Gentleman." Museum of Labour History, Limehouse Town Hall, London E14. 1-18
- A Dream of John Ball: Black & White illustration "When Adam delved and Eve span who was then the gentleman" Froissart's Chronicles, c. 1470 Detail of British Library manuscript "Royal 18 E. I f. 165v"
- Froissart, Jean. The Chronicles of Jean Froissart. In Lord Berners' Translation, selected, edited and introduced by Gillian and William Anderson. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press.
- William Morris, A Dream of John Ball, Dutch Translation. [John Ball en Andere Vertalingen.] Forward by Roland Holste-Van der Schalk, Amsterdam: W. Versluys, 1893.
- William Morris, The Dream of John Ball, German: Eine königliche Lektion. Ein Traum von John Ball. Vienna, 1902.
- William Morris, The King's Lesson, Bulgarian translation. 1894.
- William Morris, The King's Lesson, Hungarian translation. [Egy Király Leckéje.] 1970.
Supplementary Materials on "A King's Lesson"
Related Text
"A King's Lesson," edited by Paul Annis and Peter Wright
Editions & Printed Books
Text of "A King's Lesson" by Paul Annis with notes ed. Cole
Kelmscott Press Edition, 1892, pp. 130-147
London: Reeves and Turner, 1888, pp. 130-147
Hungarian Translation: "A King's Lesson," 1894
Supplementary Materials
Editions & Printed Books
- 1. Discussion and Bed
- 2. A Morning Bath
- 3. The Guest House and Breakfast Therein
- 4. A Market by the Way
- 5. Children on the Road
- 6. A Little Shopping
- 7. Trafalgar Square
- 8. An Old Friend
- 9. Concerning Love
- 10. Questions and Answers
- 11. Concerning Government
- 12. Concerning the Arrangement of Life
- 13. Concerning Politics
- 14. How Matters are Managed
- 15. On the Lack of Incentive to Labour in a Communist Society
- 16. Dinner in the Hall of the Bloomsbury Market
- 17. How the Change Came
- 18. The Beginning of the New Life
- 19. The Drive Back to Hammersmith
- 20. The Hammersmith Guest-House Again
- 21. Going Up the River
- 22. Hamptom Court and a Praiser of Past Times
- 23. An Early Morning by Runnymede
- 24. Up the Thames: The Second Day
- 25. The Third Day on the Thames
- 26. The Obstinate Refusers
- 27. The Upper Waters
- 28. The Little River
- 29. A Resting-Place on the Upper Thames
- 30. The Journey’s End
- 31. An Old House Amongst New Folk
- 32. The Feast’s Beginning—The End
Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1890
London: Reeves and Turner, 1891
Serialization of News from Nowhere in Commonweal, 1890
- Chapter 1, pp. 9-10, January 11
- Chapter 2, pp. 18-9, January 18
- Chapter 3, pp. 25-7, January 25
- Chapter 3, cont., Chapter 4 pp. 34-5, February 1
- Chapter 5, pp. 42-3, February 8
- Chapter 6, pp. 49-50, February 15
- Chapter 7, pp. 58-9, February 22
- Chapter 8, p. 66, March 1
- Chapter 9, p. 74, 8 March 1890
- Chapter 9 cont., Chapter 10, pp. 82-3, 15 March 1890
- Chapter 11 6.219 22 March 1890 pp. 89-90 Chapter IX & Chapter
- Chapter 12 6.220 29 March 1890 p. 98 Chapter X (continued
- Chapter 13 6.221 5 April 1890 pp. 105-106 Volume 6, Number 221, 5 April News From Nowhere: Chapter X (Concluded
- Chapter 14 6.222 12 April 1890 pp. 113-14 Chapter X
- Chapter 15 6.223 19 April 1890 pp. 121-22 Chapter XI
- Chapter 16 6.224 26 April 1890 pp. 130-31 Chapters XIII & XI
- Chapter 17 6.225 3 May 1890 pp. 141-42 Chapter X
- Chapter 18 6.226 10 May 1890 pp. 145-46 Chapters XV & XVI
- Chapter 19 6.227 17 May 1890 pp. 156-57 Chapters XVI & XVII
- Chapter 20 6.228 24 May 1890 pp. 161-62 Chapter XVII (Continued)
- Chapter 21 6.229 31 May 1890 pp. 169-70 Chapter XVII (Continued)
- Chapter 22 6.230 7 June 1890 p. 179 Chapter XVII (Continued)
- Chapter 23 6.231 14 June 1890 pp. 186-87 Chapter XVII (Concluded)
- Chapter 24 6.232 21 June 1890 p. 195 Chapter XVIII
- Chapter 25 6.233 28 June 1890 p. 205 Chapter XIX
- Chapter 26 6.234 5 July 1890 pp. 209-10 Chapters XIX, XX & XXI
- Chapter 27 6.235 12 July 1890 pp. 220-21 Chapter XXII
- Chapter 28 6.236 19 July 1890 pp. 229-30 Chapter XXII (Concluded)
- Chapter 29 6.237 26 July 1890 pp. 233-34 Chapter XXIII
- Chapter 30 6.238 2 August 1890 p. 242 Chapter XXIV
- Chapter 31 6.239 9 August 1890 p. 250 Chapter XXIV (Concluded)
- Chapter 32 6.240 16 August 1890 pp. 257-58 Chapter XXV
- Chapter 33 6.241 23 August 1890 pp. 266-67 Chapter XXVI
- Chapter 34 6.242 30 August 1890 pp. 274-75 Chapter XXVI (Continued)
- Chapter 35 6.243 6 September 1890 pp. 284-85 Chapter XXVI (Concluded)
- Chapter 36 6.244 13 September 1890 pp. 292-93 Chapter XXVII
- Chapter 37 6.245 20 September 1890 pp. 298-90 Chapter XXVIII
- Chapter 38 6.246 27 September 1890 p. 306 Chapter XXIX
- Chapter 39 6.247 4 October 1890 pp. 314-15 Chapter XXX
News from Nowhere, Morgan Library, New York MA 5073
News from Nowhere, Morgan Library, New York MA 4591
- Description of MA 4591
- Transcription of Variants
Proof Sheets: Kemlscott Press Edition
Supplementary Materials
Featured Materials
From The Journal of William Morris Studies
- Baker, Lesley A. "An Old House Amongst New Folk." JWMS 8.4 (Spring 1990): 24-27.
- Coleman, Roger. "Design and Technology in Nowhere." JWMS 9.2 (Spring 1991): 28-39.
- Delveaux, Martin. "From Pastoral Arcadia to Stable-State Mini-Cities: Morris's News from Nowhere and Callenbach's Ecotopia." JWMS 14.1 (Autumn 2000): 75-81.
- Ebbatson, J. R. "Visions of Wild England: William Morris and Richard Jefferies." JWMS 3.3 (Spring 1977): 12-29.
- Faulkner, Peter. "News from Nowhere in Recent Criticism." JWMS 5.3 (Summer 1983): 2-7.
- Fellman, Michael. "Bloody Sunday and News from Nowhere." JWMS 8.4 (Spring 1990): 9-18.
- Gagnier, Regina. "Morris's Ethics, Cosmopolitanism, and Globalisation." Regenia Gagnier, JWMS 16/23 (2005): 9-30.
- Gilbert, Nathaniel. "The Landscape of Resistance in Morris's News from Nowhere."JWMS 16/23 (2005): 22-37.
- Highfill, Jannett. "International Trade in News from Nowhere." JWMS 12.2 (Spring 1997): 31-35.
- Holland, Owen. "Revisiting Morris's Socialist Internationalism: Reflections on Translation and Colonialism (with an annotated bibliography of translations of News from Nowhere, 1890-1915), JWMS 21.2 (Summer 2015).
- Holm, Jan. "The Old Grumbler At Runnymede."JWMS 10.2 (Spring 1993): 17-21.
- Jacobs, Naomi. "Beauty and the Body in News from Nowhere." JWMS 12.2 (Spring 1997): 26-30.
- Kent, Eddy. "Green Cosmopolitianism in Morris's News from Nowhere." JWMS 19.3 (Winter 2011), 64-78.
- Kinna, Ruth. "Time and Utopia: The Gap Between Morris and Bax," JWMS 18.3 (Winter 2009), 36-47.
- Latham, David. "Hope and Change: Teaching News from Nowhere." JWMS 17.2 (Summer 2007): 6-23.
- Laurent, Beatrice. "The Landscapes of Nowhere." JWMS 18.2 (Summer 2009), 52-64.
- Leopold, David. "William Morris, News from Nowhere and the Function of Utopia," JWMS 22.1 (2016), 18-41.
- Levitas, Ruth. "More, Utopia . . . and Us," JWMS 22.1 z92016), 4-17.
- Macdonald, Alex. "The Liveliness of News from Nowhere: Structure, Language and Allusion." JWMS 10.2 (Spring 1993): 22-26.
- Macdonald, Alex. "The Revision of News from Nowhere." JWMS 3.2 (Summer 1976): 8-15.
- Maloney, Kathleen. "Studying the Past, Envisioning the Future: Teaching History via William Morris's News from Nowhere." JWMS 17.2 (Summer 2007): 41-53.
- Marsh, Jan. "News from Nowhere as Erotic Dream." JWMS 8.4 (Spring 1990): 19-23.
- Mayer, Jed, "A Darker Shade of Green: William Morris, Posthumanism, and Ecotstastrophe," JWMS 19.3 (Winter 2011), 79-92.
- McKinstry, Susan Jaret. "Taking Our Eyes Out of Our Pockets: Teaching William Morris's Ideal Book." JWMS 17.2 (Summer 2007): 89-98.
- Miles, Rosie. "Teaching Morris Online."JWMS 17.2 (Summer 2007): 54-72.
- Miller, Elizabeth Carolyn. "Collections and Collectivity: William Morris in the Rare Book Room." JWMS 17.2 (Summer 2007): 73-88.
- Mineo, Ady. "Eros Unbound: Sexual Identities in News from Nowhere." JWMS 9.4 (Spring 1992): 8-14.
- Nichols, Ashton. "Liberationist Sexuality and Nonviolent Resistance: The Legacy of Blake and Shelley in Morris's News from Nowhere." JWMS 10.4 (Spring 1994): 20-27.
- O'Sullivan, Patrick. !Homenaje a Aragon! News from Nowhere, Collectivisation and the Sutainable Future," JWMS 19.3 (Winter 2011), 93-111.
- Pinkney, Tony. "Cycling in Nowhere."JWMS 13. 2 (Spring 1999): 28-33.
- Pinkney, Tony. "The Dialectic of Nature in Nohwere," JWMS 19.3 (Winter 2011), 50-63.
- Pinkney, Tony. "Edward Bellamy's Review of News from Nowhere." JWMS 20.1 (Winter 2012).
- Pinkney, Tony. "Kinetic Utopias: H. G. Wells's A Modern Utopia and William Morris's News from Nowhere." Tony Pinkney, JWMS 16/23 (2005): 49-55.
- Pinkney, Tony. "News from Nowhere as Seance Fiction." JWMS 18.3 (Winer 2009), 29-47.
- Pinkney, Tony. "News from Nowhere in Recent Criticism, revisited." JWMS 202. (Summer 2013).
- Vervaecke, Philippe. "Teaching News from Nowhere in France for the CAPES and the Agrégation in English Studies, 2004-2006." JWMS 17.2 (Summer 2007): 24-40.
Other Articles on News from Nowhere
- Beaumont, Matthew. "To Live in the Present: News from Nowhere and the Representation of the Present in Late Victorian Utopian Fiction," Writing on the Image: Reading William Morris, ed. David Latham. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007, 119-136.
- Boos, Florence S. "News From Nowhere and 'Garden Cities': Morris's Utopia and Nineteenth-Century Town-Design." Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies n. s. 7.2 (Fall 1998): 5-27.
- Boos, Florence S. "An (Almost) Egalitarian Sage: William Morris and Nineteenth-Century Socialist-Feminism." Victorian Sages and Cultural Discourse: Renegotiating Gender and Power, ed. Thais E. Morgan, New Brunswick and London: Rutgers University Press, 1990.
- Boos, Florence S. "The Ideal of Everyday Life in William Morris' News from Nowhere." The Literary Utopias of Cultural Communities, 1790-1910. (DQR Studies in Literature, vol. 46, 2010): 141-170.
- Boos, Florence S. and William Boos. "News from Nowhere and Victorian Socialist Feminism." Nineteenth-Century Contexts 14.1 (1990): 3-32.
- Boos, Florence and William Boos. "Orwell's Morris and 'Old Major's' Dream," English Studies 71.4 (1990), 361-71.
- Boos, Florence and William. "The Utopian Communism of William Morris." History of Political Thought 7.3 (1986): 489-510.
- Boos, Florence S. "Personal and Political Lieux d'Anticipation in News from Nowhere." William Morris, News from Nowhere, Ouvrage Collectif Coordonné par Béatrice Laurent (Editions du Temps: Nantes, 2004): 93-107.
- Campbell, Wanda. "Clothes from Nowhere: Costume as Social Symbol in the Work of William Morris." Writing on the Image: Reading William Morris, ed. David Latham. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007, 107-17.
- Carré, Jacques. "Architecture, Utopia and History in Morris's Thought [PDF]." Morris Day, January 2005, Universite Paris 13, Jacques Carré (Université Paris IV-Sorbonne).
- Donaldson, Laura. "Boffin in Paradise, or the Artistry of Reversal in News from Nowhere." Socialism and the Literary Artistry of William Morris. Eds. Florence S. Boos and Carole G. Silver. (Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 1990): 26-60.
- Faldet, David. "The River at the Heart of Morris's Ecological Thought." Writing on the Image: Reading William Morris, ed. David Latham. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007, 73-84.
- Frye, Northrop. "The Meeting of Past and Future in William Morris." Studies in Romanticism, Fall 1982, Vol.21(3), p.303
- Hale, Piers J. "William Morris, Human Nature and the Biology of Utopia," William Morris in the Twenty-First Century, eds. Phillippa Bennett and Rosie Miles, Peter Lang, 2010, 107-127.
- Herbert, Karen. "News from Nowhere as Autoethnography: A Future History of 'Home Colonization.' Writing on the Image: Reading William Morris, ed. David Latham. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007, 85-106.
- Holzman, Michael. "Anarchism and Utopia: William Morris's News from Nowhere." ELH, Vol. 51, No. 3 (Autumn, 1984), pp. 589-603
- Johnson, Lionel. Review, Academy, 23 May, 1891, xxxix, 483-84.
- Kelvin, Norman, "The Erotic in News from Nowhere and The Well at World's End." Studies in the late romances of William Morris: Papers presented at the annual meeting of the Modern Language Association, December 1975. New York: William Morris Society (1976).
- Kinna, Ruth. "Socialist Fellowship and the Woman Question." Writing on the Image: Reading William Morris, ed. David Latham. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007, 183-196.
- Latham, David. "Between Hell and England: Finding Ourselves in the Present Text," William Morris in the Twenty-First Century, eds. Phillippa Bennett and Rosie Miles, Peter Lang, 2010, 193-207.
- Latham, David. "'To Frame a Desire': Morris's Ideology of Work and Play." Writing on the Image: Reading William Morris, ed. David Latham. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007, 155-172.
- Liberman, Michael. "Major Textual Changes in William Morris's News from Nowhere." Nineteenth-Century Literature 41.3 (1966): 349-56.
- Lloyd, Trevor. "The Politics of William Morris's News from Nowhere." Albion: A Quarterly Journal Concerned with British Studies, Vol. 9, No. 3 (Autumn, 1977), pp. 273-28
- MacDonald, Alexander. "Bellamy, Morris, and the Great Victorian Debate." Socialism and the Literary Artistry of William Morris. Eds. Florence S. Boos and Carole G. Silver. (Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 1990): 74-87.
- Marsh, Jan. "Concerning Love: News From Nowhere and Gender." William Morris & News from Nowhere: A Vision for Our Time. Eds. Stephen Coleman and Paddy O'Sullivan. (Bideford, Devon: Green Books, 1990): 107-125.
- Miller, Elizabeth Carolyn. "No News is Good News," from Slow Print: Literary Radicalism and Print Culture. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2013. [pdf]
- Pinkney, Tony. "Versions of Ecotopia in News from Nowhere," William Morris in the Twenty-First Century, eds. Phillippa Bennett and Rosie Miles, Peter Lang, 2010, 93-106.
- Sargent, Lyman Tower. "William Morris and the Anarchist Tradition." Socialism and the Literary Artistry of William Morris. Eds. Florence S. Boos and Carole G. Silver. (Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 1990): 61-73.
- Smith, Peter. "Attractive Labour and Social Change: William Morris Now," William Morris in the Twenty-First Century, eds. Phillippa Bennett and Rosie Miles, Peter Lang, 2010, 129-150.
- Talbot, Norman. "A Guest in the Future: News from Nowhere." Socialism and the Literary Artistry of William Morris. Eds. Florence S. Boos and Carole G. Silver. (Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 1990): 38-60.
- Trouvé-Finding, Susan. "Real and Imaginary Topography in News from Nowhere." Morris Day, 8 January 2005, Université Paris 13, Susan Trouvé-Finding, Université de Poitiers
- Watkinson, Ray. "The Obstinate Refusers: Work in News From Nowhere." William Morris & News from Nowhere: A Vision for Our Time. Eds. Stephen Coleman and Paddy O’Sullivan. (Bideford, Devon: Green Books, 1990): 91-106.
- William Morris, News from Nowhere, Czech translation. [Zvěsti z Nejsoucna čili Epocha Míru.] 1900.
- William Morris, News from Nowhere, Dutch translation. [Nieuws uit Nergensoord.] Translated by F. van der Goes. Amsterdam: S.L. van Looy, 1897. (Google Books)
- William Morris, News from Nowhere, extracts, French translation. [Nouvelles de Nulle Part]. Translated by P. La Chesnais. Paris: Societé Nouvelle de Librairie et d’Edition, 1902.
- William Morris, News from Nowhere, German translation. [Kunde von Nirgendwo, ein utopischer Roman.] Translated by Wilhelm Liebknecht. Stuttgart, 1920.
- William Morris, News from Nowhere, Italian translation. [La Terra Promessa] (chapter index). Translated by Ernestina d’Errico. Milan, 1895.
- William Morris, News from Nowhere, Japanese translation. [理想卿]. Translated by 堺利彥 (Sakai Toshihiko). Tokyo, 1904 (1920 edition).
- William Morris, News from Nowhere, Polish translation. [Wieści z Nikąd: powieść utopijna.] Translated by Marvi Kreczowskiej. Lwów (Lviv), 1902.
- William Morris, News from Nowhere, Russian translation. [Вести ниоткуда, или Эпоха спокойствия.] Translated by N. I. Sokolova (Н. И. Соколовой). Moscow, 1962.
- William Morris, News from Nowhere, Serbian translation. [Вести ни од куда.] Translated by Dušan M. Bogosavljević (Душан М. Богосављевић). Beograd, 1911.
- William Morris, News from Nowhere, Spanish translation. [Noticias de Ninguna Parte.] Buenos Aires, 1928.
- William Morris, News from Nowhere, Swedish translation. [Nytt Fran En Ny Varld, Eller En Hvilans Tid.] Translated by C.N. Carleson. Stockholm, 1892.
- William Morris, News from Nowhere, Swedish translation. [Fran Framtidslandet, Eller En tid af Hvila.] Chapters 1 and 2. Translated by Axel Lundeberg. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Gnistan, July 15, 1891.
Editions & Printed Books
Text of The Story of the Glittering Plain
- 1. Of Those Three Who Came to the House of the Raven
- 2. Evil Tidings Come to Hand at Cleveland
- 3. The Warriors of the Raven Search the Seas
- 4. Now Hallblithe Taketh the Sea
- 5. They Come Unto the Isle of Ransom
- 6. Of a Dwelling of Man on the Isle of Ransom
- 7. A Feast in the Isle of Ransom
- 8. Hallblithe Taketh Ship Again Away from the Isle of Ransom
- 9. They Come to the Land of the Glittering Plain
- 10. They Hold Converse With Folk of the Glittering Plain
- 11. The Sea-Eagle Reneweth His Life
- 12. They Look on the King of the Glittering Plain
- 13. Hallblithe Beholdeth the Woman Who Loveth Him
- 14. Hallblithe Has Speech With the King Again
- 15. Yet Hallblithe Speaketh With the King
- 16. Those Three Go Their Ways to the Edge of the Glittering Plain
- 17. Hallblithe Amongst the Mountains
- 18. Hallblithe Dwelleth in the Wood Alone
- 19. Hallblithe Builds Him a Skiff
- 20. So Now Saileth Hallblithe Away From the Glittering Plain
- 21. Of the Fight of the Champions in the Hall of the Ravagers
- 22. They Go From the Isle of Ransom and Come to Cleveland By the Sea
- London: Reeves and Turner, 1891
English Illustrated Magazine, 1890
Huntington Library MS. 6425, fair copy
Supplementary Materials
- Anderson, Karl. "Scandinavian Elements in The Story of the Glittering Plain," in "Scandinavian Elements in the Works of William Morris," Diss. Harvard University, 1940, 337-42.
- Dewan, Pauline. "Circular Designs in Morris's The Story of the Glittering Plain." JWMS 12.4 (Spring 1998): 15-20.
- Geeraert, Dustin. "'The land which ye seek is the land which I seek to flee from': The Story of the Glittering Plain and Teutonic Democracy." JWMS 20.1 (Winter 2012), 18-35.
- Hanson, Ingrid. "Morris's Late Style and the Irreconcilabilties of Desire," JWMS 19.4 (Summer 2012), 74-84.
- Hoagwood, Terence. "The Art of Printing and 'The Land of Lies': The Story of the Glittering Plain," JWMS 18.1 (Winter 2008), 8-21.
- Oberg, Charlotte. Chapter VII, "The Quester Triumphant: Man and Earth Made New," in A Pagan Prophet: William Morris,Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 1978.
- Schenk, Gabriel, "The Living Past of William Morris's Late Romances," JWMS 19.2 (Summer 2011), 20-30.
- Seaman, Graham. Introduction to The Glittering Plain., 2003.
- Stott, Martin. "The Production of The Story of the Glittering Plain; a newly re-discovered exchange of letters." JWMS 201.1 (Winter 2012), 10-17.
- Talbot, Norman. "The First Modern 'Secondary World' Fantasy: Morris's Craftsmanship in The Story of The Glittering Plain." JWMS 13. 2 (Spring 1999): 3-11.
- Talbot, Norman, ed. and intro. The Story of the Glittering Plain and Child Christopher. Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 1996.
- Tyson, Nancy. "Art and Society in the Late Prose Narratives of William Morris," Pre-Raphaelite Review 1.2 (May, 1978), 1-11.
- Valentine, K. B. "Motifs from Nature in the Design Work and Prose Romances of William Morris (1876-1896)," Victorian Poetry 13.3-4 (1975): 83-89.
Editions & Printed Books
Text of The Wood Beyond the World
- 1. Of Golden Walter and His Father
- 2. Golden Walter Takes Ship to Sail the Seas
- 3. Walter Heareth Tidings of the Death of His Father
- 4. Storm Befalls the Bartholomew, and She is Driven Off Her Course
- 5. Now They Come to a New Land
- 6. The Old Man Tells Walter of Himself. Walter Sees a Shard in the Cliff-Wall
- 7. Walter Comes to the Shard in the Rock-Wall
- 8. Walter Wends the Waste
- 9. Walter Happeneth on the First of Those Three Creatures
- 10. Walter Happeneth on Another Creature in the Strange Land
- 11. Walter Happeneth on the Mistress
- 12. The Wearing of Four Days in the Wood Beyond the World
- 13. Now is the Hunt Up
- 14. The Hunting of the Hart
- 15. The Slaying of the Quarry
- 16. Of the King's Son and the Maid
- 17. Of the House and the Pleasance in the Wood
- 18. The Maid Gives Walter Tryst
- 19. Walter Goes to Fetch Home the Lion's Hide
- 20. Walter is Bidden to Another Tryst
- 21. Walter and the Maid Flee from the Golden House
- 22. Of the Dwarf and the Pardon
- 23. Of the Peaceful Ending of That Wild Day
- 24. The Maid Tells of What Had Befallen Her
- 25. Of the Triumphant Summer Array of the Maid
- 26. They Come to the Folk of the Bears
- 27. Morning Amongst the Bears
- 28. Of the New God of the Bears
- 29. Walter Strays in the Pass and is Sundered From the Maid
- 30. Now They Meet Again
- 31. They Come Upon New Folk
- 32. Of the New King of the City and Land of Stark-Wall
- 33. Concerning the Fashion of King-Making in Stark-Wall
- 34. Now Cometh the Maid to the King
- 35. Of the King of Stark-Wall and His Queen
- 36. Of Walter and the Maid in the Days of the Kingship
The Wood Beyond the World, London: Lawrence and Bullen, 1895
"The King's Son and the Carle's Son," Society of Antiquaries MS 908, London, early draft
"The King's Son and the Carle's Son," transcription
The Wood Beyond the World, Morgan Library, New York
The Wood Beyond the World, Beinecke MS Gen. 45, II Writings
Supplementary Materials
- Anderson, Karl. "Scandinavian Elements in The Wood Beyond the World,"from "Scandinavian Elements in the Works of William Morris." Diss., Harvard University, 1940, 365-69.
- Bennett, Phillippa. "Rejuvenating Our Sense of Wonder: The Last Romances of William Morris," from William Morris in the Twenty-First Century, eds. Phillippa Bennett and Rosie Miles, Peter Lang, 2010, 209-228.
- Calhoun, Blue et alia, Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris: Papers Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Modern Language Association, December 1975,intro. Frederick Kirchhoff. New York: William Morris Society, 1976. [entire volume]
- Calhoun, Blue, “`The Little Land of Abundance’: Pastoral Perspective in the Late Romances of William Morris,” Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris, New York: William Morris Society, 1976.
- Cooper, Jane S. "The Iceland Journeys and the Late Romances." JWMS 5.4 (Winter 1983-84): 40-59.
- Dodds, Andrew. "A Structural Approach to The Wood Beyond the World."JWMS 7.2 (Spring 1987): 26-28.
- Faulkner, Peter. "The Male as Lover, Fool and Hero: 'Goldilocks' and the Late Prose Romances." Victorian Poetry 34.3 (1996): 413-24.
- Hollow, John. “Deliberate Happiness: The Late Prose Romances of William Morris,” Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris, New York: William Morris Society, 1976.
- Kirchhoff, Frederick, “Introduction.” Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris, New York: William Morris Society, 1976.
- Mathews, Richard. Worlds Beyond the World: The Fantastic Vision of William Morris. San Bernardino, Calif: Borgo Press, 1978.
- Mendelson, Michael. "Opening Moves: The Entry into the Other World," Extrapolation 25 (1984): 171-79.
- Morris, William, Letter to Spectator, 1885, vol. 75 (July-December)
- Newman, Hilary. "The Influence of De La Motte Fouqué's Sintram and His Companions on William Morris's The Wood Beyond the World." JWMS 14.2 (2001): 47-53.
- Newman, Hilary. "Water in William Morris's Late Prose Romances." JWMS 13.4 (Spring 2000): 41-47.
- Oberg, Charlotte, “Motif and Theme in the Late Prose Romances of William Morris,” in Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris, with an introduction by Frederick Kirchhoff, New York: William Morris Society, 1976.
- Silver, Carole. “Myth and Ritual in the Last Romances of William Morris.” Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris, New York: William Morris Society, 1976.
- Shippey, Tom. Introduction, The Wood Beyond the World. Oxford: OUP, 1980, v-xix.
- Watts, Theodore. Unsigned review. Athenaeum, 2 March 1895, no. 3514, 273-74.
Editions & Printed Books
Text of The Well at the World's End
- Book One: The Road Unto Love
- 1. The Sundering of the Ways
- 2. Ralph Goeth Back Home to the High House
- 3. Ralph Cometh to the Cheaping-Town
- 4. Ralph Rideth the Downs
- 5. Ralph Cometh to Higham-on-the-Way
- 6. Ralph Goeth His Ways From the Abbey of St. Mary at Higham
- 7. The Maiden of Bourton Abbas
- 8. Ralph Cometh to the Wood Perilous. An Adventure Therein
- 9. Another Adventure in the Wood Perilous
- 10. A Meeting and a Parting in the Wood Perilous
- 11. Now Must Ralph Ride For It
- 12. Ralph Entereth Into the Burg of the Four Friths
- 13. The Streets of the Burg of the Four Friths
- 14. What Ralph Heard of the Matters of the Burg of the Four Friths
- 15. How Ralph Departed From the Burg of the Four Friths
- 16. Ralph Rideth the Wood Perilous Again
- 17. Ralph Cometh to the House of Abundance
- 18. Of Ralph in the Castle of Abundance
- 19. Ralph Readeth in a Book Concerning the Well at the World’s End
- 20. Ralph Meeteth a Man in the Wood
- 21. Ralph Weareth Away Three Days Uneasily
- 22. An Adventure in the Wood
- 23. The Leechcraft of the Lady
- 24. Supper and Slumber in the Woodland Hall
- 1. The Sundering of the Ways
- Book Two: The Road Unto Trouble
- 1. Ralph Meets With Love in the Wilderness
- 2. They Break Their Fast in the Wildwood
- 3. The Lady Telleth Ralph of the Past Days of Her Life
- 4. The Lady Tells of Her Deliverance
- 5. Yet More of the Lady’s Story
- 6. The Lady Tells Somewhat of Her Doings After She Left the Wilderness
- 7. The Lady Tells of the Strife and Trouble That Befell After Her Coming to the Country of The King’s Son
- 8. The Lady Maketh an End of Her Tale
- 9. They Go On Their Way Once More
- 10. Of the Desert-House and the Chamber of Love in the Wilderness
- 11. Ralph Cometh Out of the Wilderness
- 12. Ralph Falleth in With Friends and Rideth to Whitwall
- 13. Richard Talketh With Ralph Concerning the Well at the World’s End. Concerning Swevenham
- 14. Ralph Falleth in With Another Old Friend
- 15. Ralph Dreams a Dream Or Sees a Vision
- 16. Of the Tales of Swevenham
- 17. Richard Bringeth Tidings of Departing
- 18. Ralph Departeth From Whitwall With the Fellowship of Clement Chapman
- 19. Master Clement Tells Ralph Concerning the Lands Whereunto They Were Riding
- 20. They Come to the Mid-Mountain Guest-House
- 21. A Battle in the Mountains
- 22. Ralph Talks With Bull Shockhead
- 23. Of the Town of Cheaping Knowe
- 24. Ralph Heareth More Tidings of the Damsel
- 25. The Fellowship Comes to Whiteness
- 26. They Ride the Mountains Toward Goldburg
- 27. Clement Tells of Goldburg
- 28. Now They Come to Goldburg
- 29. Of Goldburg and the Queen Thereof
- 30. Ralph Hath Hope of Tidings Concerning the Well at the World’s End
- 31. The Beginning of the Road To Utterbol
- 32. Ralph Happens on Evil Days
- 33. Ralph is Brought on the Road Towards Utterbol
- 34. The Lord of Utterbol Will Wot of Ralph’s Might and Minstrelsy
- 35. Ralph Cometh To the Vale of the Tower
- 36. The Talk of Two Women Concerning Ralph
- 37. How Ralph Justed With the Aliens
- 38. A Friend Gives Ralph Warning
- 39. The Lord of Utterbol Makes Ralph a Free Man
- 40. They Ride Toward Utterness From Out of Vale Turris
- 41. Redhead Keeps Tryst
- 1. Ralph Meets With Love in the Wilderness
- Book Three: The Road to the Well at World's End
- 1. An Adventure in the Wood Under the Mountains
- 2. Ralph Rides the Wood Under the Mountains
- 3. Ralph Meeteth With Another Adventure in the Wood Under the Mountain
- 4. They Ride the Wood Under the Mountains
- 5. They Come on the Sage of Swevenham
- 6. Those Two Are Learned Lore by the Sage of Swevenham
- 7. An Adventure by the Way
- 8. They Come to the Sea of Molten Rocks
- 9. They Come Forth From the Rock-Sea
- 10. They Come to the Gate of the Mountains
- 11. They Come to the Vale of Sweet Chestnuts
- 12. Winter Amidst of the Mountains
- 13. Of Ursula and the Bear
- 14. Now Come the Messengers of the Innocent Folk
- 15. They Come to the Land of the Innocent Folk
- 16. They Come to the House of the Sorceress
- 17. They Come Through the Woodland to the Thirsty Desert
- 18. They Come to the Dry Tree
- 19. They Come Out of the Thirsty Desert
- 20. They Come to the Ocean Sea
- 21. Now They Drink of the Well at the World’s End
- 22. Now They Have Drunk and Are Glad
- 1. An Adventure in the Wood Under the Mountains
- Book Four: The Road Home
- 1. Ralph and Ursula Come Back Again Through the Great Mountains
- 2. They Hear New Tidings of Utterbol
- 3. They Winter With the Sage; and Thereafter Come Again to Vale Turris
- 4. A Feast in the Red Pavilion
- 5. Bull Telleth of His Winning of the Lordship of Utterbol
- 6. They Ride From Vale Turris. Redhead Tells of Agatha
- 7. Of Their Riding the Waste, and of a Battle Thereon
- 8. Of Goldburg Again, and the Queen Thereof
- 9. They Come to Cheaping Knowe Once More. Of the King Thereof
- 10. An Adventure on the Way to the Mountains
- 11. They Come Through the Mountains Into the Plain
- 12. The Roads Sunder Again
- 13. They Come to Whitwall Again
- 14. They Ride Away From Whitwall
- 15. A Strange Meeting in the Wilderness
- 16. They Come to the Castle of Abundance Once More
- 17. They Fall in With That Hermit
- 18. A Change of Days in the Burg of the Four Friths
- 19. Ralph Sees Hampton and the Scaur
- 20. They Come to the Gate of Higham By the Way
- 21. Talk Between Those Two Brethren
- 22. An Old Acquaintance Comes From the Down Country to See Ralph
- 23. They Ride to Bear Castle
- 24. The Folkmote of the Shepherds
- 25. They Come to Wulstead
- 26. Ralph Sees His Father and Mother Again
- 27. Ralph Holds Converse With Katherine His Gossip
- 28. Dame Katherine Tells of the Pair of Beads, and Whence She Had Them
- 29. They Go Down to Battle in Upmeads
- 30. Ralph Brings His Father and Mother to Upmeads
- 31. Ralph Brings Ursula Home to the High House
- 32. Yet a Few Words Concerning Ralph of Upmeads
- 1. Ralph and Ursula Come Back Again Through the Great Mountains
Longmans, Green: London, New York and Bombay, 2 vols., 1896
Morgan Library, New York, MA 314, 2 vols., manuscript draft
Harry Ransom Library, Printer's Proofs
Supplementary Materials
- Bennet, Phillippa, "Rejuvenating Our Sense of Wonder: The Last Romances of William Morris," William Morris in the Twenty-First Century, eds. Phillippa Bennett and Rosie Miles, Peter Lang, 2010, 209-228.
- Bennett, Phillippa, "Conclusion: The Presentation of Wonder." in Wonderlands: The Last Romances of William Morris. Oxford, New York: Peter Lang, 2015.
- Bennett, Philllippa. "Riot, Romance and Revolution: William Morris and the Art of War," JWMS 18.3 (2009), 22-35.
- Birch, Dinah. "Morris and Myth: A Romantic Heritage."JWMS 7.1 (Autumn 1986): 5-11.
- Boos, Florence. “Gender Division and Political Allegory in The Last Romances of William Morris.” Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies I.2 (1992): 12-23.
- Calhoun, B., & Modern Language Association of America. Studies in the late romances of William Morris: Papers presented at the annual meeting of the Modern Language Association, December 1975, New York: William Morris Society (1976).
- Calhoun, Blue, “`The Little Land of Abundance’: Pastoral Perspective in the Late Romances of William Morris,” Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris, New York: William Morris Society, 1976.
- Cooper, Jane S. "The Iceland Journeys and the Late Romances." JWMS 5.4 (Winter 1983-84): 40-59.
- Hodgson, Amanda. "The Last Romances," The Romances of William Morris, Cambridge University Press, 1987, 164-69; also186-197.
- Hollow, John. “Deliberate Happiness: The Late Prose Romances of William Morris,” Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris, New York: William Morris Society, 1976.
- Kelvin, Norman, "The Erotic in News from Nowhere and The Well at World's End." Studies in the late romances of William Morris: Papers presented at the annual meeting of the Modern Language Association, December 1975. New York: William Morris Society (1976).
- Kirchhoff, Frederick, “Introduction.” Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris, New York: William Morris Society, 1976.
- Morris, May, Remarks on the Prose Romances, especially The House of the Wolfings and The Well at the World's End, William Morris: Artist, Writer, Socialist, Oxford: Blackwells, 1936, 509-16 [Well at World's End, 514-16] .
- Newman, Hilary. "Water in William Morris's Late Prose Romances." JWMS 13.4 (Spring 2000): 41-47.
- Oberg, Charlotte, “Motif and Theme in the Late Prose Romances of William Morris,” in Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris, with an introduction by Frederick Kirchhoff, New York: William Morris Society, 1976.
- Silver, Carole. “Myth and Ritual in the Last Romances of William Morris.” Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris, New York: William Morris Society, 1976.
- Swinburne, A. C., review, Nineteenth Century, November 1896, xl, 759-60.
- Wells, H. G., review, Saturday Review, 17 October 1896, lxxxii, 413-15.
- Yeats, W. B., review, Bookman, November 1896, x, 37-38.
Editions & Printed Books
Text of The Water of the Wondrous Isles
- The First Part: Of the House of Captivity
- 1. Catch at Utterhay
- 2. Now Shall Be Told of the House by the Water-Side
- 3. Of Skin-Changing
- 4. Of the Waxing of the Stolen Child
- 5. Of Birdalone, and How She is Grown Into Maidenhood
- 6. Herein is Told of Birdalone’s Raiment
- 7. Birdalone Hath an Adventure in the Wood
- 8. Of Birdalone and the Witch-Wife
- 9. Of Birdalone’s Swimming
- 10. Birdalone Comes On New Tidings
- 11. Of Birdalone’s Guilt and the Chastisement Thereof
- 12. The Words of the Witch-Wife to Birdalone
- 13. Birdalone Meeteth the Wood-Woman Again
- 14. Of Birdalone’s Fishing
- 15. Birdalone Weareth Her Serpent-Ring
- 16. Birdalone Meeteth Habundia Again; and Learneth Her First Wisdom of Her
- 17. The Passing of the Year Into Winter
- 18. Of Spring-Tide and the Mind of Birdalone
- 19. They Bid Farewell, Birdalone and the Wood-Mother
- 20. Of Birdalone and the Sending Boat
- 1. Catch at Utterhay
- The Second Part: Of the Wondrous Isles
- 1. The First Isle
- 2. Birdalone Falleth in with New Friends
- 3. Birdalone is Brought Before the Witch-Wife’s Sister
- 4. Of the Witch’s Prison in the Wailing-Tower
- 5. They Feast in the Witch’s Prison
- 6. Atra Tells of How They Three Came Unto the Isle of Increase Unsought
- 7. The Three Damsels Take Birdalone Out of the Witch’s Prison
- 8. In What Wise Birdalone Was Clad, and How She Went Her Ways from the Isle of Increase Unsought
- 9. How Birdalone Came to the Isle of the Young and the Old
- 10. Birdalone Comes to the Isle of the Queens
- 11. And Now She Comes to the Isle of the Kings
- 12. Of Birdalone, How She Came Unto the Isle of Nothing
- 1. The First Isle
- The Third Part: Of the Castle of the Quest
- 1. Birdalone Comes to the Castle of the Quest
- 2. Of Birdalone, and How She Rested the Night Through in A Bower Without the Castle of the Quest
- 3. How Birdalone Dight Her for Meeting the Champions of the Quest
- 4. And Now She Meets the Champions
- 5. Birdalone Has True Tokens from the Champions of the Quest
- 6. How the Champions Would Do Birdalone to Be Clad Anew in the Castle of the Quest
- 7. Of Birdalone, How She Told the Champions All Her Tale
- 8. In the Meanwhile of the Departing of the Champions, They Would Pleasure Birdalone with Feats of Arms and Games of Prowess
- 9. Birdalone Cometh Before the Champions in Her New Array
- 10. The Champions Go Their Ways in the Sending Boat
- 1. Birdalone Comes to the Castle of the Quest
- The Fourth Part: Of the Day of the Abiding
- 1. Of Birdalone’s Grief; and of Leonard the Chaplain
- 2. Birdalone Learneth Lore of the Priest. Ten Days of Waiting Wear
- 3. Now Would Birdalone Ride Abroad
- 4. Of Birdalone’s Faring Abroad
- 5. Sir Aymeris Showeth Birdalone the Mountains Afar Off
- 6. Birdalone Heareth Tell Tales of the Black Valley of the Greywethers
- 7. Birdalone Beguileth the Priest to Help Her to Outgoing
- 8. Birdalone Fares On Her Adventure
- 9. Birdalone Comes to the Black Valley
- 10. How Birdalone Fell in with A Man in the Black Valley of the Greywethers
- 11. Birdalone is Led Up the Black Valley
- 12. How Those Twain Get Them from Out of the Black Valley of the Greywethers
- 13. Now They Rest for the Night in the Strait Pass
- 14. The Black Knight Tells the Truth of Himself
- 15. The Black Knight Brings Birdalone to the Bower in the Dale
- 16. Yet A Day and A Night They Tarry in the Dale
- 1. Of Birdalone’s Grief; and of Leonard the Chaplain
- The Fifth Part: The Tale of the Quest's Ending
- 1. Of Sir Leonard’s Trouble and the Coming of the Quest
- 2. Now Ask They of Birdalone, and Sir Leonard Speaks
- 3. How They Follow the Slot of Birdalone and the Black Knight
- 4. Of the Slaying of Friend and Foe
- 5. They Come Home to the Castle of the Quest
- 6. Of the Talk Betwixt Birdalone and Viridis
- 7. Birdalone Telleth the Tale of Her Wandering Up the Valley of the Greywethers
- 8. Atra and Birdalone Talk Together While the Lords Sit at the Murder-Council
- 9. Hugh Tells the Story of the Quest’s Ending.
- 10. How It Fared with the Three Ladies After the Escape of Birdalone
- 11. Birdalone and the Black Squire Talk Together in the Hall of the Castle.
- 12. The Knights and Their Fellows Betake Them to the Assaulting of the Red Hold
- 13. Birdalone Bethinks Her to Fulfil the Promise Made Unto Atra
- 14. Birdalone Leaves the Castle of the Quest
- 1. Of Sir Leonard’s Trouble and the Coming of the Quest
- The Sixth Part: The Days of Absence
- 1. Birdalone Rides to Greenford and There Takes Leave of Arnold and His Men
- 2. Of Birdalone and Her Fellowship, Their Faring Over the Downland
- 3. They Come to the City of the Five Crafts, and Birdalone Meets with the Poor-Wife
- 4. Of the Love of Gerard’s Sons and of Jacobus for Birdalone
- 5. Of the Death of Audrey, Mother to Birdalone. She is Warned in A Dream to Seek the Black Squire, and is Minded to Depart the City of the Five Crafts, and Seek Again the Castle of the Quest
- 6. Of the Sundering of Birdalone from Gerard and His Sons
- 7. Birdalone Cometh to Greenford, and Hears of the Wasting of the Castle of the Quest
- 8. Birdalone Cometh to the Castle of the Quest, Heareth the Tale Thereof from Leonard, and Departeth Thence by the Sending Boat
- 9. Birdalone Findeth the Isle of Nothing Greatly Bettered, and is Kindly Entreated There
- 10. Of Birdalone’s Flitting from the Isle of Nothing
- 11. Coming to the Isle of Kings Birdalone Findeth There A Score and Two of Fair Damsels Who Would Fain Have Her Company
- 12. Birdalone Cometh Again to the Isle of Queens, and Findeth A Perilous Adventure Therein
- 13. Coming to the Isle of the Young and the Old, Birdalone Findeth It Peopled with Children
- 14. The Sending Boat Disappeareth from the Isle of Increase Unsought, and Birdalone Seeketh to Escape Thence by Swimming
- 15. Birdalone Lacketh Little of Drowning, But Cometh Latterly to the Green Eyot
- 16. Birdalone Findeth Her Witch-Mistress Dead
- 17. Birdalone Layeth to Earth the Body of the Witch, and Findeth the Sending Boat Broken Up
- 18. The Wood-Mother Cometh to Birdalone and Heareth Her Story
- 19. Habundia Hideth Birdalone’s Nakedness with Faery Raiment
- 20. Birdalone Telleth Habundia of Her Love for Arthur, and Getteth from Her Promise of Help Therein
- 21. How the Wood-Wife Entered the Cot, and A Wonder That Befell Thereon
- 22. Birdalone Wendeth the Wildwood in Fellowship with Habundia
- 23. The Wood-Wife Bringeth Birdalone to the Sight of Arthur in the Wildwood
- 24. The Wood-Mother Changeth Her Form to That of A Woman Stricken in Years
- 25. The Wood-Wife Healeth and Tendeth the Black Squire
- 26. The Black Squire Telleth the Wood-Wife of His Doings Since Birdalone Went from the Castle of the Quest
- 27. Sir Arthur Cometh to the House Under the Wood
- 28. Fair Days in the House of Love
- 20. Those Twain Will Seek the Wisdom of the Wood-Wife
- 30. They Have Speech with Habundia Concerning the Green Knight and His Fellows
- 31. Habundia Cometh with Tidings of Those Dear Friends
- 32. Of the Fight in the Forest and the Rescue of Those Friends from the Men of the Red Company
- 33. Viridis Telleth the Tale of Their Seeking
- 1. Birdalone Rides to Greenford and There Takes Leave of Arnold and His Men
- The Seventh Part: The Days of Returning
- 1. Sir Hugh Asketh Birdalone Where She Would Have the Abode of Their Fellowship to Be
- 2. Birdalone Taketh Counsel with Her Wood-Mother Concerning the Matter of Sir Hugh
- 3. Of the Journeying Through the Forest of Evilshaw Unto the Town of Utterhay
- 4. Of the Abiding in Utterhay in Love and Contentment
- 1. Sir Hugh Asketh Birdalone Where She Would Have the Abode of Their Fellowship to Be
First Trade Edition: Longmans, Green, & Co.: London, New York and Bombay, 1897
The Widow's House by the Great Water (early draft), edited by Helen A. Timo
British Library Additional Manuscript 45,322
Printer's Copy: British Library Additional Manuscript 45,323
The Widow's House by the Great Water: British Library Additional Manuscript 45,324, ff. 1-47
British Library Additional Manuscript 45,325, ff. 1-17
"List of Later Morris Poems After 1875," no. 27
Supplementary Materials
Morris's Notes on the Plot of Tale
- Bennett, Phillippa. "Rediscovering the Topography of Wonder: Morris, Iceland, and the Late Romances."JWMS 16.2-3 (2005): 38-48.
- Bennet, Phillippa, "Rejuvenating Our Sense of Wonder: The Last Romances of William Morris," William Morris in the Twenty-First Century, eds. Phillippa Bennett and Rosie Miles, Peter Lang, 2010, 209-228.
- Boos, Florence. “The Socialist New Woman in William Morris’s The Water of the Wondrous Isles,” Victorian Literature and Culture, Vol. 23(1995): 159-75.
- Boos, Florence. “Gender Division and Political Allegory in The Last Romances of William Morris.” Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies I.2 (1992): 12-23.
- Calhoun, B., & Modern Language Association of America. Studies in the late romances of William Morris: Papers presented at the annual meeting of the Modern Language Association, December 1975,New York: William Morris Society (1976).
- Calhoun, Blue, “`The Little Land of Abundance’: Pastoral Perspective in the Late Romances of William Morris,” Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris, New York: William Morris Society, 1976.
- Cooper, Jane S. "The Iceland Journeys and the Late Romances."JWMS 5.4 (Winter 1983-84): 40-59.
- Gopen, George D. "The Music of the Mind: Structure and Substance in William Morris's The Water of the Wondrous Isles." JWMS 16/23 (2005): 92-102.
- Hollow, John. “Deliberate Happiness: The Late Prose Romances of William Morris,” Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris, New York: William Morris Society, 1976.
- Kirchhoff, Frederick, “Introduction.” Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris, New York: William Morris Society, 1976.
- Kelvin, Norman. “The Erotic in News from Nowhere and The Well at the World’s End,” Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris, New York: William Morris Society, 1976.
- May Morris's Remarks on the Prose Romances, May Morris, William Morris: Artist, Writer, Socialist, Oxford: Blackwells, 1936.
- Newman, Hilary. "Water in William Morris's Late Prose Romances." JWMS 13.4 (Spring 2000): 41-47.
- Oberg, Charlotte, “Motif and Theme in the Late Prose Romances of William Morris,” in Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris, with an introduction by Frederick Kirchhoff, New York: William Morris Society, 1976.
- Silver, Carole. “Myth and Ritual in the Last Romances of William Morris.” Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris, New York: William Morris Society, 1976.
- Silver, Carole. "Socialism Internalized: The Last Romances of William Morris." Socialism and the Literary Artistry of William Morris, edited Florence Boos and Carole Silver. Columbia, Missouri: University of Missouri Press, 1990.
- Spatt, Hartley. "William Morris's Late Romances: The Struggle Against Closure." History and Community: Essays in Victorian Medievalism. Garland Publishing, Inc.: New York & London, 1992, 109-135.
- Talbot, Norman, ed. and intro. The Water of the Wondrous Isles. Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 1994.
- Talbot, Norman, "'Whilom, as tells the tale': The Language of the Prose Romances." JWMS 8 (1989): 16-25.
- Watts, Theodore. Unsigned review. Athenaeum, December 1897, no. 3658, 777-79.
Editions & Printed Books
- 1. Of a River Called the Sundering Flood, and of the Folk that Dwelt Thereby
- 2. Of Wethermel and the Child 3. Osberne
- 3. Wolves Harry the Flock
- 4. Surly John Falls Out with the Goodman
- 5. Osberne Slays the Wolves
- 6. They Fare to the Cloven Mote
- 7. Of a Newcomer, and His Gift to Osberne
- 8. The Goodman Gets a New Hired Man
- 9. The Bight of the Cloven Knoll
- 10. Osberne and Elfhild Hold Converse Together
- 11. Osberne Shoots a Gift Across the Flood
- 12. Of a Guest Called Waywearer
- 13. Steelhead Gives Osberne the Sword Boardcleaver
- 14. The Gifts of Steelhead
- 15. Surly John Brings a Guest to Wethermel
- 16. Hardcastle Would Seize Wethermel
- 17. The Slaying of Hardcastle
- 18. Elfhild Hears of the Slaying
- 19. The Winter Passes and Elfhild Tells of the Death of Her Kinswoman
- 20. Osberne Fares to Eastcheaping and Brings Gifts for Elfhild
- 21. Warriors from Eastcheaping Ride into the Dale
- 22. Osberne Takes Leave of Elfhild
- 23. Osberne Is Chosen Captain of the Dalesmen
- 24. A Skirmish with the Baron of Deepdale in the Marshes
- 25. Stephen Tells of an Adventure in the Camp of the Foemen
- 26. They Bring the Baron into Eastcheaping
- 27. They Parley from the Walls
- 28. The Baron of Deepdale Makes Peace
- 29. Osberne and His Men Return to Wethermel
- 30. Osberne Goes to the Trysting-Place
- 31. They Meet Through Autumn and Winter
- 32. Foemen Among the West Dalers
- 33. Osberne Seeks Tidings of Elfhild
- 34. Osberne Sorrows for the Loss of Elfhild
- 35. Osberne Seeks Counsel of Steelhead
- 36. The Staves which Osberne Taught to the Dalesmen
- 37. Osberne Takes Leave of Wethermel
- 38. Osberne Parts from Stephen the Eater
- 39. Osberne Gets Him a New Master
- 40. Osberne Rides with Sir Godrick
- 41. They Joust with the Knight of the Fish
- 42. They Deliver the Thorp-Dwellers from the Black Skinners
- 43. They Come to the Edge of the Wood Masterless
- 44. They Reach Longshaw and Osberne Gets Him a New Name
- 45. The Red Lad Scatters the Host of the Barons
- 46. Osberne Enters the City of the Sundering Flood
- 47. The Battle in the Square
- 48. Sir Godrick Is Chosen Burgreve of the City
- 49. Of the City King and the Outland King
- 50. The Red Lad Speaks Privily with Sir Godrick
- 51. Osberne is Beguiled by Felons
- 52. The Meeting of Osberne and Elfhild
- 53. Strangers Come to Wethermel
- 54. The Carline Beginneth Her Tale
- 55. The Blue Knight Buys the Maiden of the Chapman
- 56. The Blue Knight Talks with the Maiden by the Way
- 57. They Come to Brookside
- 58. Peaceful Days in the Castle of Brookside
- 59. Tidings of Longshaw and of the Hosting of the Barons'League
- 60. The Blue Knight Gathers Men and Departs from Brookside
- 61. The Maiden and the Carline Flee to the Grey Sisters
- 62. They Fall in with Three Chapmen
- 63. They Escape from the Chapmen by the Carline's Wizardry
- 64. The Carline Endeth Her Tale
- 65. Osberne and Elfhild Make Themselves Known to Their People
- 66. The Lip of the Sundering Flood
- 67. A Friend at Need
- 68. The Knight of Longshaw Gathereth Force
First Trade Edition, Longmans, Green & Co., 1898
British Library Add. MS, 45,326
British Library Add. MS, 45,326, transcription
Supplementary Materials
- Anderson, Karl. "Scandinavian Elements in The Sundering Flood," in "Scandinavian Elements in the Works of William Morris." Diss. Harvard University, 1940, 376-82.
- Boos, Florence. “Gender Division and Political Allegory in The Last Romances of William Morris.” Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies I.2 (1992): 12-23.
- Calhoun, B., & Modern Language Association of America. Studies in the late romances of William Morris: Papers presented at the annual meeting of the Modern Language Association, December 1975,New York: William Morris Society (1976).
- Calhoun, Blue, “`The Little Land of Abundance’: Pastoral Perspective in the Late Romances of William Morris,” Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris, New York: William Morris Society, 1976.
- Cooper, Jane S. "The Iceland Journeys and the Late Romances." JWMS 5.4 (Winter 1983-84): 40-59.
- Hollow, John. “Deliberate Happiness: The Late Prose Romances of William Morris,” Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris, New York: William Morris Society, 1976.
- Kelvin, Norman. “The Erotic in News from Nowhere and The Well at the World’s End,” Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris, New York: William Morris Society, 1976.
- Kirchhoff, Frederick, “Introduction.” Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris, New York: William Morris Society, 1976.
- Oberg, Charlotte, “Motif and Theme in the Late Prose Romances of William Morris,” in Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris, with an introduction by Frederick Kirchhoff, New York: William Morris Society, 1976.
- Purkis, John. "Morris and Traditional Storytelling."JWMS 11.1 (Autumn 1994): 16-18.
- Silver, Carole. “Myth and Ritual in the Last Romances of William Morris.” Studies in the Late Romances of William Morris, New York: William Morris Society, 1976.
- Timo, Helen. "'An Icelandic Tale Re-Told': William Morris's Sundering Flood." JWMS 7.1 (Autumn 1986): 12-16.
Editions & Printed Books
- Introduction
- I. The Village of Ormslade
- II. The Rectory
- III. Mrs. Risley's Secret
- IV. Eleanor's Visit
- V. The Two Lads
- VI. In the Garden - Old Jack's Story
- VII. Father and Son
- VIII. Up the Stream
- IX. The Aloe Blossoms
- X. Clara and Her Mother
- XI. How the Day Ended
- XII. Clara's Letter
- XIII. The Pleasure-Party: The Beginning
- XIV. The Pleasure-Party: The End
- XV. John Leaves Home
- Conclusion
The Novel on Blue Paper. William Morris and Penelope Fitzgerald. London: Journeyman Press, 1982.
Manuscript [untitled], British Library Additional Manuscript 45,328 ff. 1-58v
Supplementary Materials
Kilian of the Closes
British Library Additional Manuscript 45,327 (Giles of the Long Frank)
British Library Additional Manuscript 45,328
- Novel on Blue Paper, ff. 1-54v
- Poems in Roots of the Mountains ff. 54-58
- "How is the rain upon the day," ff. 54-55
- "In meadowtide through day new born," ff. 55-56
- ff. 57 and 57v, "Tis over the hill and over the dale," "Why sit ye here in the spinning room"; See List of Poems Written After 1875, no. 36
- Kilian of the Closes, ff. 59-109
- Unfinished Romances, ff. 110-125v ["Folk of the Mountain Door," 6 songs: song 1, f. 111v, 112v, 113; song 2, f. 113; song 3, ff. 114-115v; song 4, f. 115v-116; song 5, f. 123; song, f. 124, unfinished]
- Desiderius, f. 127-149
- Pencil draft, unfinished metrical romance, f. 149v
- Story of the Flower ff. 150-186, 194-201v; ff. 150-183, draft marked "Story of the Flower," most in pen, 5 and part of 6 are in pencil. See List of Early Poems, #39. Ff. 196-97v, "For the Story of the Flower," Morris autograph on better quality paper.
- May Morris on "The Story of the Flower," Collected Works, xvi-xvii.
- King Peacock ff. 187-193; Morris ink autograph with corrections.
- "I have heard say that there was once a fair house built by the side of a forest," ff. 194-95, 2 romance fragment
- f. 198 plot summary for a romance in Morris autograph, "In times when there was"
- f. 199 titled "fable," in Morris's hand.
- f. 200 fragment of prose tale, "He would not slay be these and then"
- f. 201 in Morris's hand, "That queer story" in 11 lines, poetic opening for tale; see List of Early Poems, no. 56
Supplementary Materials
May Morris's Remarks on the Unfinished Prose Romances, Collected Works 21, xvi-xvii
Çelikkol Ayse. "The Planetary in Morris's Late Romances." JWMS 22.4 (Summer 2018): 15-30.
Printed Books & Essays
"Journals of Travel in Iceland 1871-1873," Collected Works of William Morris, Volume 8, London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1911.
Dagbaekur úr Íslandsferdum 1871-1873, Reykjavík, Mál Og Menning, 1975.
"The Early Literature of the North-Iceland," Unpublished Lectures of William Morris, Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1969.
Unpublished Journals of Travel in Iceland 1871-73, British Library Add. MS 45,319 A, autograph manuscript.
Morris's Unpublished Icelandic Diaries, British Library Add. MS 45,319, autograph manuscript.
Journey of Travel to Iceland, Fitzwilliam Library MS FW 25C, autograph manuscript.
Supplementary Materials
1871 Journey
- Photographs and Notes of locations mentioned in Morris's Journals by Martin Stott
- Ch. I - From London to Reykjavík (July 6-16)
- Ch. II - From Reykjavík to Bergthorsknoll and Lithend (July 17-22)
- Ch. III - From Lithend to the Geysirs (July 23-28)
- Ch. IV - From the Geysirs through the wilderness to Waterdale (July 29 - August 3)
- Ch. V - From Waterdale to Biarg and Ramfirth (August 4 - September 17)
- Complete List of Notes for 1871 Journals
- Complete List of Entries Published in Collected Works (Vol. 8, 1911)
- Slideshows of All Days Images Including Notes by Martin Stott
- Illustrations featured in The Land of Thor, and An American in Iceland
- An informational booklet on Morris in Iceland.
- "Morris's Journey to Iceland 1871," and "Morris's Journey to Iceland 1873," The Collected Works of William Morris, Vol. 8, p. 129 and 252, Longman's Green & Company, 1911.
- Detail of 1873 Map
- Map of the Country of the Ere-Dweller's Story
- Map of Iceland
- Aho, Gary. "Following in the Footsteps of William Morris." Atlantica and Iceland Review 20 (Winter 1982), 84-93.
- Aho, Gary. “`Međ Island á heilanum’: Islandsbæekur breskra ferđalanga 1772 til 1897,” Skírnir, 167 (1993), 205-258.
- English version: "Iceland on the Brain: British Travellers to Iceland from 1172 to 1897."
- Aho, Gary, Intro. Three Northern Love Stories and Other Tales. Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 1996.
- Aho, Gary. "William Morris and Iceland." Kairos 1, no. 2(1982), 102-33.
- Anderson, Karl. "Scandinavian Elements in the Work of William Morris." Diss. Harvard University, 1940. Icelandic trip, 196-202
- Bartels, Dennis. "William Morris and Iceland's Hydrogen Economy."JWMS 15.3 (2003): 34-35.
- Cooper, Jane S. "The Iceland Journeys and the Late Romances." JWMS 5.4 (Winter 1983-84): 40-59.
- Ellison, Ruth. "Icelandic Obituaries of William Morris." JWMS 8.1 (Autumn 1988): 35-41.
- Ellison, Ruth. "The Saga of Jón Jónsson Saddlesmith of Lithend-cot." JWMS 10.1 (Autumn 1992): 21-30.
- Gíslason, Örn, "With May Morris in Iceland." William Morris Society Newsletter-US, January 2014.
- Harris, Richard L. "William Morris, Eirikur Magnusson, and Iceland: A Survey of Correspondence." Victorian Poetry 13.3 and 4 (Fall-Winter 1975), 119-130
- Jonsdottir, Gudrun. "May Morris and Miss Lobb in Iceland." JWMS 7.1 (Autumn 1986): 17-20.
- Madsen, St. Tschudi. "Morris and Munthe." Journal of William Morris Studies 1.4(1964): 34-40.
- Meredith, Emily, "Iceland and William Morris: In Search of the Whole," After Summer Seed: Reconsiderations of William Morris's Sigurd the Volsung, Shiremanstown, Pennsylvania: William Morris Society in the United States, 1977.
- Parkins, Wendy. "'Almost as Good as Iceland on a Small Scale': William Morris's 'Icelandic Imaginary' at Home," JWMS 21.4 (Winter 2014).
- Preston, Peter. "'The North Begins Inside': Morris and Trollope in Iceland."JWMS 14.2 (Spring 2001): 8-28.
- Waller, Samuel Edmund. Six Weeks in the Saddle: A Painter's Journal in Iceland. 1874.
- Wawn, Andrew. "William Morris and the Translation of Iceland," in Shirley Chew and Alistair Stead (eds), Translating Life: Studies in Transpositional Aesthetics (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1999), 253-76.
- Wiens, Pamela Bracken. "Fire and Ice: Clashing Visions of Iceland in the Travel Narratives of Morris and Burton." JWMS 11.4 (Spring 1996): 12-18.
Creative Responses
- Lavinia Greenlaw, William Morris in Iceland: Questions of Travel, 2011. (portions of Morris's diary juxtaposed with peripatetic musings by Greenlaw)
- Ian McQueen, The Earthly Paradise, 4-part orchestral and choral piece, performed by BBC Chorus and Symphony Orchestra (loosely based in part of Morris's 1871 Icelandic journals).
- Alex Jones, Morris in Iceland. NSW: Puncher and Wattmann, 2008. (novel in which university professor reflects on his life while leading a student theater group which adapts Morris's Journals rather uproariously to its own use).
Printed Books & Essays
"Art and Industry in the Fourteenth Century," Collected Works of William Morris Vol. 22, London: Longmans, 1914
"Art and Industry in the Fourteenth Century," Morris on History, Sheffield Academic Press, 1996
Hopes and Fears for Art, London: Ellis and White, 1882
Some Thoughts on the Ornamented MSS. of the Middle Ages by William Morris Printed on his Albion Hand Press, with an Account of its Travels from the Closing of the Kelmscott Press to the Present Day, Press of the Woolly Whale, 1934. Courtesy of the University of Iowa Libraries Special Collections.
"Town and Country," courtesy of the Mark Samuels Lasner Collection
"Art and Labour," British Library Add MS 45,334, Socialism Up to Date
Essays on Art and History, British Library Add MS 45,331
- (1) Lecture, beg. '[Bef]ore I go any further in speaking to you of the popular [or] decorative arts I will ask you to consider if you are quite sure that you care about them'
- (2) Lecture, beg. 'I am bound to assume from your presence here tonight that you think it worth while for reasonable people to follow the fine arts, as we call them'
- (3) 'The Prospects of Architecture in Civilization'
- (4) 'Some Hints on House Decoration'
- (5) 'Some Hints on Pattern Designing'
- (6) 'The Early Literature of the North'
- (7) Address delivered at the opening of an art exhibition at the New Islington Hall, Ancoats, Manchester
- (8) Address delivered to the Nottingham Kyrle Society at 'The Castle', Nottingham
- (9) 'Art and Industry in the Fourteenth Century'
- (10) 'The Gothic Revival', I
- (11) 'The Gothic Revival', II
Essays on Art and History, British Library Add MS 45,332
- (1) 'Of the Origins of Ornamental Art'
- (2) 'The History of Pattern Design'
- (3) 'Art: A Serious Thing'
- (4) 'Early England'
- (5) Lecture beginning identically with 'The Prospects of Architecture in Civilization'
- (6) 'Art and the Beauty of the Earth'
- (7) A typewritten copy of the version of 'Art and the Beauty of the Earth'
- (8) 'Labour and Pleasure versus Labour and Sorrow'
- (9) 'Gothic Architecture'
- (10) Part of the last sentence of 'The Art of the People'
Harry Ransom Library MS. File (Morris, W.), works, "Address at the Delivery of Prizes"
Hopes and Fears for Art No. 2: The Art of the People, Huntington Library HM 6432, autograph manuscript (incomplete).
"Lecture Delivered to the National Association for the Advancement of Art," autograph manuscript.
"Lecture on Art, Art of the People," Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. Don. c. 29, manuscript, 1894.
Morris's Notebook of Sketches, British Library Add MS 45,336
"On the Artistic Qualities of Woodcut Books," Huntington Library HM 6431, autograph manuscript.
"Some Thoughts on the Ornamented Manuscripts of the Middle Ages," Huntington Library HM 6440, autograph manuscript.
Gothic Architecture
Editions & Printed Books
- Text from May Morris, Artist, Writer, Socialist, 1899
- Gothic Architecture: A Lecture for the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society, Hammersmith: Kelmscott Press, 1893.
- "Gothic Architecture," British Library Manuscript, B.L. Add. MS. 45,332(9)
- "Gothic Architecture," Harry Ransom Library MS file (Morris, W.) Hanley II B
- "The Gothic Revival, I," in Eugene Le Mire, Unpublished Lectures of William Morris. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1969, 74-93. From B.L. Ms. 45,331(10). Delivered March 3, 1884 to the Birmingham and Midland Institute.
- "The Gothic Revival, II," in Eugene Le Mire, Unpublished Lectures of William Morris. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1969, 74-93. From B.L. Ms. 45,331(10). Delivered March 10, 1884 to the Birmingham and Midland Institute.
Supplementary Materials
- Headnote, by Florence S. Boos
- Text of Morris's preface to the Kelmscott Press edition of The Nature of Gothic by John Ruskin, 1892.
- Transcription, British Library Manuscript, B.L. Add. MS. 45,332(9)
- Ruskin, John. The Nature of Gothic, Kelmscott Press Edition, 1892.
- Purkis, John. Morris, Burne-Jones and French Gothic, London: William Morris Society, 1895, 1991.
Society for the Preservation of Ancient Buildings
"Address Made on Behalf of the Work of the S.P.A.B.," Huntington Library HM 6449.
"Magdalen Bridge: Notes and Memoranda for the S.P.A.B.," Huntington Library HM 6451.
"Petition Regarding the Baptistry at Ravenna," Huntington Library HM 6455.
"Regarding the Opinion of the S. P. A. B. on the Restoration of St. Mark's, Venice," Huntington Library HM 6459.
"Speech Delivered to the First Meeting of the S.P.A.B.," Society of Antiquaries, SoA 832, manuscript draft.
Speech Delivered to the First Meeting of the SPAB, Society of Antiquaries, SoA 832, ff. 1-23; misc. pages plus ff. 1-12 SPAB draft of opening statement, beginning, "A Society coming before the public. . . "; with 1st Annual Report, later printed, a good draft with cross-outs
"Statement on Restoration of St. Mark's," Huntington Library HM 6461.
"[Concerning] Westminster Abbey," Beinecke Library MS Vault Shelves Morris, autograph manuscript.
Westminster Abbey leaflet, Berg Collection, New York City Public Library, autograph manuscript.
LeMire, Eugene D. "A Bibliographical Checklist of Morris's Speeches and Lectures," The Unpublished Lectures of William Morris, 291-322.
Printed Books & Essays
"An Unpublished Lecture of William Morris: 'How Shall We Live Then?'", Meier, Paul, International Review of Social History, (1971)
"As to Bribing Excellence," International Institute of Social History MS, Amsterdam. Published in Liberty, May 1895
"How I Became a Socialist," London: Twentieth Century Press, 1896
Our Country, Right or Wrong, by William Morris, edited by Florence Boos.London: William Morris Society, 2008
Socialist Diary, edited and annotated by Florence Boos, 1982 (
Socialist Diary, Second Edition. Edited and annotated by Florence Boos, 2018.
Socialist Diary, first published in the History Workshop Journal, Issue 13, Spring 1982
"'Socialism' and 'What We Have to Look For': Two Unpublished Morris Essays," Journal of William Morris Studies 19.1, Winter 2010
Socialism: Its Growth and Outcome, Morris, William and E. Belfort Bax, London: Swan Sonnenschein, 1896. Revised with preface and introduction from "Socialism from the Root Up," Commonweal, 1886-1888. Available through
"Useful Work versus Useless Toil," London: Hammersmith Socialist Society, 1893
"Why I Am a Communist," International Institute of Social History MS, Amsterdam
“William Morris’s ‘Commercial War’: A Critical Edition,” edited by Florence Boos, Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies, no. 19 (winter 2010): 45-65
"William Morris's 'Equality': A Critical Edition," Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies No.22 (Fall 2015): 9-28
"An Old Fable Retold," John Burns Collection, British Library Ms. 46,289. Photograph courtesy of Frank C. Sharp
An Account of Three Socialist Lectures, Huntington Library, HM 6446
Early political essay, Cheltenham Library
- Images
- Transcriptions
Early political essay 2, Cheltenham Library
- Images
- Transcriptions
Essays on Socialism, British Library Additional Manuscript 45,333.
- "Socialism"
- "Communism"
- "What We Have to Look For"
- "The Policy of Abstention"
- "Commercial War"
- "What Socialists Want"
- "Art and the People"
- "Makeshift"
- "What is: what should be: what will be: what may be"
- "The End and the Means"
- "Equality"
- "The Political Outlook"
- "Communism: i.e. Property"
Socialism Up to Date (Essays on Socialism), British Library Additional Manuscript 45,334.
- "Socialism Up to Date"
- "Art and Labour," first essay
- "Art and Labour"
- "Our Country Right or Wrong"
- "The Depression of Trade"
- "What Socialists Want"
- "The Present Outlook in Politics"
- "Misery and the Way Out"
- "The Origins of Ornamental Art," fragment
- "Speech at a Picture Show"
- Addenda: clippings and letters related to socialism
"How Shall We Live Then," International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam
"Makeshift," Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. Don. e. 29
"Our Policy in this Crisis," Huntington Library HM 6464
"Our Representatives," Private Collection, Image Courtesy of Greg Vigers
Socialist Diary, British Library Additional Manuscript 45,332, 1887
Socialist Diary British Library Additional Manuscript 45,335
"True and False Society," Huntington Library HM 6420
"Under an Elm-Tree: Thoughts in the Countryside," Cheltenham Public Library, Z4.
Untitled paragraph on the Pit-Brow Women, University of Iowa Libraries, Special Collections Ms M8778ha
"To the Working People of Great Britain and Ireland," Huntington Library HM 6464
"What is to Happen Next?" Beinecke Library, MS. Sheries II. Writings
Additional Publications and Other Supplementary Materials
Bibliography of Morris's Contributions to Justice and Commonweal 1883-1890, from Political Writings: Contributions to Justice and Commonweal 1883-1890, ed. and intro. Nicholas Salmon, Bristol: Thoemmes Press.
Burns Papers, British Library Additional Manuscript 45,891
Hammersmith Socialist Society Minutes, British Library Additional Manuscript, 45,891.
Socialist League (UK) Archives, International Institute of Social Research, Amsterdam, 2016.
Socialist League (UK) Archives, Catalogue of Archive, courtesy of IISH.
Socialist League (UK) Archives, 1884-1891, Text.
Speech on Free Trade, Charles Faulkner, Bodleian Library misc. 143
William Morris, Hopes and Fears for Art, German Translation. [Kunsthoffnungen und Kunstformen.]
- I. "The Lesser Arts" ["Die niederen Künste"]
- IV. "Making the Best of It" ["Wie wir aus dem Bestehenden das Beste machen können"]
- V. "The Prospects of Architecture in Civilization" ["Die Auslichten der Architektur in der Civilization"]
William Morris, Selected Articles, Lectures, Speeches, Letters, Russian Translation. [Избранные статьи, лекции, речи, письма.] Moscow, 1973.
Critical Essays
Beaumont, Matthew. “The Stones in the Garden.” JWMS 21.4 (Summer 2016): 17-22.
Eagleton, Terry. “William Morris and the Idea of Revolution.” JWMS 22.2 (Summer 2017): 10-16.
Holland, Owen. William Morris’s Utopianism: Propaganda, Politics, and Prefiguration. Palgrave, 2017.
Martel, Michael. “Romancing the Folk Mote: William Morris, the Socialist League, and Local Direct Democracy.” Useful and Beautiful, William Morris Society in the United States, Summer 2018: 7-17.
[in progress]
Old French
Editions & Printed Books
Text for The Ordination of Knighthood
Note by F.S. Ellis from the 1893 edition
Huntington Library Manuscript 6436
Supplementary Materials
Primary Sources
- Barbazon, [Étienne], ed. Fabliaux et contes des poètes françois des XI XII, XIII, XIV, et XVe siècles, tirés des meilleurs auteurs. Nouv. ed. par Méon. 4 vols. Paris: B. Warée, 1808. Also available on the Internet Archive.
- Caxton, William, The Order of Chivalry. With L’Ordène de Chevalerie and The Ordination of Knighthood. Hammersmith: Kelmscott Press, 1892-3.
- Llull, Ramon. The book of the ordre of chyvalry. Trans. William Caxton. Ed. Alfred T. P. Bayles. Early English Text Society O. S. no. 168. London: Oxford U P, 1926.
- Llull, Ramon. The book of the ordre of chyvalry or knyghthode. Trans. William Caxton. [facsimile of the 1494 edition]. Amsterdam: Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, 1976.
- Morris, William. The Ordination of Knighthood. The Collected Works of William Morris. Ed. May Morris. Vol. 17. London: Longmans, 1910-1915. 353-366.
- Morris, William. The Ordination of Chivalry. Huntington MS HM 6436.
- Price, Brian R. Ramon Lull’s Book of Knighthood and Chivalry and the anonymous Ordene de Chevalerie. Highland Village, TX: Chivalry Bookshelf, 2001. Follow this link for a preview.
Secondary Sources
- Blades, William. The Life and Typography of William Caxton. 2 vols. London: J. Lilly, 1861-3.
- Blake, N. F. William Caxton: A Bibliographical Guide. New York: Garland, 1985.
- Cowan, Yuri. William Morris and Medieval Material Culture. Diss. University of Toronto, 2008.
- Forman, H Buxton. The Books of William Morris. [1897]. New York: Burt Franklin, 1969.
- Girouard, Mark. The Return to Camelot: Chivalry and the English Gentleman. New Haven: Yale UP, 1981.
- Kuczynski, Michael P. "F. S. Ellis's Copy of the Kelmscott Order of Chivalry at Tulane University." William Morris Society in the United States Newsletter (Summer 2009), 11-13.
- Lambdin. Laura Cooner, and Robert Thomas Lambdin, eds. Arthurian Writers : a Biographical Encyclopedia. Westport, CT : Greenwood Press, 2008.
- Morris, May. The Introductions to The Collected Works of William Morris. 2 vols. New York: Oriole Editions, 1973.
- Morris, William. The Collected Letters of William Morris. Ed. Norman Kelvin. 3 vols. Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 1984.
- Needham, Paul, ed. William Morris and the Art of the Book. New York: Pierpont Morgan Library, 1976.
- Peterson, William S. A Bibliography of the Kelmscott Press. Oxford: Clarendon, 1984.
- Peterson, William. The Kelmscott Press: A History of William Morris’s Typographical Adventure. Berkeley: U of California P, 1991.
- Sparling, Henry Halliday. The Kelmscott Press and William Morris Master-Craftsman. London: Macmillan, 1924.
- “Works of Ramon Llull.” Ramon Llull Database - Llull DB. 11 February 2009.
Of the Friendship of Amis and Amile
- Introduction
- Editions & Printed Books
- Text, "Of the Friendship of Amis and Amile"
- Kelmscott Press Edition, 1894.
- Included in Old French Romances. Done into English by William Morris. With an Introduction by Joseph Jacobs, London: George Allen & Co., 1896; 1914. The book consists of the four Romances published at the Kelmscott Press.
- Manuscripts
- Supplementary Materials
- Source, L. Moland and C. D'Hericault, editors, Nouvelles françaises en prose du xiii ième siècle, Paris: Janet, 1856.
- Collected Works, ed. May Morris, London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1910-1915, Vol. 17, Old French Romances.
The Tale of King Florus and the Fair Jehane
- Editions & Printed Books
- Text, "The Tale of King Florus and the Fair Jehane"
- Kelmscott Press, London, 1893.
- Included in Old French Romances. Done into English by William Morris. With an Introduction by Joseph Jacobs, London: George Allen & Co., 1896; 1914. This book consists of the four Romances published at the Kelmscott Press.
- Supplementary Materials
- Reviews & Criticism
- Faulkner, Peter. "Morris and Old French." JWMS 15.1 (Winter 2002): 43-50.This article provides a clear introduction to the Romances.
- Jacobs, Joseph. Introduction to Old French Romances. Done into English by William Morris. London: George Allen & Co., 1896; 1914, pp. v-xi.
- Morris, May. Introduction to Vol. XVII of The Collected Works of William Morris, edited by May Morris, Longmans, Green and Co., 1910-15, Vol. XVII, xli-ii.
- Peterson, William S. A Bibliography of the Kelmscott Press. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1984; 1985, pp. 56-8.
- Unsigned review, Nation, June 1896, 62, 88-89.This is a review of Old French Romances. Done into English by William Morris. With an Introduction by Joseph Jacobs, London: George Allen & Co., 1896, which contains all four Romances published in the three Kelmscott Press books.
- Glossary
- Reviews & Criticism
The Tale of Emperor Coustans and of Over Sea
- Editions & Printed Books
- Text, "The Tale of the Emperor Coustans and of Over Sea"
- Kelmscott Edition, London, 1894
- Included in Old French Romances. Done into English by William Morris. With an Introduction by Joseph Jacobs, London: Geroge Allen & Co., 1896; 1914. This book consists of the four Romances published at the Kelmscott Press.
- Supplementary Materials
- Reviews & Criticism
- Faulkner, Peter. "Morris and Old French." JWMS 15.1 (Winter 2002): 43-50.
- Jacobs, Joseph. Introduction to Old French Romances. Done into English by William Morris. London: George Allen & Co., 1896; 1914, pp. v-xi.
- Morris, May. Introduction to Vol. XVII of The Collected Works of William Morris, edited by May Morris, Longmans, Green and Co., 1910-15, Vol. XVII, 1913, xli-ii.
- Peterson, William. S. A Bibliography of the Kelmscott Press. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1984; 1985, pp. 69-71.
- Unsigned review, Nation, June 1896, 62, 88-89.
- This is a review of Old French Romances. Done into English by William Morris. With an Introduction by Joseph Jacobs, London: George Allen & Co., 1896, which contains all four Romances published in the three Kelmscott Press books.
- Glossary
- Reviews & Criticism
Rough Translation Draft: Society of Antiquaries MS 905.1 (fols. 1-166); 905.2 (folios 167-219), c. 1870-73
Calligraphic manuscript: Society of Antiquaries MS. 905.3, vol. 3 (fols. 1-307)
Transcription Calligraphic Manuscripts: Society of Antiquaries 905.4 and 905.3, c. 1870-73.
Supplementary Materials
Faulkner, Peter. "Morris and Old French." JWMS 15.1 (Winter 2002): 43-50.
Simpson, Roger. "William Morris's Unpublished Arthurian Translations." JWMS 20.4 (Summer 2014).
Transcription: B. L. MS. 45,329
Supplementary Materials
Notes to Morris's Translation of the Opening Chapters of the Prose Tristan
Old and Middle English
Editions & Printed Books
Text, The Tale of Beowulf, Collected Works of William Morris, Vol. X, London: Longmans, 1911
- Argument
- 1. And First of the Kindred of Hrothgar
- 2. Concerning Hrothgar, and How He Built the House Called Hart. Also Grendel Is Told of.
- 3. How Grendel Fell Upon Hart and Wasted It.
- 4. Now Comes Beowulf Ecgtheow's Son to the Land of the Danes, and the Wall-Warden Speaketh With Him.
- 5. Here Beowulf Makes Answer to the Land-Warden, Who Showeth Him the Way to the King's Abode.
- 6. Beowulf and the Geats Come Into Hart.
- 7. Beowulf Speaketh With Hrothgar, and Telleth How He Will Meet Grendel.
- 8. Hrothgar Answereth Beowulf and Biddeth Him Sit to the Feast.
- 9. Unferth Contendeth in Words With Beowulf.
- 10. Beowulf Makes An End of His Tale of the Swimming. Wealhtheow, Hrothgar's Queen, Greets Him; and Hrothgar Delivers to Him the Warding of the Hall.
- 11. Now Is Beowulf Left in the Hall Alone With His Men.
- 12. Grendel Cometh Into Hart: of the Strife Betwixt Him and Beowulf.
- 13. Beowulf Hath the Victory: Grendel Is Hurt Deadly and Leaveth Hand and Arm in the Hall.
- 14. The Danes Rejoice; They Go to Look on the Slot of Grendel, and Come Back to Hart, and on the Way Make Merry With Racing and the Telling of Tales.
- 15. King Hrothgar and His Thanes Look on the Arm of Grendel. Converse Betwixt Hrothgar and Beowulf Concerning the Battle.
- 16. Hrothgar Giveth Gifts to Beowulf.
- 17. They Feast in Hart. The Gleeman Sings of Finn and Hengest.
- 18. The Ending of the Tale of Finn.
- 19. More Gifts Are Given to Beowulf. The Brising Collar Told of.
- 20. Grendel's Dam Breaks Into Hart and Bears Off Aeschere.
- 21. Hrothgar Laments the Slaying of Aeschere, and Tells of Grendel's Mother and Her Den.
- 22. They Follow Grendel's Dam to Her Lair.
- 23. Beowulf Reacheth the Mere-Bottom in A Day's While, and Contends With Grendel's Dam.
- 24. Beowulf Slayeth Grendel's Dam, Smiteth Off Grendel's Head, and Cometh Back With His Thanes to Hart.
- 25. Converse of Hrothgar With Beowulf.
- 26. More Converse of Hrothgar and Beowulf: the Geats Make Them Ready For Departure
- 27. Beowulf Bids Hrothgar Farewell: the Geats Fare to Ship.
- 28. Beowulf Comes Back to His Land. of the Tale of Thrytho.
- 29. Beowulf Tells Hygelac of Hrothgar: Also of Freawaru His Daughter.
- 30. Beowulf Forebodes Ill From the Wedding of Freawaru: He Tells of Grendel and His Dam
- 31. Beowulf Gives Hrothgar's Gifts to Hygelac, and By Him Is Rewarded. of the Death of Hygelac and of Heardred His Son, and How Beowulf Is King of the Geats: the Worm Is First Told of.
- 32. How the Worm Came to the Howe, and How He Was Robbed of A Cup; and How He Fell on the Folk.
- 33. The Worm Burns Beowulf's House, and Beowulf Gets Ready to Go Against Him. Beowulf's Early Deeds in Battle With the Hetware Told of.
- 34. Beowulf Goes Against the Worm. He Tells of Herebeald and Hæthcyn.
- 35. Beowulf Tells of Past Feuds, and Bids Farewell to His Fellows: He Falls on the Worm, and the Battle of Them Begins.
- 36. Wiglaf Son of Weohstan Goes to the Help of Beowulf: Nægling, Beowulf's Sword, Is Broken on the Worm.
- 37. They Two Slay the Worm. Beowulf Is Wounded Deadly: He Biddeth Wiglaf Bear Out the Treasure.
- 38. Beowulf Beholdeth the Treasure and Passeth Away.
- 39. Wiglaf Casteth Shame on Those Fleers.
- 40. Wiglaf Sendeth Tiding to the Host: the Words of the Messenger.
- 41. More Words of the Messenger. How He Fears the Swedes When They Wot of Beowulf Dead.
- 42. They Go to Look on the Field of Deed.
- 43. Of the Burial of Beowulf.
The Tale of Beowulf, London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1898
Manuscript Draft: Morris Autograph, Morgan Library, New York, M A 312
British Library MS. Add. 45,318 ff. 135v-138, 135v-138
Beowulf Transcription: British Library Add. MS. 45,318, ff. 135v-138
Supplementary Materials
Jones, Chriss. "The Reception of William Morris's Beowulf," in Writing on the Image: Reading William Morris, ed. David Latham, Toronto: University of Toronto, 197-208.
Hulme, W.H., Review of The Tale of Beowulf, Modern Language Notes, 15.1 (January 1900): 22-26.
Morris, May, Passage from "Morris as a Writer: The Influence of the North," William Morris: Artist, Writer, Socialist.
Editions & Printed Books
Text, Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair, 1895
Kelmscott Press Edition, 1895
Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair by William Morris. Portland, Maine: Thomas B. Mosher, 1900
Draft: Huntington Library Manuscript HM 6419
Transcription: Huntington Library Manuscript HM 6419
Supplementary Materials
Doroholschi, Claudia. "Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair: Medievalism and Anti-Naturalism of the 1890s." British and American Studies BAS 14, 2008, 129-37.
Talbot, Norman, ed. and intro. The Story of the Glittering Plain and Child Christopher. Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 1996.
Talbot, Norman, "But were he king, or kinges eyr...: Morris's re-telling of Havelok" 10.4 JWMS (Spring 1994).
Classical Greek and Latin
Editions & Printed Books
First Edition: The Odyssey of Homer Done Into English Verse, London: Reeves and Turner, 1887
Manuscript Draft: Harry Ransom Library, Texas
Transcription, Draft: Harry Ransom Library, Texas
Early Draft: Manuscript Huntington Library HM 6488
Supplementary Materials
Buchhorn, Wilhelm. William Morris' Odyssee-Übersetzung. Königsberg, 1910.
De Vega, Hope. "Archaisms and Compounds in Book 6 of Morris's Translation of The Odyssey"
Morshead, E. D. A., Two Reviews, Academy, April 1887, xxxi, 299 and March 1888, xxxiii, 143-4.
Editions & Printed Books
The Aeneids of Virgin Done into English, London: Ellis and White, 1876
Huntington Library Manuscript HM 6439
British Library Additional Manuscript 45,311
Calligraphic Trial: Society of Antiquaries, Book 1, lines 34-89, f. 1 and 1v.
Supplementary Materials
- Cox Brinton, Anna. A Pre-Raphaelite Aeneid of Virgil in the Collection of Mrs. Edward Laurence Doheny of Los Angeles: Being an Essay in Honor of the William Morris Centenary, 1934. Privately printed, Los Angeles, 1934.
- Fitzwilliam Museum. Burne-Jones and William Morris: Designs for the Aeneid and the Kelmscott Chaucer. Fitzwilliam Museum, 1996.
- Mickelsson, Ulla. "Virgil's Aeneid: The Culminating Achievement of William Morris's Illumination Work," Libri: International Library Review, vol. 29, 1979, 260-270.
- Mitchell, Jack."William Morris's Synthetic Aeneids: Virgil as Physical Object," Translation and Literature 24.1, pages 1-22.
- Nettleship, Henry, review, Academy, November 1875, x, 493-4.
- Unsigned Review, Athenaeum, 13 November 1875, no. 2507, 635-7.
- Unsigned Review, The Catholic World, September 1877, 721-34.
A Reader's Apparatus of Morris's Translation, Hope de Vega
Fitzwilliam Museum, Burne-Jones Illustrations
Morgan Library, Burne-Jones Drawings for a Projected Edition
- 1961.28 Tartarus with Punishments from the Damned
- 1975.49.2 Study for Medea in the Presence of Circe
- 1975.49.3 Study for Medea in the Presence of Circe, graphite
- 1975.49.4 Study for Medea in the Presence of Circe, graphite
- 1975.49.5 Medea in the Presence of Circe
- 2002.81 Masque of Cupid
Old Icelandic
Introduction and Critical Material
Introduction "Morris and the Sagas," by Marjorie Burns
Influence of Scandinavian Literature on Morris's Writings, Icelandic Translations
- Anderson, Karl. "Scandinavian Elements in the Works of William Morris."
- Diss., Harvard University, 1940.
- Barribeau, James Leigh. "William Morris and Saga-Translation: 'The Story of Magnus the Son of Erling'," The Vikings, ed. R. T. Farrell, London: Phillimore, 1982.
- Durrenberger, E. Paul and Dorothy Durrenberger. The Saga of Gunnlaugs Snake-Tongue, with an Essay on the Structure and Translation of the Poem. London: Associated University Presses, 1992.
- Litzenberg, Karl. "Contributions of the Old Norse Language and Literature to the Style and Substance of the Writings of William Morris, 1856-76."Diss., University of Michigan, 1933.
- Litzenberg, Karl. "William Morris and Scandinavian Literature: A Bibiographical Essay." Scandinavian Studies and Notes, January 1, 1933, 93-105.
- Litzenberg, Karl. "William Morris and the Heimskringla." Scandinavian Studies and Notes 14.3 (1936), 33-39.
- Litzenberg, Karl. "William Morris and the 'Literary' Tradition." Michigan Alumnus Quarterly Review 53 (1946), 48-55.
- Morris, May, "Morris as a Writer: The Influence of the North," in Artist, Writer, Socialist.
- Morris, William. "The Early Literature of the North--Iceland," The Unpublished Lectures of William Morris. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1969.
- Morris, William. "The Mythology and Religion of the North," WMG MS. J146, c. 1876. Formerly in possession of Georgiana Burne-Jones and presented to the William Morris Gallery by Margaret Mackail.
- Swannell, J. N. William Morris and Old Norse Literature. London: William Morris Society, 1961.
- Sveinsson "The Value of Icelandic Sagas," Saga Book
Icelandic-Related Materials: Criticism, Icelandic Diaries, Illuminated Norse Manuscripts
- Aho, Gary. "Following in the Footsteps of William Morris." Atlantica and Iceland Review 20 (Winter 1982), 84-93.
- Aho, Gary. "William Morris and Iceland." Kairos 1, no. 2(1982), 102-33.
- Anonymous, "Mr. William Morris on Iceland." Pall Mall Gazette, October 10, 1887, p. 13-14.
- Calder, Grace J. and Alfred Fairbank. The Story of Kormak the Son of Ogmund, by William Morris and Eirikr Magnusson, with an Introduction by Grace J. Calder and a Note on the manuscript work of William Morris by Alfred Fairbank. William Morris Society, 1970. Appendices: "A Note on Drottkvaett," pp. 47-51; "A Note on the Manuscript Work of William Morris," Alfred Fairbank, 53-64; "An Annotated List of the Manuscript Work of William Morris," Alfred Fairbank, 65-69. In addition to topics related to Kormak, Calder's introduction considers "The Critical Reception of Morris's Translations," "Iceland in the Tenth Century," "The Art of the Saga," and the nature of the Icelandic "Drottkvaett."
- Einarsson, Stefan. "Eirikr Magnusson and His Saga Translations." Scandinavian Studies 13 (1933-35), 17-32.
- Ellison, Ruth C. "'The Undying Glory of Dreams': William Morris and 'The Northland of Old,'" Victorian Poetry, ed. M. Bradbury and D. Palmer. London: E. Arnold, 1972, 138-75.
- Fairbank, Alfred. "A Note on the Manuscript Work of William Morris," and "An Annotated List of the Manuscript Work of William Morris." See Calder, above.
- Felce, Ian. "The Old Norse Sagas and William Morris's Ideal of Literal Translation." Review of English Studies, 67 (2016), 220-36.
- Glauser, Jürg. "The End of the Saga: Text, Tradition and Transmission in Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Iceland." Northern Antiquity: The Post-Medieval Reception of Edda and Saga, ed. Andrew Wawn. Middlesex: Hisarlik Press, 1994, 101-42.
- Harris, Richard. "William Morris, Eirikr Magnusson and Iceland: A Survey of Correspondence," Victorian Poetry 13 (1975), 119-30.
- Litzenberg, Karl. "The Diction of William Morris." Archive for Nordisk Fiologi 53 (1937), 327-63.
- Powell, George E. J. and Eirikr Magnusson, trans., Icelandic Legends. Collected by Jon Arnason. London: Bentley, 1864; 2nd series: Longman and Green, 1866.
- Purkis, John. "William Morris: His Dream of 'The Northland'", Heritage and Identity: Shaping the Nations of the North: Papers presented at the 2001 Heritage Convention. Shaftesbury: Donhead, 2002, 85-98.
- Quirk, Randolph. "Dasent, William Morris, and Problems of Translation." Saga Book 14 (1953), 64-77.
- Swannell, J. N. "William Morris as an Interpreter of Old Norse," Saga Book 15 (1961), 365-82.
- Wawn, Andrew. "The Cult of 'Stalwart Frith-thjof' in Victorian Britain," Northern Antiquity: The Post Medieval Reception of Edda and Saga. Middlesex: Hisarlike Press, 1994, 211-54.
- Wawn, Andrew. "The Spirit of 1892: Sagas, Saga-Steads and Victorian Philology." Saga Book 23 (1993), 213-52.
- Wawn, Andrew. "William Morris and the Translation of Iceland," in Shirley Chew and Alistair Stead (eds), Translating Life: Studies in Transpositional Aesthetics (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1999), 253-76.
- Whitla, William. "'Sympathetic Translation' and the 'Scribe's Capacity': Morris's Calligraphy and the Icelandic Sagas." Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies 10 (Fall 2001): 27-108. See Appendix A: "William Morris's Calligraphic Manuscripts," 80-94, which details the locations and features of Morris's illuminated manuscripts of his Icelandic translations, and Appendix B: "The Old Norse Translations of William Morris and Related Materials."
Editions & Printed Books
Text, The Story of Grettir the Strong
Text of Grettis Saga, Icelandic Saga Database
Text of the Grettir's Saga, Icelandic Saga Database [PDF]
Autograph Manuscript: British Library MS. Add. 45,318, f. 91 Sonnets of Grettir
Supplementary Materials
May Morris, remarks in Introduction to Collected Works, Vol. VII, Grettir the Strong
Editions & Printed Books
- Preface
- Names
- A Prologue in Verse
- I. Of Sigi, the Son of Odin
- II. Of the Birth of Volsung, the Son of Rerir, who was the Son of Sigi
- III. Of the Sword that Sigmund, Volsung's son, drew from the Branstock
- IV. How King Siggeir wedded Signy, and bade King Volsung and his son to Gothland
- V. Of the Slaying of King Volsung
- VI. Of how Signy sent the Children of her and Siggeir to Sigmund
- VII. Of the Birth of Sinfjotli the Son of Sigmund
- VIII. The Death of King Siggeir and of Signy
- IX. How Helgi, the son of Sigmund, won King Hodbord and his Realm, and wedded Sigrun
- X. The ending of Sinfjotli, Sigmund's Son
- XI. Of King Sigmund's last Battle, and of how he must yield up his Sword again
- XII. Of the Shards of the Sworn Gram, and how Hjordis went to King Alf
- XIII. Of the Birth and Waxing of Sigurd Fafnir's-bane
- XIV. Regin's tale of his Brothers, and of the Gold called Andvari's Hoard
- XV. Of the Welding together of the Shards of the Sword Gram
- XVI. The prophecy of Grifir
- XVII. Of Sigurd's Avenging of Sigmund his Father
- XVIII. Of the Slaying of the Worm Fafnir
- XIX. Of the Slaying of Regin, Son of Hreidmar
- XX. Of Sigurd's Meeting with Brynhild of the Mountain
- XXI. More Wise Words of Brynhild
- XXII. Of the Semblance and Array of Sigurd Fafnir's-bane
- XXIII. Sigurd comes to Hlymdale
- XXIV. Sigurd sees Brynhild at Hlymdale
- XXV. Of the Dream of Gudrun, Giuki's Daughter
- XXVI. Sigurd comes to the Giukings and is wedded to Gudrun
- XXVII. The Wooing of Brynhild
- XXVIII. How the Queens held angry converse together at the Bathing
- XXIX. Of Brynhild's great Grief and Mourning
- XXX. Of the Slaying of Sigurd Fafnir's-bane
- XXXI. Of the Lamentation of Gudrun over Sigurd dead, as it is told in ancient Songs
- XXXII. Of the Ending of Brynhild
- XXXIII. Gudrun wedded to Atli
- XXXIV. Atli bids the Giukings to him
- XXXV. The Dreams of the Wives of the Giukings
- XXXVI. Of the Journey of the Giukings to King Atli
- XXXVII. The Battle in the Burg of King Atli
- XXXVIII. Of the slaying of the Giukings
- XXXIX. The End of Atli and his Kin and Folk
- XL. How Gudrun cast herself into the Sea, but was brought ashore again
- XLI. Of the Wedding and Slaying of Swanhild
- XLII. Gudrun sends her Sons to avenge Swanhild
- XLIII. The Latter End of all the Kin of the Giukings
- Notes
- Index
Autograph Manuscript: Bodleian Library MS. Eng. misc. d. 268
Supplementary Materials
Anonymous review, Athenæum. 11 June 1870, no.2224, 763-64.
Anonymous reviewer. Old and New, July-December 1870, 364-67.
Simcox, G.A. Academy. 13 August, 1870, 278-9.
Editions & Printed Books
- I. The Story Of Gunnlaug the Worm-Tongue and Raven the Skald
- II. The Story of Frithiof the Bold
- III. The Story of Viglund the Fair
- IV. The Tale of Hogni and Hedinn
- V. The Tale of Roi the Fool
- VI. The Tale of Thorstein Staff-Smitten
- VII. Notes
- VIII. Index
The Tale of Thorstein, Oxford: Bodleian Library misc. e. 233/1
The Story of Gunnlaug, Oxford: Bodleian Library misc. e. 233/1
The Story of Frithiof the Bold, Morgan Library Calligraphic Manuscript, MS 1989
The Story of Frithiof the Bold, Morgan Library Calligraphic Manuscript, MS 1494
The Story of Frithiof the Bold, Wormsley Library Calligraphic Manuscript
Supplementary Materials
Aho, Gary, intro. Three Northern Love Stories and Other Tales. Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 1996.
Quirk, Randolph. "Dasent, William Morris, and Problems of Translation." Saga Book 14 (1953), 64-77.
Quirk, Randolph, intro. The Saga of Gunnlaug Serpent-Tongue, ed. Peter Foote. London: Thomas Nelson, 1957.
Wawn, Andrew. "Gunnlaugs saga ormstungu and the Theatre Royal, Edinburgh: Melodrama, Mineralogy and Sir George Mackenzie," Scandinavica 28 (1982), 5-16.
Editions & Printed Books
Society of Antiquaries, MS. 907, Calligraphic Manuscript
Society of Antiquaries, MS. 907, Transcription
Fitzwilliam Library, FW25, ff. 1-159, Draft
Supplementary Materials
Egil's Saga, Icelandic Saga Database
Editions & Printed Books
Manuscripts & Transcriptions
"The Tale of Haldor," Transcription of Calligraphic Manuscript
"The Tale of Haldor, the Son of Snorri the Priest," Unfinished Calligraphic Manuscript
Editions & Printed Books
Calligraphic Manuscript, "The Story of Kormak the Son of Ogmund," Morgan Library MA 1894
Supplementary Materials
"A Note on Drottkvaett," pp. 47-51; "A Note on the Manuscript Work of William Morris," Alfred Fairbank, 53-64; "An Annotated List of the Manuscript Work of William Morris," Alfred Fairbank, 65-69.
O'Donoghue, Heather. The Genesis of a Saga Narrative: Verse and Prose in Kormaks Saga, Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press, 1991, "Introduction to the Saga" and "Conclusions," 1-17 and 170-85."Preface," v-viii.
Editions & Printed Books
- Preface
- The Story of Howard the Halt, pp. 1-69
- The Story of the Banded Men, pp. 70-121
- The Story of Hen Thorir, pp. 123-163
- Appendix
- Notes
- Index
Supplementary Materials
- Style of Morris's illuminated mss., pp. 942-91
- Howard the Halt, pp. 977-91
- Old Icelandic usages in Morris's poetry, pp. 993-98
- Scandinavian works in Morris's library, pp. 999-1010
Eyrbyggja Saga
Volume 2, trans. Morris, "collated" by Eirikr Magnusson, London: Bernard Quaritch, 1892.
The Story of the Ere-Dwellers
Introduction to The Story of the Ere-Dwellers and The Story of the Heath-Slayings by Marjorie Burns
Preface by William Morris and Eírikr Magnússon
Saga Library text, The Story of the Ere-Dwellers, pp. 1-139, pp. 140-190, notes
Saga Library text, The Story of the Heath-Slayings, pp. 191-256
Story of Olaf the Holy, images of Leeds Library Manuscript, photographed by Ian Felce
"The Story of the Dwellers at Eyr," Bodleian MS. Eng. misc. 265, calligraphic manuscript
Supplementary Materials
- Eyrbyggja Saga, 867-84; manuscript compared with 1892 version: pp. 885-925, 949-55
- Grettissaga, pp. 926-41
- Style of Morris's illuminated mss., pp. 942-91
- Prologue to Heimskringla, pp. 956-66
- Haralds saga, pp. 967-76
- Old Icelandic usages in Morris's poetry, pp. 993-98
- Scandinavian works in Morris's library, pp. 999-1010
McTurk, Rory. "Approaches to the Structure of Eyrbyggja Saga," in Sagnaskemmtun: Studies in Honor of Herman Palsson, ed. Rudolf Simek et al., Vienna: Hermann Bohlaus Nachf., 1986.Palsson, Hermann and Paul Edwards. Intro. Eyrbyggja Saga, translated with an introduction. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1989.
N. C. Wyeth, "The Waif Woman: Thorgunna," Schribner's, 56, 1914, 821. Illustration for R. L. Stevenson's short story, "The Waif Woman."
Editions & Printed Books
Volume 3, trans. Morris, "collated" by Eirikr Magnusson, Ellis & White, 1893.
Heimskringla [Stories of the Kings of Norway]I, The Story of the Ynglings; The Story of Halfdan the Black; The Story of Harald Hairfair; The Story of Hakon the Good; The Story of King Harald Greycloak and of Earl Hakon the son of Sigurd; The Story of King Olaf Tryggvison.
The Story of the Ynglings, manuscript, Society of Antiquaries, MS 906
The Story of the Ynglings, calligraphic fragment, 9ff. and v, Cheltenham Library, ff. 1-97, unfinished manuscript with original drawings by Philip Webb and C. F. Murray; some variants from Saga Library version
The Story of King Harald Greycloak Huntington Library, HM 6428
The Story of King Olaf Tryggvisson, Huntington Library, HM 6437
The Story of Halfdan the Black, Huntington Library
The Story of King Harald, calligraphic manuscript, MA 3471 [bound with Halfdan the Black]
The Story of Halfdan the Black, Morgan Library, MA 3471 [bound with King Harald]
The Story of Harold Hairfair, Huntington Library
Editions & Printed Books
Volume 4, trans. Eirikr Magnusson, "collated" by Morris, 1894: Heimskringla II, The Story of Olaf the Holy, the Son of Harald
Editions & Printed Books
Volume 5, trans. Eirikr Magnusson, "collated" by Morris, London: Bernard Quaritch, 1895: The Story of Magnus the Good, The Story of Harald the Hard-Redy, The Story of Olaf the Quiet; The Story of Magnus Barefoot; The Story of Sigurd the Jerusalem-farer, Eystein, and Olaf; The Story of Magnus the Blind and Harald Gilli; The Story of Ingi, Son of Harald, and his Brethren; The Story of Hakon Shoulder-Broad; The Story of King Magnus, Son of Erling.
Editions & Printed Books
Volume 6, Magnusson, London: Bernard Quaritch, 1905.
Heimskringla IV, Preface (discussion by Eirikr Magnusson of the creation of the Saga Library), Introduction: on Snorri Sturlason's life and works; indexes; corrections; genealogies. Essay "William Morris," first published in Cambridge Review, November 1896.
Supplementary Materials
The Story of King Magnus Son of Erling, Huntington Library Manuscript, HM 6463
The Story of King Harald, calligraphic manuscript, MA 3471 [bound with Halfdan the Black]
The Story of Halfdan the Black, calligraphic manuscript, MA 3471 [bound with King Harald]
Manuscript Fragments
"The Tale of Norn-Guest," unpublished translation of the Icelandic "Nornagests Dattr." B. L. Ms. Add. Ms. 45,317, ff. 19-28, rectos only.
'Howard the Halt," Fitzwilliam Museum MS270 ff. 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140; and "A Gloss on the story of Haward by William Morris," ff. 241, 242, 243.; this is transcribed in the "List of Poems of the Earthly Paradise Period," no. C-72.
Thorbiorn, translation, Cheltenham Public Library, 9ff., 8 v. Ends, "below the ridge was a great pond: from the boat-house the foreshore was to be seen, but from the shingle-ridge. . ."
"The Words of Snorri Sturleson, Cheltenham Public Library, 2ff. and 1v. Introduction by Snorri--has written olden tales in the Danish tongue.
Discusses the Saga Library, 343-58, 360-65, and 885-91; Howard the Halt, 977-91; Eyrbyggja Saga 867-84, 885-925, and 949-55; Prologue to the Heimskringla 956-66; Haraldssaga, 967-76; Old Icelandic usages in Morris's poetry, 993-98.
Barribeau, James Leigh. "William Morris and Saga-Translation: ''The Story of Magnus the Son of Erling'," The Vikings, ed. R. T. Farrell, London: Phillimore, 1982; Cornell: Cornell University Press, 1983.
Litzenberg, Karl. "William Morris and the 'Literary' Tradition." Michigan Alumnus Quarterly Review 53 (1946), 48-55.
List of Translations
- 1. “Hafbur and Signy: Translated from the Danish” (King Hafbur & King Siward / They needs must stir up strife,)
- 2. “The Lay of Christine: Translated from the Icelandic” (Of silk my gear was shapen, / Scarlet they did on me,)
- 3. “Hildebrand and Hellelil: Translated from the Danish” (Hellelil sitteth in bower there, / None knows my grief but God alone,)
- 4. “Knight Aagen and Maiden Else: Translated From the Danish” (It was the fair knight Aagen / To an isle he went his way, / And plighted troth to Else, / Who was so fair a may.)
- 5. “The Son’s Sorrow: From the Icelandic” (The King has asked of his son so good, / “Why art thou hushed and heavy of mood?)
- 6. “The Mother Under the Mold” (Svend Dyring rode on the island-way / Yea have not I myself been young)
- 7. “Agnes and the Hill Man: Translated from the Danish” (Agnes went through the meadows a-weeping, / Fowl are a-singing. / There stood the hill-man heed thereof keeping. / Agnes, fair Agnes!)
- 8. “The Prophecy of the Vala” (Heath-Dame they called her / At each home she came to,)
- 9. “The Song of Atli” (In days long gone / Sent Atli to Gunnar / A crafty one riding, / Knefrud men called him;)
- 10. “The Whetting of Gudrun” (Words of strife heard I, / Huger than any, / Woeful words spoken, / Sprung from all sorrow,)
- 11. “The Lay of Hamdir” (Great deeds of bale / In the garth began, / At the sad dawning / The tide of Elves’ sorrow)
- 12. “The Lament of Oddrun” (I have heard tell / In ancient tales / How a may there came / To Morna-land,)
- 13. “Lay of Thrym”
- 14. “Baldur’s Doom” (Also "The Lay of Way-Wearer" [Vegtamsgruđa])
- 15. Part of the Lay of Sigrdrifa” (Now this is my first counsel, / That thou with thy kin / Be guiltless, guileless ever, / Nor hasty of wrath,)
- 16. “Iliad,” translation. (Singer of the wrath O Goddess of Achilles Peleus seek/ Baleful that laid on Achaeans ten thousand folded need)
- 17. The Aeneids of Virgil
- 18. Part of the Second Lay of Helgi Hundings-bane” (Dag: Loth am I, sister / Of sorrow to tell thee, / For by hard need driven / Have I drawn on the greeting;)
- 19. “The Short Lay of Sigurd” (Sigurd of yore, / Sought the dwelling of Guiki, / As he fared, the young Volsung, / After fight won;)
- 20. “The Hell-Ride of Brynhild” (THE GIANT WOMAN “Nay, with my goodwill / Never goest thou / Through this stone-pillared / Stead of mine!)
- 21. “Fragments of The Lay of Brynhild” (HOGNI SAID: “What hath wrought Sigurd / Of any wrong-doing / That the life of the famed one / Thou art fain of taking?”)
- 22. “The Second or Ancient Lay of Gudrun” (A may of all mays / My mother reared me / Bright in bower; / Well loved I my brethren,)
- 23. “Nibelungenlied” (In the words of the ancient stories Are many wonders told)
- 24. Axel Thordson and Fair Walborg
- 25. Beowulf (What! we of the Spear-Danes of yore days, so was it/ That we lear'd of the fair fame of Kings of the folks)
- 26. The Odyssey of Homer (Tell me, O Muse, of the Shifty, the man who wandered afar, / After the Holy Burg, Troy-town, he had wasted with war;)
- 27. The Ordination of Knighthood.
Non-Poetic Translations: Published
- 1. Grettis Saga: The Story of Grettir the Strong. Translated from the Icelandic by William Morris and Eiríkr Magnusson. London: F. S. Ellis, 1869.
- 2. Völsunga Saga: The Story of the Volsungs and Niblungs, with certain Songs from the Elder Edda. Translated by Eiríkir Magnusson and William Morris. London: Ellis, 1870.
- 3. Three Northern Love Stories, and Other Tales. Translated by William Morris and Eirikr Magnusson. London Ellis and White, 1875.
- Contains The Story of Gunnlaug the Worm-Tongue and Raven the Skald; The Story of Frithiof the Bold; The Story of Viglund the Fair; The Tale of Hogni and Hedinn; The Tale of Roi the Fool; The Tale of Thorstein Staff-Smitten.
- 4. The Saga Library. Translated by William Morrisíand Eirikr Magnússon. 6 vols. London: Bernard Quaritch, 1891-1901.
- Contains vol. 1 trans. Morris, "collated" by Eirikr Magnusson, 1891: The Story of Howard the Halt; The Story of the Banded Men; The Story of Hen Thorir;
- vol. 2, trans. Morris, "collated" by Eirikr Magnusson, 1892: The Story of the Ere-Dwellers (Eyrbyggja Saga); The Story of the Heath-Slayings (Heibarviga Saga); Heimskringla: Stories of the Kings of Norway
- vol. 3, trans. Morris, "collated" by Magnusson, 1893: Heimskingla I, The Story of the Ynglings; The Story of Halfdan the Black; The Story of Harald Hairfair; The Story of Hakon the Good; The Story of King Harald Greycloak and of Earl Hakon the son of Sigurd; The Story of King Olaf Tryggvison;
- vol. 4, trans. Eirikr Magnusson, "collated" by Morris, 1894: Heimskringla II, The Story of Olaf the Holy, the Son of Harald;
- vol. 5, trans. Eirikr Magnusson, "collated" by Morris, 1895: The Story of Magnus the Good, The Story of Harald the Hard-Redy, The Story of Olaf the Quiet; The Story of Magnus Barefoot; The Story of Sigurd the Jerusalem-farer, Eystein, and Olaf; The Story of Magnus the Blind and Harald Gilli; The Story of Ingi, Son of Harald, and his Brethren; The Story of Hakon Shoulder-Broad; The Story of King Magnus, Son of Erling;
- vol. 6, Magnusson, 1905: Heimskringla IV, Preface (discussion by Magnusson of the creation of the Saga Library), Introduction: on Snorri Sturlason's life and works; indexes; corrections; genealogies.4. The Saga Library. Translated by William Morris and Eiríkr Magnússon. 6 vols. London: Bernard Quaritch, 1891-1901.
- 5. The Tale Of King Florus and the Fair Jehane. Translated by William Morris. Kelmscott Press, 1893.
- 6. The Tale of Emperor Coustans and Over Sea. Translated by William Morris, Kelmscott Press, 1894.
- 7. Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair. Hammersmith: Kelmscott Press, 1895
- 8. "Egils Saga," [40 chapters] in May Morris, William Morris: Artist, Writer, Socialist, Oxford: Blackwell, 1936. See also unpublished ms. variant below.
- 9. The Story of Kormak the Son of Ogmund, translated by William Morris and Eiríkr Magnusson. London: William Morris Society, 1970.
Non-Poetic Translations: Manuscripts and Unpublished Translations and Fragments
- For a list of Morris's illuminated manuscripts of his translations and other works, see William Whitla, Appendix A: "William Morris's Calligraphic Manuscripts," 80-95, in"'Sympathetic Translation' and the 'Scribe's Capacity': Morris's Calligraphy and the Icelandic Sagas." Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies 10 (Fall 2001): 27-108.
- An additional list of Morris's illuminated manuscripts and a note on these manuscripts, both by Alfred Fairbank, may be found in The Story of Kormak the Son of Ogmund, by William Morris and Eirikr Magnusson, with an Introduction by Grace J. Calder and a Note on the manuscript work of William Morris by Alfred Fairbank. William Morris Society, 1970. See "A Note on the Manuscript Work of William Morris," Alfred Fairbank, 53-64; "An Annotated List of the Manuscript Work of William Morris," Alfred Fairbank, 65-69.
- Fragment of The Aeneid, Society of Antiquaries, calligraphic trial, Book I, lines 34-89, f. 1 and 1v.
- *Tale of Haldor (beginning fragment), calligraphic manuscript. Mark Samuels Lasner Collection. Also B. L., Add. Ms 45,317, f. 29.
- Fragment of beginning for Hallbiorn the Strong
- A calligraphic manuscript of the Story of the Ynglings from the Heimskringla Saga is at the Society of Antiquaries library, Burlington House.
- King Harald, incomplete calligraphic manuscript is in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, Bodl. Ms. Eng. misc. d. 265.
- The Story of Hen Thorir, calligraphic manuscript at the Bodleian Library, Oxford, Bodl. Ms. Eng. misc. d. 266. Also a calligraphic manuscript at the Fitzwilliam Museum Library, Cambridge, Ms. 27 ff. 1-56 and versos. This ms. was given to Georgiana Burne-Jones and donated by her to the Fitzwilliam Museum, 1909. A note says "Hen Thorir," "The Story of the Banded Men," and "Haward the Halt" were written in 1875.
- The Story of the Banded Men, calligraphic manuscript at the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, Ms. 270, ff. 58-151 and versos. A note says "Hen Thorir," "The Story of the Banded Men," and "Haward the Halt" were written in 1875.
- The Story of Haward the Halt, calligraphic manuscript at the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, Ms. 270, ff. 162-240. A note says "Hen Thorir," "The Story of the Banded Men," and "Haward the Halt" were written in 1875.
- Original Poem, "A Gloss in rhyme on the story of Haward, by William Morris," inserted by Morris into calligraphic manuscript after "The Story of Howard the Halt," Fitzwilliam MS. 270, 241-243
- The Story of Harald: Kenneth Goodwin’s Handlist (1983) lists a calligraphic manuscript as in the possession of John M. Crawford, Jr. of NY. Completed around 1871.
- The Story of Egil Son of Scaldgrim, calligraphic manuscript, Society of Antiquaries library, Burlington House.
- Hafbur and Signy, incomplete
- King Hafbur and King Siward, incomplete calligraphic manuscript; Bodleian Library, Oxford Ms. Eng. misc. e. 233/2
- Story of Sigi, incomplete
- The Story of Halfdan the Black
- Thorstein and Gunnlaug, incomplete.
- “Tristram” ( For the pricking on and moving of the hearts of noble folk to live gloriously and virtuously . . . . ) B. L. MS. 45,329, ff. ii + 99 c. 1870, unfinished
- * The Lancelot du Lac, 2 vols. calligraphic mss., 2 vols. rough draft, unfinished. 2 vols. revised text in calligraphic mss. Society of Antiquaries library, Burlington House.
- "Lancelot du Lac," 8 ff., 7 with versos. Cheltenham Library, EWL Z2: 1991.1016.996. Z2, in Rubaiyat calligraphic script; fair copy with spaces for large initials.
- The Story of the Men of Weaponfirth (unpublished fragment). Fair copy in 'Italian' script, titled in red ink, "The Story of the Men of Weaponfirth/ Chap 1: Brodd Helgi slayeth Swart." Cheltenham Library and Wilson Art Gallery, Y7, ff. 1-18, calligraphic ms. both sides.
- Laxdaela Saga (unpublished fragment), B. L. Add. Ms. 45,317, ff. 29-44 (rectos only); paraphrase of portion of Laxdaela Saga, entitled on an envelope "Abstract of Story of Gudrun from Laxdaela," and annotated in an unidentified hand '(not to be inclued),' untitled and beginning "Kiarton son of Olaf Peacock lives at his father's house of Herdholt . . . " 6 pages, 3 leaves, numbered 1, 3, 5 on the rectos only; watermarked 1867. William Morris Gallery, Walthamstow, MS J154.
- The Tale of Norn-Guest. Morris's translation of the Icelandic "Nornagests Dattr.' B. L. Add. Ms. 45,317, ff. 19-28 (rectos only).
Laxdaela Saga (unpublished fragment), B. L. Add. Ms. 45,317, ff. 29-44 (rectos only)
Laxdaela Saga, William Morris Gallery, Walthamstow, MS J154.
Poetic Translations
Non-Poetic Translations: Published
Non-Poetic Translations: Manuscripts and Unpublished Translations and Fragments
Morris in Translation
Editions & Printed Books
The Tables Turned, Ohio University Press, 1994
The Tables Turned. London: Socialist League Offices, 1887.
Huntington Library Manuscript HM 577
Huntington Library Manuscript HM 6433
Supplementary Materials
George, Jo. "The Aristophanes of Hammersmith: William Morris as Playwright," JWMS 20.2 (Summer 2013).
Introduction, by Florence S. Boos
Celebrating Kelmscott Press Day, presentation by Florence S. Boos
Proofing Sheets
Poems by the Way, Proofing Sheets
Proofing Sheets, UI Announcement. Olson, Patrick. "Kelmscott Proof Among Our Recent Acquisitions." The University of Iowa Libraries, News and Announcements, February 7, 2013.
Stamping Tools
Initials, Colophon, and Borders
Golden Type, a Roman typeface c. 1890-91, examples on the Archive
The Story of the Glittering Plain
Poems by the Way
News from Nowhere
The Defence of Guenevere
The Earthly Paradise
Gothic Architecture
An American Memorial to Keats
Troy Type, a Gothic typeface c. 1892, examples:
The Life and Death of Jason
Love Is Enough
The Wood Beyond the World
Of the Friendship of Amis and Amile
The Tale of King Florus and the Fair Jehane
The Tale of Emperor Coustans and Of Over The Sea
Chaucer Type, a Gothic typeface c. 1892, examples:
Sigurd the Volsung
The Well at the World's End
The Water of the Wondrous Isles
The Sundering Flood
Child Christopher Vol. I
Child Christopher Vol. II
Kelmscott Press Books on this Archive
The Defence of Guenevere
The Life and Death of Jason
The Earthly Paradise
Love is Enough
Sigurd the Volsung
Poems by the Way
A Dream of John Ball
News from Nowhere
The Story of the Glittering Plain, 1891
The Story of the Glittering Plain, 1894
The Wood Beyond the World
The Well at the World's End
The Water of the Wondrous Isles
The Sundering Flood
The Order of Chivalry, Le Ordenè de Chivalerie, and the Ordination of Knighthood
Of the Friendship of Amis and Amile
The Tale of King Florus and the Fair Jehane
The Tale of Emperor Coustans and Of Over the Sea
Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair, Vol. I
Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair, Vol. II
Bibliography of the Kelmscott Press
Marsh, Jan. "Books in Bottles? William Morris and the Demise of Printing," JWMS 20.2 (Summer 2013).
Dunlap, Joseph R., The Book that Never Was, New York: Oriole Editions, 1971.
Illustrations, Designs from the Birmingham Art Galler, "The Hill of Venus"
Woodblocks, prepared by William Morris and Edward Burne-Jones for a projected edition of The Earthly Paradise: "Cupid and Psyche."
Calligraphic Manuscripts
Aeneid, calligraphic trial, Society of Antiquaries, Book I, lines 34-89, f. 1 and verso
Lancelot of the Lake, MS 905.4, Vol. I, ff. 1-76
Lancelot of the Lake, MS 905.3, Vol. II, ff. 1-307
The Tale of Haldor, the Son of Snorri the Priest, unfinished calligraphic manuscript, Mark Samuels Lasner Collection
Egil's Saga, Society of Antiquaries Soc. of A. MS. 907, 1873-74
The Story of Halfdan the Black, Morgan Library MA 3471
The Story of King Harald, Morgan Library MA 3471
Odes of Horace, Bodleian Library, Oxford
Odes of Horace, Cheltenham Library, Song 12
Image from The Rubaiyat (1872)
The Rubaiyat, Bodleian Library, Oxford
The Rubaiyat, Cheltenham Library
The Story of the Men of Weaponfirth, Cheltenham Library
Virgil, 2 ff. Latin text
The Story of the Ynglings, variants, Society of Antiquaries Soc. of A. MS. 906, with marginal drawings by Philip Webb and C. F. Murray
Supplementary Materials
- Introduction
- Editions
- Supplementary Materials
Illustrations for the Aeneid by Edward Burne-Jones, Morgan Library
Braesel, Michaela. "The Influence of Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts on the Pre-Raphaelites and the Early Poetry of William Morris." JWMS 15.4 (Summer 2004): 41-54.
Braesel, Michaela. "William Morris and 'Authenticity.'" Reading Matters Vol. 15, Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres. [Discusses his early calligraphic designs, including "The Story of the Iron Man" from the Grimm Brothers]
Goodwin, K.L. A Preliminary Handlist of Manuscripts and Documents of William Morris. Provides locations for Morris manuscripts.
Whitla, William. "'Sympathetic Translation' and the 'Scribe's Capacity': Morris's Calligraphy and the Icelandic Sagas." Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies 10 (Fall 2001): 27-108. See Appendix A: "William Morris's Calligraphic Manuscripts," 80-95 for a list of locations and features of these manuscripts.
- Catalogue of Morris's Books
- Catalogue of Morris's Books, Transcription
- Sale Catalogue of Morris's Manuscripts and Early Printed Books, 1898
- "The Library of William Morris," William S. Peterson and Sylvia Holton Peterson; more than 2000 titles to be listed, many not included in the 1898 Sotheby auction catalogue.
Woodcuts for The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer ("The Knight's Tale" and others)
Woodcuts for The Life and Death of Jason
Woodcuts for Other Subjects (including an illustrated Bible)
Poems Printed in Periodicals
Title page of The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine, January 1, 1856, Oxford and Cambridge Magazine, see "Early Poems" and "Early Romances."
The God of the Poor," Fortnightly Review 4, n. s., (1 August 1868), 139-45. ("There was a lord that hight Maltete,") Published in Poems by the Way.
"The Two Sides of the River," Fortnightly Review 4, n. s. (October 1868), 379-82. ("O winter, o white winter, wert thou gone"). Published in Poems by the Way
"Hapless Love," Good Words 10 (1 April 1869), 264-65. ("Why do you sadly go alone")
"On the Edge of the Wilderness," Fortnightly Review 5 n. s. (April 1869), 391-94. (Whence comest thou, and where goest thou?"). Published in Poems by the Way.
"The Death of Paris," Every Saturday 8 (13 November 1869), 625-30.
“Rhyme Slayeth Shame” ( If as I come unto her she might hear, / If words might reach her when away I go, ), Atlantic Monthly, 25/198, February 1870, 144.
"May Grown A-Cold," Atlantic Monthly 25/151 (1 May, 1870), 553.
"Dark Wood," Fortnightly Review, February 1871, 219-20. ("Upon an eve I sat me down and wept") Included in the 1870 "A Book of Verse"; published in Poems by the Way as "Error and Loss," CW, 9, 108.
"The Seasons," The Academy (1 February 1871), 109.
"The King of Denmark's Sons," Scribner's Monthly 5.3 (January 1873), 294-97. Published in Poems by the Way.
"Love's Gleaning Tide," Athenaeum, no. 2424 (11 April 1874), 492. ("Draw not away thy hands, my love,") Published in Poems by the Way.
"The First Foray of Aristomenes," Athenaeum, no. 2533 (13 May 1876), 663-64. ("On toiled the sons of the exiles up the steep,")
"The Three Seekers," To-Day 1.1 n. s. (January 1884), 25-29. ("There met three knights on the woodland way,") Published inPoems by the Way.
"The Hall and the Wood," English Illustrated Magazine (February 1890), 351-54. ("'Twas in the water-dwindling tide") Published in Poems by the Way.
“Meeting in Winter” (Winter in the world it is / Round about the unhoped kiss), a song from "The Story of Orpheus and Eurydice," The English Illustrated Magazine, March 1884, 339-40. Published in Poems by the Way.
"The Voice of Toil," Justice 1.12 (5 April 1884), 5. Published in Poems by the Way.
"All for the Cause," Justice 1.14 (19 April 1884), 5. Published in Poems by the Way.
"No Master," Justice, 1.21 (7 June 1884), 5.
"The March of the Workers," Commonweal 1.1 (February 1885), 4; 1.2 (March 1885).
"The Message of the March Wind," Commonweal, March 1885 1.2. Published in Poems by the Way.
"Untitled Verse," Commonweal 4.119 (21 April 1888). ("Lo when we wade the tangled wood")
"The Burghers' Battle," The Athenaeum (16 June 1888), 761. Published in Poems by the Way.
"May Day," Justice, 30 April 1892. ("O Earth, once again cometh Spring to deliver")
"Mine and Thine," Commonweal 5.164 (2 November 1889), 67. Published in Poems by the Way.
"The Day of Days," The Humane Review, July 1890; Time, November 1890. Reprinted in Poems by the Way.
"The New Year," The Artist 13 (January 1892), 3.
"May Day, 1894," Justice 11.538 (5 May 1894), 1.
"The Days That Were," Eclectic Magazine 68.6, n. s. (December 1898), 785. (poem used as an epigraph for The House of the Wolfings)
Prose Printed in Periodicals
The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine
- 1856, text in pdf format
- The Story of the Unknown Church January 1856, 28-33
- A Dream March 1856, 146-155
- Frank's Sealed Letter April 1856, 225-234
- Gertha's Lovers July 1856, 403-417; August 1856, 499-512
- Svend and His Brethren August 1856, 488-499
- Lindenborg Pool September 1856, 530-534
- The Hollow Land September 1856, 565-577; October 1856, 632-41
- Golden Wings December 1856, 733-742
- Introduction and Selections, Rossetti Archive) [Type Oxford and Cambridge Magazine into search engine; background information on each issue is provided by P. C. Fleming.]
- Table of Contents: Oxford and Cambridge Magazine, copy marked by Vernon Lushington (courtesy of David Taylor)
- Essay, "Churches of North France: The Shadows of Amiens," The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine, February 1856, 99-110.
- Review of Men and Women, by Robert Browning, from The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine, March 1856, 162-172.
- Review of "Death the Avenger" and "Death the Friend," The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine, August 1856, 477-479.
Commonweal: 'The Official Organ of the Socialist League'
- 1885, Vol. I
- Number 1, February, Introductory
- Number 1, February, The Manifesto of the Socialist League (William Morris and Provisional Council)
- Number 1, February, The March of the Workers
- Number 2, March, The Message of the March Wind
- Number 3, April, The Worker's Share of Art
- Number 3, April, The Pilgrims of Hope - II
- Number 3, April, [Untitled - Review of 'The Anarchist']
- Number 3, April, [Untitled - Review of 'Socialist Rhymes' by J.L. Joynes]
- Number 4, May, The Pilgrims of Hope - III
- Number 4, May, [Untitled contribution to 'Sign of the Times']
- Number 4, May, [Untitled review of 'Social Politics' by Charles Rowley]
- Number 4, May, Unattractive Labour
- Number 5, June, The Pilgrims of Hope - IV
- Number 5, June, Attractive Labour
- Number 5, June, [Untitled Paragraphs]
- Number 6, July, Notes on the Political Crisis
- Number 6, July, Socialists at Play
- Number 6, July, Socialism and Politics
- Number 7, August, First General Meeting of the Socialist League
- Number 7, August, Report of the Editors of the 'Commonweal' (with Edward Aveling)
- Number 7, August, Signs of the Times
- Number 7, August, The Pilgrims of Hope - V
- Number 8, September, Mr. Chamberlain at Hull
- Number 8, September, The Pilgrims of Hope - VI
- Number 8, September, Appeal! (with Belfort Bax and C. Theodor)
- Number 8, September, A New Party
- Number 9, October, Answers to Previous Enquiries
- Number 9, October, Ireland to Italy: A Warning
- Number 9, October, Signs of the Times
- Number 9, October, Inquiry Column Answers
- Number 10, November, The Pilgrims of Hope - VII
- Number 10, November, Free Speech and the Police
- Number 11, December, On the Eve of the Elections
- Number 11, December, To Our Readers (with Edward Aveling)
- 1886, Vol. II
- Number 12, January, The Morrow of the Elections
- Number 12, January, Notes
- Number 12, January, The Pilgrims of Hope - VIII
- Number 12, January, The Husks that the Swine Do Eat
- Number 12, January, The Commonweal (with Belfort Bax, H.H. Sparling, Carl Theodor)
- Number 13, February, Notes
- Number 13, February, A Letter from the Pacific Coast
- Number 13, February, The Commonweal (with Belfort Bax, H.H. Sparling, Carl Theodor)
- Number 14, March, Our Policy
- Number 14, March, The Pilgrims of Hope - IX
- Number 15, April, Notes on Matters Parliamentary
- Number 15, April, The Pilgrims of Hope - X
- Number 15, April, Socialism in the Provinces
- Number 16, 1 May, Editorial (with Belfort Bax)
- Number 16, 1 May, Independent Ireland
- Number 16, 1 May, [Untitled Paragraph on 'The Socialist Trial']
- Number 16, 1 May, [Untitled Paragraph on 'The Pit-Brow Women'], related [Autograph Manuscript]
- Number 16, 1 May, Concerning The 'Commonweal'
- Number 16, 1 May, [Untitled Paragraph on Mr. Chamberlain and Ireland], related [Autograph Manuscript]
- Number 17, 8 May, Notes on Passing Events
- Number 17, 8 May, Socialism in Dublin and Yorkshire
- Number 17, 8 May, The Pilgrims of Hope - XI
- Number 17, 8 May, [Untitled Paragraph on Railway Monopoly]
- Number 18, 15 May, Notes on Passing Events
- Number 18, 15 May, Foot-note to 'The Commercial Hearth'
- Number 18, 15 May, Socialism from the Root Up, Chapter I (with E. Belfort Bax)
- Number 19, 22 May, Notes on Passing Events
- Number 19, 22 May, Socialism from the Root Up, Chapter II (with E. Belfort Bax)
- Number 20, 29 May, Our Representatives
- Number 20, 29 May, [Various Untitled Notes]
- Number 20, 29 May, Socialism from the Root Up, Chapter III (with E. Belfort Bax)
- Number 20, 29 May, Notes and Queries - Practical Socialism
- Number 20, 29 May, Branch Reports, Birmingham
- Number 21, 5 June, Notes on Passing Events
- Number 21, 5 June, The Pilgrims of Hope - XII
- Number 21, 5 June, Socialism from the Root Up, Chapter IV (with E. Belfort Bax)
- Number 21, 5 June, Instructive Items
- Number 22, 12 June, Notes on Passing Events
- Number 22, 12 June, Socialism from the Root Up, Chapter V (with E. Belfort Bax)
- Number 22, 12 June, Correspondence
- Number 22, 12 June, Free Speech at Stratford
- Number 23, 19 June, Notes on Passing Events
- Number 24, 26 June, Whigs, Democrats, and Socialists
- Number 24, 26 June, Home Rule or Humbug
- Number 25, 3 July, A Letter from Scotland
- Number 25, 3 July, Whigs, Democrats, and Socialists (cont.)
- Number 25, 3 July, The Pilgrims of Hope - XIII
- Number 25, 3 July, Socialism from the Root Up, Chapter VI (with E. Belfort Bax)
- Number 26, 10 July, Notes on the Elections
- Number 26, 10 July, The Sequel of the Scotch Letter
- Number 26, 10 July, Notes
- Number 26, 10 July, Review: 'Modern Socialism'
- Number 27, 17 July, The Whig-Jingo Victory
- Number 27, 17 July, An Empty Pocket is the Worst of Crimes
- Number 27, 17 July, Review: 'Cashel Byron's Confession'
- Number 28, 24 July, What is to Happen Next?
- Number 28, 24 July, Socialism from the Root Up, Chapter VII (with E. Belfort Bax)
- Number 29, 31 July, Free Speech in the Streets
- Number 29, 31 July, Socialism from the Root Up, Chapter VIII (with E. Belfort Bax)
- Number 20, 7 August, Political Notes
- Number 31, 14 August, Mr. Chamberlain's Leader
- Number 31, 14 August, Notes on Passing Events
- Number 31, 14 August, Socialism from the Root Up, Chapter IX (with E. Belfort Bax)
- Number 32, 21 August, The Abolition of Freedom of Speech in the Streets
- Number 32, 21 August, Notes on Passing Events
- Number 33, 28 August, Notes on Passing Events
- Number 33, 28 August, Socialism from the Root Up, Chapter X (with E. Belfort Bax)
- Number 33, 28 August, Misanthropy to the Rescue
- Number 34, 4 September, Notes on Passing Events
- Number 35, 11 September, Notes on Passing Events
- Number 35, 11 September, The Paris Trades' Union Congress
- Number 35, 11 September, Socialism from the Root Up, Chapter XI (with E. Belfort Bax)
- Number 36, 18 September, An Old Story Retold
- Number 37, 25 September, Notes on Passing Events
- Number 37, 25 September, The Reward of 'Genius'
- Number 38, 2 October, Socialism from the Root Up, Chapter XII (with E. Belfort Bax)
- Number 40, 16 October, Notes on Passing Events
- Number 41, 23 October, Notes on Passing Events
- Number 42, 30 October, Notes on Passing Events
- Number 42, 30 October, Socialism from the Root Up, Chapter XIII (with E. Belfort Bax)
- Number 43, 6 November, Notes on Passing Events
- Number 44, 13 November, Notes on Passing Events
- Number 44, 13 November, A Dream of John Ball
- Number 45, 20 November, Mr. Jawkins at the Mansion House
- Number 46, 27 November, A Dream of John Ball
- Number 46, 27 November, The Ten Commandments
- Number 47, 4 December, Notes on Passing Events
- Number 47, 4 December, A Dream of John Ball
- Number 48, 11 December, Notes on Passing Events
- Number 48, 11 December, A Dream of John Ball
- Number 49, 18 December, Notes on Passing Events
- Number 49, 18 December, A Dream of John Ball
- Number 49, 18 December, Is Trade Recovering?
- Number 50, 25 December, 'The Law' in Ireland
- Number 50, 25 December, A Dream of John Ball
- 1887, Vol. III
- Number 51, 1 January, Political Notes
- Number 51, 1 January, A Dream of John Ball
- Number 51, 1 January, Editorial (with H. Halliday Sparling)
- Number 51, 1 January, [Untitled Paragraph on Trafalgar Square]
- Number 52, 8 January, Words of Forecast for 1887
- Number 52, 8 January, [Untitled Paragraph on the Czar]
- Number 52, 8 January, A Dream of John Ball
- Number 53, 15 January, Notes on News
- Number 53, 15 January, The Political Crisis
- Number 53, 15 January, A Dream of John Ball
- Number 54, 22 January, Notes on Passing Events
- Number 54, 22 January, A Dream of John Ball
- Number 55, 29 January, Notes on Passing Events
- Number 56, 5 February, Notes on News
- Number 56, 5 February, Socialism from the Root Up, Chapter XIV (with E.Belfort Bax)
- Number 57, 12 February, Notes on News
- Number 58, 19 February, Notes on News
- Number 58, 19 February, Facing the Worst of It
- Number 59, 26 February, Notes on News
- Number 59, 26 February, Socialism from the Root Up, Chapter XV (with E.Belfort Bax)
- Number 59, 26 February, Fighting for Peace
- Number 60, 5 March, Notes on News
- Number 61, 12 March, Political Notes
- Number 61, 12 March, Socialism from the Root Up, Chapter XVI (with E.Belfort Bax)
- Number 61, 12 March, Notes on News
- Number 61, 12 March, The Ambleside Railway Bill
- Number 62, 19 March, Why We Celebrate the Commune of Paris
- Number 63, 26 March, Notes on News
- Number 63, 26 March, Socialism from the Root Up, Chapter XVII (with E.Belfort Bax)
- Number 64, 2 April, Notes on News
- Number 65, 9 April, Law and Order in Ireland
- Number 65, 9 April, The Revival of Trade
- Number 65, 9 April, Flogging in Egypt
- Number 67, 23 April, Notes on News
- Number 68, 30 April, Notes on News
- Number 68, 30 April, Socialism from the Root Up, Chapter XVIII (with E.Belfort Bax)
- Number 69, 7 May, Notes on News
- Number 70, 14 May, Notes on News
- Number 70, 14 May, Coercion for London
- Number 71, 21 May, The Reward of Labour - A Dialogue
- Number 72, 28 May, The Reward of Labour - A Dialogue
- Number 72, 28 May, Notes on News
- Number 73, 4 June, How We Live and How We Might Live
- Number 74, 11 June, How We Live and How We Might Live
- Number 74, 11 June, Notes on News
- Number 74, 11 June, The Indian Railways
- Number 75, 18 June, Notes on News
- Number 75, 18 June, How We Live and How We Might Live
- Number 75, 18 June, Notes
- Number 75, 18 June, Socialism from the Root Up, Chapter XIX (with E.Belfort Bax)
- Number 75, 18 June, Common-Sense Socialism
- Number 75, 18 June, The Labour Struggle - Belgium
- Number 76, 25 June, How We Live and How We Might Live
- Number 76, 25 June, An Old Superstition - A New Disgrace
- Number 76, 25 June, The North of England Socialist Federation
- Number 77, 2 July, How We Live and How We Might Live
- Number 77, 2 July, Notes
- Number 78, 9 July, Notes on News
- Number 79, 16 July, Notes on News
- Number 80, 23 July, Socialism from the Root Up, Chapter XX (with E.Belfort Bax)
- Number 80, 23 July, Notes on News
- Number 81, 30 July, The Boy-Farms at Fault
- Number 82, 6 August, Notes
- Number 82, 6 August, Bourgeois versus Socialist
- Number 82, 6 August, Socialism from the Root Up, Chapter XXI (with E.Belfort Bax)
- Number 83, 13 August, Notes
- Number 84, 20 August, Notes on News
- Number 84, 20 August, Feudal England
- Number 85, 27 August, Notes on News
- Number 85, 27 August, Feudal England
- Number 85, 27 August, A Note on Passing Politics
- Number 85, 27 August, Is Lipski's Confession Genuine?
- Number 86, 3 September, Notes on News
- Number 86, 3 September, Feudal England
- Number 87, 10 September, Notes on News
- Number 87, 10 September, Feudal England
- Number 87, 10 September, Notes on News
- Number 87, 10 September, Feudal England
- Number 87, 10 September, Artist and Artisan: As an Artist Sees it
- Number 88, 17 September, Notes on News
- Number 89, 24 September, Notes on News
- Number 91, 8 October, Notes
- Number 91, 8 October, Free Speech in America
- Number 92, 15 October, Notes
- Number 93, 22 October, Notes on News
- Number 94, 29 October, Notes on News
- Number 94, 29 October, Practical Politics at Nottingham
- Number 95, 5 November, Notes on News
- Number 95, 5 November, Honesty is the Best Policy (Part I)
- Number 96, 12 November, Notes on News
- Number 96, 12 November, Honesty is the Best Policy (Part II)
- Number 97, 19 November, London in a State of Siege
- Number 98, 26 November, Notes on News
- Number 98, 26 November, Insurance Against Magistrates
- Number 98, 26 November, The Liberal Party Digging Its Own Grave
- Number 99, 3 December, Notes on News
- Number 100, 10 December, Notes on News
- Number 101, 17 December, Notes on News
- Number 101, The Conscience of the Upper Classes
- Number 102, 24 December, Notes on News
- Number 103, 31 December, Emigration and Colonisation
- 1888, Vol. IV
- Number 104, 7 January, Notes on News
- Number 104, 7 January, Police Spies Exposed
- Number 104, 7 January, What 1887 Has Done
- Number 105, 14 January, Notes on News
- Number 105, 14 January, Radicals Look 'Round You!
- Number 106, 21 January, Notes on News
- Number 107, 28 January, Notes on News
- Number 109, 11 February, Notes on News
- Number 110, 18 February, Notes on News
- Number 110, 18 February, On Some 'Practical' Socialists
- Number 111, 25 February, Notes on News
- Number 112, 3 March, Notes on News
- Number 112, 3 March, A Triple Alliance
- Number 113, 10 March, Notes on News
- Number 113, 10 March, Socialism from the Root Up, Chapter XXII (with E.Belfort Bax)
- Number 114, 17 March, Dead at Last
- Number 114, 17 March, Socialism from the Root Up, Chapter XXII cont. (with E.Belfort Bax)
- Number 115, 24 March, Notes on News
- Number 115, 24 March, A Speech from the Dock
- Number 117, 7 April, Notes on News
- Number 117, 7 April, Socialism Militant in Scotland
- Number 118, 14 April, Notes on News
- Number 119, 21 April, Notes on News
- Number 120, 28 April, Notes on News
- Number 121, 5 May, Notes on News
- Number 121, 5 May, The Reaction and Radicals
- Number 121, 5 May, Socialism from the Root Up, Chapter XXIII (with E.Belfort Bax)
- Number 122, 12 May, Notes on News
- Number 123, 19 May, Notes on News
- Number 123, 19 May, Socialism from the Root Up, Chapter XXIII cont. (with E.Belfort Bax)
- Number 124, 26 May, Notes on News
- Number 125, 2 June, Notes on News
- Number 126, 9 June, The Policy of the Socialist League (Council of the Socialist League)
- Number 126, 9 June, Revolutionary Calendar: Wat Tyler
- Number 127, 16 June, Notes on News
- Number 127, 16 June, The Skeleton at the Feast
- Number 128, 23 June, Notes on News
- Number 128, 23 June, Pentonville Prison
- Number 128, 23 June, Counting Noses
- Number 129, 30 June, Notes on News
- Number 129, 30 June, Thoughts on Education Under Capitalism
- Number 130, 7 July, Notes on News
- Number 130, 7 July, The Revolt of Ghent
- Number 131, 14 July, The Revolt of Ghent
- Number 132, 21 July, Sweaters and sweaters
- Number 132, 21 July, The Revolt of Ghent
- Number 132, 21 July, Notes on News
- Number 132, 21 July, The Match-Girls' Strike
- Number 133, 28 July, Notes on News
- Number 133, 28 July, The Revolt of Ghent
- Number 134, 4 August, Notes on News
- Number 134, 4 August, The Revolt of Ghent
- Number 135, 11 August, Notes on News
- Number 135, 11 August, The Revolt of Ghent
- Number 135, 11 August, Footnote to 'Death of W.Stanley Jevons'
- Number 136, 18 August, Notes on News
- Number 146, 18 August, The Revolt of Ghent
- Number 137, 25 August, Notes on News
- Number 137, 25 August, Socialist Work at Norwich
- Number 139, 8 September, Notes on News
- Number 140, 15 September, Notes on News
- Number 141, 22 September, Notes on News
- Number 141, 22 September, A Modern Midas
- Number 143, 6 October, Notes on News
- Number 146, 27 October, Notes on News
- Number 148, 10 November, Notes on News
- Number 149, 17 November, Notes on News
- Number 151, 1 December, Notes on News
- Number 152, 8 December, Notes on News
- Number 153, 15 December, In and About Cottonopolis
- Number 153, 15 December, Notes on News
- Number 154, 22 December, Notes on News
- Number 154, 22 December, Talk and Art
- Number 155, 29 December, Notes on News
- 1889, Vol. V
- Number 156, 5 January, Notes on News
- Number 157, 12 January, Notes on News
- Number 158, 19 January, Notes on News
- Number 158, 19 January, Whigs Astray
- Number 159, 26 January, Notes on News
- Number 159, 26 January, Whigs astray
- Number 160, 2 February, Notes on News
- Number 161, 9 February, Notes on News
- Number 163, 23 February, Notes on News
- Number 164, 2 March, Notes on News
- Number 164, 2 March, Mine and Thine (Poem)
- Number 165, 9 March, Notes on News
- Number 166, 16 March, Notes on News
- Number 166, 16 March, All for the Cause (Poem)
- Number 167, 23 March, Notes on News
- Number 167, 23 March, Apologies for Missing the Paris Commune Celebrations
- Number 167, 23 March, To Manchester Friends
- Number 168, 30 March, Notes on News
- Number 168, 30 March, The Society of the Future
- Number 169, 6 April, Notes on News
- Number 169, 6 April, Ducks and Fools
- Number 169, 6 April, The Society of the Future
- Number 170, 13 April, Notes on News
- Number 170, 13 April, The Society of the Future
- Number 171, 20 April, Notes on News
- Number 172, 27 April, Notes on News
- Number 173, 4 May, Statement of Principles (signed 'Council of the Socialist League')
- Number 173, 4 May, Notes on News
- Number 174, 11 May, Notes on News
- Number 175, 18 May, Notes on News
- Number 175, 18 May, Correspondence (Letter Opposing the Anarchists)
- Number 178, 8 June, Notes on News
- Number 179, 15 June, Notes on News
- Number 180, 22 June, Notes on News
- Number 180, 22 June, Looking Backward
- Number 181, 29 June, Notes on News
- Number 182, 6 July, Notes on News
- Number 182, 6 July, Under an Elm Tree
- Number 185, 27 July, Impressions of the Paris Congress
- Number 186, 3 August, Notes on News
- Number 186, 3 August, Impressions of the Paris Congress
- Number 188, 17 August, Notes on News
- Number 188, 17 August, Correspondence: Communism and Anarchism
- Number 188, 17 August, Trial by Judge versus Trial by Jury
- Number 189, 24 August, Notes on News
- Number 191, 7 September, The Lesson of the Hour
- Number 192, 14 September, Notes on News
- Number 193, 21 September, Notes on News
- Number 194, 28 September, Notes on News
- Number 197, 19 October, Notes on News
- Number 198, 26 October, Notes on News
- Number 200, 9 November, Notes on News
- Number 201, 16 November, Notes on News
- Number 202, 23 November, Notes on News
- Number 202, 23 November, A Death Song (Poem)
- Number 203, 30 November, Notes on News
- Number 204, 7 December, Notes on News
- Number 204, 7 December, Monopoly
- Number 205, 14 December, Notes on News
- Number 205, 14 December, Monopoly
- Number 206, 21 December, Monopoly
- Number 207, 28 December, Notes on News
- 1890, Vol. VI
- Number 209, 11 January, News From Nowhere: Chapters I & II
- Number 210, 18 January, News From Nowhere: Chapter II (cont)
- Number 211, 25 January, News From Nowhere: Chapter III
- Number 211, 25 January, Fabian Essays in Socialism
- Number 212, 1 February, Notes on News
- Number 212, 1 February, News From Nowhere: Chapters III & IV
- Number 213, 8 February, Notes on News
- Number 213, 8 February, News From Nowhere: Chapter V
- Number 214, 15 February, Notes on News
- Number 214, 15 February, News From Nowhere: Chapter VI
- Number 215, 22 February, Notes on News
- Number 215, 22 February, News From Nowhere: Chapter VII
- Number 216, 1 March, News From Nowhere: Chapter VIII
- Number 217, 8 March, News From Nowhere: Chapter IX
- Number 217, 8 March, Coal in Kent
- Number 217, 8 March, Christianity and Socialism
- Number 218, 15 March, News From Nowhere: Chapter IX (cont.)
- Number 219, 22 March, Notes on News
- Number 219, 22 March, News From Nowhere: Chapter IX & Chapter X
- Number 219, 22 March, The Great Coal Strike
- Number 220, 29 March, News From Nowhere: Chapter X (cont.)
- Number 220, 29 March, Notes
- Number 221, 5 April, Notes on News
- Number 221, 5 April, News From Nowhere: Chapter X (Concluded)
- Number 222, 12 April, News From Nowhere: Chapter XI
- Number 222, 12 April, Notes on News
- Number 223, 19 April, News From Nowhere: Chapter XII
- Number 224, 26 April, News From Nowhere: Chapters XIII & XIV
- Number 225, 3 May, Labour Day
- Number 225, 3 May, Notes on News
- Number 225, 3 May, News From Nowhere: Chapter XV
- Number 226, 10 May, News From Nowhere: Chapters XV & XVI
- Number 227, 17 May, The 'Eight Hours' and the Demonstration
- Number 227, 17 May, News From Nowhere: Chapters XVI & XVII
- Number 227, 17 May, Notes
- Number 228, 24 May, News From Nowhere: Chapter XVII (cont.)
- Number 229, 31 May, News From Nowhere: Chapter XVII (cont.)
- Number 230, 7 June, News From Nowhere: Chapter XVII (cont.)
- Number 230, 7 June, Anti-Parliamentary
- Number 231, 14 June, News From Nowhere: Chapter XVII (Concluded)
- Number 232, 21 June, Notes on News
- Number 232, 21 June, News From Nowhere: Chapter XVIII
- Number 233, 28 June, Notes on News
- Number 233, 28 June, News From Nowhere: Chapter XIX
- Number 234, 5 July, News From Nowhere: Chapters XIX, XX & XXI
- Number 224, 5 July, Notes on News
- Number 235, 12 July, News From Nowhere: Chapter XXII
- Number 236, 19 July, The Development of Modern Society (Part I)
- Number 236, 19 July, News From Nowhere: Chapter XXII (Concluded)
- Number 237, 26 July, News From Nowhere: Chapter XXIII
- Number 237, 26 July, The Development of Modern Society (Part II)
- Number 238, 2 August, The Development of Modern Society (Part III)
- Number 238, 2 August, News From Nowhere: Chapter XXIV
- Number 239, 9 August, News From Nowhere: Chapter XXIV (Concluded)
- Number 239, 9 August, The Development of Modern Society (Part IV)
- Number 240, 16 August, News From Nowhere: Chapter XXV
- Number 240, 16 August, The development of modern society (Part V)
- Number 241, 23 August, News From Nowhere: Chapter XXVI
- Number 242, 30 August, News From Nowhere: Chapter XXVI (cont.)
- Number 243, 6 September, News From Nowhere: Chapter XXVI (Concluded)
- Number 244, 13 September, News From Nowhere: Chapter XXVII
- Number 245, 20 September, News From Nowhere: Chapter XXVIII
- Number 246, 27 September, News From Nowhere: Chapter XXIX
- Number 247, 4 October, News From Nowhere: Chapter XXX
- Number 251, 1 November, Workhouse Socialism
- Number 253, 15 November, Where Are We Now?
- Bibliography of Morris's Contributions to Justice and Commonweal 1883-1890, from Political Writings: Contributions to Justice and Commonweal 1883-1890, ed. and intro. Nicholas Salmon, Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 1994.
- "An Old Story Retold," Commonweal 2.36 (18 September 1886), 197-98.
- "Free Speech in America," Commonweal 3.91 (8 October 1887), 324.
- "Educating Americans in Handicraft," Commonweal 4.129 (30 June 1888), 204-205.
- A Dream of John Ball, 11 installments, Commonweal.
- "Socialism from the Root Up," 25 installments, Commonweal.
- News from Nowhere, Commonweal, 1890, 39 installments.
English Illustrated Magazine
Justice: 'The Organ of the Social Democracy' [from the archive]
- 1884, Vol. I
- Number 1, 19 January, An Old Fable Retold
- Number 1, 19 January, The Principles of "Justice" (with H.M. Hyndman and J.Taylor)
- Number 2, 26 January, Cotton and Clay
- Number 4, 9 February, Order and Anarchy
- Number 4, 9 February, Chants for Socialists, No, 2: The Voice of Toil
- Number 4, 9 February, The Bondholders Battle (with H.M.Hyndman)
- Number 7, 1 March, An Appeal to Genuine Radicals
- Number 9, 15 March, Art or No Art? Who Shall Settle It?
- Number 11, March 5, Chants for Socialists, No. 1: The Day is Coming
- Number 12, 5 April, Henry George
- Number 13, 12 April, Why Not?
- Number 14, 19 April, Chants for Socialists, No. 3: All for the Cause
- Number 15, 26 April, The Dull Level of Life
- Number 18, 17 May, Factory As It Might Be
- Number 18, 17 May, The Propaganda Fund
- Number 19, 24 May, Individualism at the Royal Academy
- Number 21, 31 May, A Factory As It Might Be - II
- Number 21, 7 June, Chants for Socialists, No. 4: No Master
- Number 24, 28 June, A Factory As It Might Be - III
- Number 25, 5 July, The Propaganda Fund
- Number 26, 12 July, To Genuine Radicals
- Number 27, 19 July, The Housing of the Poor
- Number 28, 26 July, The Propaganda Fund
- Number 29, 2 August, The Propaganda Fund
- Number 30, 9 August, Socialism in England in 1884
- Number 34, 6 September, Uncrowned Kings
- Number 34, 6 September, Social Democratic Federation To The Trades Unions (William Morris et al)
- Number 36, 20 September, The Hammersmith Costermongers
- Number 39, 11 October, An Appeal To The Just
- Number 39, 11 October, Literary Courtesy: To The Editor Of "Justice"
- Number 44, 15 November, The Lord Mayor's Show
- Number 46, 29 November, The Hackney Election
- Number 49, 20 December, Philanthropists
- 1885, Vol. I
Articles on Morris in U. S. Periodicals from 1891-1900:
- 1891.030 Clarke, William. "William Morris." New England Magazine 9.6 (Feb. 1891): 740-749.
- 1891.095 Rev. of The Story of the Glittering Plain by W. Morris. Library 3.30 (Jun. 1891): 233-234.
- 1891.130 Wicksteed, P[hilip] H[enry]. "Morris's News From Nowhere." Ethics 2.1 (Oct. 1891): 132-133.
- 1892.097 Richardson, F. "William Morris: Poet and Socialist." Primitive Methodist Quarterly Review and Christian Ambassador 34 (Jul. 1892): 414-429.
- 1892.220 Kingsland, William G. "Notes and News" [W. Morris]. Poet-Lore 4.12 (Dec. 1892): 644-645.
- 1892.227 Tynan, Katharine. "A Man of Genius: Sketch of the Distinguished Poet, William Morris [excerpted in New York Tribune 52.16,828 (11 Dec. 1892): 17]." Indianapolis News 23.308 (5 Dec. 1892): 5.
- 1892.264 Tynan, Katharine. "An English Socialist [excerpted from "A Man of Genius: Sketch of the Distinguished Poet, William Morris." Indianapolis News 23.308 (5 Dec. 1892): 5]." New York Tribune 52.16,828 (11 Dec. 1892): 17.
- 1892.265 "The Pre-Raphaelite Exhibition." Philadelphia Inquirer 127.164 (11 Dec. 1892): 4.
- 1893.105 Triggs, Oscar L. "The Socialistic Thread in the Life and Works of William Morris." Poet-Lore 5.3 (Mar. 1893): 113-122.
- 1893.150 Triggs, Oscar L. "The Socialistic Thread in the Life and Works of William Morris. Continued from March Number." Poet-Lore 5.4 (Apr. 1893): 210-218.
- 1894.125 Powers, H.H. "Socialism, Its Growth and Outcome [by W. Morris and E. B. Bax]." American Academy of Political and Social Science, Annals 4.5 (Mar. 1894): 834-835.
- 1895.295 Kingsland, William G. "A Poet's Politics: Mr. William Morris in Unpublished Letters on Socialism." Poet-Lore 7.10 (Oct. 1895): 473-477.
- 1895.310 Kingsland, William G. "A Poet's Politics: Mr. William Morris in Unpublished Letters on Socialism. Part II. Conclusion" Poet-Lore 7.11 (Nov. 1895): 543-546.
- 1895.323 I., I.H. "The Kelmscott Press: An Illustrated Interview with Mr. William Morris." Bookselling 1.12 (Dec. 1895): [2]-14.
- 1896.275 K[ingsland], W[illam] G. "London Literaria" [W. Morris]. Poet-Lore 8.7 (Jul. 1896): 468.
- 1896.394 "William Morris" [obituary]. Chicago Record 17.213 (4 Sep. 1896): 4.
- 1896.410 (Faulkner 74), Blatchford, Robert. "A Tribute to Morris." Clarion no. 253 (Oct. 1896): 324-325.
- 1896.460 Lang, A[ndrew]. "Mr. Morris's Poems [same in Living Age 211.2731 (7 Nov. 1896): 323-330]." Longman's Magazine 28.168 (Oct. 1896): 560-573.
- 1896.477 "William Morris Dead." New York Mail and Express 63 (3 Oct. 1896): 1.
- 1896.480 "Obituary: William Morris [same in Writer 9.12 (Dec. 1896): 186]." New York Tribune 56.18,221 (4 Oct. 1896): 7.
- 1896.48oa "The Death of William Morris" [excerpted in Literary Digest 13.25 (17 Oct. 1896): 781]. Springfield Republican 4 Oct. 1896: 6.
- 1896.481 "William Morris" [obituary; excerpted in Literary Digest 13.25 (17 Oct. 1896): 781]. Boston Evening Transcript 67 (5 Oct. 1896): 4.
- 1896.483 "William Morris's Death." Independent 48.2497 (8 Oct. 1896): 13.
- 1896.522 "Poems by William Morris." Springfield Republican 11 Oct. 1896: 13.
- 1896.525 "William Morris" [obituary notice; excerpts from Boston Evening Transcript 67 (5 Oct. 1896): 4 and Springfield Republican 4 Oct. 1896: 6]. Literary Digest 13.25 (17 Oct. 1896): 781.
- 1896.555 "William Morris [obituary with excerpts from various American newspaper obituaries]." Chautauquan 24.2 (Nov. 1896): 230-231.
- 1896.640 Dole, Nathan Haskell. "Notes and News: William Morris." Poet-Lore 8.12 (Dec. 1896): 630-635.
- 1896.655 "Personal Gossip about Authors: William Morris [same as New York Tribune 56.18,221 (4 Oct. 1896): 7]". Writer 9.12 (Dec. 1896): 186.
- 1897.070 "Monthly Record of Current Events: Obituary [W. Morris]." Harper's New Monthly Magazine 94.560 (Jan. 1897): 325.
- 1897.076 Johnson, M. "William Morris." Primitive Methodist Quarterly Review 39 (Jan. 1897): 104.
- 1897.130 “Notes and News: A Letter from William Morris.” Poet-Lore 9.2 (Feb 1897): 320.
- 1897.195 Williams, Francis Howard. “Immortality as a Motive in Poetry” [passim W. Morris and D. G. Rossetti]. Poet-Lore 9.3 (Mar. 1897): 367-375.
- 1898.090 “Notes and News [W. Morris].” Poet-Lore 10.1 (Jan. 1898): 158-159.
- 1898.265 “The Posthumous Romance of William Morris.” Outlook in Life, Politics, Finance, Letters, and the Arts 1.7 (19 Mar. 1898): 213-214.
- 1898.270 “William Morris’s Last Romance.” New York Tribune Illustrated Supplement 57.18,753 (20 Mar. 1898): 17.
- 1898.300 Sturgis, Russell. “The Art of William Morris.” Architectural Record 7.4 (Apr.-Jun. 1898): 440-461.
- 1898.415 Gwynn, Stephen. “William Morris [rev. of The Life of William Morris by J. W. Mackail].” Macmillan’s Magazine 78 (Jun. 1898): 153-160.
- 1899.105 “Life and Letters” [W. Morris]. Poet-Lore 11.1 (Jan. 1899): 153-154.
- 1899.235 Morris, William. “The Tale of King Coustans.” Poet-Lore 11.4 (Apr. 1899): 465-476.
- 1899.340 “Burne-Jones and William Morris.” Bookman [New York] 9.6 (Aug. 1899): 497-499.
- 1899.345 “William Morris by One Who Knew Him.” Bookman [New York] 9.6 (Aug. 1899): 533-535.
- 1899.365 Zueblin, Rho Fisk. “The Life of William Morris [by J. W. Mackail].” American Journal of Sociology 5.2 (Sep. 1899): 267-275.
- 1899.380 Benson, W[illiam] A[rthur] S[mith]. “William Morris and the Arts and Crafts.” National Review 34.199 (Sep. 1899): 268-271.
- 1899.385 Hubbard, Elbert. “William Morris [excerpted in Literary Digest 19.19 (4 Nov. 1899): 552-553].” Philistine 9.4 (Sep. 1899): 97-106.
- 1899.460 “William Morris’s Influence on Household Art [excerpts from Philistine 9.4 (Sep. 1899): 97-106].” Literary Digest 19.19 (4 Nov. 1899): 552-553.
- 1899.530 (Fredeman 43.46, 77.14) Streeter, A. “William Morris and Pre-Raphaelism [sic].” Month: A Catholic Magazine 94 (Dec. 1899): 598-608.
- 1899.535 Trent, W[illiam] P[eterfield]. Rev. of The Life of William Morris by J. Mackail. Sewanee Review 7.12 (Dec. 1899): 502-506.
- 1899.575 Ackerman, Eduard. “An American William Morris.” Book-Lover 2 (Winter 1899/1900): 203-205.
- 1900.090 Hulme, W[illia]m H. “Beowulf” [Rev. of The Tale of Beowulf trans. W. Morris and F. Wyatt]. Modern Language Notes 15.1 (Jan. 1900): 22-26.
- From Pre-Raphaelitism in the Nineteenth-Century Press: A Bibliography. Victoria: University of Victoria Press, 2002.
- Tobin, Tom. Pre-Raphaelitism in the Nineteenth-Century Press: A Bibliography. Victoria: University of Victoria Press, 2002.
- Boos, Florence. "The First Morris Society: Chicago, 1903-1905," JWMS 21.4 (Winter 2014).
- Helsinger, Elizabeth. "'A Vestibule of Song': Morris and Burne-Jones in Chicago," JWMS 21.4 (Winter 2014).
- "A Plea for the American Anarchists," Pall Mall Gazette (28 September 1887), 5.
- Boos, Florence. "Where Have all The Manuscripts Gone? Morris's Autographs in Diaspora", JWMS 22.4 pp. 4-14
Boos, Florence. "The Critique of the Empty Page: Kelmscott Press and William Morris's Theories of Book Design." William Morris and Everyday Life, ed. Wendy Parkins, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholar Press, 2010, 65-85.
Braesel, Michaela. "The Influence of Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts on the Pre-Raphaelites and the Early Poetry of William Morris."JWMS 15.4 (Summer 2004): 41-54.
Buxton Forman, H., The Books of William Morris Described. London: Frank Hollings, 1897 [reprinted 1976]. Formerly the standard bibliography of Morris's books despite the inclusion of forgeries and piracies perpetrated by the author and his friend Thomas J. Wise; for the current standard bibliography, see Eugene LeMire, A Bibliography of William Morris
Cockerell, Sydney C., "History of the Kelmscott Press" and "An Annotated List of the Books Printed at the Kelmscott Press," in William Morris, A Note on His Aims in Founding the Kelmscott Press. [Kelmscott Press, 1898]].
Coupe, Robert L. M., Illustrated Editions of the Works of William Morris in English: A Descriptive Bibliography. New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press, 2002. Second edition, 2011.
Coupe, Robert. “William Morris and Collins Clear Type Press.” Useful and Beautiful, William Morris Society in the United States, January 2014: 3-11.
Davidson, Joshua. “Whose Book is This, Anyway? Editing at the Kelmscott and Hogarth Presses.” Useful and Beautiful, William Morris Society in the United States, January 2011: 14-19.
Donachuk, Aaron. “After the Letter: Typographical Distraction and the Surface of Morris’s Kelmscott Romances.” Victorian Studies, 59.2 (Winter 2017): 260-87.
Dunlap, Joseph R., The Book That Never Was. New York, 1971. Account of the projected illustrated edition of Morris's The Earthly Paradise, which partially came to fruition a century later in the Rampant Lion Press version of The Story of Cupid and Psyche produced in 1974.
Dunlap, Joseph R. "Morris and the Book Arts Before the Kelmscott Press." Victorian Poetry 13.3 and 4 (1975), 141-157.
Faulkner, Peter. "The Kelmscott Chaucer and the Golden Cockerel Canterbury Tales," JWMS 19.1 (Winter 2010), 66-88.
Frankel, Nicholas. "William Morris and the 'Moral Qualities' of Ornament," Socialist Studies/Etudes Sociaistes (Canada), 13.1 (Spring 2018), 23-35.
LeMire, Eugene D. A Bibliography of William Morris, London: British Library; Newark, Delaware: Oak Knoll Press, 2006.
Life, Alan, "Illustration of Morris's 'Ideal Book,'" and Joseph R. Dunlap, "Morris and the Book Arts Before the Kelmscott Press," Victorian Poetry (1975). This was a special issue of the journal devoted to Morris, illustrated.
Marsh, Jan. "Books in Bottles? William Morris and the Demise of Printing," JWMS 20.2 (Summer 2013).
Peterson, William S., A Bibliography of the Kelmscott Press. Oxford UP, 1984. Definitive, detailed information on the Kelmscott Press: includes provenance information and notes on particular copies and related materials.
The Kelmscott Press Golden Legend: A Documentary History of its Production, Together with a Leaf from the Kelmscott Edition, ed. William S. Peterson. [College Park], 1990. Leaf book with introduction and facsimiles of related documents.
Peterson, William S., The Kelmscott Press: A History of William Morris's Typographical Adventure. Oxford UP, 1991. By far the best book on the subject, offering not only a detailed history of the Press but analysis of Morris's aesthetic seen in the context of Victorian printing. An essential work, superseding almost everything else written on the subject.
Samuels Lasner, Mark, William Morris: The Collector as Creator. New York: Grolier Club, 1996. Checklist of the exhibition held at the Grolier Club, 1996–97, listing books owned and read by Morris and examples of Morris's own works in literature, politics, and the book arts.
Sparling, Henry Halliday,The Kelmscott Press and William Morris, Master Craftsman. London, 1924. Earlier history of the Kelmscott Press, incorporating Cockerell's checklist. Now superseded by Peterson's History.
The Typographical Adventure of William Morris. [London: William Morris Society, 1957]. Catalogue of a traveling exhibition organized by the William Morris Society in 1957. Places Morris's work in context of other printers and designers from 1850 to 1940.
Thompson, Susan Otis, American Book Design and William Morris. New York, 1977; reprinted Newark, DE, 1996. Pioneering study of the influence of Morris's Kelmscott Press on American publishers and printers.
William Morris And the Art of the Book, ed. Charles Ryskamp. New York: Oxford UP, 1976. Catalogue of the exhibition held at the Pierpont Morgan Library in 1976. With essays: "William Morris: Book Collector" by Paul Needham; "William Morris: Calligrapher" by Joseph Dunlap; and "William Morris: Typographer" by John Dreyfus. Detailed and illustrated, an essential source.
Walsdorf, John, William Morris in Private Press And Limited Editions. Phoenix: Oryx Press, 1983. Useful bibliographical catalogue of books by and about Morris issued 1890-1982 in limited or fine editions.
William Morris Society
Historical Articles
Images of William Morris
MacCarthy, Fiona. "Morris, William (1834-1896), designer, author, and visionary socialist." Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. '08. Oxford University Press.
Mackail, J[ohn] W[illiam]. "William Morris." The Dictionary of National Biography. Supp. Vol. 3. London: Smith, Elder and Co., 1901. 197-203.
J.W. Mackail, The Life of William Morris, 1899. Vol. 1 & Vol. 2
J.W. Mackail, William Morris and His Circle, 1907.
Florence S. Boos, Biographical Sketch of William Morris
The William Morris Chronology, Nicholas Salmon and Derek Baker, Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 1996.
Calligraphic Catalogue of Morris's Books